IJ Cs r ',. . .'. .$! VAT ovx ?lyHtf ! vr if:i .--TM , . : 'j& &'im$$ 3V lEiunmtg ItEratl i i . ,. r?rw:.s!Wt;. OFPICIAL NBWIPAPER OP KLAMATH? COUNTY nwwrtrtAs. mwiMMHi:: i OF XLAHAT m: ' '' JJT Twelfth YearNo. a.i7 - . jm . i(n KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER!, 1917 ' z9amjmfimaji A . -v. ? ,-., ... 'j. ...liii , ' a aaaaaaaaaai f , i ;rrfg.a.i . - i 'It . . . t&-gm&jm'i cwriwv tdiuc ta Drr aim i act r DmTMTv -.fV p.;i h' t .. ..',. I I H II V II II k II 1 III Ha. I H m Lam I I H I H H 1 I H tB I a. H 1 1 "fl ib bbbW if ' I al Vfl l I I I I I I aB III 'I M'l a I PS "M a I l BY'H ' I cVflaKf"! I Jl 1MJ111 I I lllUII I m 11 111 If 111 I I ill I I 111 1 if U ;;1 w : ' Jga v aaaaai 1 earn 4b aa VJMBBaBBaliaaT am kar aaV Vaiaaaal Lavaa aaawl J daaaa tWa al VJb "B awliPP OFFENSIVE BY GERMAN TROOPS IS BLOCKED nitlTIHH WITHIHIAW THOOI'H AX1 UNH AT I-1HHT ATTACK AND HVPFKIt HMAI.fi I-OSHE8. NO GUNS CAITVHKO SITUATION HKIUOUH tX)It HllonT,W6 ,0 mftk ,hU "nouncement p- TIMK, BUT NO CAl'HK FOB l'N KAHINKH8 RKlOHTK TODAY. UKKMAN VUHHKH Hi-UVV URITI8II IIBAUQUAUTKH8 PKANCK, Dee. I. A torrluc rouutur - attack- has been launched by the Gcr. roans in the vicinity kf Cambrlu, which haa taxed tho fighting powers of the llrltUh to tho utmost. Tho turning movement boKnn yes teiday, but tho Hrltlsh were nblo to pnll back, most of their troops and guna nt tho first ullnck, and snvn them from being cnught. 8o far n bus boon learned, no Hrlt lsh guna were captured, Tho Oormun casuultlea wore exceedingly large, mid the Drlttah probably lost n consider able number of men. Thcro l no concealing the fact that tho enemy gave the British an uncomfortnblo hour or two, but tho situation today la not, one to causo particular uncusl. BM8. Some scattered British in the front lines have been captured, but most or the troona have boen anfoly with- drawn. Some ground has been lost, but unless unforsoen events arise, tho German plana havo boon frustrated, with the inflicting of serious losses on them. The fjghtlng Is still In prog ress, and tho Drltlsb are counter at tacking. LOCAL COUPLKH HKKK BKI'AKATION m.. . .11 j.... ..J granted yesterday by Circuit Judgo D. V. Kuykendall: Sadie. Ford from James tford. Dorothy Mne Jacobs from Liutiir i. Jacobs, and M. D. Woeka from Bugene Wooka. The case of Alpha Henry against William Henry waa dismissed. The action of A. K. Hamilton against Mary G. Hamilton and! May Stanley against Julius Clifford Btnnloy were trlod, but the reaulta havo not been announced, Big Fight Being Made Against Freight Increase ;'1wa.hVnWn, d. cd., iSiWiS d.part.ntf agriculture ban, jg ,, ".nd am- that rotested to'thsylntsrstate Commerce ogher tes would prevent the pro Coaatuionagalnst the proposed In-, ouction BSedd for; war. ", erf limber fralfht ratsi from P a proteit of th. Wl Umett. Valisr UiTWuiamcUe Valley. l"W "" m ........ nri--- Him INSPIRING ME TALK MADE LASTWEEK UVSTNIGHT KXOIXKKUH I'OMXIW ADVANCING IIHITIKH WITH ItAllillOAl) KX. AIIMN(i TIIKM T) HOLD CAP TUItKII TKItUITOHV 1IUITIKII AltMY IIKAUQUAU TKHU. Dec. l.Tlio American Kngi nccrH, which were (ho first American troom cnnngcd In military operations on the Hrltlsh front, took a proml nont ptirt In the breaking of the Hln denburg lino last week Military necessity made it imposal. I viwimi. t no viiBtiiauio jiuoucu u Vui railways behind the advancing Urltlitli, making it posslblo for them I to hold tho ground gained. They had I been working In thp Somme district for four months. Two Americana I wounded ttjero -jvpro tho first Araerl- ,N,can cuaualtiea announced from Waah- ingtou FOR EXAMS HHVKN OCT IF TIIIKTKKN IK) NOT ASK FOK KXKMITION AND AHK (LLKD 1XTO MILITARY 8KH-YICr-WlliL LKAVK BOON Four men who were summoned to appear boforo the local board last Wednesday for the selective draft ex. amlnatlons failed to report, and have mmlo no explanation thus far for ,,., failure to do to. Two aro reg fufsklAfl fit Klamath Falls and two from California points, the men ore Theodore Dlmotracopulos, 908 Sec ond street, Sncramento; Theodore Ituylns, Klamath Falls; Jim Barron, Klamath Falls, and Joseph Severn Wlllatto, Liverraore, Calif. Bovou of those who were examined huvo successfully passed the tests and hnvo not applied for oxemptfon. They hnva nnw hcon called legally Into the service of tho United states,, aiino tho dato of their departure for the trolnlng camp has not been announc- . cd. The men are as louow.. - niniiKon Roy Shelby, Medford. John Clemens I.ebhery, Merrill. Clarence Volnoy Moody, Malin. Frank Dock, Hlldebrand. Kern M. Uhrlne, Algoma. Jameg Uda Underslll, Keno. Karl Hlchards, Klamath Falls. mm TO REPORT I - ri - irini - ii - ii i mum COI.f MMA lUNIVKHHITV PltOKES. Will MAKI HI'I.KNDII) ' AD DIIKHH TO ni'HINKHH MKX OF KUtMATII I'AI.I-8 MKN OATH Kit INKOIIMAM.Y AT THK KLK8 TK.Ml'I.H Gathered around a choerful fire In tho beautiful lobby of the Elks' Tem ple last nlgbt, a large representation of the business men of this city spent a most enjoyable and prontablo even ing, listening to an Inspiring talk by Professor Irving E. Vlnlng of Colum bia University. In his subject of Business Psychol ogy, Professor Vlnlng made It very apparent that the problems coming under this head wero of the moat every day nature. A glowing tribute to tbe marvelous possibilities of the Klamath section and to the enterprise of the pooplo here, was made In his introductory remarks. Tbe great de velopment ahead of tbts country., be ' i'J. V. m .1.1 .itt.'.U. salu, win require iruiu iuc k,cua that quallty'of nerve which has made James J. Hill and J. Plcrpont Morgan ble leaders of the nation. The qual ity of nerve which, when a decision is finally made regarding a venture will causo Its promoter to risk every dol lar he has In the world, and throw his life's energy into its accomplish ment, Piofessor Vlnlng said, Is neces- snry for tho winner. The man who bets on the sure thing Is not the man who does the most for his country. Find your field of endeavor,, ad vises Professor Vlnlng, which -does not mean simply somo trade or pro fession, but rather the unfulfilled de sires of tho people surrounding. A community, In order to grow as It should, must also find this field of en dcavor the same as an Individual and forget personal desires In order that tho district as a whole may advance. The power of will Is vitally necessary nt the bealnnlng of any enterprise, but with Its progress Interest takes urn niAiA of will, and tne joy oi achievement carries the creator on