(PF '.mm- JiL VA J ffli m ) ' TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON "KWDAT, DKC fib' ; JZ1 . - , BBS . ' . . y ERSONAL MENTION .f- - UTTUB KMUOHTS OH- IiOCAaV amoxg nonjE or nu mar an iiiwh&iE GOINGS AND COMINGS OV LOCAL VOLXS o C. V. Loosely of Fort Klanuth U la the city oa business. J. E. PeltoB or Roseburg is in the city for a short time. D. J. Bridges of Pendleton is here oh business. W'm. Hosley of Ashliind is la the city on business. . H. H. Edmonds is in on business from his sawmill at Olene. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Freuer are in the city from Bonansa. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson of Amarlilo, Texas, are recent arrivals In this city. J. H. Donnehy and P. B. McDonald are in the city on business from Merrill. Mr. and Mrs. Prentls Puckett hare gone to ChUoquln to remain for some time. Attorney Wilson' S. Wiley has re tamed from a business riilt to Ban Francisco. J. N. Branhall, manager of the Odessa Logging and Timber company, spent Sunday in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. WeaTer, Marie Cress and Allen Weaver of Talnax are In Klamath Falls for a few days. The Episcopal Guild will meet on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Silas Obenchain, 435 High street at a: 30. L. !. Parish and wife, J. J. Black and A. J. Gould of Merrill came to Klamath Falls Saturday to spend 8unday in the city. Mr. aad MraJoha Martla have gone to Cbllosula tor a few cays. H. F. Scaoettttia tort tale koralag for Roseburg tollewtag a visit of a month with Mr. aid Mrs. S. T.. Shep herd. Mrs.JhepB.erd Is a daughter of Mr. Schoenfeld. - Mr. aad Mrs. Fred KUlaacamMt. who have beea employed at tat Rea cafe for some time, have left for Cat iforala polats, where taey.wUl apt the winter months. -Rev. W. E.' Rambo toft this morn ing for Eugene to attead the Facile Northwest Parllameat, which is com posed of ministers of the Northwest. Mr. Rambo expects to as hack Friday night Mrs. O. W. Robert left yester day, to visiters. H. W. Robertsoa Sr., who Is la Saa Fraadsce. Mrs. y. H. Robertsoa Jr., who has spending some Urns there, la expectsd homesooa. James A.JTerry, Caas. Marpts, Bert "Palm, Caas. Allea, Roy Deffea decker and "Ray Telford were oat hunting ducks yesterday, about tea miles below the city. Palp bagged the limit (misinium). L Mrs. Omer. Lemon aad little sea left this moratng oa tht traia for Fort Stevens tp,vUlt her brother, aad from these she will go to Wheeler, Wash., for ajwp months' visit with her sister, M.'fSd'paaaam,-wheat she has not sesafior fourteen years. WILL BNUBT Vt'H&TX Cecil Deal a well kaowa -young fttlOTOF HOGSSHTPED 11 )wmm LOCAL STOCKMEN 8TART HEAVY tUVKBKKN FATTENED IN THE Hunt Commission company at North I'ortlaad. The hogs, which were purchased some time ago In lllg Valley, have boon fattened at Merrill. LIEUTENANT HOME ON FURLOUGH Lieutenant J. H. Carnahan, who re cently received tits commission in the '.United 8tates army following his term I of service In the officers training camp CONSIGNMENT OF HOGS WHICH at rnm has returned for a 1 brief furlough before leaving for tne I front. He has received tne ran or man of Upper Laagsll Taller! arrived vmmtmrAmir wltfi H itM,W,m rJt mm- Miss Queenle Hoff, teacher of theI1)ltInlll lh. 1tIUm1 Ht-, -. experts to leave for Portlaad wlthla the next day or two. school at Midland, who has been in Klamath Falls for a few days. Is at tending the teachers' Institute at Merrill. . H Mr. aad Mrs. James Peltoa arrived from Fort Klamath, Saturday to at tend the Elks memorial services last evening and to attend to matters of business- , , . 