. m i- I i jw jr f ejJnsmaai -; , '$ If? linmutg Itmtfd " v - A " fcVrS "V W M OFFICIAL NBWIPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NBIWAMt OF .KLAMATH . FALL! twefrtli Year No. 1.178 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON,' WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1917 . 0 r.l WtWaa .: . , ...,...., .r - r. ,,, i" - M :4w WAR RESOLUTION STARTS IN CONGRESS STATE OF RESOLUTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH WILSON'S IDEAS IS IN. TRORUCED INTO HOUSE DE. CLAHING WAR COMMENCES AT NOON TODAY i I j i' ' i f SENATE WILL PROBABLY NOT - ACT this' week unless SIMULTANEOUS ACTION OK DOTH H017BK8 Of CONOItKSH CAN UE SECURED By Associated Pro DATELEB8 A postponement of . the American war declaration by con-' greis until next week it now probable. J Senator Flood Mid be did not bellovo the senate would act this week unions the simultaneous consideration of both houses could bo arranged. WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 5. Congress took up tlio work of doclur-1 log war against Auetrla-IIuugury to- I'ho senate was not In session, but WAR WITH AUSTRIA IS IMPENDING tho foreign relations committee was tieon senlng a sentence for bootleg In conforenco wfth tho bouse KnKi WjlH roleased from the county Senator Flood Introduced a Joint ih this morning. resolution drafted in accordanco with the president' views, declaring that a "state of war exists, and has existed since noon today. iraiN LEAVEFORARMY LARGE GROUP OF WELL KNOWN HOYS GO SOUTH ON THE NOON , TKA1N WILL JOIN DIFFERENT JIItANCHES OF SERVICE Fourteen Klamath County boys will oon be soldiers of the United States if they successfully pass tho physical tests. They left on the noon train to day, most of them bound for San Francisco, Cecil Deal, who was released (or en listment by the local exemption board, will enter tho aviation corps. Tho rest of the group have not decldod but branch of the aervlce they will eater, but will make up their minds Court Will Arrange Next Year's Budget A o.t important meeting of the get will be taken up tomorrow. County CoWt will be held during the When the estimates hive been com preset week, whenth. county budget pleted they will "' "J tor th coming yr jh be arranged, twenty days, " l the c " The court convened today and the offlclole, and a general msetldg wlli. bllli aid other routine busln.... .whan fl",to""".,w ejected that th. matter of the bud- be heaid regarding th. proposed levy. A.--LnrL-r u u u njrrWLSisuvisTT HE MAN HOT IN FROM CAMP MAN MWi:S MINI) IX LOGGING CAMP AT CIIILOQUIN' AMI IN TAKKN IN CHARGE 11' COUNTY. WILL IIAVi: EXAMINATION On complaint of I'rontlss I'uckctt u mini gltlng tlio mime of II. I- Smltli linn been taken in cimtody by tlio offl rials of tlio sheriff's office for cxunil nation ns to his sanity. Smith first Uecloed hIkhb of -In sanity last cvenlnK about 7:30, and was brought in by I'uckctt and J. J. Htulgor from tlio logging camp at Chlloqiiln. Tlio local officials declare thero is no doubt regarding IiIb tin balanced condition. GOVERNOR ISSUES PARDON TO MAN SERVING JAIL SENTENCE ON ACCOUNT OF FAMILY'S NKKI OF SUPPORT pardoned by Goternor Jaiuca Withj combo In view of the facj that ' IiIh family is In need of his support, ( jiainber of this city, who hits number was approhonded a short ,., nKO bringing In Intoxicating liquors from Dorrls by automobile Ho whs convicted and semencea io thirty das in jail and given a fine of $300 by Justlco E. W. Qowcn. nftor reaching San Francisco. Thoso leaving today were: Charles F. Mills, Itobert E. Shields, Cecil (5. Deal, Cbos. M. Hrower, Leon 13. Dockor, Louis J." McClure, Arthur L. Ilrogg, Elmer B. Whipple, Cecil a. Slock, William E. Strowbridgo, Chas. Hendrlrks, Fred