' ..j,. .:a.j ma FICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWIPAMEK OF KLAMATH FALLS 0F KLAMATH wuunii KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1917 Price Five Oat ywi X- fl,,H0 ERUSALEM IS CAPTURED BY BRITISH UniV PITYHELPSHORTAGE eunw u ALARMS PEOPLE I S N U W 1 N AROUND MERRILL nkioiiar POSSESSION WM.WKWWMWWWIW --llV-"'"imWrr" MKX LEAVING FOIl FRONT IN . SUCH NUMIIKHH TIIAT DAmV. MKX MAY HAVE TO CUT DOWN THEIR HERDS )WIX( HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF MAHAMMEDAN POH sHWlOX, FAMOUS CITY FALLS WTO TIIK HANDS OF THK UK MEOIXO ENGLISH LAST CHRISTIAN HULEIl Was, OKIIMAN EMPEROR, WHO U NOW STRIVING TO KEEP IT IX THK HANDS OF MOHAMMA. MM'ALLIES MKItlllLL, Dec. 10. So many of tho young men hero aro leaving for th front that tho ranchers here are becoming alarmed am to how the crops enn bo put In and harvested. It Is feared that many of tho extensive dairymen will bo compelled to sell thulr cons. It has been suggested that tlio only nolutlon to the problem In the Importation of Chinese labor The Chinaman cannot and docs not earn to flKht. but ho will v.ork. Tho Merrill pooplo would llko to have this question discussed. More labor must bo wcured if we arc to Increase or even keep up normal production, and It Is believed that American wo men are not strong enough to do out door farm work. INTEREST IS K TAKEN IN FIRST AID FIRST SERIES OF LECTURES HERE WILL BOON BE COMPLET El AND A SECOND CLASS MAY HE ORGANIZED LONDON, Dec. 10. Andrew lionar ifuoounced today In the bouso of eoamons that Jerusalem, aftor being ronoded on nil sides by BrltUli is, hsd been surrendered by tho irks. With the exception of two brief In- Urlodes, this marks tho end of moro iu 1,200 years possession of tho at of the Christian religion by the IVohuomedaus. It has now been In the undisputed Ipomtilon of the Turks for the last H mri. Tk last Christian ruler was the toatn Emperor Frederick II. This marks the definite collapse of oris by the Turks to capturo tho kn canal and Invade Egypt. I BOY DIES FROM PNEUMONIA BANQUET ON FOR Of NIGHT So great an iuterest has been shown bv the ladles of Klamath Falls In the First Aid class lectures given under tho auspices of the Red Cross Society by Dr. A. A. Soule, that another class may be organized after the holidays. This course, which with one on wound dressings, prepares women for nurses aid work In tho war, Is now bait completed. Visitors aro always welcome at the lectures on Wednes day evening at the manual training room at the Central school at 7 o'clock. Professor R. H. Dunbar Is president of the present class. FIRST SKATING War Recipes Are Tested By Students Practical Ways of Conserving Food Are Submitted By the Domestic Science Gass of High School After Having Been Fully Demonstrated INK ARE WORM FOR ADVANCEMENT BUSINESS MEN WILL HOLD REG- ULAR MONTHLY MEETING AND FEED AT MOOSE HALL TOMOR ROW EVENING OF THE SEASON NOW AVAILABLE The following recipes were demon strated st the Library Club room by the domestl" science department of Xhe Klsmath Courty high, school. They have been tested and found en tirely practical. In response to a call from the public they will be pub lished by Installment in the Even ing Herald: 1. Soy Beam With Han Bhamk The ham shank, which Is looked upon by many housewives as of small Im portance, may be substituted and itiiiznd not only to serve as meat for the family, but for the seasoning of many savory dishes. Tho louowing r or I no fnr bailing 807 beUS With ft ham shank will be found to be not only an appetising one, mH will af ford an opportunity to use up parts of a bambene: Soak one cup of soy LOCAL YOUNGSTERS, AS WELL AS OIJIER ONES, ENJOY THE ICE ON THE SHALLOW WATERS NEAR THE CITY. a stew psn with the bad bone and cover with water. And one onion stuck with a clove, and let boll until th beans are tender. Then drain and serve the beans in a hot platter