to Its accomplishment. A capacity for hard work, entnusi nsm and character were the three qualities searched for In a young man by the late James J. Hill. In entering an institution of any kind, keep any criticisms you may have In mind to yourself until you have won prominence and respect of your fellows thru the observance of their conventions, and then Buggest your Improvements. o a-mat was the Interest displayed In the lecture, and so enthusiastic ivai-a h hearers, that after the talk had been concluded Mr. Vlnfng was prevailed upon to give a second short talk on the existing war conditions, which was one of Intense interest. LOCAL BOY TO ENTER SERVICE Albert H. Loewe left On the noon train yesterday for Ban Francisco, nrmmrntorv to entering the quarter master's department of the United state service. Mr. Loewe has Deen notified that there Is a vacancy in the tailoring department of thla branch, and that he can be used In this Place. Hm has bean very prominent In the Mimnlc and Elks lodges during his years of residence In Klamath Falls, and leaves a host of friends n tnis district.1' . -I TT : CORRECTION Thru .an error, Thursday It was sfatM that Mllo'K. 'iTeme. made a icad lieutenant at the sioond o- cars training camp at the Presidio. Mr. Temple Is a first lieutenant. "liiLii.ittitMrLjTnnrinAnLaaijinArihArinArinnrinnri - i - i - r - - i - '' '" Germans Believe .i LONDON, -bee. 1. German mewa-j asking that "peace be arranged be-.....J-..., .h- f-,.m fore the cinitaed world tadeatroyed," ...pen. think that the Lmnfedowne tmMUM ..,,,., ,nd ,how. letter publlaked In England by the that "England la now getting reas- ponticai icaaer, Marquis uuioowsv, Austria Would Welcome AMSTERDAM, Dec. 1. The Aus- tro-Hungarlan government, according to a Vienna dispatch, haa sent an otU GENERAL PUBLIC INVITED TO 'ATTEND EXERCISES TOMOR ROW EVENING, WHEN IN8PIR ING ADDRESS WILL BE MADE A large gathering is expected to morrow evening, when tne annual Q memorial exercises of the B. P. ELKS HOLD MEMORIAL. 'mutism Elks will be hem lor tne general puo-iajn llc In the hall of the Temple. Professor Irving B: Vlnlng, who k mm aimh tinlvavaal ailmlPatlAn US nvu DMVH 4aiaw ..-ww thruout Klamath County in his prevl-l ous public appearances here, will , been added to the county clerk's and make the address of the day, and , sheriff's offices since. the draft system members of the Elks order wish to( has been Inaugurated, and more is in emphasise the fact that men, women , view with the adoption of the ques and children of the community are ( tlonalres which are to be filled in by cordially urged to hear this talented .11 the men. registered. Minutes of speaker. the local board's proceedings and a The following Interesting program number of other matters will fall un it to be given on this occasion, which J der tbe care of the, new .clerk, who Is devoted by the lodge to the memory of tbelr departed .brethers: Opening "Celeste Alda-Verdl"1 Orchestra Prayer Chaplain of the Lodge A. M. Worden Duet "Rise Crowned With Light" L.AV. Mehaffey, W, L. Smithy Quartet-i-"The Vacant?Chalr,'J3 Mehaffey. Smith. Olds. Bodae" Meditation In 1st preludeBaoh-Gunod Orchestra Ritual Work Officers of Lodge "Thanantopsls'. Brother Wi S.Wiley Duet "My Rosary for You". . . .Ball Mrs. A. J. Voye Address Irving B'. Vlnlng, Ashland Lodge No. 944' Selection "Yester Thought" Herbert Orchestra Song "Auld Lang Syne' Audience .