?"W - uf 1 '. I lt 1 t"l ' 1 i$ I .j'l rx It, KOVKWEW i, llt i "j ri THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THINS Transports Make First OTMOX REPADt SHOP A A A A A it i iti A A ii i t tit TtTttVVVTT All, work guaranteed at lowest fig ure. Try us once, you will return. Electrical troubles a specialty. Delco experts. Fletcher ft Harn, 608 Klam ath avenue. 13-6t u I Class U-Boat Chasers ,0fc y - . -tHgaBBBBBBBBBBs naBBBalSitnvisBBBsAflfV- . fijiTi BrtlrBBneBB vflKlAjBfliBBsBBBinnnBBBBBBSj07irjsjr DsdiraVmHiEiiK2JM44&2BKc3iBv A?39BanBsBsmBsHI& JsrviS AN ENGINE1 YOU'LL NEVER FORGET? The great Chalmers engine, now featuring the cur- rent Chalmers car, arrived at a rare time in history. With war on, and gasoline in use now as never before, there has been one result evident probably to most every man that drives a car the rapid decline in the grade of gasoline. Engineers never expect to see a high-grade gas again. In the face of this condition now comes the great Chalmers engine, which makes high power out of low-t grade gas. - . It makes "one drop of gas now do the. work of two." It makes gasoline work as gasoline has neverworked in an autdmobile engine before. By means of an ingenious device known as a "hot spot," the gas, after leaving the carburetor, is warmed up (but not overheated) just before it enters the intake manifold. " Then by means of another ingenious device known as a "ram's-horn" manifold, it is skillfully passed on to the engine combustion chamber. The secret here is in what are known as "easy, air bends." The result is that at the time when the gas is touched off by the spark plug it is "cracked up" into a perfect vapor for 100 results. . This device in particular is one of the most notable achievements in automobile engineering, in many years. Not only do these improvements on the engine create more power out of less gas, but they also make possible a quick starting engine on a cold day. When you step on the starter button in a current Chalmers, you get results right off. And your engine begins to run with midsummer smoothness no miss ing cylinders no spitting-no hesitating-no backfire. So noteworthy is this great Chalmers engine that one is tempted to overlook other notable improve ments and perfections in the current Chalmers. They are numberless, and once evident to the eye of a wise buyer, they win him. To miss seeing the current Chalmers at our show rooms is to miss the most recent and most talked-ot car of the day. I2?"INQ CAR, S-'AUBNOER 1153 CABRIOLET, ASSENOER fuss rfrjouilME LAWDAOIW IM ANUARD ROADSTER . tiSel TOWN uw,rfTw. - . all nucn r. o. . Detroit wbject to change w..u . n.. unham Auto '-Co POllTI-AND. Nov. 19. The United! StntCK transport Great Northprn ami Northern I'Aclflc, formerly plying be tween Flavel, Ore., and San Fran cIkco, and owned By the Northern Pa. elite Railroad company, now are ready for service for the navy, ac cording to Information received by Commander E. F. Eckhnrdt'of the local navy recruiting station. With tlio Information came Instructions to recruit as many men as possible for mnnnlng these vessels, together with twenty-eight submarine chasers. Ships cooks, mess attendants, cooks for officers' mess, firemen, machinists and seamen are especially desired. The manning of .the submarine chast-rd will relieve many men of the larger naval vessels on patrol duty on west coast points for duty on the At lantic. Local recruiters claim .that young men oT the Northwest who want navy service will have unusually attractive billets In being assigned to any of these vessels. The transports are known as "floating palaces," and duty aboard the sub chasers about the Pacific Coa3t will be as attractive, they claim, as that of a crew aboard! a private yacht. These boats are 110 1 feet long, and carry a crew of twen ty-two. ADVERTISED MAIL LIST The following unclaimed mall mat ter, advertised on the 17th of Novem ber, will be sent to the Division of Dead Letters, San Francisco, on the 1st of December. A charge of one cent will be made for each letter de livered from this list. In calling say advertised. W.VA. DeUel, P. M. Frank Aschely, Mrs. W. H. Ayers, J. Brandenburg, Olo Roleo, Henry rirookfleld, Wm. Brown. C. W. Clckcr, Paul W. Clawson, Jchri Danlelskl, Mrs. Ida Dan forth, Harry Dann, W. J. