s.n" "? H'K jbT " J 4 y tjgsBBW - . . 4 !0FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY fri OFFICIAL NEWIPAFU OF KLAMATH FALLS . .. .v W & $NI "m . Twelfth Ywir No. ." KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1917 Prira fire Owts j " I ITALIANS PUSHED BACK THREE MILES yi . . v GROUND IS GRADUALLY "L ww,,wm,wwmi' i......... nnnnnrnaru-u-riAJnnj-LrLXnrLrrLI-1nj1am-u-u-LI-inri -nAnnrin --- ..................... ................................. MEN BY m I ENEMY Win: (IK FORMER COUNCILMAN NOW' IN AHMV INSTITUTI-H ). yehui: riioL'niiNOH, claim. INU LIFE WAS I1UHI1ENHOME miitihh foiu:eh LOCAL BOY ELS OF HIS Tffl ABROAD heal (-o.M)itionh in England at this time are brought in interesting letter from klamath naval volunteer William McMillan, well known to n Urge number of Klamath Fulls res- lilnntu Ima written an account of a Aliening that her life with the dc- I fftiutniit tuiu tinrnmo liurriotitmlim. tluit AlJ.lt.R SUPPLIES REPORTER IN violent iiIiuhIvo language has boon ap- piled to her. and that hIio has lived In I . , ... .. DANGER AT VLADIVOSTOK. fcBr of lier ,lfe, ftn tctlon for divorce! V,8U ,0 "nao"' anu ul "'" , '" 1 1... 111...1 in i. !, n, tim'once with submarines. HIh letter. HEimoN, a cm nijaii jmujh.i- " --- ;, .. ., circuit court clerk by Mrs. Una Math l,KM. IH OAITHEII RV THE own against Oscar D. Mathews. The complaint recltcH thut tho do- Ifvmlaiit Is n person of ungoernnble j temper, and Hint while she has at all War Camp Recreation Fund Drive Nets $715 That a total of $715 was secured In i Br T. 0. Walton and O. Peyton, in Klamath County during the recent Klamath Falls, fill casli, $3 pledges times been a fallliful wlfo, said (It KKRKXNKV MH HEEN CHOSEN ,nIldnnl na8 public)) Impugned her MtMHTEE OF JUSTICE OF TEM. Inck of nsiny. lvorco nna tim 0I tho action are asked. POKAHY GOVERNMENT IN SI-f Tho couplo wero married In No- vnmtinr 1 flflA TlinV linV.i tin rllll- dren. The dofondunl Is woll known IIKItIA GENERAL KOHMLOIT JOINS THE COS-JACKS lly Aimofliitcol lrcs DATELESS lly a heavy super ,ienty or numbers aid uiiuiiucs or Frmtr .trtterlsl, the enoiulei have suceooiWd torncy. 'In pushing the U'Uluna back .lurlin: Hie last four days mi nn nxotiigo of Mi'eo miles on n ten mllo front, ullhn lint defense lino has not been broken. It Is believed thai tlio Anurlcar. declaration of war on Austria will probably be a great help to tho ltnl-j in troops. It Is reported tint the Urltlsh hnvo ttpturcd Hebron, southwest of Joru-j Mtm. j Fifteen hundred of'tho Bolshovikl troops are Bald to havo arrived at Vladivostok, where much war inn-' tartal and other supplies shipped (ram the United States, Japan and the tear allies has been stored. berla has chosen formor Promlor Kor- Kornlloff has been reported to. hnvo In tliU cltv. bavins served as. council- , mifi for tho Second Ward for a num ber of years. lh recently left to Join the Twentieth Engineers Lum bermen's battalion ftfr service In John Irwin Is plnlntlff's at- HIGH SCHOO L TEACHERS OFF TO IN ARMY TWO POPULAR MEMRERH OF ML CAL FACULTY LEAVE TO EN LIST IIANI1HOME PRE8ENT8 ARE MADE THEM HY STUDENTS PLEAHINO RILL AT ORPHEUS A very pleasing bill wns preseny ' Tho Klnmuth County high school w- i b0e" re,ortcd to-,mvo members havo said fnicwell to two Joined (leneral Kaledlncsr.tho Cos- members of tho faculty, Pro- IMk,ea,1r. I, ' Jit I. llnln nn lloyal F. Nlles, lunnuin t - who leave their positions here to Join .1,0 unrvim nf their country. a. n moctliiK hold at the school ...!.. n.n aiminiit body oresent- ry pieasing dim wns presenui yciuiu7. ." - - t the Orpheus theater last evening ed both tho young men with a hand- ... .. . ...tu .. n inlAit of re J me appearance of Clara Kimball somo wrisi " '- Voung In "Marriage n la Carte." This spect and good wishes. PUyhouse has now been thoroly ren-l Mr. Nlles loft today for San Fra i ovated and placed in nrst class ahape Cisco and Mr. Uoln plans to Ini 'or the winter season's run. Two morrow. The brunches thoy will en 'madkin . .. . .