i Sty? iturntitn Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP KLAMATH PALLS TwelftHi Veer ' .! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, If 17 Price Five Ctmta HEAVY LOGGING - IS ARE RELEASED WANTED BADLY Ur LUuutno... ..t:,... ,.. TumimiT pact 1HIS YEAR VERY LARGE Ll'MIIIIIIIXO HKANON WILL NOW IIK fOXTINl'KD THE YEAH THIU MKX PIT TO WORK IX Till! WOOD WHEN TIIK MII.LN cmim: IMIWX Hill WIXTKIl TVUINTV TIIHF.E RIG LOGGING HLh'If.HH RECEIVED IX COUX. TV .1X0 TAKEN OVER IIV llV- PF.IIKXT OITFITH GREAT DE MI Ml IOK LABOR The lumbering operations In Klani lib County, which havo piolously been ninflneil to a largo extent to If ht or nine niontlu of the yenr, will probably bo 11 year 'round Industry from thin tlmo on, as the winter log ging work will be undertaken on a train which will utilise all the-labor-. en when the mill have closed down,' A number of enmp will be operut ed on mi extensive iiralo till coining M.ion To aid In thin work twenty three lurjte slelgha designed especially fur IokkIiik purposes hnvo nrrUed consigned to the Pelican liny Lumber, ciimp.iuy Tliihii are to be divided be. Ieen the dlrfernut cumpri ai follewa: KIrIiI to the Pelican Hay company,' three to tlm Ijimtii Lumber company,' rue to J. J, Htelger and four to the Itcneniitloii IokkIiik camp, located at Yslnax. I Charles Otey la now moving hi csmp Into the Hprugue Hlver rountry. The I'ellenn liny company will opor-l ate three riimpH, two on Iho went side J ' I'pper Lake uud one at Kirk. The IliriKH outfit N expected to romniencu! ork In tint near future In the Mr. Cnrnack timber on thu west aldo of the lake, Tlio I'urkct brothers are reported preparing for extensive oper lioiu In iho ChlloUln section. Willi theui aellvltlau anlnu in lliiirn "III l' no lack of demand for labor In! Kliiiiuiti, country during Iho win er inoiitiiH, HIIHT IIKUHKK TOWUHT Klamath lodge No. 117, 1, U. O. Y., "Mt tonight la regular nesslou. Von old 'una will have (o (urn out, inn ", nnu tuko your places lu Bitter Civil I'KTIIOflHAD, per, 14, Tlio llcl "'ivlhl m sir report wys that Komi luff's Cossacks wore defeated inwr Tulelgmod n,m retrtiated to Vnallolkn, The livening papers r"ort that Id" CoiMirk were victorious in Ilia bslllu llostoy, tH4 nIR tbo Holihavikl v rlieied scrolls the Mob Rlvar, A dlspsirh (rem U$tP Acft nu the Relsheviki have ewufUd Ts no ka. t rostalos Jes TfoUkr'a iiiiouiiiomuiit lliat If Hie aiiiilulU'H AMMMM THHF.K MUX rOMHTKII Hill II II I X I X U IXTOXIfATIXG Ligtoit i.t oiikgox are I'AHROXF.D IIV WITIIYHIMIIE It nr A tiif it ra hi Pit .f (triune tn mH j "" "I , Jiilin l,u nil, iu were recently con- virteii lor uooiickkwk in tins ciiy nnu lien h( Iff Dili's ami iult sentence by Justin i: W flowan, Imvn been re,- en noil from the, remainder of their I. -. ....... ,. irrinn, nrriinilllR i" rrin, 117 iiuhii wtr It'llliv-iiifitiit tin ritriimmtlilflllfifl I ' nf the Justice. At tlio time of their conviction Jim. tlm (ioweti wan ronvlnrri! that the tui'ii we.rn professional bootleggers, mid M-nti'iiroil them accordingly. It later developed Hint they were uilu able mill empli)es. who had coinmll. tvil their fir t offense, ami on the afll davlt by "no of Hid emplo)rs that !!.. iiiiMrnllfiiiii wtni rllrfltlled bv lllO 1 "" '" - - I l.i,..r-.ralt,iii at llin mMn. an aiuillra- Hon for release was rondo, altho tlm fines were not revoked. I.ARIEM OF EPIHCOPAL GUILD UK WEAK AIM Hill DEKTITITK (IIILHKEX IX TIIK WAR ZONK OF EUROPE Knt-iiin viiiih parlex Francals? lint iben It doesn't really make liny dlffcrenco whether you do or not. ri... .! iiiine Is that you do under stand that you do not want any half starved children If I"'" " " " Ami with u fow pennies or a small niece of silver now In )ur purse you can help it. To glut ou mi opportunity to ren der assistance lo the little fatherless i,inr rlillilren of