' ' rCii t .. -vt tf$- Ottftf lEugnittg Bgrald OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL N-WlPAPtt OF KLAMATH FALL! , t TnriMi Year No. itlt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11,1917 ,' Fric FtVoXtarta - GERMANS RUSHING TROOPS WESTWARD J. s . ' BOLSHEVIK! PREPARE TO PUT DOWN OPPOSITION 4-. : nnnnnnnjwinAawuvuuuuwtniwinnnji .-. ..,.,. ..... ww, j wwwxwwvuVLarm.anr w LV ; -ir" MAVY GERMAN REINFORCE. MKVTH AUK NOW ARRIVING IN FRANCE ARTILLERY DUELS IX PROGRESS ALL AIAING THE WESTERN FIIONT LOCALMANIS CHARGED IK EMBEZZLEMENT I'ROl'HlETOR OF CITV HTOKAUK WAREHOUSE IH ACCUSED OF EMIIKZZLKMKNT OF Flit AMI W4X)1 TRIAL NOW ON At the conclusion of tbo civil action It! tint Circuit Court yesterday after iioon, tliu work of drawing the Jurors for the nctlon of tio state against J.' II, Satte'rloe commenced. Seven Jur ors were drawn beforo the court closed, and the rest were obtained this morning. Sattorlee l charged with the cm boztlemoiit of dry pelts and dead wool to an approximate value of $237. Ho Is represented by Attorneys Rutenio & Yadon. UNCLE SAM CAN Nl DEAL WITH SPIES Klamath Irrigation District Is Formed ULKMAN MUNITION TIIAINH, RUSHING SUPPLIES TO WEST FRONT COLLIDE, KILLING A.0 WOUNDING HUNDREDS OF SOLDIERS My A-oclatt Prem DATELESS Heavy Gorman rein forcements have arrived in Franc, according to the belief of the allied mm... dui .r i !... , KLAMATH MAN PACKS will fall is yet to bo disclosed. There Is active artillery demonstration nil j CHARGE IN JUSTICE COURT IH tone the woHtern front. SHEEP STEM CASE KM i i The infantry movement has msntarlty stopped In Italy. mo- DECIAHKD TO HAVK WRONG FUMiV TAKKN 0 SHEEP Trlnl of William Culver, a sheep LONDON, Dec. 11 An Amsterdam report snys that the Qcrmans nro rapidly pushing troops to the western Kaatern Klamath counly, front, with the Idea of smashing tbo "uru' ,,,, .., h.,i of entente allies before America will bo, for the larceny of'thlrty-slx head of able to, act. v ttticep belonging to O. T. McKondrlo. Iha ...... I. .1.1. ixnun Ufa. itin .. ..r.-r4 1nt rVfnlllff 111 tllO JUStlCO collision last Thursday of two Ger-jcourt of e, v. Oowan, and Is being man munition trains, wnicn were um continued today. blown up, and aeveral hundred sol diers Killed and wounded. it Ih alk'Kcd that the defendant, who Is employed by Ivan Kllgoro, . .. ... I.I..I. wnia marknd , HOOK mo BIIUUI'i wuiwi "" t WrtMf n m,. .M,..,l.ti ... -. . .. ..,- .-.,, nnt iifnpnil in Moscow today is reported most tllom Wt, tno Kllgoro band. Inter- i sire, ino uoisneviai nave uiwwu. ..tine rinveionnicnis am Busb" .- ... .. ....l...-l . ..... I wu l.nfnru tlltt MHB 18 COHCI1IUOU. uo GOVERNMENT'S HANDH NOW MA. TKHIALLY STRENGTHENED FOR DEALING WITH ENEMIES AT HOMK, HAVH OFFICIAL WA8H1NQTON, D. C, Dec. 11 Only the cold figures showing the re sults or the work of the department of justice In coping with German plot ters In this country are given In At torney General Gregory's annual re port submitted to congress. None of the details of the operations of the se cret service of that department, teuching: almost every condition from the romantic to tho sordid, are dis closed. Most of those must necessar ily remain untold until the end of the war, when a set of volumes rivaling the most exciting tales of fiction might be written from them. The at torney general's report merely tells the story of results In the figures or nrlson sentences which the agents of Gorman Intrigue now are serving in federal penitentiaries. f n daallna- with the enemies within th- JaMmMl htr fntinri that 4hfi espionage w(.the t Jan? W5ttti enemy bci anu mo iruHjtuiiiiyiv dltlous conspiracy have been fruitful of results. "The rovornment's hands have been materially strengthened, so that it now has power to deal with disturb ing malcontents," says the attorney general's report. "Tho prosecution of William D. Haywood and other leaders of the so called 'industrial Workers of the World, to the number of more than 150 in the Northern District of Illi nois Is an Instance of how these lawa may be employed for the public pro tection In time of stress. The effect of these prosecutions is already hav ing a far reaching and highly benefi cial lnfluenco towards the mainten ance of order and obedience to law thruout tho country." Farmers of County Almost Unanimous In Diff For Change Under Which Several Advantages Are Obtain- Sfot Possible in the Water Users Association REDCROSS If YARN GOODS THIRTEEN ., '. 