M THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MOMMY, XQVimi.; , t?V PAGB TWO TheEvening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor toil? eieeft aaaday ? mU auhtii Cosaaaay of gHailk ralto, at US Fourth street stared at the postossee at Ktamth ram. Oregon, tor traasaotssioa through the mills aa secoad-claes Matter. tkMrifUoa tame hy mall to amy iMnm lathe Ualtad itateei 0 year OMmeatk 1 A MONDAY, NOVEMBER IP, 1UI7 Holla's Classified Adrs. ... FOR SALE uuuuuuuirinrmnnri " FOR 8ALB From 25 to 100 ewes. Q. H. Carleton, li miles north east of Merrill. 17-3t FOR SALE Boxed apples in small or lara-e ettantlties: Newtons. Ben Da vis. Solttenburg. Bennett, 8edllngs,l Winesaps. Write for prices. T. J. Cardner. box 20. R. F. O. 2. Med- ford. Ore. !S-6t ( News - - -- PLEVNA PICKINGS - - The new heating system was In stalled in the Plevna school house the first of last week. It Is proving to be very satisfactory. Mrs. Agar and daughter Irma made a business trip to Merrill last Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Wehr spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Whlt-latch. German Troops Are Becoming Insubordinate LIVERPOOL. Nov. 1. (Corre spondence Associated Press) Evi dence that the German commanders are well nwaro that the German army is deteriorating and that they have to keep It together by terrifying their Hoops Is given in a letter written by an officer of a Liverpool regiment to one of the local newspapers. Exnres- nn k-rns . thm tho pi-ii J ''"K h's opinion that the "collapse of district with two loads of hogs Satur FOR RENT aMMMMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMAM FURNISHED APARTMENTS at the Oregon House, 527 Klamath ave. FOR RENT Storage room, conven teat locatien: terms reasonable. Apply J. B., Herald office. 15-tt LOST AND FOUND LOST Between this city and Bly, a sack containing man's clothes, one day last week! Finder will be re warded if returned to Tyron & Mc Kendree's office. Fifth street. 3t MISCELLANEOUS wm0w0wwwwwwww MRS. M. E. PAUL gives readings by tail; writ in own hand, send'tl. Pearson. Wash. 19-3t HORSES For sale or will trade for automobile. Enquire at Maddox earn, 5th and Oak sts. 17-3t WANTED Teams to haul lumber to Klamath Falls, $3.50 per 1,000; have 1,000,0000 feet dry lumber to haul. Edmonds LnmberCo., Olene. 19-3t Jsj TO EXCHANGE $1,800.00 timber claim for good automobile; no Junk. A STOP PAVING RENT House of 4 rooms, large attic, city water, chick. an bouse and on two 50-foot lots; this is to be sacrificed for $600, on terns. J. T. WARD CO., 15 Hal Street H OUSTON' MetreiMlltan Amusements s ' , HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER Triangle Fine Arte Presents Eald Dennett la "THE MOTHER INSTINCT" A picture of Joy and Thrills in 6 parts TEMPLE THEATER Path Gold Rooster Plays Presents Baby Marie Osborne In a clean, delightful, photoplay of Laughs and Tears and Thrills, "TOLD AT TWILIGHT HEARST PATHS NEWS, Latest War Pictures, Current Events ADMISSION 10 CENTS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES , XVMDAVS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon ANNOUNCEMENT VTaeFeod Administration Is catling upm ifce'pubUo to assist In the con serration of' food. Restaurants bav been called upon -to azclDde all meats from tbelr amaa Tuesdays of each week, and the Kalian Cafe baa prepared for Its patron a Meatless menu,' and will -eewUaa to 4o so every Tuesday dur km the .period our Food Administra- reeaetts it v.UK.r vatm. M-tf. A. J. Wiggins, Prop. of alasoet every 3 7"T It rff.-,,lm Jrtatfaw :mlmm0)tta.ma roa win ana lmm&mmmmwmmB J i" aanrenai. ' M day, en routs tor Klamath Falls. A. A. Whitlatch delivered potatoes to R. V. Ess and H. H. Van Valken- burg Thursday. J. A. Bushong Is hauling his win ter wood. Mrs. J. W. Kerns spent the day Saturday w 1th Mrs. R. V. Ess. Mrs. Hunt and Daughter Etta spent Sunday evening in town. George Kerns and family and Miss Ruth Kerns made a trip to Merrill last Sunday. Hiram Murdock was a county seat visitor Friday. George Ager spent a part of the day Tuesday attending to matters of business in Klamath Falls. Clarence list. Hjnt is still on the sick WOMEN MOBILIZED IN IDAHO THIS WEEK . BOISE, Idaho, Nor. 19. The week beginning today has been set aside by official proclamation of Governor; Moses Alexander for a mobilization campaign for the women of this state. The governor has directed that the women be registered during this week according to their ability and willingness to assist the nation in the prosecution of the war, by conserva tion of the food supply, taking the. places of men called into the military service, and other means. NORRTHWEST DELEGATES r ATTENDING CONFERENCE SEATTLE, Nov. 19. Three dele gates of the Northwest telephone strikers, two of them,, from Portland ana one rrom Seattle, have gone to San Francisco to confer with the me diators. They have no power to make settlement, but only to report. The Travelers pays aa average of 70 accident claims per day. Ask Chll. cote for rates. 