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ciutli rldge, Phillip Hanks, Arthur Haydon, Mrs. H. E. Hllkey, Mrs. Florence HI1 key, A. D. Huff, Mrs, M. E. Hutch Ins, Mrs. Johnnie Jackson, Klamath Falls Lumber Co., Mrs. Irving Kes terson, K. Koofold, Robert I-amm (2), P. J. Lyle, Joe Miller, Dan Mc Cauley, D. C. Patton, Daniel Patton, A. Popenoe, Henry Savldge, Stella Selvester, D. L. Shrlner, Mrs. Sarah Smith, Outon Steuffert, Miss Estella Sylvester, J. W. Thomason, Bud Wat ters, Mrs. J. Walsh, MTfl. C, Williams. Glass of Hot Water Before Breakfast a Splendid Habit Open alulcee of the system eaeh morning anil wash way the poisonous, stagnant matter, If You Want YOUR PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING' OR YOUR HEAT. ING STOVE REPAIRED, OR LINED, CALL PHONE 414 OR 1036 MAIN ST. Fred Stickle CHEAP HOMES Four room house and fine lot on Walnat street for only giiltSO cash. This is n real abrgain. Four room house ami large lot on Michigan avenue for 98UO, oa easy terms. Chllcote, 633 Main. 16 Vuu u'lll iimwI tour antn curtain repaired for the stormy weather. Bradley Supply Co. 16-tf Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise; splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, add stom ach, lame bacjt, can. Instead, both look and feel as fresh as a delay by wash- .ng the poisons and toxins from the body with phospbated hot water each morning. " We should drink, before breakfast, a glass .of real hot water with a tea vnoonful of limestone phosphate In It to flush from the stomach, liver, kid ncys and ten yards of bowels the pre vlous day's Indigestible waste, sour, bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentary tract before putting more food into the stomach. The action, of limestone phosphate and hot water on an empty stomach is woaHrfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases, waste, and acidity and gives one a splendlid appetite for breakfast and It Is said to be but a UtUe while until the roses, .begin to appear In the cheeks. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will cost rerjr UtUe at the drug store, but is sufficient to make anyone who is bothered with btlous ness, constlpatllon, stomach trouble or rheumatism a real enthusiast on the subject of Internal sanitation. Try it, and you are assured that .you will look better and feel better in every way shortly. Adv. Two Society Suffragettes in the Clothing ' . Worn at Oqcoquan Jail Near Washington 55 4 i 1 jgrvu,- B iWi I $ I & fesvfl 3sV tiBBBfBni i S iXl v Cv! 0 at t se jff LvLbbBbBBBbbP ffi !? V" 'J!)tNsnVBsBBVPVflBsBsBsBsBslBsBsVBsBsBsBsBsB''s-: iii ' VV 1 iV'wPT'" "- x IselinelineVPSt&')eliBelineBelinelinelinelinelinelH!linelH B&WPt'' TggggSfgggggggHSgga WSflfnJmM fPnPlrMlflBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBBS gtjtfj J ,y f' 4i v-lftiiBBMnHBllBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm gasenesiewb. ..'