1 1 With a total opposition of five votes out of 169 cast at the elecUoa Bat-, urday, tho Klawath-Water Users Tot ed to change fro a.water users asso ciation to the kfaath Irrigation Dis trict, taking advaatage of lawa re cently passed In the state legislature. and following the. example or a targe per cent of water users on other recla mation projects. ,; The chance Is heartily recommend ed by the officials of tbo reclamation service, who Dotnt out the fact that under this regime all tends Included In a nrolect ara forced to bear a part of the expenses, thus forcing- develop ment and reducing, apeculatlva Invest, ment, and also that farmers, will be able to take advantage of the federal loan system, impossible now because their lands are held by a first mort gage to the government until the wa ter rights ara paid. The results of the election were announced this moraine Following Is the result, by pre cincts: ORDERS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED DY LOCAL SOCIETY TO FOR- WARD IMMEDIATELY ALL '- I m KNITTED GARMEXTH Klamath rails .60 Midland Mt. Laki 15 Olene 34 Merrill .... .v 84 Malln,.....;..... a Tt . -. For, Against The local Red Cross Society has re ceived orders today, from headquar ters to ship immediately all knitted gcods now on band In accordance' with, these, instructions, one shipment has gone forward' today, and another will be sent. Saturday It Is earnestly desired that all those who have work under way finish It if nnulhU hafnr th. ahlnment Satur day, and the Instructions received ape- cirr mat a report must oe maae to me local headquarters onmaterlal that la out, and. will not be made up for thia delivery: , r r The cold winter season has made the demand, for, the knitted goods very, urgent. ii r a h n r A PI th K U td ; i EXfCOttl:! k Vwd. ' I '.T-Yt MEN WHO PARTICIPATED , IN: . - HOUSTON RIOT IX AUGUST ARE, f $ HANGED AT FORT HOWsTtOK THIS MORNING IN PRBMCNCE -r'A- OF ARMY OFFICERS, i :.! JK 'ii 1 Tp m si'Aiii'iA av Sj'SJjM Miiialii -ivl I I I FIIATI IttWuifll -V- alilnkf llr -'iwRf nJHEjRJjIsJv dfciLAIj.;Vt NUMBER OF OTHERS SHTWI - ij TO LIFE WITUBQNMRST, TOR ,, , j PARTICIPATIOX-WIERIFF OF J? - t ix H . Wv(ffliyW5-5 BEURUIVaTi USUI viiuuaH -. .' 'ia PRESENT AT .TSXaOOTMOfli SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Dee. 11. ,f , COMPROMISE VERDICT IS yRE. TURNED IN CIRCUIT COURT IN CIVIL ACTION, FOLLOWING FOUR DAYS' TRIAL .. .. , ' " "... ..... I u.cuine guns in tno sireem, luuimn an uprising of the counter revolution ary parties. The garrison has showed signs of Insubordination, and Is roportod to be disobeying tho commands of tho no! hevlkl commander, a soldier named Muranofr. A consldnYabln number of troops re now bolng rushed from the west front to be sent against the Cossacks. FORMER RUSSIAN RESIDENT ENTERS GOVERNMENT SERVICE TOLLMAN, Wash., Dee. 17. Dr. V. A. (loldor, professor of history at Washington State College here, has (one to Washington, D. C, to work with the government for the duration or the war In connection with Russian affairs. Dr. Golder has made several trips complaining witness, O. T. McKon drlo, Is represented by Judge ThomnB Drake, while Attorney Horace M. Manning appears for the defendant. At tho closo of the bearing, Culver un a i.niinil over to tho action of the j grand Jury, nnd his