16 COMB SAGE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR DARKENS BEAUTIFULLY AND RE. STORES ITS NATURAL COLOR AND LUSTRE AT ONCE Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, Is trou blesome. An easier way Is to get the ready to use preparation Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, sostlng about 50 cents a large bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus 'Avoiding a lot of muss . While gray, faded hair Is not sin ful, we all desire to retain our youth- ful'appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your bair with Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because It Is done so natur ally,, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your balr, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray balrs have disappeared. Af ter another application or two your balr becomes dark, glossy, soft, and luxuriant, and you appear years younger. Wyetb's Sage and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requi site, It not'lntended for the cure( mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. Germany will come soon," he added: "The best cure for pessimism would be n few days In tho front line trenches. There are no pessimists here except among the German pris oners. "The last time our battalion was in action we took quite a number of prisoners, and they were a dismal lot. One non-commissioned officer with whom I spoke told me that large numbers of the Germans simply will not face our dre, but refuse to attack. His own company had been under fire for nearly five days, and at last they had signed a round robin to the com pany commander to say that tbey could not stay any longer. Two of the ring leaders were arrested with the idea of making an example of them, but their comrades demanded their release with" such energy that the officers had to give way. Later on the men repeated their demand to be taken out of the front line. The officers ordered them back to duty, but the men refused. The officer threatened the soldiers, who replied by killing all but four of the officers and marching over to the British llne3 to surrender. now In line for general consumption as a food conienatlon measure, ac ccrdlug to local officials of the United Slates bureau of fisheries. Seal meat Is sal dto be oue ot the food staples of the natives of various South Pacific Islands. Tho ment Is also served regularly to government employes on tho St. Paul und St. OooiK.i Island) of Alaska. The flshorles bureau will establish an experimental station on one ot the Paeltle Islands, where seal will be The great strength, by dividend'), nnd Incomparable benetlts of tho "OltloM Company In America" means first class llfo Insurance, for you. For particulars see Geo. C. Utrlch, District Manager, The Mutual Life of New York. 19-tf OH BACKACHE! "When this particular battalion was moved uu aaalnst the llrltlsli the men had to be bullied Into fighting mimed, smoked nnd salted by being sent Into action In front of a moving' barrage, which meant cer tain death to alt who lagged behind. "On another occasion recently, our Liverpool regiment had a fierco tight which ended up with a strange ex perience. We had heavily engaged and driven off In panic so mo Germans who had been holding a strong posi tion. Moving on to the next objective another party ot the enemy appeared. We felt certain that we were In for a rough experience, but the truth was that this bunch wanted to surrender badly, and they had made a pretense of advancing to a counter attack with the object of getting near enough to us to be sure of protection from their own officers. "When the German command' found out what had happened, they sent forward a great body of reserves with order to recapture our prisoners. Heavy gunfire rained on us. of which the prisoners got ji good share. They begged us hard to save them, and we did all we could. But at one stage wo were nearly caught; when tho enemy suddenly turned on a party Hi liquid lire experts. Fortunately we wero alert and charged at oaee, capturing the whole liquid fire outfit. There ensued a terrible row between the earlier prisoners and the men we had taken with the liquid fire outfit. Tho first prisoners wanted to kill tho liquid fire men. We had our hands full getting them all bacV"" f ' GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS IF YOUR SACK HUNTS OF LAD. DKR BOTHERS YOU, DRINK LOTS OF WATER I RUB LUMBAGO OR PAIN FROM BACK KL'll PAIN RIGHT Ol'T' WITH SMALL TRIAL BOTTLE OF OLD, PENETRATING "ST. JACOB'S OIL" Bank Notes to Replace Gold Coin SAN FRANCISCO, Nor. 19. Fed- paper currency. This campaign, ac- eral reserve notes and other forms of 4 Ing to the reserve bank officials j currency are going to take the place' here ,s bo,md t,1h,ve " f60' on IDC pracuco oi giving ftuiu cuius uur- Rhcumatlsm Is "pain only." Not one case In fifty requires Internal treatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" right Into your sore, stiff, aching Joints and muscles, and relief coram Instantly. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harm less rheumatism cure which never dis appoints and cannot burn the skin. - Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial boljle of old, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, and In Just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacob's Oil" has cured million" of rheumatism sufferon in the last halt century, and Is Just at good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. Adv. When your kidneys hurt nnd sour back" feeN sure, ilon'l get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and Irritnto tho entire urinary tract Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes tho body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their normal activ ity. The function of tho kidneys Is to filter the blood. In 21 hours they strain from It GOO grains of acid and waste, so wo ran readily understand the vital Importance of keeping the kldnoya active. Drink lots of wateryou cant drink ! too much: also get from -any pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; lake a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will set It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed- up with a cold or nasty catarrh. Ad.i fine. This famous salts Is mndo from) the acid ot grapes and lemon Juoc.o, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stlm julate clogged kidneys; also to neutral Ixe tho acids In the urine so It no long er Is a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad 8alta Is Inexpensive; cannot In jure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys clesn and active. Try this, alno keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of jour kidney troublo and backache. Adv. The? lliailley Supply Co. will IW )our auto curtains In roimI shape. lCtf NOTICE A bay maro came tn my place In Mills Addition on October IT. Brand on left hip seems to bo II L. Owner can have same by paying expenses. Emll Schrcsel. 17-lt IN THE FOOTLIGHTS I pro pnak OF FASHION You hlitmld mini) our loth. Ing Myle If )nur nlilrn ( of gennliM- liiiHMniH to you ami your IukIihiki. limN-iniier it it nli- nf H-rlly Im mi uhl m perlly. The fullouliiK i1i-HlpUon f a few new M)liv, ntv nf special iutei-twt in i ho nMH who ktteux: PlnctilMrko, Oitktiliig mill, tnry elTiHtu with Mt all Nt-iiunrt, KnitlMi nnd km. English HMxIrK, nint IMar other t-"urtnllr models for tlio mini of iiili( tMtM. HART M'll.UTMlU AMI MARX limWrw tlir, nm they nrc KU'irnntiMil to be all wool, anil Mill lit ym MrftTlly. aan.oo. o..i, 27.o, anii.oo, sa:-io, SUGARMAN'S (To be I'onlliiuiil) NOTH'i: Klnmnth LodKu No 77, A. F. A A. M., will hiild a hiutIuI mestlng Monday tilKht, Noemtivr 19, at I o'clock. The Manoiilc'(!rnni Lodft Home question him Ih-iwi miule a ipe. clnl order ot uuhIiicki All member are urged to be proxi'iit lly nrdirot W. M. Albert Kliler, Si-c'y. 17-It Investigate the lieu l' rtmt pod clew of the Tmvelcr. Sit- Clillrote. II : of thegold piece as a Christmas gift to a' great extent this year, officials or the Federal Reserve bank an nounced here today. There will bo more gold in the ccajntry than there ever was before 'on account of the fact that It cannot be exported, these officials state, but the banks are mak- T ing every effort to substitute treasury notes for goldas tbe general circula tion of the latter is declared to be"un economic and unsatisfactory in many ways." Banks thruout the Northwest are declared to have entered with pro nounced zeal IntQ the campaign for a greater gold reserve. Financial Insti tutions all over tbe country are meet ing with a hearty response in the call for a more general circulation of ing the holidays. a TVRKH PISHED FURTHER BACK LONDON, Nov. 17. The British army in Palestine, which Is now pursuing the Turks, has made further progress, and has now reached a paint three miles from Jaffa. SEAL MEAT IS NOW PROPOSED SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 19. With whale meat already an article of diet in this country, and shark meat being eaten abroad, the meat of the seal Is PUT CREAM IN NOSE 'AND STOP CATARRH feus Hew Ta Opaa Clogged Nat trils sad BsaHsaTCelas. You reel fine In a few moments. Your cold In head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dry ness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle ot Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant anti septic cream In your nostrils, let It penetrate through every air passage of the head; sootho and heal tba swollen. Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes Instantly. It Is Just what evory cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed up and miserable. Adr. " Lake Steamer Cut in Two for Passage Through Welland Canal S(gfilfcSiSjSmSjaSBBiVBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBB laaaHiliissiiiiiKlaaaaaaaaaH aBBBBBBBsmiifeMBllsiHillBB3raWit'!!sl -"& XIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI LLWsiiiiiiiiWaffiMMiialaWffi,l,'"'' siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMinnnnnLaliM liliiHHHBgsBH Vtwi-M-i-'i-k. lLiiHnnnnnnannnnBssSwsSSfiinnnnlnnnnH L3BflH m m BSE-SsjCSMfisSiaMsiaaS L I mfP HKiWrheatisneaded-nowie. K m e sTBHaBsjsa'- vfTTH l 49Efns7 AtIt 11 STANDARD OIL K ' H til PERFECTION OIL HEATER FOR SALE BY Baldwin Hardware Co. sfsmjfss.-.-.. ajBBBBBBBMSBlVViJBHlHiiJBBBBBBBBV'Miial Wa Pii Qreat lake steamers, so large they trans-Atlantic shipping Is so great cannot be sent thru the short locks of! tbe Welland canal, are being cut In two at the shipyards of the American Shipbuilding company at Cleveland. The demand for these vessels for tbey must be used. They are cut In two by acetelyne gas and the halves sealed up so they will float. This photograph shows tba bow end oa tba North Wind, the stern end having al- ready been taken thru the canal. The sblp was sent on down the St. Law rence to Montreal, where It was tem. porarlly placed together, and then aant on to a shipyard on the Atlantic coast, where the vessel was restored to her former proportions and shape. f rning Be Watchful of Quality in War we Timet. Tree Tea is Today as Always, The Beat Quality . .aitdforthe Least Money CEYUON or J A?AN Full Weight ?i t4 T! Y'i sjy A'