E. Snyder, James T. Moss. Frederick n. Nicholson. fn addition to the nbovo, tho fol lowing hno boon rolcasod for enlist mont, and will leave within the next day or two, Earl Hooker, who expects to enlist In tho army; George Steven son, who plans to enlist In the engin eering department at Portland; uiaua I.esllo I'lymale, who will Join the reg ular army, and Arthur S. Bragg, who will enlist In tho forestry service. Quito a demonstration was made at tho depot when tho train loft today. A large crowd of friends were on hnnd to bid the boys farewell. The train delayed departure for about thirty minutes on this account. LOCALMAN wmm tjs NICE SUM IS want IK LOCAL GIRLS MAKE HUBHTAN. TIAL AMOUNT FOR WORTHY CAUSE IN VAUDEVILLE PLAY. IILY MAN DONATES 920 A total of $66 in reported by the local girls who gavo tho clucr play entitled "Uncle Sam's Itovlcw," Sat urday and Sunday night at Houston's opera Iioubo for tho benefit of the Kcd Cross Society. Twenty dollars of this amount was donated by Frank Obenchain of Illy. Following tlio play, tho winner of tho Ited Cross doll, which had been on exhibition in Virgil's furniture storo window, and upon which ruffle tickets bad been sold, was announced. John Bowman proved to be the lucky man. Patrietic: songs were sung and act ed by tho oung ladies, who were clad In appropriate costumes. The play was staged by Mrs. Luke Walker and Mrs. lawrcnco Mehaffey was the, pianist! Miss Josfe Low took the part of Uncle Sam, and Miss Mablc Martin was the Goddess of Liberty. Misses Mario Rambo and Waive Jacobs were Red Cross nurses, Misses Verda Co xa cl and Ailcen Smith were soldiers, and Misses Ida Drown and Karle Montgomery were sailors. HAT MEN WOULD EASTERN MANUFACTURERS CON. SPIRE TO "HEAT" UNCLE SAM. TWO PROMINENT FIRMS ARE INDICTED ARMY OFFICIALS IMPLICATED NEW YORK, Dec. 5. A conspiracy to defraud the United States govern ment of hundreds of thousands on contracts for a million service hats is charged In an Indictment returned to day against members of the corpora tion of Thorn & Bailey, a-Peekskill hat manufacturing company, and the firm of Pnrmlee & Cove. Two In spectors of the quartermasters corps are named as co-conspirators. CASE IN CIRCUIT COURT EXPECT. ED TO RE IN HANDS OF JURY LATE THIS AFTERNOON MAIN WITNESS ABSENT The defense of Fred Plum, charged with the receiving of stolen goods, is now being presented in his trial In the Circuit Court. The rase com menced Monday morning, and la ex pected to go to the Jury late this af ternoon. . The prosecution nemoans the absence of Its star witness, Fred Fonnville, the ooy wno is suegsa w have stolen brass faucets from the old brewery end io 'have disposed of them to Plum, ROB UNCLE SAM PLUM CASE TO CLOSE TODAY ' Astounding Asked '1 WASHINGTON;, D. C, Dec. 6. Estimates of more than $13,000,000, 000 the grcatest'ln the nation's bis tory for the conduct of the govern ment and prosecution of the war dur ing the fiscal year 1919 have been submitted to congress by the treas ury department. ... ..... ..Bu.. ...w.c w.u ". - 000.000,000 .of that vast sum is for the war alone. Only part of it wlll.tlons, $3,504,918,055, postal service be realized from taxation; the re mainder will come from Issues of lib. erty bonds. ' Deducting an item of $153,000,000 Intended as an annual appropriation toward a sinking fund for the dis charge of the old public debt and some $330,000,000 which will be turned back to the treasury from pos tal revenues, the estimated sum for which congress 'actually is expected to appropriate is, $13, 018, 723, 695. No War Costs For 1919 Exceed WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 6. A war budget of more than $11,000,. 