bonds placed at $1,000. to Russia In recent years, the latest last spring, and was there when the Kerensky revolution broke out. He .., ..arannallv BCQUSlnted With the premier and other members of the government, and actea as iiuor for the Root mission while It was In Rubs la. He was in Russia In 19" 'or the ..ti intitule, and while there on that trip gathered material, for a. roeontly published boo, -a uumo vu American History In the Russian Archives." win BUYS HESS AMENDMENT FOR NATION WIDE 1 PROHIBITION ALREADY PASS ED BY THE SENATE TO BE TAKEN UP BY HOUSE MONDAY ARTHUR A. LEAVITT WILL HEAD THE LOCAL LODGE FOR COM ING YEAR E. R. REAMES COM MENCES FIFTEENTH YEAR AS TREASURER Thirteen negroes wore ssorftlBK' at-':sv(Ki haigi ;t ri.,.. ygkf , -r ' .. j, i & I .1 l ' - c -mM Vi3r-ir- ! "-,'.' Following a lengthy trial In tha WASHINGTON, u. c, uec. n. Circuit Court, a. compromise verdict! By a unanimous consent the house was rendered last night In tna civu.has agreed to coasraer nest u.j KLAMATH FALLS MAN TAKES OVER INTEREST OF MEDFORP PARTNER IN BAKERY PLANTS AT HUGE CONSIDERATION Suspicious Discovery Is Made In Halifax - , HALIFAX, Die, M;r?!. P0-1 i. bsrj H'ave'announesd th'e caaHure of .' .... -. .... In. -. i V.1U.UJI tn. mnaH .vp. m ipred la the.exploiloandwtsrl " .. . ' '. . L.l,.a air tit ! tneinaow, oi - '-;v -, 'ns?VftB.vM'W-t th dissolution sale of the Nurml hnbriM at Klamath Falls and Med- ford, hitherto conducted by the firm of Nurral & Hervl, has resulted in the taking over of the entire business by J. Hervl of tills city at a consider atlon of $34,900. George Ulrlch, the receiver, has an. nounced that the new owner has al ready taken over tho local establish ment, and will assume control or.tne Medford plant In a' few daysT. Thla business, which was commenced qa small scale a few years agp,.haa.Ww reached extenBlve proportions, the plants both at Kiamatq raiis, n.n Medford doing a very large business. - EMPLOYERS RIGHTS UPHELD WARHTNOTON. 'D. C. Dee' tl. Tb employers' rlfhttoravett labor ugtoar from soliciting; hoh-ualonm- iojiei ta join tasir cra..? ;- upa.ld'ksrs ia . Court ;ts cuss sgalut the UnltM MIb. Work- ers of America. . ' ' suit of the Beehorn Wood company against Pelton ft Loosely of Fort Klamath, In awarding the plaintiff the sum of $648.71. The dispute arose over, the alleged non-delivery of a large quantity of hay by the defend, ants. A claim for damages for non delivery and one for over-payment were asked In the complaint. In the former something like $2,998.05 was asked and $319 given. On the second $839.96 waa asked and $817.71 awarriAfl The latter claim was acknowledged hv th. defendants, and a tender of about $300 made preceding the action as shown by the evidence, to settle the Those on the jury ware M. L. Alli son, R. Ei Smith, Geo. B. Chamber lain, J.,W; Depuy, P. L. Fountain, F. n Matt. Jasn.r Bennett. Wm. M. Cheyne, Henry Vosa, Franc Bowne and F. O. Freuer. Rutanio .& Yaden ware plaintiffs' attorneys, Judge Thomas -Drake ap. pesred for the aeienasnis. i i 1 f A' .AtlVNORY BOARDS) . the constitutional amendment for na tion wide prohibition, already passed by the senate. The Judiciary committee has re ported the amendment for- nation wide woman suffrage without recom- mendatfon. - SENATE COMMITTEE TO Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. A. M.. held their annual election of offi cers last evening and the following were chosen for the coming year: Arthur Reed Leavt'tt, Worshipful Master: Geo. C. Ulrlch, Senior War den:' WHlard L. Smith, Junior War den; E. R. Reames, treasurer, and Albert E. Elder, secretary. The two latter officers were re elected, Mr. Reames having served m treasurer for over fifteen years. Installation ceremonies will be held on St. John's Day, December 27th. START INVESTIGATION - T I ' "' '' , -" ARI, APPOINTED . 