W !' Urf 3: rMBTWO TfctErmg Herald IZJtVYO. SMITH, Editor - " ii. Bentfs(UsfcsA.Ss. FOR SALE MWMMWWKMMMMMMMM FOB SALB Piaao, almost new, or will trade far aato. laeure "' """"" atmt t SMt i FOR SALE ICO acre timber land oa Bryant mountain; wilt take used ante to part pay. Ford preferred. For tanker, particulars addreat W. W., ear HaraM. 1-1S K FOWMlil.aVMrT Home sewing ma- ehiae, Vlctrola and recorda; both ao; cheap. 14 Lincoln at. l-4t FOR RENT Jy- MIMIMIMIMMWIMMMIMMM 10 RKNT Storage roem, eoavsn last loeatloa; Unas reaaoaable. ApaV 3. ., Herald met. lS-tt HELP WANTED l SAWMILL rsteaaaa wasted at Lamm Laiaber company mill, Modoc Point 3e-tf COOK K0U8B laakey wanted at the i Lamber company mill, Modoc se-tf LOST AND FOUND LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN Bay born. alight scar abOTe boot oa left free fast Reward for Imfontatloa Isaeasg to recorery. O. Wabbleo, Klam a Falls. Phone JWW. 3Mt MISCELLANEOUS MILL MSN WANTED AU winter Job frr experienced mill ana aad lamber big wagee; excellent mess Baa easts; etoetrle lights; aaoaBbaoass. Telepbeae to Modoc ' Co, Cailotjala, Oregon. U-U WANTED TO BUT Fifty bead of at tbe Bias Front Ban at X4t WANTED-Oae bandred cattle to feed itha for fl. Robt E. Ore- I H7. 2Mt FOE SALE US acres grain land; on ww railroad; fenced; good granary; only $25 per aero; easy J. . WARS CO., 181 HOUSTON ) OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY tiCCMBIR 1 and 2 tW first of tka Famoas Ooldwln Pic- taresFeataxing MAC MARSH IN '. -POLLY OP THE CIRCUS" -: STAR THEATER ;ijT,.Sereen'e.reateet Conquest, Beerge M. Cohan -'totMe Baas1! favorite comedian in bis initial play, a pietariutloa of his greatest stag eecess, "BROADWAY JONES" Baaday aad Monday Must Fuw Art Present Beea Owens' In .... O. Heavy Deafcfcifal story &, 4 , "MADAMS BO-PEEP" Jt-'g Hmaa; It's Gripping; It's filled wltbMaaMr, Thrill and Romance. 4 Alas No. t Trtasste Oosseay U'iUi J j- TEMPLE THEATER MsBaBl Film Cerperatlen presents " William Heeeell In "BMACKLIS OF THI TRUTH" a Mattr Dratae la Flvo Fsru a miaAtMif fiAMaJv Jf RRV VTH ftAILBOAD" ,A tHmm frets Start to Finish s ' aasasrosyat taa eetiaas at " all .Aa,, g-g.-- eaaShtafi Ji'iili"-'" '' " " " HIi in as Vat UaHes tataat t ; - .. ifcTOlPAV. PBCKMBKB 1, lSIT Feast HOUSTON'Cl laMwshlhMir i.m-V$m r.- jraa ,mwv-3 a &inmi i. r c i 4 tt. ' BIsjaaahsIsMSaaa la '.-J "IBM WOtiAR DC WHITE'' ?M'A aiasjlirtgl sis ml photoplay 3mm WRala Colllas Fanioae :WBsgaiMaMM. - L .TtasMBAnnasnasS ..-.v,1-' " eVsffaaBBHBBasVr FATBBIREmS wmm mm VAST QUANTITIES OF COINS IE. INQ 8HIPPE0 FROM SAN FRAN CISCO MINT TO EASTERN MON EY CENTERS ' SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 1. San Francisco Is sending a stream of small corns east to end the shortage there. Superintendent T. V. Shanahan of the local mint recently shipped 1,200,000 dimes In 120,000 lots to New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis, and at the same time sent 2.000,000 pennies to the San Francisco sub-treasury to be sent to Pacific Coast points. Shanahan says that Washington has called on the San Francisco mint to help break the small coin shortage in eastern centers, and the local institu tion is working as it neter worked be fore. From November 1 to 22 tbe mint struck off 20,000,000 pennies, dimes, quarters and halves. Most of these have been sent to eastern and other Pacific Coast points. Shanahan says the holiday season is also lending im petus to the output of small coins. The Pioneer Accident Company of America The Travelers. See Chit cate. 27 OREGON SKIPPER IS ACQUITTED OF BOOTLEGGING ASTORIA. Dec. 1. Because the state failed to show that Captain Carey, master of the "steamer F. A. Cllburn, was responsible for bringing Intoxicating liquors aboard his ship or that he even knew of the presence of the liquor there, the court ordered the case against the skipper dismlssd. Charges against three members of tbe crew were also dismissed, but the bail of three other members, who ap pealed their cases and failed to appear, was forfeited. Money to loan on city and country property. See Chllcote. 