000,000 to pay army and navy costs during the fiscal year 1919 faced con gress when the government's esti mates were presented. The sum rep lesents only the strictly military ex penscg that can be estimated so tar in advance, and is more than $2,500,. 000,000 larger than similar appro priations made for .the year 1917-18. So far as the estimates show it pro vides only for raising and maintain ing an army of 1,500,000 men and carrying out naval and coast fortifica Commandeered Ships Will Be Retained WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 6.- Retention for America's greatest mer-1 chant marine nfter the war of British, Norwegian and other foreign ships commandeered while under construe, tion in United States yards, bos been announced by the shipping board In its first annual report to congress. In the mobilisation of man power to build the government's enormous AMERICAN MILITARY HEADS IN " RUSSIA MOVE WITHOUT GOV' ERNMENT AUTHORITY EX. PRESSING ATTITUDE OF V. 8. . WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 6. It is officially declared at tbe state de. partn.ent that both Cololsl Judstn, head 'of the America military divi slon in Russia, and Major M, R. OmOALSACT WMM Sum is ol Congress previous estimate ever has exceeded $2,1000,000,000. Here follows a general statement of the estimates by general headings: Legislative $8,026,325, executive $65,329,389, Judicial $1,396,190, ag riculture $26,468,551, foreign inter course $6,535,072, military, army, $6,619,936,554, navy $1,014,077,503, i Indian $12,255,210, pensloss $157,- 060,ooo. Panama canal. r23,171.624. publlc workgi pracucaiiy all fortlfica- $331,818,346, miscellaneous $1,026, 206,317, permanent annual appropri ations $711,166,825, total, $13,504, 357,940. Deduct sinking fund and postal returns, $485,532,345. Total $13,018,725,695. The greatest sums, of course, are estimated for the army and navy. Es timates previously submitted in terms of thousands and occasionally mil lions are now stated in terms of mil- lions and billions. tions Increase projects already au thorised. The chief item In the budget is for the military establishment of the army, to cost $6,616,936,653, an in crease of $1,395,907,609 over the total of army appropriations made at the last session. The only means of determining the else of the army pro vlded for Is in the estimate or $1,003,. 933,676 for pay. This Is $159,294, 558 breater than appropriations ob tained last session for the pay of 62,000 officers and 1,208,300 enlisted men of the line and 398,000 enlisted men of the various auxilllary corps. emergency cargo fleet, ship workers' recruiting centers will be established, the report stated. The training or 75,000 more shipbuilders and thou sands of officers to man the merchant fleet is already well under way. The number of vessels requisition, ed and under contract on October 81, tbe board reported, was 1,151, of 6,. 758,708 total tonnage. Kerth, temporary military attache at tbe embassy, acted without instruc tions from this government In pre senting communications to the bol shevikl government on tbe attitude of tbe United States toward the effort being made to effect separate peace and armistice with Germany, NEW OFFICER IS .. HONORED BY FRIENDS In honor of Chester oT'Hugglns, formerly a teacher in the Klamath County high school, who baa Just re ceived his appointment of second lieu tenant, following bis training period at tbe ollcm training camp in San Francisco, a delightful party was ar ranfed and Uvea last sight at Moose kail by a number of bis Intimate friends here. About -l-to- young poo pie wsrt present. Eleven Billion ENEMYHELD NEARCAMBRA BYBRITISH .a. GERMANY'S AFRICAN POSSES. SIONS NOW 'ALL IN HANDS OF ALLIES ROUMANIA REPORT. ED SEEKING ARMISTICE By Associated Press