jjtyg lEuenftta Herald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIPAPEK OP KLAMATH PALLS Iwetflh Vir Xo. S.IM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1917 Price Fire Cart CONDITIONS NOW TERRIBLE 0(1MI$T$ CONTROL ON EAST FRONT CKMiUll. KollXIkUFK l:CI.AIIF.I 0('.M:i AM A IIIMililVL1!! m IHil,u Bf)l.lli:VIKI OAlXIXfi HTIUTK CM HMTIO.V HUM OrMHAt'K llHHKs I -r .v. ..wi v..,ui,. ..v MX Al W iihovixmi in THOI'M.MM, AXI THF.IIt rUrTHIMi TAKKX Ml'IT OF tiiivvui.- currm worth AH AT OF MOXKV WXWIS, IM-. 1 3. The force of Geaml KcrnllofT cro reiortril to bate trn defeated In battle, and lie elf to hatr been wounded In an learnt lwrn lllelgorod and fan. Ariordfng to m Fetrograd ilia Batch LI rapture la expected. It la um rvntMrred probable that the ei braUit will rapture ftoator on the Sea Kit. r. All tfjeca i-olnl to the fart that the Caau'k uprblng will rail, and that It trwi join t(. Dohevlkl. iovtiluK tit tbla report Ilia Jlot etotlll sir gaining ground rapidly In Km1j, LrrauM I hey um the atroug aaad mnu4, nUUh It the only thing CW NmmUiu generally apprerlate. la ll, threw wreka. Ilia tiU aatrb , ',fiun oake4 rorpMra have acrnuLtu foiu lli rlvtrra and ranaU f l'Hrf.r-(j. Tb oVmIIi wrrr not im4 h toumuium. Aauit.tothr. faiwn ..!. a.. . ib ,,, iu.u ..handful of , tauM.flUJuiri,I Mar. &HJ all Dtuu(i,niire4 vtd. Jlalr Utu iui iiuui ii .r. .. ... ., Uu i, nwiA ,.,ark.t.' aH tuht, . (mints, inr, HrUterAiimU. r 4lt-dHh tht u 4Mim vrlou tt i4ttlu Mur Hllin4, aaxlu mw IU- font i,l VLuiuUu tuuifd, wJSUljj-tku4 UI H "'wtI IWa Hutu 'ruhitlk' 4, .J.. f mtlultU mm 4fiIM do- wWfcw of (fc, fc,,, 4yg bU M-Viw irimrtU, II 4li . and liu n, uiti,Bii,i .,, KMi, ,... ,,.... W' flw UV -Hill!., and '4 y f. iw REGAINING mmmmm0mmmm'r'mmm Ohio Governor Halted By Fuel Admnistrator 9m A4mfoMtnf mi$M lut In' torn itottm r u mu tM a "H f hi ittmilM i bHfUf0 """""""" " J mintKitto ONSATURDAY I.AOIKM OK KI'lHt OI'AI. (il'IMI I'l.AX.M.MJ ATTIUCTIVK KX. Ti:ilT.II.MI'.vT FOIl Oltl'IIAXrl IN FIIAXCK THIS WF.KK "MonMcur, Madauio, Mull pare etalt (no dmiH la ijucrrc." If you hnvo ou or nomc otbvr IrtVMil ftltM l.i VrmiKN liaa lu lulna ttm - ....,, .... ou,.! ' HIHir tllltii fnllinrlcua tiillilmn flip1... ' . . ' " r whom nn ii will nppoal I mailo. A nfrrn,l'l, entertainment In tlm'f behalf umbr ti.e .alrnac. rr . ,, ... , ,, ... ... . I tho drac, fc,.... ( d. will li. KlW'" " "" rr",,"nro of MrH- K' w- ijovin. aor. I'lnr tri-f!. nr Fourth, Bl"rday, December ir.tli, from 2:30 to 6 p, in. your offering, If only of the value " :i ftw x"t.iici il. ii.u wli: be thatiU'.Ing and shipping of gooda for the ao- fully rcrcltcd. A little will go a lung I way In tin cane of thnn little one who lime become iih a neighbor's children, needing our help In their Krr extremity. Kvcry one 'la In- 1 If pil. I nmo. Iirlnv vnur knlltlnr bring a friend, too. The program will bo attrartlve. SETTLE STRIKE l'llllr:.T'X MKIHATIOX CON MINMIOX AHKKO TO NTOI' IX NT. r.iri, AM MIXXKAIHrMM OX Nfm HX TIIIF HMM fOAhT AHIIINliTON. I, . . 13 lfi.r taring the Irlke Mutation In iiniraMilla and HI, I'aul bef.in I'rca. I' WIIm.ii, Hecretary lUker hii Hlegiapliril l" prlileiit'a luedlallon ,.,;,,;,, ,,; , . .,, , op , MBtt(4,u (M rHuru, and at i..ii lu rlT.il a aelllttliuul. ADMDO Hwr.urv Ijiwkou of the MliiMvola.aliifl of man bad been amployad at deration of Ulwr haa telegraphed 'Mkng the Mrlkera to return to worK. 