the war devastat ed neclloiis. an afternoon's entertain men! has been arranged under the patronage of the Hrare Kulsropal (Mild for tomorrow afternoon at the residence of Mrs. K. W. ilowan, jo I'lno street, rommeniing at 2:3, Vou ran enjoy it whllo you knit. Ilrlng a friend with ou. Tlio music by some of the rlly'u best talent, Isn't necessary lo move your heart, Us Just to make II pleasaul for you. team, as so mony of the youugor ..,....,i...rM iiuve left to help Uncle Bam Villa his lltllo argumout. War PLEA MADE FOR POOR CHILDREN Rages In Russia for tlio i;iileru'rroiit Is luod " Ht'rt Lltovsk, Ilia MI M1' re Biiovicroa to outer laco iwgolto- lions. Hf jtsfiwjef-1 I'm DATKIB-Tlio slruiBlu fr I'0' er In llm luiwlor of Husals la rwlM were WUor, Both rj.l dvBla Is fa rlvll wrfr. OarM homsi b.vs klllsd s Ur at hwiHM afflMrs In a tn oiilbolliilUlinoiil. ""' '"""iVVYYVVVVVViVnnnnnniVmi HT. Mil IK It'll IIOl'HK IX .MARKET cl'OII MIM.IOX IIIIIKK OFFER Idll I I IIH MAIIi: TIIIIU COM MKIU l.l, (Mil Itiibblt nkliiK of all varletieii are now In demand by thu Kantern fur hoimen, One of the larRent fur houses In the Middle Went has written to the Kliiuinth Commercial Club, declaring that It In in the market for millions of them. If price offered in tlio letter are HiiRlrleiit to muke It worth while, this will be an opportunity for many of the county ranchem to xpund mime of their Kpare time tery profitably this winter Not only will they receive a price for tlio aklns they Hccure, but they will be ridding the county of a ient w hlrh has been a mtIous menace to the crops of the county In the past Following Is an extract from the letter which was recelted from Fun- stou llrothera of Ht. Louis. 'i will allow ou from 30 to 3& cents per pound for the ordinary dry rabbit skins, according to condition, and 12 to 15 rents each for the good large Western Jack rabbits, suitable for furrier's purposes. "Small quuntltlc may be shipped by parcel post; large lots by freight. We will remit full value on receipt of the akliiH, Ichs our bundling charge of r per cent, and the freight charges If wu pay them at this end. "Kindly itihlHO what quantities we inay expei t to receive from you, and when they will be ready for ship ment." m PIIOTFhTM MAIIi: AGAIXKT "HOOT. I.VAMV.IW PAIUMIXIi XATIO.V. AL I'HOHIIUTIOX AMKXUKXT IIUJFD OX (.XXGIIr:HM IIV WIRE At thu meeting of the Ministerial Association of Klamath Falls, which wan held esterday, December 13tb, at iho Presbyterian mouse, the fol lowing were elected as officers for tbe routing l menths: Rev. W. C. itainbo, president; Rev. K. I. Law i ence us secretary aud treasurer. The association will bold its regular meet ings monthly on tbe Drat Monday of each month at tbe homes of tbe dif ferent ministers. Action was also taken, protesting sKulnft the pardoning by tbe govern or of wen who have been doing boot, legging business iu tbe community, ugulust which we need all the force of uw and officials and public opinion. A couiuiuuicatlou to that effect will be sent to the governor, Action was also taken rauet(ng thu churches to send u Joint night (ai cgrsm Hunday night to the rresen lative from ibis district at Washing ton, urging favorable action on lbs national prohibition amendment, which has already been passed by Ibe senate and will be acted oil by Ik bouse negt Monday, WOKE!) FOOD MLK Tbe i of lb aotiat church will give a rooked aels atur day, Pecaffter Jtb, ' ( v Cash Ororsry, Tb Wlaa ra ! hi lug I heir donations esily. MINISTERS BODY NAMES OFHCERS HERE -n--rr.v..-- - .----.. .....- I Arrangements Made For Red Chairman for City Supplies Forwarded to Different Sections. Systematic House to House Canvass is Planned. 