DATELLESS he British have re- pulsed a heavy attack on a ten mile front between Marcola and Gonnelieu. The fighting is reported as terribly violent. , t In German East 'Africa, Germany's laft colony, has fallen completely into allied hands. Dulgarla Is reported prepared to en- Upr Into negotiations with Russia for a cessation of hostilities. It is rumored that Roumanla Is trying to arrange an armistice with the central allies. BIG BATTLE BETWEEN BOLSHE- YIKI FORCES AND COSSACKS IS BELIEVED IMPENDING CAP. TURE OF MOSlLlSY REPORTED PETROORAD, Dse. 5. General Dukhonin, commander in chief after Kerensky's overthrow, was thrown from a train and killed. As a result, lynching parties are said to be after Ensign Krylenko, the bolshevlkl com. mander in chief. The capture of Moslley by the bol shevlkl forces Is announced. A battle between the Petrograd garrison, commanded by Krylienko, and tbe Cossacks is reported Impend- Ing. ) NAVAL RECRUITING PARTY IS COMING A wire has been received by Postmaster W. A. Delsell stating that a naval recruiting party from Portland would arrive In Klamath Falls Sunday night and remain over Monday, so that any one wishing to enlist in the navy at this time will have opportun ity to do go. IHMM Modoc Point Project May Be Soon Ext That a request for $35,000 to ex tend the Modoc Point irrigation pro Ject on the Klamath reservation has been made ot tbe Indian Reclamation service by Superintendent L. M. Holt of tbe Northwestern district, is .the news brought in today by Project En gineer H. C.'Hlncks, who made a short businsra visit from Chlleojiia. Superintendent 'Holt' is nor at Washington, D. C, In conference with MIWMIIWWIW-WIWWWIWIWIWIWIWIWI' BIG DRIVE TO BEGIN IN NORTH OF ITAI iw ENEMY MAKES TREMENDOUS PREPARATION FOR ATTACK Off ITALIAN LINES TEN " DIVI. SIONS DECLARED TO BE OX HAND ATTACK IS BEGUN ON ASIAGO PLATEAU WITH SLIGHT.GAINS ADMITTED BY THE" ITALIAN OFFICTITfl CLAIMEP-' LOSSBS ARE NOT SERIOUS ITALIAN HEADQUARTER,; Dee. ' rMa "lfi(S ' Om ' lsaMsasVl4sw-flPaVe)r"v' have been massed by the Atutro Ger mans in the Aslsgo section,,. It u. re ported, and the resumption f-the of fensive is expected In the very near future. Reports now Indicate that tbe ene my is employing ten divisions ot troops for tbe coming onslaught.'' '"' ROME, Dec. 5. The enemy begun the attack on the Italian lines on the Aslago plateau. The only gains made were In some positions the 'loss of which did not impair the Italian de fenses. Dispatches from Berlin are to the effect that the Auetro Germans yes terday captured sow Mil positions in the mountainous fronts of Northern Italy. It is also reported that tbe negotia tions for an armistice between the Germans and Russians are being ex tended to the Roumanian troops. LEAVES TO ENLIST it-jr Olenn Jesterttti genial shee'eHrk what 'has beendentlfled or several years with the establishment of L0. Van Bellen left Tuesday for San Fran. Cisco, where he will enlist In some de partment of the army aervlce. A large group of friends were present to bid him farewell as he departed on the train. e CALLED AS WITNESSES Deputy County Clerk, Charles De Lap and Game Warden Henry Stoat have been called to Yreka, Calif., a witnesses before the SisklyoujConxAy grand Jury on a case regarding a co yote bounty. . the chief engineers regarding awsrev, prlatlons for the varioue projects If tbe request is granted, it will. mean tbe reclamation of 3,116 aeree , 2LYgHt' Wmf 1 Jr - PnuHl ' on the west side of Williamson rr f.; er, known as the Went Sid ettsnaoiu - Tne water win oecarriee.evfe .awem : river oy means oi pips mmmmmw Engineer Hlneks fcaa lmr9iWtt. from a trip 'ot IsseeeOe W9&vM computet project le mwwm 'lenesy msst y MendlclnoCeuntr'HIoifssr: e . .if A! m tT