- .. i,na nnt honn announced. ---v,M.1CH are now lnsiauea, bo as 10 ibi '" ,..i. -,111 "brlate .11 delay between the acta. I Mr. Nlles place In ho tm Kj w The new management ha. secured a bo filled by Miss Wh ' WH n. line of picture, for Ihe enter-. IUbou. N. D. Mr. Bains Place has Ulnment of the local nubile. not boon flllod. which Is one of unusual Interert, Is Klvcn below In port. McMillan was ono of tho first to volunteer In the navy when the call to the colors was made last spring. November 17 We are at sea now and are getting along fine. We are out of the, war zone, and I have a little time to write. We left New York about three weeks ago for Hal ifax, In Nova Scotia. Canada, wo stayed there over night, and started for England that day. We got to England O. K. No bubs showed up. Wo got to Davenport, in Rnuthern KnElund. on the 7th, and nvorv man cot n chance to go to Lon don. 1 could hnrdly afford It, but could not miss the chance, so I went. Southern England Is the cleanest and most beautiful place for green Helds nnd rolling hills I ever saw. Wo cot on the train about 3 o'clock In tho nfternoon, and got to London nhciit 9:30. It wns dnrk there, and tho town was nil darkened on account of tho nlr raids, so we did not know whero to co. Wo stopped In at a restnurant and ordered n meal. Wo nniv irot tHreo little slices of bread, nnd they were mighty thin, as Eng- Innd has pnssed a food control law. Wo irot.n room and went to bed, then, nnd next morning we started out. I never saw so many different uniforms In my life before. Every man from 17 to 35 was In n uniform, and If you hcor that England Is .not liuttlng out hor share of men. you tell them tney don't know what they nre talking ahout. Every day there Is train load after train load of "wounded coming In. You soe men with no arms or only one nrm, or one leg. It is a common thin. You can't realize what a thing this war la on England, and I guess It Is worse on France. Thore are lots of Americans nght Inir with Canada's troops.1 We nre on our way back to the United States now. We had a little trouble coming thru the war .one with the subs, but they did not get us. Old Kaiser BUI said wo would never irh thn United States again, but drive for the war camp recreation fund Is brought out In a detailed re port just published by H. D. Morten son, who bad charge of this work. The quota portioned for Klamath County was $400, and the drive initi ated by the Klamath. Commercial Club. The workers selected worked with such enthusiasm and the public re sponded to the call in such a gener ous manner that tbe amount request e'd was oversubscribed by 79 per cent. Those, who worked on the- drive wish to thank all for co-operating with them in a fashion so liberal and wilting that the collection of the funds became a real pleasure. The collection, made were a. fol lows : by H. D. Mdrtenson and C. Riley, $165. By Father Marshall, Sunday serv ice, $1. By Father Marshall at Algoma Lumber