3500 Members Wanted Arrangements are now largely com plete for the big Red Cross member ship drive In Klamath County, whleb starts Monday morning. In conjunc tion with tbo drive over (he entire nation. All the suppliee have been for warded to the different outside points, and tlio different chairmen arranged. A meeting baa been called for to morrow afternoon it 3 o'clock at the Klks building for tW city chairmen, when the suppliee for the city will be given out and full tettructlona given. A systematic boneo to bouse canvas of the entire city aad county 1 to be made In an effertto secure I.DM memberships for this organisation, which is doing such tremendous work for the relief of suffering humanity. The following are tbo chairmen ap pointed for the city and ceunty: Klamath Falls Precinct No. 1,1 Mrs. J. F. Kimball; No. J, Mrs. Cbss. J. Martin; No. 3, Mr. A. J. Voye; No. 4, Mrs. L. l. Van Ilellen; No. S, Mrs. (.'. K. Wheeler; No. 6, Mrs. Jobn H. Hamilton; No. 7, Mrs. II. O. McCar- Short Term Wanted PORTLAND, Dec. 14 Who will be. willing to sacrifice himself the altar of political expediency In order that tbe Job of United Btatee senator from Oregon rusy not lapse between December 1, m, nnd March 4, Or to put It another way, who will be sufficiently eager to win s handle to bis name that hu will venture thru tbe struggles of a primary and s gen eral election that be may serve In tbe Record Crops For This Year WAMIINOTON, V, C, Pac. l4,ae estimated H $7,410,000, cow America's war cropa Ule yasr wars pared Uk 14,709,000 in ! and a r... -., .i.i.i hi iu huurv. ac 1 1S1I-1& average of l$,60,p0, Pro- rordisg to ffnal sstlnwUs on vmt, Wu m " mUm 6; ' . ". ... . ........ ...J h' l....h.l. iTail nraductllM eras estl- uroeuciion ana , susawMv i tbe department of agriculture, Tbo record corn crop amounted to 3,I6M4,000 bushel, srRb a farm value, December I, of I4.08M7MOO, Wlffler d spring orodtic lion was MWMMOO bushels, vsl- uedt 11,107,411.000, The total gcraags of winter wheat AL'iTWAIs' iAfTUMNsf fiVJfJf 4Mi, otiw AuatrJgg hsuieeWs Jg Ibo Trlost baibor y to iwiao DURING WINTER Cross Drive and County Named. thy; No. 8, Mrs. A. J. Santlmau; No. 9. Mrs. l. A. Will. Shlpplngton O. A. Krause. Chelsea Bo Co. C. P. Setxer. Ewauna Bos Co. J. B. McAllister. Big Basis Lumber Co. M. S. West Boctba and Special Workers Ml4 Pearl Bolvln, Mrs. Luke Walker and Mrt rre(j English Merrill Fred Peterson. Malln M. M. Stastney. Foil Klamath L. C. Slsemore. Mt. Lakl Mrs.' Herb Phillips. N'..ler Hill r. W. Seitoa. Keno Prof.Enlund. Ilcnaua Dr. Johnson. BbaaU View B. P. Alexander. Henley Mies Jeoete Rose. Odessa H. I Prlchard. Klamath Agency MrsJ.M.Dedford Dairy W. P. ledge. Hlldebrand J. O. Wight. Worden Frank Downing. Midland J. A. Thompson. Poe Valley Mrs. Frank Korrls. Pine a rove Mrs. O. L. Brown. Swan Tom Patterson. Langell Valley C. L. Hollldsy. Lbrella Mrs. Wm. Campbell. AI?oma Roy Applegate. Senator tor Oregon United States senate for a few days and come nome to oe hows iur him "Italia tatee Henator" Jones or Smith or Brown, aa tbe rase may be? Many people seem to believe it will be necessary to elect s "short term" senator to bridge the gap between tbe time wben tbe returns of tbe next November election are counted and tbe governor's certificate of election is Issued, and tbe 4th of March, when tbe regular senatorial term begins. Announced Total production wt est! " St 411,070,000 bushels, com- psred with 440,561,000 bushels in 1011, and an gvsrag for I0IMC of 4 Ml M00, Tbo value wu ostium od st' I Of. coot a bushel, or g total of dM,7,000, compared wit 171, 04,000 In m, M H'b aver tt of f 40,00f,000, "" iTTTK r' rf I $ V . am fc. A. K. k.. tJMii UW of vmr wm MoHm osfhsssyat Wgobigftog to IM ; mmss twmmw w GLORY COVERS KUMAM KOIIMKII FIIIK CIIIF.F WIXXIXO MIRF.LH OX CKLKIinATED HNJTIIALL TKAM (JIVKX DIG OVATION IN HAX FltAXCIHCO Whether this sotdler business is go ing to be a good thing for the Klsm ath Falls boys or not remains to be seen. If their experiences do