4 n . ' , A . To work with tha loeal exemp- i tion boards In tha work of the ieomlng now draft' rogulatloM, a imadieat advisory boards aave .a tium autkArisad bv Pro vast Mar- hat Crawdar. ' ' AewlataisaU already vn WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 11. A general Inquiry into the operations of tha' war department In the arming and. equipping the American forces haslMen decided upon by tno senate military affairs committee. The senate committee will also In vestigate the coal and sugar short ages, h - BANQUET TONIGHT a a POSTPONED WEEK On account of the big theater 4 attraction, "In Old Kentucky," scheduled, for exhibition nere w this avaalna-. tha monthly meet- w Ing and banquet of the Business Non'a Assacwuon,, wnicn w d announced yeetarday for tonight t at Hoom hall, will no postponra a an. wtik. and win te naia at w tha aame place a week from to-. .i.h t-.-i.w- nth. It now iwyr- , r-.-i . . aeaaas praabl that the i- -4aa of at irt-istlo will bev STORK ARRIVES TODAY The annual visit of Santa Claus at the home of County Surveyor J. C. Cleghorn, has been preceded this year bv one from the, stork. A 9-pound daughter arrived this morning at the Cleghorn home at 385 Tenth street. pr. George I. Wright was in attend ance. seven at Fort Sam Houston 4r com- is plleity la the riot in Houston' AnrW 83d. j- They were"SergeanWimajsesir but.- Corporate Larnoa llnyr?3tmmfi. . Wheatley, Jem Moore, cWarlesllatCl-!,'' ' more. Privates JVIUJam Brackenrldfe. Thomas Hawkins, Charles Saodgrass; k Ira Davis, Jamee Dlvlns. FraBktJon-: son. Rtsley Young and Pat He. . 3 Whorter. - $ , J ? , A number, of others wro.:sMtacea.-,j,(, to life Imprisonment., "Thara. -wara.ai'vf none present at the hanging except army officer and tirt'Weriff. of Bsiar " County. The' time, anWlacetot ta? cutlon were kept.qutot, " ,;&$ The riot last aummer.-at HonatoB was participated. Inbr membere oTar . negro regiment totionttjMtf?!.p nearby, following nllegfd fmV': . ment by Howataar poUce. amlUttJ were killed andaniunded In; thrtpjt. " OREGON WHiLOOPBRAT.Ntwv.-r , SOLDIERS' BUiLE CNUtrasun PORTLAND, Dec. 11. In conntc-' ; tion with the campaign of 'the Aaser- lean Bible socioiy ror iwtaaintfaw, lie supplied to soldiers David, flln- shaw, national campaign Baatr,b'',' the association bae-trieiraphadto ? Y. M. C. A. secretarlef thruout the. country, suting. mat, jour vw. $$ 'W ' r i 1 M ti 4" Red Cross Drive ' .1.4. country, stating ion fysvpc urges association secretarlea toop- erate In tho campaign. Governor a Wlthycombe has .endorsed the! cam-. , nnlam In Orak'on. ' ' j ' - . tf" &$. o-.sf 1 5 sv ;-j .,.. . t. I-I ---- -' -v f un srsA , ,wj- ;aai . -:iM. P"' , M'.y&v.a i if '? i Wet Pranaratlona are now under way for theblg holiday Red Cross drive which is to start on next Monday, Dai cember 17th. Tha.drtve 1ft Klamath County. In which It te hoped to bring tha inamhershlo UD to 3.500, will be conducted under the leadership of W. O. Smith fdrive laaV,aummer;irill TMm -MAA At ih-Uf m-mlMi 1 j v wv.tfag mvw ws.. --. -- . . -v . ., cfi.rp'V vdm a a.ta. . a. - - - aav--. rmaaB -m. -raUHBalB- -aT ;iKS5nKT msMm mtmz& issF sasi Viiumoo. ...Tla.a..VAAAAA a A.a ....4 i. mmmvwvvvvTT--r''--' the out new ones for 1918. 1 v Committees for all seetloBaetjtWif full .yaat. V ' I' - - - - i-.--;rTAvvri . ....! Wtu aM "" a. BB1bS . . 't ,T. JuH to houra Mwmot.tki.ifftidte.KM 1. A msmhata- 9tiWM.f - 1 -, : t , n ' iwfn trlct te to bo mad. .1 attemnt-'WllU-fc' made rxnir im.M lTCtamitfrWf I "-7 " 'l Vfci- -AW.Mkl Up, to, crw.,wTsfW!w...r. ifyom;6,oooooo;i5.0,pM6e.j'; , lama nuathaT 'who MMtWM ttW selves with tha Red Craas'durtel the repristnttttva.TlltMlf,' m taa epBsr,a.jr fl nm$m a"Jwiiy-rX ' T'--IWW. - : riVi.'T?( r.k'from:Wa-'yir.i lag tut prtviNfa ot aswawp 1. Vaah af araatUallT OV ;T..-' . --'; ''m$ir$i s I..- ,in. ' KiejsB'W was marked "New York 19." been made puuuc rv. .. ..Ammim&wztfi&& V tyj w-. . .v..,a .. .' -aaj M