- "' Benediction Chaplain Closing Selection Orchestra Tbe exercises will commence at I o'clock. ... "' . : ' e bolsheYiki IS e REPORTED OUSTED LONDON, Dec. 1. A Fetro- arad dlieatch ays that the gov- ' arnment of Nlkol LeBlnekat ;0 e fallen anatneen sucoeeaaa mj . w coalltlea cabinet of advanced sot . .1.11.4. I. ..Wl.h w Slkiakaulkl A V CW,v.. WFWP "".-T,W-"7V.I are ripreein, ,. ,Aw S f 4 I England Is Tired unauie. - i 1-1 . T clal reply accepting ttrasRussian gov ernment's wireless proposal to enter negotiation! for an armistice and a general peace treaty. LOCAL EXEMPTION BOARD PRO VIDED WITH CLERK TO HAN DLE EXTRA WORK NECESSARY UNDER NEW DRAFT SYSTEM A new office, that of chief, clerk to tha total Mcemntion board, necessl- Uated by the extra work of the select- . ive araii sysiem, was nuea iu maui- CoUBty today, when Glen S. Cal- j ltn, previously Identified with the Klamath Record, received an appoint- . 41 la tutaltltn iuuv W KW"WM' -a vast amount of clerical work has commenced his duties this afternoon, He will have desk room In the office of tbe county clerk for tbe pres ent, at least. HOME WEDDING WEDNESDAY NIGHT The marriage of Miss Dorothy Anna Morgan to , Samuel LeRoy Tyrrell of Hornbrook.Callf;. occurred' on Wed- nesdayvevenlng' at 8 o'clock, at the family home of the bride, on Califor nia avenue. The-simple, but beauti ful, ring ceremony waa used by the minister of the First Christian church of thla city, W. E. Rambo. There I were present: The bride's parents, Mr. Snq Mrs. jonn Morgan; nsiuer and Mildred Morgan,, sisters of the bride; Johnny Morgan, her brether: Judge and Mrs: D. V. Kuykendall, Mr. and Mrs.Erllng and their three daughters, Esther, Alice and Mar guerite, ana Mrs. ueo. a. wins ana daughters, Gertrude, and Helen. An annronrlate luncheon was served, af. ter wmen tne onae cm me weuaum cake' 'with due' ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell left on Friday morning for Hornbrook,:where they will reside on their ranch. hSAD NEWS FOR LOCAL PASTOR , Rev. Y'Jii Cem'jbj In receipt of a fltter.'?. X. Wptln.' of Bums, Ore.. lued away November 31th from t3Sr-.Si.vi ' .-MM.Vrila a.d twrnfv---' " vrrrr -", --v IMin fauare. Peace NEW COUNTY nmncie Ill I U 111 VifcWJ- eJour ooys in mwurn iw hmmmw AWFUL DEEDS BEING DONE BY INVADERS "SBB3 CRIMES OF THE BELGIAN INVA 8ION ARE REPEATED NOW BY Al'BTRO-GERMAXB IN ITALY. ' FRIGHTFUL ACTS COMMITTED WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 1. Semi-official' Rome dispatches say that all the oDDresstve measurea charac tarlilnar tha Rermui Invasion of Bel- eium and many acts of absolute bar barism are now being practlced-by tbe German Invaders In Italy. Near Zenson It is reported that they have put' women and children be fore tbe troops as they advanced, compelling tbe Italians to sacrifice their Innocent countrymen. The non-comba,tants have been massacred and: homes looted'. Screams of the women and children can be heard across, the Piave River. Bosnian troops are said to have committed unnamable atrocities. FALLS THREE STORIES FROM BUILDING IN BEND WITH WHEELBARROW