not turn their heads so there will bo no living with them when they return, it will be nil right, but It Is easy to see bow hard it Is going to be for them to come back again to a common level. One day we get the news that Lou Ifoagland Is dining with Pier pont Morgan, or some of his pals, and the next comes the Information that 'the San Francisco-brass band is at the pier to welcome Kleth Ambrose, our former Ore chief, and that be has (Continued on pace 4) F0R1ESTAMENTS "i . COMMITTKK ?" -i lAK'AI. I XAMMt TO KFXTIIK FIXOH FOII KHAKI TKHTAMF.XTtt FOR HOLDIKItK IX TflKXCHFJi To aid In the big drive otcr the na tion for khaki testaments for soldiers at the front, a committee has been named comiwsed of members from the different city churches. This com mittee, which Is under tbe manage meat of Rev. O. O. Oliver of the Methodist church, is as follews: Mrs. Emma tirigsby, liapUst; Mrs. Moore, Christian; Mrs. E. M. Cbllcote, Metb odlst, and C. D. Cborpenlug, Presby terian. This committee, which was named by tbe Ministerial Association yester day, will take steps at once to raie the 1100 portioned to Klamath Coun ty fcr this cause. Tbe sum of 12" from tail) of the churches is expected to be raised; and 120 from tbe out side. The testaments sell for 25 cents each. s CEKMAV PUKFIDV f II VEX 1 DETAIL UUKNOS AIRES, Dee. 14. Tbe publication of a blue book containing all the dispatches sent by Count Lux- burg, former ambassador to Argen - J l'l, MIIU WIJI'U poio mviK wj .-. Argentine KOierninenl. lias been off!- III.. .....I u.l.f..l. U.AM.. BaIkA.1 I... ,llll daily Issued by the ministry here. Count Luxburg was the author of the famous "sink without trace" mci - sage. Copies of the blue book will be dr. diluted thru the United States by Am- bafctsdor Neon. Pneumonia MONEY WAN1 Many Soldiers lives HI li l l I p Tbo wukiy wort w m surgu;sr'V'W -''- -w- , ZiMul 4 b Nation - ll&7!ffM n from tAMAMAAMAAAAAMAAAAMAAAAMMAMrtlAMAA PLANS FOR TREE AGAIN CHRISTMAS I'L'IILIC HO PLKAHF.D WITH THU CHRIKTMA8 THKK LAST VEAB THAT AItn.XflKMKXTS ARK rXDER WAV TO ItEPtlT THE OCCASION tXIMMITTEFJ NOW COMFLETIXO IICTAILH FORTV-FOOT TRKK TO IIK HKCt'RRD FOR THE F.VF.XT FLAG DRILLS TO BE FBATl'RE OF PROGRAM Klamath Falls Is to have a munici pal Christmas tree again this year. A wireless message has been sent to Santa Claus and a reply received to the effect that he would arrange to In. elude the city on bis annual round. Tbe tree last year, given under the auspices of the Business Men's Asso ciation, was so succeiful and tbe de mand for another by tbe public o great plans for another, this year un der tbe auspices of the Commercial Club, have been undertaken. A committee composed of Andrew Cclller of the First National bank nnd City School Superintendent R. If. Dunbar visited the leading business bouses of tbe city, and raised the funds for the celebration, which Is to be held at 2:30 on the afternoon of Christmas Day. H. N. Moe of Moe ft Co., Is the general chairman In charge of arrangements. He Is su ported by a committee composed of R. H. Dun. bar. A. If. Collier. J, W. ffiemeas, C. R. Bowman, I. D. Wbltmore, Percy Kvuus and O. J. Eskelson. A forty-foot tree has bees arranged for, which will be Installed with the permission of tbe city officials, st te orner of Fifth and Mala etieets. In connection with tbe regular visit of Santa Claus, plans are ueder way for patriotic flag drills by the school children. The domestic science de partments of tbe schools will under take to make tbe candy bags for tbe children. Ot-l'l4Tft VEKDEI HMHX 1 UAUkX HALIFAX, fite. 14. OffWal 4 Inquiry work baa begw here e !d 0 and i proceeding setisracioriiy, 9 The greatest nceo isateisrsw w d be (or expert oculists, wosjgw 9 mi liuudreds from permanent 4 blindness, Takes ' Tb Wrt atu (but 40 iMSSio. opJdolc is no longer a oco, MUNICIPAL ii iU A