with the ham bone. a Spanish Rice Two cups boiled rice, one cup tomatoes, one table spoon butter. Pepper and salt to suit tbe taste. Method Mix all the In gredients and beat. Add one or two sweet peppers cut fine. Serve hot a Salted Oodflah and Needles Bell a suifclent amount of egg nood les, mad of half nre and half white flour. In salt water; drain and put Into a casserole. Shape into a border DELEGATIONS FROM KLAMATH ttRHKRVATION WILL GO TO WASHINGTON TO TAKE UP MATTERS RELATING TO TRIBE Three Indians of the Klamath res ervation, Harrison Brown, Fred Hen dricks and Levi Walker, recently elec ted as delegates to represent the Klamath tribe In Washington, have been granted the expenses necessary for the trip, and will leave Klamath Falls December 14th for the capital, k... ih win akn ud matters of tribal Interest with the Indian ue- partment. They will labor to secure runas with which to stimulate stock and kindred Industries. An attempt will also be made to secure a general dis tribution of tribal assets. Clayton Kirk Is soon to visit Wash ington a a sneclal representative of various members ofae tribe who bave receivea psiinu, uu uu CIVIL WAR SEPARATES RUSSIAN FACTIONS BOLSHEVIKI WILL TAKE FUJLD AGAINST COUNTiSB nKVOLU TIONIBTS SUPPLIES MAY BE CUT OFF FROM SIBERIA BY KALADINE'S FORCES , NEW CABINET IS 'FORMED PORTUGAL BRITISH '" r - D1VB IWIIIOU uivMM, wuw round Die dish. FU1 up the center , ir to brine- about a partition with pleeea of cold boiled codfish. . trlbai estates. Mr. Kirk Is an In- dii, mm tiilrV white aauee. aar ..I.I. . inn with trlnn of tM Dlmen- tos,' put In oven and bake about flf- beans for twelve hours, put them in (teen minutes. Ssrre hot Utile Jack nnililnrri Ihn A.vAiir.old 'OB Of Dr. and Mr KVrt n flnrMnrd. ElTiFlldn avanun .... ft 1:15 today, following an attack of Miumonla. The sympathy of the wmmunlty Is extended to the grief ssn parents In their affliction, ruatral arranaementa will bo an- Mtd later. W0T SPECIALIST HERE ll manner nnd kind of afflictions ' wose important departments, the St. 11A llAll. tn.il. . .. -. ... .u V "K. Store by c. H. Harper, who rep. ...u ocnun Manuiaciuriiia Bpsny or piii.n u u.. i. tOday. and mill romnln ii in. wt n.. ,VM.I.lt WfV, w -"", giving demonstrations in the ouiarrh u.n.n.... -j -.u u ,or nhnormal foot conditions. The reguuor mouthly meeting and banquet of the Klamath Falls Busl now Mon's Association will be held mmnrrnw niitlit nt tho Moose hall, ln- uimwi nf Wednesday night, Inability to securo the hall Wednesday being tho rencon of tho change or aate. Rnrh nn onioyable evening was .nnnt at tho last gathering of this as- .oMniinn Hint It Is expected a inrgf r,umbor will be on hnnd to participate tomorrow night. The banquet will bo served as 7:30 DELICATE OPERATION A skin grafting operation was per formed this morning on tho log of the 6-yenr-old son'of Will Neubert of An telope Vnlloy. About ten doys ago tho child was severely burned when his clothes caught flro standing near a btovo, . . Dr. R. R. Hamilton assistoo oy ir. Cloorgo H. Merryman, performed the operation. NOTICE The regular meeting of the W. C. T U. will bo held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at tho home of Mrs. George McDonald, on Walnut street Mem bers are requested to bring their knitting. lany Germans Are Arrested At Halitax HALIFAX. n. i a wi,nu..i associating tbe Germans with the ex- SsrsssEsFS? ' - - lS5"."W!f' ''"".".'T....nirt i u ''kDHH fSAlAsiatA .H. Acaalsaiai- r.lir WI.VIIP' - . ft Th. wtKlJTJJ r.HM .Itci..h3T.rcrd,n.t.d..r -os whsthsr they had evidence elfins. Altho there has been no noticeable cold weather outside of the bracing nip of the early mornings here, the temperaturo has been sufficiently low m nrovldo excellent skating for the boys along tho shallow edges of Lake Ewauna nnd the government irriga tion canal. This wholesome sport Is becoming mom nnd more popular each year