LOAD OF .BRICKS NOT INJURED MUCH, Roy Beck, who Is well known In this city, had a narrow, escape from death a week ago today, according to an article appearing in the Bend Press. Falling three stories from a build- in a on which he was working, with a wheelbarrow full of brick, which cor ered him as he struck the ground, be miraculously escaped death. After having his various bruises attended to at tbe hospital, he Is now able to be around again. m TEUTON ATTACKS ARE UNSUCCESSFUL noME. Dec. 1. Teuton attacks against the Itallanposltlona in Albania ten miles northwest of the Adriatic seaport of Alvona, were repulsed with heavy losses, the Italian War office an nounced. GIRMAN VOMVtOt ' V ATTACK VERDUN . PARIS, Decl Germans have violently attacked the Verdun front. Two efforts have been de? feated by the French; who. held the line Intact after a severe en- aaaement. CHRiSTIANlA.Pec. 1 -The kings of Norway; Denmark and swedes have agreed atltleefereicehVeito ' i ! I ! II . vnmnavian PiaooDS maintain their, wrdlal relatione, MijMf matter what course the warttawwjof merehMflee, . i .", B iji ii V UL.lf l'1' ItUt I I IIU I IJll'rC .til w-w.ttsmm.'3mm:, Ur I It mil" I itiir iii-if- ' ll V 'L RIHc I a Mi l'l "! nUULI 1 1 L Ikv? " a-a-aa . varfttf9 nvr.mi'PBfl Vriaarfnatt ' M ' V71AMW .WlMmww-ay. - ' A SI I'.XtEED THOSE OF OONsmttT. TIOXAL DSMOCRA1 .tMt.xnxn Yflssftstlfl ' fiTAi ISJtfc'&go-V' BERLIN RBKWTB . BW . .AW. &t. ., - -' - ,-v -' ( "IVY frtmsri strtaWVaamT: -. : -T.7, . TIUXAIi-DSMOCBAnBBaMk a. j-t-w. f'i ,WJ... :' & j .vaLwiS? I hmKt&3Ai&irjJi wl 8.fiKfirii-J0f" t' & iT ii ! vf&fM- V" Wf aSSMSSJSM flSfJBW. wcT'jrl ' DATBLEsM Beiasi Iwgy i the Germans avy, isayps;saa;jsawt Britten MmU&iemnmtUMtm - .....:; v" "- '-- -"- --.-3-5 "rt-l ".? "??'?r'?'4 $ Dma a.2d LafOUejJS) -UalJffgaaN OCs.'Sl n.in,vrifj2&fSkTfir'sae)':l "- "' .-; . .,- . . zzz.'.-i'-.tf... sutured Goanelier. and vnneree Gulslaia. '&tf&MJ:tt't:&,fr ..:' ma.-. B.ll.k - s 1. - A mm fWH rL !. ii flBMamajrI-r,.'.' " flu allr stoppt4, &'3tmmrz$ - TZ ?& - i - . . '"--. ,iZJrwA.r -a TBe rwrmnmwmmmtwi catm'to the- resulted favorably to the Boiakertkl, who gained more seats than e eeH stltuUonal &ummWXrif?? Siberia ft 'rWl: aWnt ty Jeelare) u fyt s S. Z l wv VATAI.VUVti MITCH LOWJBR . -- mM m- rf blH .W" mtlj'.ttMdfr BKAtON THAN FOR irniRAL YTR8-NOC7nNT8 EXPERT. OOaCHlN.WAS MAJjry-,; TAINED . I -ViV .1' ' jj -' . M.M mnFiwii-!4iatf I'llllli lafll'l' ,..,.i;k.i ' m r M. TAIPrli'": mm f 2 ill fnif " ..-:- XI CHICAGO, Dec.;l. Footeau awaj claimed oily twelve victims" thla. ea- ,n "whirn U arx lMaxtkaa last reaf ...-i.. W.w'i'l1K JL-. : KUU llFUl IVW,W .J. .--. . raflS Defenders ofeVgame,taya Wttofo. ed out thatoroMitaUlltyJwwei mious inlury haa .owrrs'lr lege or unlversltramrwlfleki rnniiiiriaVi unai'eznart"KTSJisa it. , ...;r.t.. Tii nnManti ware ssasisls'''t' ' . . 7l - V . TV S(5 "J! 'FT'S- In hlirh IMAOHI . i-Stl.: A . --tv PXMiA-'Sffi i' ;3 ,.v U Vsl lm:a fT :r ,i w?"-n avs :aw.rfi ThifasWslIr w ur -t-j,.ivj- -sssssr tj rrw-Mi . u juu I it KJ.iiiWatMPfjWrf v i i, y . tj4Vi.fcv,',i' - . . "..?. -?.,;?'!. OWaT.Vje TaSfesSrSPSSajpaja .14 Aaa'-aalk.-ttaV'BBPell durtag l;iJalitsi -.. -r;cA jaaskAaji W4 h&tiii .vs . ..j . iii-.r i.a t4fl i.. im ws Ai