company, $28. By E. H. Pike, at Pelican Bay Lum ber company, $134.50. By E. 8. Terwilllger, Merrill, $65. By C. Loosley, Fort Klamath, $42. By W. S. Dalton, Malln, $15. By C. F. Setter, Chelsea Box com pany, $58.50. By O. A. Krause, Klamath Manu facturing company, $63. I By A. J. Voye, Big Lakes Box and Lumber company. $15: pledged, $3. By. J. B. McAllister, Ewauna Box company, $16. Total, $709; pledged, $6 Grand total, $715. ' ' Chief Counsel of the Federal Trade Commission gitjiWJJMWMMMWWiWWWWMWMW ESTIMATED MgsBsBsBsBsBsgsBsBsBsBsSfc?33Blvima I BBlBlBlSVfZSgvslPSK''' ? IgBBlBlB&llPP ''"': VtW'' wfi. 6 ''''&' jifgallHiiii BgBvflgii"HgBlBlBagSlBlBl9lBBB2 gH 9gPXIHMIig.llHgflgi bbbl. 'y- pf 'tjmMs bbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBMT 'ItaBMBkiBBBBMHlBBM BBBBBBBBBBBljiBBBBBaflBK VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbPbIbbbbbbbbbHbP bIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI IgagaHPKp bbH UbbbbbI 'A bbbbbB BBBBBBBBBT'BBBBBBBBH . JOHN WALSH BUDGET FAR NEXOTf COMPLETED RUMANIANS JOIN ARMISTICE JASSY, Roumanla, Dec. 8. It has been decided that tbe Roumanian troop, shall associ- atn themselves 'with the Rub- sians In' the proposed armistice. Altho tire Roumanians have rntocted overy attempt at fra- ternlzatlon previously, hostlll- itles have been supsended to- day over the whole front. 4 Ing the service in the navy NAVAL OFFICERS EXPECTED TONIGHT ' r v v Assistant Burgeon J. 8. Saurman of tho U. 8. .Navy, with Chief Boat swalri'. Mate -D. Warner will be In Klamath Fall, tomorrow and Monday, and" will be pleased to answer all question, pertaining to the new 'draft act taking effect December 15th, to the new insurance allotment laws, and any Information required regard- John Walsh, who ha. been appoint ed chief counsel of the Federal Trade Commisslcn. He Is the nrst chief counsel of the commission, the posi tion having been vacant until hi. ap pointment. Mr. Watsh Is a brother of Senator T. J. Walsh of Montana. MEFi PROPOSED AMOUNT WILL TOTAL TRIFLE OVER FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS BIG SUM. MADE AVAHiABLE TOKfiVKW COURTHOUSE, , ; OVER NINETEEN THOUSAND WILL BK ' AVAttABLBr' Switzerland Hears Too Much Peace Talk SOLIR BOYS TOMORROW COUNTY BALANCE ROAD" WORK' FROM LAST LEVY OVER 6 MILLS wmP presence from time to time of na tional character, from either side. Tbe fact, seem to indicate that, It peace negotiations actually are going on, they are privately conducted, for their respective governments, by un pretentious and more or less unoffi cial persons. One American assert, that he has PRESBYTERIANS WILL HOLD PATRIOTIC MEETING IN HONOR OF UOY8 OF CHURCH NOW IN ARMY AND NAVY American Destroyer Torpedoed and Sunk WASHlNQTpN, D. 0 Dec,. 8. The American destroyer Jacob Jone. vu torpedoed and aunk In the war tone Thursday, with a loss of a la'rgo Ptt of her crew. Thlrty-taven survivors were taken I on on.j Ufa raftf ' Name, of ten btvs been received bare, swung seeurrea si p. w.. ','', W,.,9T men Wl. the vs., ws. octroi duty. ! J "JJ S P uss.eommsnded by Lieutenant Commander David Worth Bailey, a brother-in-law of Secretary o, me Navy Banlels. .. This Is the first Important Amer ican naval loss. The Jacob Jon ; tho destroyer which saved 305 persons 'from tbe sinking Cram which was torpedoed, on Oc ober 19th. Bho was one of the newest and . -.in Hmtroyers. having L. L.t.d in 1916. Her P" p.cu v-r mm , time complement twi r"' helieved lost, probably In cluding Commander Bailey.1 If