1 II ggg iEiuntmg Brralft OfFIClAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH FALLS fulfill Year '. " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1M7 Price Fir Cant um to OF vi FUTONS IS BIG BATTLE Amil MAKING IMMENSE SAC , i..j iv rlllll.al. ttftVu ill.! Hiril !..- ' - " FRUITING, i:KMV HAH MADE .NO GAINS WORTHY OK ME.V T10MM1 gWltKHKNTATIVE TI.N'K II A M WM OVKII I'l.lKK IX .M'TO OX I XOUTIIKIIX 1-ilOXT, WT KH. v. 1 CAM I'.MXJUUKII IIIIITIMII, fOWTION I.MI'ltOM ADVANCE BLOCKED IN . anil hombu hreukliiR Hiirli a lot. Wo " could hear the kIicIIh wIiIs(IIiik ovur- liONOON, Due. 1.'.. Kmperor WlU.heud. and the) did iiuiko u'nolie. Tlio Urn lo Ms ChrUtninM meiisuKe today. . 1 , . 1 a. propudfil In nmko u llnal pence offer to ' ' Mi ncnile. mi whom. In caao of ro- Jwtlon, tin- respoiiHlhllity will fall of tat blood ulied In UI18," according to unofficial llerllu dispatches. ITALIAN IIKADQUAHTKItH, Dec. 1$. Then, U heavy DghtlnK today oatbe inoiintiilu front east of llronta. If the enemy succeeds In advancing tort, he would linvo two line of ap proach to tin, open plain of tic Bronta Valley. la three dn, according to Diaz, tti enemy has succeeded In securing 11 InilKiilllrent atretch of ground at M Immeiife sncrlflce. The army automobile, In which CMircMiiuin (ioorgo II. Tlnkhnm of Mon was riding on a vlalt to Mon (Craiitiiiin on Ihu northern mountain front, rhldded oer tlio mountain nldo ib4 dropiied twenty feet. Tho auto u miuivlieil, hut llnpreaeiitatlvi Ttokhani, who fired Ilia tint abot lnit Austrln, evcaped with a few krulnea, Tim chauffeur wa veiloimly I'JM. LONDON', Dee. 15 Tho llrltlah Imiuovml their oslllon slightly wl of lliillecourt by bomb fighting. wti: liiu; umrx Mil IX KOVICNIIKII RAi i'ii i.. . . ... . . ...., iur, U,rl. iiisHus III iiiw nismii"" - - - wwm loiulied 1133,905 during No- Murroy rceeUed a bounty or " Umber, liiHiirmaro CoiiiuiUalounr fiom tho county, and will no doubt W'lls uniioiimwl. Hay aud feed lo dlspo.u of tlio hldo at u good figure, tuliiu of 2fl,250 wa destroyed. Jus H '" " exceptionally flno pelt. Changes Are Made in Local Train Schedule ftl"V ll I tmmmmmmmm clmnge ban bean wide In IU 1 il ar-badula, by which Iho 'In from Weed, which Mi bM r. s"H lieie at B36 wl now rneU 'Hil fiB5. forty minute alrlUr. Tfc'a rhipg wW k. a b Half t - ry BUIIgBM RM, M (MX Will, ""liilhenvauing, '---"- MUCH SUSPENSE nimiiiA nur MKI'i: Of LOCAL UOMAN TELLS i letter now mindox iii:h ihexts iiitk into cellars when air ii.iiii:iih approach A murli nun 11 forceful Idea of liiu fearful bushciim, whlili tin nuonle of i England undergo during tho frequent nlr raids then, I linn Is gciicially ob mm ms tained In thu regular artlne nud df.j lllidiup I'aUdoik, who Is widely crlplloii U Kaliictl from the personal known in this section tlirn llio Insplr lettm from tlio resident tl.eu.schei, , ,,, wlIcl ,, MWm ,,, ,11m, inoiniw Mimm in mi ciiy, ui. ..,. ,.l,, lL, I',.., roKlilliiir In London, tin recelwd some cry lii.)nlM' ","1 m l",'J regular Episcopal teretliiK communication regarding condition there. Olio of these letter tells of tin, nlr Mid, an.) In ghcn In part, iin follows ... . ... , , "I I'XpcCt )OII W WO Iter llllW ImM, been getting 011 oer llio air: . raids, Well, I nm plcnni'd to miy up lo pn-sint w an, nil rlKht. Tlio bom. linnttiif nt wito rry terrific, and at 0 mlu, ,,, ,,mt,wm, lorrlfylng. There weio hU raids In clKlit day. c iiuuiiii) ku linn ihu uiinr, ru an in rpI away from all window, Hie MieHa 'tonl - nidment luUd anywhere from) one 10 wiree. 1 ourn, una wo were mi , . ,. pin n ml needles all the time, won- lor(u. wll,,,hor w hmI( Mf., ti, M,iritt ()art rt Mt.n we hear thn t-pglniM of llio (lerninn inarhlne, und Wp nil lisicn lr III" iirrnurii duiiiiu ( xplr.dliiK bombs," (Here n pnraKrnph hns been ent out Tim eiiwlope wns marked "op enel by censor".) 