In Klamath Falls, many from California noinu coming In during the winter to take odvnntage of It. Wonderful rnnstlnK-. snowshoelng and skeetng are also enjoyed during the winter months as a usual thing In this dis trict. . ELECTION RETURNS NOT IN Altho It Is generally believed that the election held by the water users of the Klamath project Baturaay ro .loinrmtne whether or not an irng- tlon district should be formed here, -ioH tw n tnrse majority, there nas h.n no official announcement made m tho votes have not been canvassed, and one or two of the districts nave net been heard froms It is now thought that a definite announcement can be made tomorrow. , NOT A PHOTOPLAY "How many reels In your showt" was the question put to the manager of "In Old Kentucky" by a typical young American recently, as be look ed at the pictures In front of the the ater. When told It was not In pic tures, but the play was given by real live people, he reterted: "You can t fool me; I'm from Missouri." "How can you have horses on the stage?' The manager, to humor him, took him to the back door and showed him tbs real live horses and scenes back .. th. ... The youngster looked up and aaWi "You must be from 'Old Ktucky," tne way you !. ,. The show will be at tna opera house tomorrow night only. Many Klamath Boys Enter Army and Navy The call to the colors by the army,ath, will enlist, after looking the st- dian pfadvanced views and progres sive sDlrlt. who aspires to see his peo ple advance from, wards of the gov ernment to a people wno are us suii nortera. On his previous visits to Washington he has enlisted the sup- Dort and sympathy of many men or large Influence, who are desirous of aiding the Indians In their progress and prosperity. m SERVICE FLAG AT LOCAL PHARMACY and navy Is receiving a hearty answer from tbe young men of this section at this time. A large number of the boys who are of the draft age and nhinct to a later call are now taking advantage of the opportunity to get Into branches of the service which is offered up to December lotn. Leo L. Parrisb, Lloyd low ana n unt ift vnaterday for Ban Francisco, in addition to those mentioned else where. They were uncertain as to what branch they would enter. A very large group also left today. J. B. Slsemore,.Ivan Pankey, Charles Lens and V. H. Miller of ForoKiam- NEW ROOM ADDED TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 The room on Fourth street in the uatlon over following their arrival in San Francisco. Frank R. Moffat, Victor O'Neill and Owen Daniel Francis from the BIy district will enter the Twentieth En gineers. J. O. Gibson and A. v. r.a uii of Blv will ioln the navy. Earl B. Brown and Leslie i. uaxweii oi Bonania dan to loin the Twentieth mnvinnnra. E. T. Anderson of the Tule Lake section was unctrtaln as to what branch he will choose on reacn lng San Francisco. W. F. Wabrer, Mark A. Johnson and J. R. Slsemore have been released from tbe draft list to enlist, and will go within a short time. PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN TO MT. LAKI SOLDIERS A mod sited crowd attended the entertainment given at Mt. Lakl Fri The first "service flag" to be dis played In Klamath Falls, Is hanging In the window of Underwood's phar macy. It Is the regulation design blue stars on a white neia, wun- border of red. The flag on display has three stars, tnHirntin that three former em IN AND FRENCH TROOPS BBPLACB ITALIANS IN TRENCHM NBAH ADRIATIC SEA : By Associated Press nATF.T.RBS A civil war has brok. en outin-Russla. , TJe BotsbewtU. UKOTne neui ------ olutlonlsts. ., The' uprising In Portugal nas re sulte'd in the formation of a new cab inet. " ' The British and French troops nave taken over sections on the front be tween Lake Carda and the Adriatic Sea from the Italians. , i.ninON Dec. 10. A counter rev olution In Southeastern Russla";ttndr the leadership of General Kauaiaes Is apparently atmed at seising author- ,, lty there, and cutting off food sup plies from Siberia. According to a proclamation, of the hnifchnvtki. the Kalldlne forces are now menacing Ekaterlnostav, Khar kov, and Moscow. In the province of Orenburg, the bolshevtkl have been overthrowajiy inaicaung mat mree lurwo, -- J Ployes of the drug store are now General Dutoff .U '--0..1 ' me rouiu uu vv4 -.. . - i emeruiiuutvuv inm Loomls building, formerly occupied day. evening, the proceeds of which .a l .Ik .MHaUI iTTIllH. 