. ".wAiy' 'SAsBBHBEBBBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBssBBBi - """ " "- , , TmSeBN.aPNNRt Passengers and Baggage Anywhere in the City Quick ServkT Reasonable Rates PHONE 1S7 Western Transfer Company ITs Here! Cornell) and See Itl JtrDkkw vPSseCeHiy The NEW4' Falrtwokf Morst , z FARM ENGINE Economical Simple Light Weight Substantial Fool-Proof Construction Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore Leak-proof Compression. G. C. LORENZ LEGAL NOTICES fr awGBWv$tf;c i' v' .?msxv ' ? i MRO. J. H, hOPKINd AND 'Mrs. J. A. H. Hopkins, chairman of the suKragettea in New Jersey, whose husband is the chairman of the pro gressive party in that state, and who 1 known to society there, and Mrs. Jeha Winter Braaaaa, dawlitar ef Charles A. Dana, are here shown la the clothing they wore for thirty days they spent in Occoquan Jail, near Washington, for picketing the White House. The photographs were taken the day they ware Uberlbd. " Citation In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County In the Matter of the Estate of Wallace Baldwin, Deceased. To Alice Baldwin, Doltie Laura Uer lings, Robt. T. BaMwin and Her bert W. Baldwin: In the name of the State of Oregon, Tou are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, at the court room thereof, In Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Friday, the -83d day of November, 1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to abow cause, if any you have, why an order of this Court should not be made authorising Robt. T. Baldwin, administrator of tbe above entitled estate, to sell, at private sale, tbe fol- lowing described real property be lonaina to said estate, to-wit: Situate in Klamath bounty, Ore gon, beginning 40 feet south and 170 feet east of ihe corner of sec tions, I, 11 and 18, Township 41 ! south, range 10 east of Willamette Meridian; thence south 60 feet; thence east 81 feet; thence north 10 feet; thence west 38 feet to point of beginning; the said parcel being situate within the corporate limits of town of Merrill, v said county and state. Witness the Honorable Marlon Hanks, Judge of the above . entitled Court, with the teal of said Court affixed this 80th day of October, 1817. (Seal) C. R. DS LAP, Clerk. By Cbas. F. DB LAP, Deputy. kftl-IM-ll-JJ -, - BIGV (hLttfle dW YOUR dollar, when spent in our storel get you most for your money." It is our aim to give maximum value! at minimum cost. Every day, we are proving to the drug buyers in this community that every dollar spent with us gives them a hun-. dred cents in value, f ' j It is our policy to prove that your dollar has biggest purchasing power when you buy your drug merchandise from us. and e back up eaeh purchase by service that is not tnly conscientious but thoroughly satisfying, f Buy here and get your big dollar worth. ynftwoa Monty WK-, KLAMATH FALLS OffEGONTrSfVI V wmcC taarrxtsUU MOtt 1li 1pVWt? v trtliM sWwOft eHeVsaaQi BtAAfkATA A?t Aft Aft A TA ift ft jf A fk !gy wyyygynVsgelywsBersesy'gjnF ww Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O'. O. F., meets Friday night. R. A. Emmltt, N. O., Nate Otterbeln, Secretary. Ewauna Encampment No. 467 I. O. O. F., meets Tuesday night, R. A. Emmltt. C. P., L. J. Bean, Scribe. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN O. CLEGHORN Coanty Sarveyor ClvO Engineer City & County Abstract Co. ARTHUP R. WILSON 517 Main 8t. FARM LOANS AT 8 PERT CENT FLAT wz DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician & Sargeoa Suite 211, 1. 0. O. F. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 321 . . Res. Phone, 2S8R (The .only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Klamath Falls.) , W. D. MILLER Roofing Contractor Malthoid, Tar and Gravel Roof ing. Root Coating. Repair Work a Specialty. 832 8. Sixth Street. Phone 893, NOODLES AND CHOP SUEY AT ALL HOURS Ladies' and Gentlemen's Trade Solicited Oo Main St., at Center CLEANING & PRESSING Phone 410 All Garments Called for and Delivered Agents for KAHN MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES J. POSPISIL 711 Main St. yaeMMWMMMMMM New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shirts and Collars Laundered. We also wash silk, wool, and eel ered gods very carefully. Try us enee and be convinced. Our prim are right Phene 1M. 127 Fourth & a m a. a.aAl--..B m.r. I -M l VI I' I fl I m r4 ,v 1 &$k T .t- i ii 'i V.J is .tti'SZT . 1' ,. t. &rtemtm$Si! :ii jmwiwj