27 NOTICE TO GROCERY CUSTOMERS Beginning Monday. December 3, tel ephone orders will, be received up till 11 o'clock for afternoon delivery. Mon day afternoon telephone orders will be received up till 5 o'clock for delivery tbe following morning, and so on, each day, until Saturday, when two deliv eries will be made, one at 7 a. m., and one in the afternoon, for which orders must be in by 12 o'clock. No special deliveries will be made. Klamath Dept Store, Van Riper Bros., . Roberts & Whitmore, Sunset Grocery. 30-2t Court bonds of all kinds exeouted while you wait 8ee Chllcote. 27 William A. Brady In association with WORLD PICTURES Presents ROBERT WARWICK IN "Friday.lhe 13th" Btory by Thomas W. Lawson, "directed by Emlle Cbautard, with all tbe attending thrills which marked its advent on the stock market when it was fresh from Mr. Lawson's scintillating ' pen. Saturday, Dec. 1 Orpheis Theatre BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBESUvBjnB FMSBVf swnw"aaa gaBBBa MsMTrldaytU' - THE EVENING "Father of U.S. Navy- Dies In New Hampshire CONCORD. N. H., Dec. 1 William Eaton Chandler, secretary of tbe navy under President Arthur, died yester day. in a lifetime of endless political sctlvlty and almost continuous con troversy, the one title freely accord ed by men of all partlea to William Baton Chandler waa that of "Father of the United Statea Navy." Aa sec retary of the navy under President Arthur, Mr. Chandler, on June 11,'tlon la 1901 by Henry G. Durnham. 1S83, approved the plan for the re-IHIs radical views on railroad leglsla organization of the navy, which re-! tlon, which brought htm In opposition suited in the development of tbe pros-, to republican party leaders, wero re- ent lighting fleet. Born at Concord, N. !!., December 28. 1935. Mr. Chandler was educated at academies in New Hampshire and! Vermont, aad was graduated from the Harvard law school at tbe age of It, One of his classmatea at the lair school waa Joseph H. Choate. He en tered politics at once, served three terms In the New Hampshire houae of representatives aad was elected speaker of the honse when hot 17 years old. His first entrance Into na tional political affairs was as one of the founders of tba republican party and a supporter of Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln appointed him ao- SECOXD HAND DEALER ACCUSED OF RECEIVING STOLEN GOODS FROM BOYS 18 UP FOR TRIAL MONDAY MORNING The first case to be called on the new docket of the CIrcalt. Court Mon day morning will bw that of the state against Fred Plum, who la charged wltn-recelTlBg stolen goods. It was alleged 'la the examination held In the justice court that 'Plum received a number of brass faucets from young boys, which were stolen from beer kegs In the old brewery at the west end of Mala' street Plum was operating a second hand store at this time, and it was claimed that he encouraged the boys to get more of the stolen articles. Rutenlc A Yaden are defendant's attorneys. Other cases so far listed on the CIRCUITCOURT OPENS MONDAY UOUSTON OPERA M Satvdty and Sunday Teiigk aid Towhtow Night Goodwin Presents May Marsh -IN- A REMARKABLE FHOTO-SPKCTACLI FROM THI CELE BRATED FLAY BY MARGARET MAYO Extra Attraction IN CONNECTION WITH THI ABOVE Uncle Sams Musical Review WILL BB PRBSBNTBD BY A GROUP OF KLAMATH FALLS YOUNO LADIES. Prices 15c and 35c FBRFORMANCB STARTS ATS F. M. HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON llcltor and Judge advocato general of the navy In 1865, and threo months later he became first assistant score- .' Iimt nt ttta lM,tti,v While secretary of the navy Mr. Chandler organised the expedition which, under the command of Captain Wlnfleld S. Schley, went to the relief of tbe Oreely Arctic exploration par ty. Fourteen years of service In the United States senate ended when Mr. Chandler was defeated for renomlna- sponstble for this defeat. During the remainder of "his life Mr. Chandler made many attacks on what he con sidered the undue Infiuenco exerted by railroads la New England politics. His. last federal position was that of president of the Spanish war claims commission, to which he was name! by President McKlnley In 1901 and reappointed by President Roosevelt. Mr. Chandler's legal talent was dh. played when, as chief counsel, he car ried thru many stages In slate and federal courts the suits In which It waa sought to break the will of Mrs. Mary Baker O. Rddy, founder or the Christian Science church. court calendar are: December 4th, W. E. Seehorn vs. Kay Loosely, a civil acjtloa over a supply of hay. December 6th, State vs. J. P. Sat-terlee.