I will get to mail this to you yet one of the subs showed up for a few minutes the third day out, and we put the lead so close to her that she dived, and that wa. the last we saw of her. I have some English money that t will send to you, and maybe yo think we didn't have a time .pending It. We would Just hold out a hand ful and let' them pick out all they wanted. Everything was shilling, and pence. and half a crown, and a crown, and it sure get. a teiiow rat tled. - " They called for volunteer, for the torpedo destroyer., and a bunch of thn fallow went. They are In Eng land now. I think if we eyer go there again and I get the chance, I win loin them. too. , . This I. our last day but, we will pull In at about 3 p. m. today. I will nnt ( a chance 'to mall'thls till we pet to New York,' as wis. will not'get ny Jtberty. at Hampton Roaa.wnere we ire going to coal. , We' hsd1 bur first snow yesterday. BERNE, Nove. 15. (Correspond-! ence of the Associated Prew) About the only thing that Switzerland ha. too much of 1. peace rumor.. Trav eler, who come from Germany, Aus tria, .France and Italy say those coun. tries, too. are'full of talk about the .. - .1 4 kAl conferences mot are vupiiubcu - , ... . .. .. k-.... ' acted a. a "peace emUsary" for the going on conBHinuy usm uumeou ..... r. "personalities" from tbe entente and; entente, and In this capacity met a v ' . German of Inconspicuous station, ASfc. who, because of hi. "ho. thj, Amerlcan'was given to be prominence in ocal affair., must be ve, wn, prepared to make peace nemeless. sum. up the actual altua- 'rouoal.. The two met. the German tlon, a. he correspondent has found explained that be under.tood he wa. . "w ,,,... t, . ht the to receive, rather than submit a peace presence of notables from belligerent ' . 5?-! .r" ss2,Tir wstj; - - Mathla. Er.berger, tbe German centrist deputy, one-time "uncrown ed king behind the Prussian throne,' he, has not got us yet, and It look, asj come here to "feel out" the sentl- ment-of tbe other .me, tney are not often peace envoy. Any proposition which any govern ua. .1 !. a n1tiaMMa 4 at. In honor of soldier boys who have left1 to euter the service of the nation from the First Presbyterian church, a special service has been arranged tor tomorrow morning. The church is to be decorated with flags and Inspiring music in keeping with the occasion will be played. A "Prayer for the Nation" by the choir and "The Star Spangled .Banner" by Mrs. Bert C. Thomas are among these. . The following short addresses win nim bo eiven: "Our Honor kou ana Their Mothers," W. A. Delzell; "The Church and the Flag," W, S. Slough; The Chuich and Conservation," E. L. 'Elliott; "The Church at prayer in War Time." J. B. Mason, and "The Soldier and His Religion," by Rev. E. P. Lawrence Presbyterian church boys with the colors ore Ralph C. Hum, William -... .. . . . ' - i. -mi . flnvan.. o? to ac'"" a"0"" a having saia ne naa nao . ....j . an interview with an English "peace waSiSSt-SSiy-t..