1 .. ..a A. I.m akataltMaSS tlMO. hv the Klamath Commercial ciuo, and now taken over by the First Na tional bank, has been remodeled ana furnished for the bookkeeping depart ment of that Institution. TBe force Installed Its equipment and commenc ed work there this morning. Extensive improvements are also to be made In the front room In the near f utura and much more convenient ar rangements provided for the public. NOTICE Meeting of the Aloha Chapter No. at o. k. s.. Tuesday. December lltn, at 7: 80 p. m., Is called. All members are requested to be present, ,m there will be an election or omoers. CATCIKBS SUNFISsl -aaaB-aaaaBBBavai Om of the 'few;su6sk k4vvy are to be used to buy Christmas pres cnts for tbe boys of that section who are now In the country's service. The sum of 120.80 was realized from u-e entertainment. BABY GIRL ARRIVES Mr. and Mrs. John Neubert of' the Kalsay block, are the happy parents of a 7-pound baby girl, born vester- day. Dr. R. R. Hamilton was in attendance. wearing the khaki of Uncle Bam Tbey are Clifford Sevlts, now sta tioned at Fort Stevens: Albert Jones, Fort Wm. H. Seward, and Arthur Boleo, Washington, D. C. r " FORECLOSURE SUIT FILED An action for foreclosure has been instituted by E. B. Pierce vs. A. C. Stormant, Edgar Outland, May Out land and Clara R. Cameron, In the office of the circuit court clerk. The foreclosure follows the non-payment of a note for $1,500, gjven February 1, 1915. Tbe original amount with Interest now totals 81,781.54. The parties of the action are non-residents. Bert C. Thomas is plaintiff's attorney. .. Tiinff i. ottarVln Tehechenrev. A proclamation says that" enemies of tbe people have undertaken a issi mv mnt.o destroy tbe catue'or peace, and that the constructional democrat ic party Is providing means for the revolt. ' ' . INTEREST RATE HAS BEEN RAISED ! ' 4 The Federal Farm Loan Board has announced an in- crease In the Interest rate to- farmers from 5 per cent to ott per cent. ' Night School Second Term Starts Tonight HARDWARE DEALER RETURNS Will Baldwin pf the Baldwin Hard ware company, has returaed ! ft hi let business visit to San Francisco. eaugkt yesterday ky Harry lr MmHk of this city in Lake aiwauaa. LEAVES TO ENLIST Paul McDonald, who returned from. v visit witt lUjt Jwt Mford JllKsWJEWi W. -s- toaaelaee. where he expects to enlist la tbe quartermaster's department Encouraged by the Interest that has been taken In the night school at tho Klamath County high school during the past ten weeks, It has been decid ed by those who have this matter In charge to start another term of equal length, providing there Is sufficient In. tmrmat tn warrant Continuing. . T. .. .i.ui.ii.id TBB course oro "" ,-r --- - ....... free to everyone, cost of books aelsg has been, an average atte4MM tbe only charge. . , " The second term will start thla -v.-ninr it is esoecuUly urged uat those who enter the shorthand course should be on hand this evening, in or der that all may get the Beginning oi the work. Principal .Bowman an nounces thstthere will he ftft elaseee- durlag tbe two holiday weeks, About thirty were enrelle sMtrJftf it.. a.a luat eamnlaUd. ftftft)! 1 Tw ' rtj Y .-? "! ',. yi "v -H ftt5 ". , I v -s A M k w -J! rA 74 V Jt 1' : li . :fa . I?) I .w ' V t a lii ri Vt;-.?i t tj PVjaBaaaaaaarl,'S" .W43Baa4ttKrt,,-, r1. j . i iS laaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmBBBI "I .'-