'M-ndlug Id" iiii,iHK of Mm lomwla- aion, OI'ki MAK MVM UHt HUiHT Fiillwwlna au allaik of lyvbold fa. I" ''" J""'k0 "' l" r"' -M UM uWH al IUk Hiaiawurb uoapnei, ur. Jubiikiiii had Imwu liiuployad ra- ..... ... ...!.... I iiimIiu. 'lr wy ma ai n " ?.- ii'"r "- r - -r - . riy, ' ' "" ' Kl-i-lli ltd. Nr bubdradfbd i fty aigw VU lor about ihriw . tw,ntr ia tba pay rull rf tbla IW, (i llw4) IbfttOdt llar gawwc IM .'i, ii.i.rul aill be bald ! Hi tt'Wllwfc IH '- "Wb .' i? 3 ittuwriH, .i . i..,iiiui zrf iba WaU ful 4 dr f t 4iw w w mluMrim, . ' 'J ye fW rr aMkMWS2if3 a WMUd fat - m GOODS SHPPEDBY mm I.AHOK HlI'l'I.V OF (JOODM LKAVK I.OCAI. IIKADOX'AUTKIIH IH FIFTH HHII'MF.XT MADK UV KLAMATH OIMJAXIZATIOX That the local public l vory buy "doing IIh bit" for the aolUleri at the front U evidenced by Mm fact that Iflfty-rivn aweatnr. eighty palm of ,L, lwfill.Hv Liilr. l .I.H.I. iniicvn inunicr ami iuo paira or pa- Jama with shipped to headquarter 'torn tlio Klniiinth KmIIh Hod CroM Society ycMcrdny. Alllio ilila In the first ahlpment of k)(w m y Mnliallon. It I tho fifth shipment of ooda made since the work began hern. O. M. Hector, of the J. F. Magulrc company, has taken rhnrge of all box. clety. The Western Transfer company at. tends to all tho hauling. Theae ser- .vlroi arc rendered without charge. closes in Fl IMIl ill.K HHIFT HAN HKF.X MAIX TAIXKU IHIIIXO F.XTIUK NK.. NOX TT KXIKKIM JM,eM,Mw FKKT IIW MF.X KMIlOVKU Follow lug the mokl active aeaaon In lu hiatory, Hie I'ellcan Hay Lumbar compauy, the largeat lumber operator la Klamath County, fJoMatba alii for Ibe aeaaon at I'ellcan Uly, adja- irut to Klamath Fall, laat ulgbt. When Interviewed today, I'realdent II, I), Morteuaon aald that a double ,lha mill during Ilia aallra aaaaog, 4 mat 6,u,vuu im m imwot m been rul. Up uulll Itorewlwr lal, il,it,U feet bad (Man ablpuad cut, yrlclally to Kaataru uMt, and wllb gMBtb yit lu ablp, It la bellavad tbla fatal will be lucraaaad to 7,,m rM. Tbaae fguraa h Iw tottar ratHtad by iba average paraa wltaw M k MM d Ibat $,n rare vera aacaaaary it ..a.iu.d il.il ItrilU.'J UUll Ibrua loaglag gw i4 Iba rr " '" "!M " Tf,l!f I n Iba weal aid of I'ppar klamalb 'l,kp aud um baa rHllr bwrad U Klik CHMKEFD) 0L0ERBOVS WAHiiViTW P- ' 1 ' m '"' ww " ' . fJ -Mijurr irM --4 MjMiMM.1 aa tta ff " - i' - M .( IW (Mf a II M4 mmm nwh mi .1 .1 .-LWJVJWUWU-J-. WWaaWaWaWa1MiW Teachers' Exams To Commence Next Week Regular Tests For County Teacher Will Be Held At High School Commenc ing Next Wednesday List of Subjects For the Different Days Given Below Now la the tlma when all good lot atudy fur drawing, method In tencliera will commence to burn the midnight oil in "bucking" for the rag ular teacbera' examination. Thcn teata will commence her on December Utb, next Wedneaday, according to newe Juit received by County Brhool Baperlatendeat'Edna Well, from 8Ut Buperlnteadent of Public Initructlon J. A. Churchill. They will bo held at the Klamath County high achool, and will be con tinued from Wedneaday forenoon thru until Saturday afternoon. The following are the eubjecta la i the order In which the examlaatloai will be held: M'exteeadWy Forenoon U. 8. Hiatory, writing (I'cnmanahlp), muale, drawing. Afternoon Phyalgagy, w reading, manual training, com poet tloa. dome-! tie