1 SUNDAY A CHURCH &RDINANOE The United States in Phophecy waa the subject announced for Wednesday night at the Adventist cbapel, No meetlngswlll be held till then. "The general teaching of the school men is that the observance of the Lord's Day in the new law supersedes the observance of the Sabbath, not "by obligation of the (divine) law, but by the ordinance of the church and the custom of the Christian people.' " In the Middle Ages, Sabbath meant only Saturday. First used la England for. Sunday la ie54.American Encyclopedia, latest edltleavart. "Sabbath.1 3-lt FOOT SPECIALIST ... TONING FROM.CaTJCAOO MERRILL DISTRICT Two hundred aad seveaty-flve head of One hogs were shipped to Portland Saturday by Louis Gerber aad O. W. OMeld, local stockmen. Th hogs, which wore aa unusually i choice lot, toft from the Midland yards, aad were consigned to the first lieutenant In recognition of his military ability In competition with many other aspirants. Lieutenant Carnahan'a previous experience on tho firing line with the United 8tates army will be useful to htm In his com ing aefvlce. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WWWWWWW The best of winter storage for your car. Telford Bros, garage. 36t berU si The K. K. Id Store -has made ar rangements to have a foot speeWUst from Chicago at the store Deeeaiber 10th to examine. iest aad-gtvOTad- vice oa the correctloa of feat troabl without charge., it -. i.ui!j m im.f. . . - - imi peciaiwcarao, war-sraiaea under the peisoaal direction nsf-Dr.! wm. m. Bcnoii,.the recognised foot authority, has 4 been leaned,, to , the K. K. K. Store, by the Scholl Maaa facturing company of Chicago for this occasion. The store deserves credit for lUiprogressiveaess la ob Ulnlng, tor the t foot sufferer of this community, aa opportunity to-get ex peit advice as to how foot-comfort can be gained. It Is eertata that-there will be no lack of people to' take ad vantage of the chaace ofered. One of the latJorUat duties of the specialist will be to lastrnct the sales, people vln PrartledJcs,'ths science of giving toot comfort aad correctlag u huh m iooi irousies. g-it T NOTICE OF ItTRAY Admired! Desired!! Required!!! Jewelry is a Wise Choice For Your Christmas Gifts j Make this a Jewelry Christmas. It I tlie wim total of all a present ehoald represent especially at Chtiatmas time, for it as the rim of all Christmas preseats. Jewelry ealtable for aaea, women. liuySftirls ami babies Is easily .selected at Upea. Owe may spend little or mnch, with the aasur aacs) that the oaalRy is reliable the kind particular persona enjoy owmUag. Becaaee we ordered early la tlie year, before price advance were thoaght of, we have complete atocka In all lines, and our prices re Below the Market valae or goods of this high character. Grvtag Upp Jewelry Ugiviag years of pleasure to your friends for a deal eapcekUtare. For Women A sorrel horse came to my place. four miles out on the Keao read, with! r bobbles on front feet; has blase face; weight about 1,000 pouad. James B. Victrolas The smallest Victrola, as 0 well as the greatest, puts at .your command the world's bert music, both vocal and instrumental, exactly as rendered by the greatest ' art'uts. .! 'aeiint tk 4ifmt Vktrol fm, utt nabia aw mw I tmmu n r SHEPHERD PIANO DEPOT ' Ths horns of Hlghssf Grade H , Instruments " c Next deer te Postofflcs v f ' ' 7gaw jmbbTbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbV ' I BBBalgsBagaW as BBaaaaHBaawHgawgl H gsaBaaaBBmBaaBBa ' BaBBBBBBBBBBBaB r BBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBBl aaBBBBBBBBWBBBBBf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBgaf - BBaaVaaBBBBBBBBBBf m bVIbbbbbbbbbbbI m ' -1 'BagaBBBBBBal ' J& ? - ' ? fc Moore. Mt Dearest Public Say, why doa't you come dowahsrs and see what I've got I ala't Joking about this selling: out, 'eaves I mesa It, and the sooner you corns fa and buy some of this stock the sooasr you will get me out .of tows. If you doa't come soba I will Hoot erixe my love for won, so, Doll, doa't put this o. ,v; . Remember, Iiria more beautiful to receive thaa give.-' You have heard, ef the klrd la tea gilded cage; wall, that's at. You can liberate me, aad It's sack a little thing for you to do, aad K means so much; to ms; Mi besides, ill make the cuts little soldier. I going to drive the powder puff wage for the Women's Battalio of Daeth We got lota e aew tatags to the seasoa's latest cfeatlou. '' Lots of wrist watcaes'for'atost aay price, c r Every breed of Jagertolls that the mscninery turasAuk v Our motto Is you csa't' better the best. s-. r h Vf ' HcHstUas, Mela street, betweea Bistb sad Ssvsatb, lesrea aa aaras, and the little sole fxers sad the ltd. ry, sad Just eraas,taai f$9 