'Wo did think about lealnK Urn- .. .. ..... 1-. 1 .. don. hut have since, decided that wo will Im brae. and "inrry on." Such. ,(alon W i,c field, aud all 1, lot or peoplo havi, left London nic-tnl-rav and comrade of the II. A. I tlilnl: wo must be herue to lay. Brc ,or,ny vncj to be present. We har not had the bombardment ( T,, cotvt (ll rc,cUliig call for lust lately. I suppose beraiiso lhliw,.u,cril for Klnmath' army and wenlhei ha heeu bad. The old moon ,lmvJ boJF All),mo uuing to donate Is ihlnlng again net weok, an right n B.cnl,.r ca K,.t t,e Bddre. of the nwpy for n few moro exciting, and, t,),,,,, ndlng them from member of tho ir.me lime, dangerous ovenliigs." ., , , r)llMtlon will be GRAYWOLF HUE ISBROUGHTmi FIIIKT IMHXTV CI.AIMWMX THW him'u:h roil masv vkaiw im MAIIK lOD.W lV XOIITHKUX iiKHinr.xi ,, tlr.il ruv wolf that hug been killed In llila section of the stata for a long period wa brought In today ... v Miirruv. from lleur Flat, on .i... ii- n. in, Hun niMeri'atioil. Trl No. I on "" w,,u ""'' which lia been arriving l n ' cluco at 7iS0 a. ., 4o nol gal br no until (80. Tb Ij-Wl Itera at I3: oacU with bl Train Ko. I. -Uttfe '!)' III fti$tu t T " itt.t ulghl l :W, lKd ut 7iS0, make ,. , LnlmnnJUUU1 EPISCOPAL HlhHOP, WHOSE I.EC. TUIES IICIIK ATTHAtT GREAT .tTTKNTIflV. tl'll.l. UOl-IU THICK TOMORROW .visit to Kluinalli Falls, nrrlnd last serie hi Hie Odd Follow bull to- 'i iikhi being "Jcruautcia." , . (.u.tl,,l)5 ,le w, ,,.ctlrB ul ., ,. ,. ,, , . . .... tho Methodist church on the topic. villi Arl' "" "vmiy a wiriHian; HHJ I.MTItTlOX TO IIK HKMI IX I. O. O. T. IIIII.DIXt; ,.l.li IS MAIIK TIMtL' 0IU;AM.TI0. fok mi.ih:i:n' kwkitkhs A rrgnlar meellliK of the Woman's Keller Corps will bo held on Monday. at 'i 3" p. m.. In the west hall of the n , . ,..,,..,,,, ijulldliir. glad lo scud them on. OLENEDOYS Jl'IIV DhTIUKH.iTMi XINK HOl'Ka) AND HU.tM VOVSU MKS FBOM CMtluiK OF MIICK.V.' OF VMU IA1ILK HAN After dehatiug from S o'clock ye, terduy ufleruo'm until 2:10 this morning, the jury In the case of llyrc aud lioreucen, finished yetUet duy in the Circuit Court, returned a verdict of "not guilty." The defendant, Asm us JorOMU and Murllu liyein, young men living lu the Oleiie district, were freed of s chargo of stealing aud butchering a Lincoln rum fioui Ilex (lord, last May, W, H. Wiley assisted FroMCutiuf Attorney W, N. Duncan In the action. The defendant were represented by Kutonlc & Vaden, MUM HUJ4 4 FA-WWilrBajATsS WABHlNQTOti, PC,, pee. to, m TfcJ ehialdi bill (cr b 4v" a meat of iitt Mr roiaate M Ik auric atraggM fmU ' Ika MBM' WELL KNOWN i DIVINE HERE ! OVER SUNDAY wurs MBS MONDAY HOTGULTY mr peace offer AAAAAAAiAAAA00mMmmAAMi0tmMAAAAAaAmi0vvvvvv Big Drive To Start With Bang on Monday The home lo bouse 'canvass for membership to tho RdJ Cross Boel ety will be launched thru the eltjr and county promptly Monday moraine. In order that the public, may be ap prised of the nature of tM campaign and facilitate the efforts of the tarl ou worker by a previous knowledge of their errand. It la aUled that tbla campaign will be mad for member hlp entirely, and not for donation,, a wa the case or the big drive con- . ducted last aummcr. i I t a a fl a) aar JA jlf a iB ami AOvtvVASVAB lh wilt be timlnly sought, the main dlf-j irrrnco ueins; inmi loeiiwo aoiiar 1 tnitmbf rshlps Include a subtcrlptlon w 1 iic nru vru Biataiuv. 