fc ; WP& ?m -51 i)i:ci:miiku , ini7 VS "' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i , r 'JE' i paob mmam ' ' 91 L -' An Engine That Digests Low-Grade Gas and Makes , High Power Out of It r The thing about the great Chalmers engine that ; counts is the fact that it actually digests the gas fed to (it (and low-grade gas especially). Everyone knows now that the grade of gasoline 'is on the decline, and that probably high-grade gas, or even the gas of a year ago, will never come back. 'And like a man who has been on a high-grade diet and is suddenly given a low-grade diet, many engines in automobiles now have gasoline indigestion. j The Chalmers engine digests gas probably as no engine ever before has done. It . makes high power out of low-grade gas. It makes gasoline work harder than gasoline ever worked before. Anyone who knows anything " about an engine knows that the everlasting riddle has been to get the gas in just exactly a 100 condition of vapor jn the " combustion chamber before ignition. The great Chalmers engine has accomplished this so far as any engine probably ever will be able to do, by means of two clever devices. One is a "hot spot" feature which heats and "breaks up" the gas after it leaves the carburetor and before it gets to the intake manifold. The other is the "ram s horn" manifold that, by means of its "easy air bends," sends the gas to the combustionchamber well-nigh perfect. Hence, more power out ot less gas. On a cold day remarkably quick results in; starting flrp rYtrrtA No longer a 10-minute fight -with your engine. And as soon as the Chalmers eriginerstarts it runs smoothly . and delivers power quickly. , ,M Often cars take ten minutes.of running tov warm 'them up." , But not so with the current Chalmers.'1, !' And if you weren't u shrewd judge of anlautomo bile, you might overlook some of the other notable features of the current Clialmers great has become 1 the achievements of its engine. ) ' Go down to our salesroom and let us showyou the Jjreat Chalmers engine and he perfection of the current i . ian TOWN CAR LANDAULET 11025 TOURING CAR, 7.PASSENGER tS35 TOURING ( SEDAW - - J J LIMOUSINE, 7-PASSENGER 292$ ,TOUR,NOpAR ,.PA8SENuER 14H CABRIOLET, -PfERJ77 J0USINe' LANDAULET P2$ TANDARD ROADSTER - - fl4M TOWN CAR, '-PASSENGER " o0T NOTICB ALL PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT SUBJECT T.O CHANGE WITHOUT MUl 1 , , Dunham Auto Co. Klahiath Falls, Oregon "mSBamBmmSjnJSBB) Chilean Woman Is Acquitted Following a penHatloiml local battle at Mlnuola, N, Y Mrs. llliinclii! Do t'aultM, (i noted Chilean beauty, was rarrrT'i.duiiiMUiaw,Mmwi,;a' g v 4''' - yr l Ht &Mjfrirfym s iSHaHEiBflmmBiBmmHBmmmmBBmmmmmmmmmm 'vf wt a mzm r-yc &u2.'v,' zzz!zrxvri 'T'"rx!s.at'rsssxr;s .MRS. BIANCA. acquittrd Saturday night of the raur-i der of per divorced husband, John L. DeHaules, a noted Yale athlete. The woman was freed on the grounds of I Red Cross Will Aid Starving Poles WASHINGTON', .1). C, Dec. 3. The gercral pcnulatlon, Infants and i-nnll children in particular, living In that part of Poland back of the Oer iiiiui linea, who aro threatened with starvation, are the objects of an ap-, prupilntton of $200,000, Immediately' nv.'iliablc, which has Just been made by Hip American Ued Cross. ThU money will bo paid In two Install ments of $100,000 each, to the War-, ?avf Follsh commltltee, of which Prince Lubsniirskl, the president of; Warsaw City, and Archbishop Kakow skil of Warsaw are members. The entire present generation In Poland is facing immediate starva tion. The Red Cross has been asked to furnish relief by sending food, as was done In Belgium. The present donation has been made with the Idea of extending some Immediate re lief. This money will be furnished the Ready for the Wisconsin Fight Y.l1-.'xW.Wi .t.VSl JbatPH e. OAVica JosoDh E. Davis, member of the Fed eral Trade Commission, Is going into the Wisconsin senatorial fight to win the seat of the late Senator Paul Hub tnlg. Inasmuch as Senator La Follette has announced he would take part In the contest, It la likely to be one 'of the Boost bitter known la years. vf ik ,: .m- kJbbIbbbbbw bbbbbbbbbhh f bbbbbbbbhbIbbV oi Murder liipaiiity.'tho dofenge proving that she wiih mentally deranged at the time of die Minuting, which occurred on the Xr yr r A ' . yA ': 4' "kff&ii DC. 5AUtLtS: night of August 3d, at Long Island. The trouble which led to the shodt- lug was caused over the custody Of their child, a boy of 4 years. v. ureuw Polish committee Just as soon as this committee gives adequate guarantees that the money so appro priated will not result In releasing fooj or funds for the benefit of Ger many. If proper guarantees can be secured milk iclief for Infants and small chil dren in Poland will continue after January 1, J918. OUCH! PAIN, PAIN, ACHING JOINTS IIUU STIFFNESS AWAY WITH SMALL TRIAL UOTTLK OF OLD, PKXKTRATING "ST. JACOB'S OIL" Ah! Pain Is gone! Quickly? Yes. Almost Instant re lief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing with "St. Jacob's Oil." Rub this soothing, penetrating oil rlsht on your -painful back,' and Ilk magic, relief comes. "St. Jacob's Oil" Is a harmless backache, lumbago and sciatica cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. Straighten up! Quit complaining! Stop those torturous "stitches." In a moment you will forget that you ever had a weak back because It won't hurt or be' stiff or lame. Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest, "St. Jacob's Oil" from your druggist no and get this lasting relief. Adv. MEAT INJURIOUS TOTHE KIDNEYS TAKE SALT! TO FLUSH KIDNEY IF 1ACK HURTS OR ILAODBR OTHKRS if you must have roar meat dav. eat it. but flask your kidneys with ' salts occasionally, says a noted aathsr- uv wno leiia aa uwi i w add which almost paralyses tfct kJeV RUB RHEUMATIC am fcrnvtMr .to tkekleetf. Tfcer weakea, ta ym titer. wKk a 4all aUsery ta Um Maaty regtea, aaarp aalaa la tka aaek or sick headache, dii- slaees, roar stoawoa soars, toagao to coated aai waoa tka. weather Is sad yon have tfcoaatttle twlagos. The urine gets cloady, fmllof sedlBMBt, the cnaaneU often get sore tad irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during tka night To neutralise these Irritating adds, to cleanse the kidneys and flash off the body's arlnous waste get four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful In a4 glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. Ibis famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush' and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralise the acids in urine, so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot in jure, and makes a delightful efferve cent lithla water drink. Adv. Money to lean on city and country property. See Chlleott. 27 MILL MEN WANTED All winter Job for experienced mill men and lumber pliers. Big wages, ex cellent mesa house; fine cabins; elec tric lights;, men's club house. Tele phone to Modoc Lumber Co., Chiloquln, Oregon. 27-tf Court bonds of all kinds executed while you wait See Chlleott. 27 The Pioneer Accident Company of America The Travelers. .See Chit cot. 27 PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH MOM You reel fine In a few moments. Your cold In bead or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passage ot your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous dlsahargea or dry ness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a Uttle ot this fragrant anti septic cream In your nostrils, let 11 penetratcthrough every air passage of the head; soothe and heal tlje swollen, Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes-Instantly. It Is Just what evory cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay ituffed up and miserable. Adv. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Telia why everyone ehoald drink BBdBBbdnek haVJaaakaBaL eWtvTV eVIBMIwnj Why Is man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous, despondent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days really inca pacitated by illness. If we would all practice inside-bathing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thousands of half-sick, anaemic-looking souls with pasty, muddy complexions we should see crowds ot happy, healthy, rosy- cheeked people everywhere. The rea son Is that the human system does not rid itself each day of all the waste which It accumulates under our pres ent mode ot living. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the sys tem nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out, else It ferments and forma ptomaine-like poisons which are absorbed into the blood. Just aa necessary as It Is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day before the fire will burn bright and hot, so wa must each morning clear the (aside organs ot the prevtoua day's accumulation ot indigestible waste and body toxins. Men and women, whether sick or well, are advised to drink each morning, before breakfast; a glass ot real, hot water' with a tea spoonful ot limestone phosphate in It, as a harmless means ot washing out ot the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the Indigestible material, waste, aour bile and toxins; thus cleaaiag, sweetealag and purifying tka aatlre alimentary canal before nutting mora food Into the stomach. Millions of people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, add stomach, aorreua days andjaleep. leas nights aave become real cranks about thn moratag Inside bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not coat muck at the drug store, but la uclaat to demonstrate to any baa lu etanaslag, sweetening and freeaaalu upon tka system.-Ad IIMIllUlllim w w w- -W-W-ar'W-W-ar mtiitltnm jliiii - "-- - ' " v How About Your Nail.? i One naturally takes pride, m well manicured nails and attractive' fingers. A few minutes a day can be well spent in the care of the nail. Mere's a list of our mani curing facilities. NtHF.U,' rUIFW pMIRmi NdSdMtnt i NtH Cbamtr Cntkb Stick .Ntaaaffm CM Kahw OGr.WJStkto Scad Paper Strit Hit a look t our manlcurlaf -Mrlei ir our pltuur to show thna. We Invito Yarn wKZ. KLAMATH TALIS OtXOOHwgfVI . nfe ""Arxinsar JUL PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN O. CLEGHORX County Surveyor Civil Engineer City & County Abstract Co. ARTHUP B. WILSON 617 Mala St. FARBI LOANS AT 8 PER CENT FLAT DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physlclaa t Bargooa Salto'211, 1. O. O. F. Temple (over K. K. k. Store) Pbone 881 . . Res. Plane, 95SR (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Falls.) W. D. MILLER Roofing Contractor Malthold, Tar and Oravel Root ing. Roof Coating. 'Repair Work a Specialty. 232 B. Sixth Street Pbone 293. NOODLES AND CHOP SUEY AT ALL HOURS Ladles' and GentlemetVa Trade Solicited 6o Matn St, at Center EAUTY PARLORS Mrs.GraceLPro$$cr Hair dressing Scalp Treatment Manicuring ... Shampooing .. Private rooms for ladles. All latest fads In hair dressing. Your patronage sollelted. Office, Room 1 WHITE SUILDINO Hours 0 a. m. to S p. m. New CUy Iawdry Wa Guarantee OuV Wark. : Shlrto and Cellars Laundered. Wa also wash silk, weel, and aei ered gods vary carefully. Try JM enea and be convinced. Cwprioai are right Phena 1M. V 1 9.7 FVuirtk fitoikft I Sack af Plrat I Tern! ' MWCMWWWWKWt -,ajgl1TTTTTWi'TLmfca.tf remn isi (SI :so. 1.00;H Nknl too n VO,ll tH m t H 3 Ml J ' "s m $i U 8 Ml f vi V ' ,t . ;? ." 'ly 7 it ,xm .jm m& (IT rvwie -K-'L ?-v-?te., )&& :t zcpi mm ,1 - v hM: V: Ht;1