aclcnre, methoda In reading, courae Netherlands Army Ready For Battle THKHAUIlK, Dec. IS. Only aoma! after the achievement la ahown by a two daya' march north of tho battle arena In Flandera atandaa formidable army, InUrt, freeu and vigoroua, tnat men or tna i.anaturm oorn emre baa not yet fired a ahot la the great. IIVS who bad been rejected for one war. It la the army ef the Nether- reaaon or" another. Thla meaaura la landa. I expected to yield a very aubatantlal That army la ever growing. The "" " aMUrW. work or training began feverlably ow large a waaa of trained men bark In August, I SI 4, and It kaa been Holland could now place In the Held carried on without a break over elneo i radly dlacarnible. There la flrat in all parte of Ibe country. A ape- the army that waa moblllted In the clal law waa pawed aoma two yarday of the war 'a outbreak, probably alnce greatly widening the circle of pt far abort of a quarter of a wllllou Ibeaa liable to lervlre, with the re- Mlen, and now all at home on luden ault that all Ibe men under arm on r.lle leave. Then there I the new Auguat I, I DM, uow have been re army, now under arm, of Ilka alia. Ilered by newly trained Men and aentl Moreover, there I a vr conaiderable heme, Ibu Ibay ran ba reeelled U the, body of Mu who, prior to It4,'bad color Immediately akeuld eccaatoa aHUbed tbelr period of fifteen year rlae, in militia, Uwdwebr and Uadturm, That the country' mlHUry leader 'but who are aubjett to call abould oc bava ho lw:utlo to reet ea) tbatr ear car ion require, Big Railroad Officers Take Trainmen's jobs I KM, the, i,-0i4 mi tear biu tow kepi Ike regular rraw frnw vH MtawetkM tiruugM the Ortfud taklag Ike train el. Tiugk irala lU Had Teeeeey alter. District MrwbieeU M. 0, Wg. mm, tke rteWal ewktow M re gr, fl leaeflateadeal A. I, lfe UHtmm, aad get If) a erfreig w, td Mei, HUi Ageal Wfc '" rrgry, (! lUMaweler Cbertoa WM A krvkaa) Mto CegsW Wver M4, raegtc iMr M iwke M krab' 1 ike lerel irdd t mm tke reWe4 He4e K. t, Kelley ared lb Wbu Ik Um Me It Mm eeeavt'Iaae- Aaatlag ibent Kaglu m$ 0i (be He)d trala, m . eer HkMrer Md fat , wko talievad ijwla arere vWaW. aw tke totee'Ce4lter U. i, Adelak, tuum At mmm Werd gt Hktvi vun Hit HHrt mw4Mm, arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, hiatory of aducatlon, paychology, method in geography, mechanical drawing, do meatlc art, courae of atudy for dome tic art. Afternoon Grammar, geography, ateaography, American literature, phyalca, typewriting, methoda In Ian guage, theala for primary certificate. Frtdjiy Forenoon Theory and practice. orthography (epelllng), pbyalcal geog raphy, Engllih literature, chemlitry. ph-alcal culture. Afternoon School law," geology, al- ebrB c,yH torernt Hatnrday Feranooa Oeemetry, botany, Afternoon Oeaeral hUtary.'boom- keeping. Has Large bill that haa juat reached parliament providing for a re-examlnatlon of all kto eVaW'M'M'. Hegy Uwger beofk, g fojegf gM ii tew Md. imm; wg abet UT twe fere Ke dean. eUbe asKf bav IN RUSSIA LOCALMAN k nepi locn notgoiltyENEMY ARE Ut'HIXKNH MAX CLKAttKD OF KM. IIKKELKMKXT CHAIMH--JVRV gUICKLV UKACHBH fXAMMOUS DKCTHIOX I.AHT KIOHT Following a very brief bualneu ei slon curly last evening, the Jury In the caae of J. II. Satterlee, who waa chaiged with the embezxlement of lililtf und dead wool on complaint of S. Daniels returned a verdict