11 ii Instructions Local The flrkt five per cent of the ques tionnaire for the remaining men on the draft list In Klasaatk County, which amount to CS, were seat out tbl morning, by the local exemption board. This same number will be aent oit each day for twenty daya. The responsibility of keeping the local address of the registrant In the hand of the board rest with the reg. Istrant. The following notice by the local board I called to the attention of reglstranta: Heel Ion 96, Selective Service rules and regulation, provide that you must Oil out and return the question naire to the office of the local board In the court bouse at Klamath Fall, either by mail or in person, within even day from the date wklcb ap iear on the front of tko question naire. Failure to comply wltk tbo provisions of tbe above aactlon glvaa the local board the i)wer to classify you a a "delinquent." The governor of tbe tte baa ap pointed a legal advisory board, con sisting of local attorneya. and one member of tbl board will bo at tko headquarter of the board, In tko UrUtol building, 228 Mala airoel, near Ihepostoftce, Klanutk Falls, Oregon, every day (Sundeye and Hol iday excepted) between tko hour of 9 a. m. and 9 p. m. It la tko duty of the member of this board to advise Big Trout Landed Tit tbe floe Ashing la Klamath Full i not by any nieaaa raatrletod to tbe summer mouth, U akova In the work of H. W, Fool of tkla city, who landed an It-pound trout yuUf dty near Ik mouth of ffpragu Hirer at CkMoqula. u'4h mv TO iv.kxf, wit wmm The six Klamath bora wko srer MrtJIM tbla by tfc Vrlt yjic bot-ri br ba aiMd l a ppr br tor MtrgltsMftt Ptv r fOlft. TB MmaWM vf r cJtd tbU smvalM fry Mat tmi l brd, TMlllv mm r owm ur Mpf uttmt M CIMMM srT mmrm, boped.Jbat 1,500 memberships will be secured In Klamath Fall and tbo county. To do this. It will be neces aary fcr many who took out member ship In the drive last summer to waive the last six months for which they paid, and take out new memebr ship for the year i91S. It ba been announced by Red Crow officiate that membership campaign wilt only be conducted once a year from tbl time on. A meeting is being held tuU after, noon at the Elk building, at which Chairman W. O. Smith I going over the final arrangement with the city workers, and giving out the supplies for the campaign. Given Registrants you only oa those section of your qnoatloaaalra that you do not Under stand. Do not expect him to nil out tko questionnaire for you. If there are aoetloaa you are unable to under taad you must appear at the bead quartern of tko advisory board on the date mentioned In tbo circular letter ent with tbe questionnaire. In case you are not wltbln the Jurisdiction of tbl local board. youmay look up the legal advisory boardin tbe place you are located. Tbe following telegram from the provost marshal general Is repeated erewltb for your informatien: "It la of paramount Importance to tbo selective featurea of tbe draft and to tho effective employment of tbe man power of tko army that tbe oc cupation quallacatlona of every regis trant be sot forth wltk precision in kla questloaaalre. Therefore, tbe registrant's answer to series one, question three, page four, must with, out fall, specify hi particular Job within bw Industry by answering, for example, not merely railroad man, but tracklayer, or trainman, or car shoo repairer. Assistants should be I Instructed to secure for that question 'an answer aa specific nt If made to question four, nine, nnd ten,. In aerie eleven, page twelve of ques tionnaire, nnlosa registrant ba al ready fully anewered these question. In Sprague River The big in I a regular rainbow trout, nd measure SI inch in longtb. It waa landed with a six nunc yod. It U Mr, Poole' Inten tion to mount tb Iropky and pre ontlt to tb Blks Midf' L'bri, Algogu; Jam Undrl, Keno, and Krl Klcaarda, KlaawtD ' LOCAL WCUCUAT to Mim KAVIT CM Vkf. ta aM arPri(r f