- December 10th, State vs. Lorenten and Byres. OREGON FRATS MAY FEEL NEW WAR TAX EUGENE, Dec. 1. According to a ruling of Milton A. Miller, collector of Internal revenue for this district, col lege fraternities are liable to a 10 per cent war tax. Under a recent na tional ruling, social organizations must pay a war assessment Collector Miller holds that college fraternities and oth er social organizations are not neces sary adjuncts to the college, and should pay tbe tax. His ruling was made with reference to fraternities at the' Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis, whose Initiation fees and dues are more than $12 per year. The tax of 10 per cent also is expected to be assessed upon University or Oregon fraternities and sororities. Investigate the new low cost poli cies of the Travelers, and you'll want to algn en ths dotted line. 8ee Chll cote. 27 HOUSE Circus HOME PRODUCTS WEEK December 3d to 8th has been made official by the governor's proclama tion. It therefore now becomes' a patriotic duty of ovary Oregonlan to buy one Christmas present made In, On-son. Our store Is chock run or useful and sensible Christmas pres ents, made In Oregon, and we want everyoiio to know that a small dea posit will rescro any article we have, either for present or ChrUtmns do livery, ltr JOHNSTONE FURNITURE CO. Successful buslnssa men carry Mrs, life, accident and health Insurance. Oct a policy from Chllcote. - 27 (No. 111.) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bask of Bouiza at Ronanza, In tho state of Oregon, at tho close or business, November 20, 1917: RESOURCE8 Loans and discounts .... SG3.S0e.Srti Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 38&.G9 Ootids and warrants ... 150.95 Ranking house 6,000.00 Furniture and fixtures . . 1,600.00 Due from banks (not re serve banks 30,243.95 Duo from approved re serve banks 19,998.41 Cash on hnnd G.634.9,6 Total 1117.308.71 LIAIULITIES Capital stock paid In . . . 115,000.00 Surplus fund, 1 ,200.00 Undivided profits, lcs ex penses and taxes paid. l,8?0.2fi Individual deposits sub ject to check 72.085.97 Demand certificates of de posits l,280.7'i Cashier checks outstand ing 731.80 Certified checks 5.50 Time and savings de posits 24,984.43 Reserved for interest and taxes 150.00 Totnl 1117.308.71 State of Oregon, County or Klamath ss: I, Dewey D. Horn, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. DEWEY D. HORN, Cashier. Correct Attest: IX Q. HORN, JNO. S. HORN, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of November, 1917. LUCRETIA C. HORN, Notary Public. My commission expires January 8, 1920. No. 7. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First State & Sarkifs Baik At Klamath Falls, In the State of Ore gon at tbe close of business November 20, 1917 RESOURCES Loans and discounts . . . .$813,435.54 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 5,331.95 Bonds and warrants .... 86,588.76 Stocks, securities, Judg ments, etc 9,542.99 Furniture and fixtures . . 8,297.29 Other real estate owned. . .24,450.05 Due from banks (not re serve banks) Due from approved re serve banks , Checks and other cash Item 8,271.77 Exchanges for clearing house 2,037.79 Cash on hand 49,326,62 Total $1,186,245.22 LIABILITIES Capita! stock paid la ...$'60,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. 