of "not guilty." F.merloo, who conduct n large wpiehoiiRo on Sixth itreet, wax ac cutefi of Improperly gaining posiea lon of pelt and wool left In hi care by K, 8. Terwilllger for Daniel. The trial waa the ahorteat ao far held in the prencnt term of the Circuit Court. t IAI.IJ UACKWAHD OX UliADK OF AXK", WHICH CUTN IXTO NKIXL. THICK CAF NAVKH HIM FltOM HKIHOl'K IXJl'ltV KKNO, Dec. 13. A peculiar Occi dent happened here laat Suturday to Dick Klder, au employe of the Ackley lirother. While wulHlug along car l.'lng u double-bitted axe on hi ahuulder, he llpped and fvl back ward with audi force that ono blade of the axe went thru hi heavy cap, llnu the akin, and cut vllgbtly Into I lie bone of hi akull. He wax cared for Immediately by Dr. (leo. I. Wright of Kluiuath Fall, aud I uuw getting along all right, al tlio It U generally admitted he bad h nuriow eiu-apo, "TIIKXl'H l'HOOtiltAI'HM OX EXHIUITIOX HKIIK The woild war has brought out many uiiIuud Idea, hut the luteal one to be brought to local ulteutloii i I lie "Trench I'liouugruph." now 6u ex- blbltioii al (lie tthepherd I'lano depot, Tbl novel luslrumeiii la of a liny fixe. Hi .-u belli made of KiihIUIi Pig- ablu, In apllv of It amall dlmulou, M MAN HAS NARROWESCAPE lii.wcwr, It I declared io be of au,in the circuit i:oun, ii.-i lui- lonsiruiikii. the Idea of llm I The ilefeiulttiiU, who are two young ilrigmr being Io produce an ankle Dial rould be i-aally moved for Ilia boy at Hi fiunt, II U ili'i'lsrid that Ihe k'lueal of llie.u vhiuuiho tiniiimi irom ma jivf. pig da U-rni Diilliely rllmliiuled from llm lone of iliv luklruHiviil. , i " Reinforced Hamnier i ITALIAN HCAPQi'ARTVIlP. 0 i... i. ui.a l. Au.lrlaa ami flTlTailaii. In a aail -f ) WMWWWWWWWMMWWWWWWWIW(WmM FORCES OF TURNED BY GEN. HAI6 FlltHT ATTACK OF HKVKKAL UAVtl IIV (iKIt.MAXK IN ItOl'TEU BY KXUMMI! TltOOFN, EAHT OF Hl'M,FCOL'ltT HKAVV UMUUM IXFI.ICTKD OX TKl'TOXfi HTIIKXl'Ol'N KFFOHTIi AttE BEIXO MADK UV THK GKRMANai AT TIIIH TIMK TO MAKK EXOLAKa) Kl'K FOIt I'KACK, ACCOfUMKU TO XAVAIi ACTHOBITIEaJ lly Aknorlated Freaa IMTEI.1C88 The troopa of General Hiiig met and repulsed the flrat maaa. cd attack of the enemy made In ev em I duyti, Inflicting heavy iosaea on the Gorman. The attack waa made over a one mile front to the east of Utillecourt. The UrltUh ahlpplng louse have in. creuied during the week past to twnnty-ouo veaaels, a against seven if en during the preceding period. Tiju Cermun hac been conducting a Eiibinarlnc offensive of great magni tude, complimentary to their land of fensive, In the hope of Inclining Eag land toward peace, but have (ailed signally lu both effort, according to it high naval authority in London. Counter mcaiure of the entente iiuvnl force are becoming Increasing ly uccesful. SHEEP UKGENY I Vttl'Xti Mr:.V AT OI.K.VE AKE AIV I ClaiFI) OF ttTKAIJXti AbMAf J FIIOM WOOL MAX TJiUJ. XM Mlv.VCM) TMIM MOMMXO I . Tho lilul of I In- MUlu v. ;.orUteu ami llyie loiniiieiiced this uiorglng men raiding In llmOlcne section, gre aiciuid by Ilex K. tlord, a prowlueut aluep limn, of aieuuug auu puivuenug Ail'iiivya liuteiiln aud ruaeu up- I l'r for liu dtiiaBu, 4...1...1.-U Austrians Italian Li euiiv durlag b J'l iwp de. s'.Ubl indeallB '. Mwe i 'Mli I. allll belu MlUUyrtetd. . w d V U gUf WK ').' V M w rfcw'' 4if0t. Mai ta)fe'llMtr aaereeeel, MMMjlewreieHfee, g I