-. But It ...believed here that .' Erzbera-er's fellow conferee was one and wno is wiwow mwmwj w , ,:. -mia. vln. That the estimated bndgetVfer, Klamath County for the comtagjear- win be 1400.044.66. an'amount'eoje laiderablyJeM .thaJutfu-WeJ-mv-. Is .hown Jn figure, decided, uponM the meeting of the County Court Thursday and Friday ofthte wes. While bee.tlmaUd coat of-cw.ty operations ne year ro iwMyy miioh n nmvionalr. the decrease sias been explained In the fact that,ti:tJ crued Interest on the warrants; na.' t been lightened by $11,000 and-Uat tbe different court ees fortBe,$t' year have been materially greater, t With the levy on $60,000 for court house construction and tbe balance $63,000 now In the treasury for this purpose, an amount sufclent for, tke completion of this structure issbefry2 ed In sight. It 1. also tfiought"that the county roads can be materially improved with the expenditure of the $50,000 levied for' this purpose, to gether with the $42,000 balance left over from last season.' TJie sum of $17,000 now remains -in the general fund. ' Some of the high school district ' levies nre Interesting details of the estimate. DUtrfirt 47, tor Instance, which is in thefOlene section,' call. for 18 mills, ;WMe district No. 14. at Merrill, Is to stand one of 14 mills, 7 mills special and 7 mill, on bond. If the estimated budget goe. thru as nrono.ed by the court, it will mean a lew of something over 26 mills, i ...ith .Ml. tliA ltv law nf S.R1& mills, will bring tbe city taxpayers' levy to more than 60 mill. ' t Ah,; M f y-l ,- v il 3 HDtinnT. Diians nid a inT"!1" SUM FOR RED CROSS The Merrill Library Club ba. turn ed over $87 to tbe Red Cross Society as its share of tbe proceed, from the UUIUIB mo ay. w. , .. - and Floyd McMillan, Morris Graves, dance dlven Thanksgiving nlgBt.sTals Wilbur Telford, Garrett Van Kiper sum represents one ui - and Robert Rlggs. ceeds. vSl f!J'J more than deliver or listen to a pro posal. No one has been compromised. particularly no one ha. exhibited "signs, of weakness" by advancing "terms'" That such tentative ."feelers" have been put out repeatedly seem, be yond doubt, but It I. not these that have caused the ever-recurring peace rumors 'to circulate, but ratber the It was fplh all day, but I. nice to day, but cold, Neveiab.r $$. Tbe ship Is coaled, lamd.wa will sBsnd'half a day tomef-i r - -:--,- .- -- : - row eieaniag up, ens ta.n comes -t-ft big turkey dinner, we are on ou.r way to New York saw. The captain wants to be there for dlniir, of the unofficial kind. Something like three year, of this diet of peace rumor, has left the ma jority of 8wl. pes.imi.tlc, Mention peace, and the average Swiss shakes bis head sadly. Roll a few big and Imposing names from your tonguti, and he becomes positively gloomy. for be I. like the child who has once been burned by the fire, and has learned the utter futility of 'setting any .tore by the pfesence of various big characters from fill nations who, at' one time or another, have been here . . nr have been aald in he here.' ' , Tfeat secret, ;'unocli! peace dis- "j-attsisif Aas Vett-avar-LatH wsirtrafaiiiatltfas t vtg sld.s who are not bound", and hjtvel no.suthorlty have taken 'place and'jRfs'p. are'tkklng ptice.Ms' gen erally believed. ' ' " ' Commerce Commission Hear ing Is Postponed A . . -Jr -fij the traffic attorneys, at Ban rraaclseo, ,ff that It will ba called at an early date.,, MfM aeueveQ toe -. w? " -" :'"'. rIlL ri-V Ths meetlni of f trw Hfta per's which uwtiiiaHt'Uim& will oe neia was not - - --T7TJT v.:Iwij.v Vjyjs de.m.t,ed, bufthehopa l.Vxpr.sd b. Postpont wn fw $$?l , intbe m.,.ie from Birfop Bablerjlng I. "WW, 4ffit! . J tl4 Cf.V' News was received by the Com mercial C)ub today to the effect that the rate hearing before the Interstate Commerce Commission, scheduled for the Wbfte Pelican hotri on December Htb. had'b'een postponed, by mem fcoro nf the commission. The date when the hearlog will be held wa. not i -1 -nM! :2 'In , N H Wj- .1a k