17.050.15 Dividends unpaid 200,00 Individual deposits sub ject to check 864.420.29 Cashier checks outstand ing 25.342.82 Certified checks 7S0.14 Time and Savings de posits 218,481.82 Total $1,186,245.11 State, of Orsgoa, County of KJamath. ss: I, Joha Sleasas Jr.. cashier of the bore named bask, do solemalr wear that the above statement Is true to tbe best of my knowledge aad belief. JOHN SIEMENS. JR.. CSshlsr. Correct Attest: J. W. SIEMENS, OEO. W. BALDWIN, Directors. Subscribed aad aworp to before me ibis 21th day of November, 1917. L. W, MBHAFFEY, Notary Public. My commission expires March 9, 1910. NOTICE Klamath Lodge No. 77, A, F. A. M will hold a special meeting Monday, December 1, 1917, Work In the K, A. Degree. By order of the W. M, A. E. Elder, Bec'y. 6LASS Of SALTS CIEANS KIDNEYS IF YOUR BACK HURTS OF BLAD DER BOTHERS YOU, DRINK LOTS OF WATER 9 When your kidneys hurt and your back feela sore, dont get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kldneya and Irritate the entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of tho kldneya la to filter the blood, la 24 hours they strain from It SO grains of acid and waate, so wo can readily understand the vital Importance of keeping tbe kidneys ac tive. Drink Iota of water you cant drink too much: also get from any pharma cist about four ounces of J ad Salts; take a tableapoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kldneya will act It'a Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Ad. fine. This famous salta Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juoce, cdmblned with llthla, and haa been used for generations to clean and stim ulate clogged kidneys; also to neutral Izo tbe acids In tbe urine so It no long er Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jsd Salts Is Inexpensive; caanot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their Kiuneys ciean ana acuve. ATy wis, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of ) our kidney trouble and backache. Adv. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY-TRY THIS! Says gist of bet' water with pheephau before breakfast washes eyt aetaena,' To see the tjnge of beslthy bloom In your face, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, to wake up with out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty bresth, In fsct, to feel your best, day In and day out, lust try Inside bsthlng every morning for one week. Before breakfast each day, drink a glass of real hut water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In It as a harmless means of washing from the stomsch.llver, kidneys and bowels the previous dsy's Indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, $ Water Costs Money And Is Too Valuable to Waste Facts about water you ought la knew. Leaks ars sometimes out of sight. Seme valves and ball cocks are not St to use. Seme toilets require too much water to flush. Ask the watsr company or a reliable plumber for advice. It will be gladly and freely given. Leak Thru open ing ef 1-4 111. Bssaaaaal 3-16 in.-1-8 inch 1-16 inch 1-32 inch -Jilt DriffMg CALIFORNIA. OREGON POWER COMPANY MTCimiv, iiwiainKit i, 1T WELCOME Says Early Bird to Early Xmas Shoppers The metw iikkIIu means n great ileal to iiuo uImi are rnrcful ciioiikIi to buy before the umuiiI ClirUtmas itmli, we ro not too lmr now tu gUe ymi rry at tention nml help u select "Ilia" Rifts. We are prepared to make the UrgcNt slum Ink of use ful pnwents till year, and yon will finvr. m trouble tnaklUK RtMxl weleitlmi AT SUGARMAN'S (To be mntlnuiil) .MILL MEN WANTED All winter Job for ixperlenctd mill man and lumber pliers. Big wagts, tx cedent mess house; fine csblni; site trie lights; men's club house. Ttlt phone to Modoc Lumber Co., Chlloquln, Oregon. 2711 DANCE AT SHIPPINQTON Don't forget the rexulnr Saturday night dance at ShlpplnKton hall. 21-41' A good agent gives s good client a good policy In a good company. Get a good one from Chllcote. 27 Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. F., meets Friday night. R. A. Kmmltt, N. O., Nate Otterbeln, Secretary. Kwauna Encampment No. 46, 1. 0. O. F., meets Tuesday night, R. A. Emmllt. C. P., L. J. Ilean, Scribe. tttJ Cf-S HHN$MMNtMfr4rKN$N Cu. ft ef Wstsr wasted per month At Cost ef 54630 30660 13650 3440 850 60 $38.22 '21.40 13.65 5.10 1.27 .10 m Ma ' .a