Mm Waek wmrfl ))' tm- sMaur. la raatair. HOssag out au tuti nwHrrf tovw. (r flvft' n B7 Fs fm away gfcefrtfr im ivmtr M ft it b ltatla to air lb Mr, BAKER BISHOP KCHY MAX WHO FOfXDKD TIIK tVOCAIi CATHOLIC CHfltCII FOfltTEKX YKAHH AtiO AXP HKLI'ED TO LAUNCH HIHTKIt'H NCHOOL The Itlght Rev. C. J. O'Rellloy, who founded the Catholic church In Klam. ath Fall fourteen )car ago, and who last year was largely Instrumental in getting the Sister's school successfully located here, Is in the city on a brief visit from his home In Daker. He will officiate at First Mass to morrow, preach at 10:30; and con duct the evening service at T o'clock. Bishop O'Rellley Is the official head of the Catholic church In Kastern Ore gon, and I well known here a an orator cf unusual ability. FI.MMi SALE FOR HORSES GOOD, AND PLANS TO TAKE A DAXD NORTH IX THE SI'DINti COLD WEATHER THERE NOW- J. Frank Adams, prominent Klam. ath stockman, tins just returned from a three weeks' visit to Calgara, Can ada, and other northern points. He report the market for horses In tint district 1 brisk, and now plans lo take a band of marcs there when the season opens In the spring. Tbe moderate winter weather here was a pleasant change on hla return, as tho mercury stood sevesal. points below lero when he left. BOY AXI GIRLS TEAMS FROM COUNTY SEAT ARE SHOWN A rrn fiss-tun lis mi .iuir,im FROM MERRILL HIGH The glory of Klumuth Full was trailed In the dust last night when two basketball teums, one of girls and one of boys, from this city suffered do- feat at the hand of the Merrill high school team at that plate. The Mer- rill girls team won by u scoie of 8 to. 6, and tbe boy by u score of 16 lo, and tbe boy by u score of 16 to . All gate receipts, over expenses, ido turned over to the Red Cross 12. weil Society, Tbee amounted to 127.50. mmm wtwm MERtLLK KLAMATH FALLS Library Club Wants Service Flags Shown a it,. ...! mtiD of the Wo-1 it is booed tbat alt orders b bur Ba'g Utrtry Club ytrdy ttr aa H wu vH4 V) pBr in BfaiiMat 44Fr atrWt la b Christmas dewralloas ibis yr, I nrLrLriaruvtruxaanuxnLruaruvnijvu-LrLrLnjTjT WELLKNOWN AMERICAN DETAINED BY HI HAM IIKEX AKRE8TUU AH A MK.MUEH OF PROVISIOXAIj JOVER.XME.XT IIV EXTREMISTS HEAD IS HELD IX DURANCE IX SIBERIA I AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVES TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS TO SECURE HIS RELEASE DOL SHEVIKI ifcCLARE ARREST IS MISTAKE WIMj FREE HIM I'KTltOortAD. Dec. 15. Charlei S. Smith of 8t. Louli, member of the stall of John F. Stevens, head of the American railway commission In Rus sia, has been reported arrested at Atchlta, In Siberia, In company with M. Oustronigofr, former militant minister of railways. Oustronigofr was arrested as a member of the provisional govern ment. Ambassador Francis notified the American consuls to Intervene at once. Tho nolshevikl headquarters stat ed that the arrest of the American was a mistake, and that he would be released immediately. URIT18H REGAIN GROUND AT VPRE8 LONDON. Dec. 15. The ' Uritlsh have regained a part oft) v tue grounu won oy ine uer- w mans yesterday on the Ypre front. Another advance ha 4 been made In Palestine to tbe northeast of Jerusalem. EXGIXEKRS INJURED WITH TIIK AMEIUCAN ARMY. .1. Dec. 15. A bursting shell wounded two , A,"1er,1f"n , . ""V "' working beside the Drltlih front, ac- vuiuiiii iu icuris iovbiibu iuu. The projectile struck In a pile of picks, shovel and other tools. PEACE TREATY IS ARRANGED AMSTERDAM, Dec. 16. A lieaty between flermany and Russia liu been effected, accord ing lo an official flcrmun state- tueiit. s nes UIliibHBts, n wl) a tb pnvai acme nna t vaw wm vi will dlsplgy tku Ut, bk I i s tutlful a ilinllleant, m i 3jtj i t'