Rlpsr's Iters. Nhiyeu S'tiS w &tt.lR sTsrtasv-,sy measy, - ' - " , 910.00 siJietoSwS. Bar Pass, .89 to WJJO. Bead Necklaces, ta.80 to $S. LaVaoicrea, 91 to 9SSUM). Set JUags, 91JM to 999. Hearty Ftos, SOc.to 93. llaawrta Clasps, SI to aaJO. Bracelets, 9SL50 to 912.00. x Baby Riaam, 980c to 93. Locket Jl'Chalas, 91 JK to 928. Cameo Brooches, 9&50 to 910. For Men Diamond Bejirf Plus, 98 to 990. Emblem BJaga, 910 to 928. Emblem Ctuirms, 93.80 to 938. Stick Pina, 9l Mi to 928. Set Rings, 910 to 928. Signet Rings, 98 to 918. Caff nations, 91 to 912.80. Loom Links, 91.80 to 910. Waldemar Chains, 91.80 to 910. Coat Chains, 93.80 to 90.80. Kelta, 91.30 to 98.80. Tie Clasps, 91 to 93. Watch Fobs. 92.50 to 910. Yoa caa reserve aay article yoa desire by payment of a small de posit. It will be held for you antil Christmas. fjpp's Jewelry Is daintily packe-I in attractive boxes a pleasing de aH ia the presentation of a gift. FRANK M. UPP Jeweler 7 Oil MAIN STREET OFFICIAL S. P. WATCn INSPECTOR iiOMB COMFORT Cozy, cheerful warmth instantly. Portable. Eco- aomicaL ruel consumed onlywhen heat is needed ao waste. No smoke or laPw 1 .Ba?VeaaV laWkaSlasa 1 SBaaBBBa9T iBsTI a 9)S. ajgFsB .eaBBBasi vw . LVggeaBmaaBatei"5lIl blFlnVrB BaV By IlrUrP jLaaBK . PERFECTION OIL HEATER t's'- - POKSAUBY Baldwin Hardware Co. Leader 0 Me Capital Spugs Sends Gifts to Soldiers S89QRS&H ??vVl!n J'7KS7aES 6&sRn'LJ,'rjr?r5? Si Bar haaVB MMMMnMMMansaMasaawaiMnaiwM t MRS DCN JOHNSON. Mrs. Ben Johnnonjcndor of Iho "SpUKi" of Wushlnaton, the society for the prevention of umcIchh glvlnK. has taken up the subject of Influencing American men and women to send Christ num klta to soldiers In the trenchott and nnllor.t on American ships. SwIBBaBBBWflSSaBBBBflBBBBB iiwJgaBFaVi'; MOST things sin be ' anybody's gift, yonr portrait is distinctively, exdisively yonr?. Make That Appoint' ment Today HEN LINE Photo Shop 327 Main St i'i Chicago Foot Specialist is Coming Here At considerable expense and trouble, vc have ar ranged for a foot expert to be at this slore ,K' December 10th and 11th for the convenience of foot sufferers. Examination and Advice Free r M AsVVJ'aMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWjaBBBBTBBBBrV aT WP VZmZMTMrmF L.ri I v -.--3h,3mM4m mWkj imm jsav rvwKHr No Mora our tool Come Forthar.dQitn Hurting Fsst V'3af Comphie Comfort This expert, who is one of the St.'.ffof Dr. W'm. M.ScI oil, the noted specialist nnd recognized (cct .-uithorlty is ; He to tell at once what the real cause of your,fxt tiuuhlc i. He knows feet as a dentist docs tcclh or ab an archiltct does houses. x Tfwtjsa DCS choU Apptianw orPjD)utyIbrEFxtTnx(tt No matter how simple or how serious your fool trouble is, he can tell you (and show you) hew to gain Immediate Relief and a rapid correction of the difficulty. Remember the dates. Je sure to come in. Everybody welcome. K. K. K. STORE "Watch Dfo&rFeet" NOTICE There will be practice of the dogrce team of Prosperity Hobeknli Lodge fonlght. There will be Initiation on Thursday, and all members are urged to attend the meeting tonight Uy order of Georgia Sloan, Noblo Grand. PELICAN CIAHFH Will WIJiWR Tho White 1'oiu.nii hotel has bow closod Its doorH to the icnersl public for the winter month). A number o( pormoncnt rohlonts IH occupy Uwlr quurtcrs thcro turnout the winter, bt Uio houso lll nut bu 'opW lontH, and no dliiliiK norvlce will U maintained. &4rfririr&famteHM , - - - - - vtvvvvwv-vv--- pr t SMrVWWWWWW VVMWajaaaMsaaMsslsaf OBSERVE VWssesMWBjAasAJa I Meatless Tuesday 1 And Help Feed Our Soldiers In compliance with the request of the Ualtecl Mates Food Admlnlstrsi lion, we have arranged a special tneau for tomorrow,' aad will ronUaue ts rooiieraU With the Food Admlnirat Inn on Mth Tuesdar. 0 ,on Ur-,. deemed necessary. We Will Me Tuesday Popular ! z Doing without the ordinary meat on Tuesday need not be a sacrM on your part, as we have prepared a most delightful ' mena, laaf chicken, fish, rabbit, oysters, vsaeUble entries, etc.. which wUl pror treat. We will melee It a pleasure for you to help save to feed our i Stake It a point to visit the Res Oafs tomorrow. REX CAFE BY. t m e ' i (oidten. rr i' i Z&J&& '"?,l ii-