yjyOAV. XOVKMM5I IB, it.T THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE TflKEK irmy Y. M. C. A Chen Hi" Jll' urHl '" over ,,, IAmtrlcan soldlor b u place where I ciu to mid llnd rest nml ontnrtaln. IBsBf , t iv1 2r MBHt SafiFXailpJi.e' 'LAA-'.JajsV9V MfBBvllBeBeBBBj aHHBSnHBlvEtDMG.' Jw "1if,j t ti" btVb JreeBBBBEN ' kt n a. jsii bsen elBBBBBBFjeKsZi?-'.. y. M. C A TENTS ARE ALWAYS WARM AND ALWAYS rd out to him. It in Army Y, In every camp thore M. C. A. for tho on- llited men. One of tho greatest problems In uy military cantonment Is to find ! something for the soldier to do dur lt M Iclsuro hours. For this rea son ths government opened its camps 'Italian Reverses Due to German J WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 10. Ufht Is thrown upon hitherto unox Dlalnable recesses to German Intri gues In the ranks of the Italian army by in official dispatch received here from Rome. It tells how, on the eveMJIornnlo d'ltalla and II Corrlcro Del- et tbslr great offensive the Teutons circulated among the soldiers at cor lain points of the Italian front news pipers carrying sensational stories of rebellions In Italian provinces, or English soldiers shooting down wo men and children, and of French cav (Iry men riding oven. the bodies of njfltntors. ' In further explanation of tho break down or the Italian defense, the mos. ls says Italian speaking Bulgarians and Cronts In Italian unlforjns pene trating the lines on tho eve of the offensive caused great confusion by telephono orders for the abandon Went of Important positions. "An Investigation," says tho dis patch, "has brought to light tho most trsachoroua ruse resorted to by tho nemy in order to undermine the College Girls FRENCH FIt'ONT, Oct 31.' (Cor respondence) A small band of Bmlth College girls Is mothering the distressed populations of those dls- trlcts of France devastated by tho Germans before they were, forced to fetreaj last spring by tho victorious French-and British troops, who had . hammered them on the'Somme. Tho correspondent of the Assoolated Press paused a day with the young women In the war tone, where they have ar rived to Install themselves in the "Wit of the stricken people. They ve made their headquarters In the Hounds of the, Chateau of Robere eourt. There1 they live In shadks and Portable bouses in sight of the black, ned ruins of the castle, burned by m Oermsns. From this center they o to twelve villages which have been ""wir tor relief hy tho Araer "1rU. Ber the war tajy had Is Soldiers Club I "". wlH'ru lio can Hucuru imncr nml en vdIhiu'h to urlto Imtnc, nml whore j the welcoming luiml Ih nlwnyn Htr.t.h. to tho Y. M. C. A., and rendered ov cry possible nKHlstnneo to the organ ization to work nmoiig tho men. As a icAutt the moralo of tho American army Is tho best of any troops In the world. The Y. M. C. A. tent or building is crowded at night. Oftlmes It is the Propoganda morale, of our soldiers Immediately bofoio tho present offensive. On the lTith of October the qnomy succeeded In smuggling thru our lines and dis tributing thousands of copies of 11 lu lira, In which woro reported tu mutts nnd rebellions in Naples, Ftor- once, Sicily and ruguo, wan Hun dreds of pcoplo killed In Tuscany by Kngllsh soldiers firing upon women and children, nnd also describing the French soldiers riding over the bodle3 of agitators, etc. "It was also established that In cer tain sections Bulgarians and Croats, wearing Italian uniforms, speaking Italian perfectly, ordered our soldiers thru telephono communications to abandon Italian dcfenslvo positions, and thereby causing great confusion and anxiety," Accounts of the Italian retreat be foro the Austro-Germau drive hav"e toid orho failure of the Italians at crucial points to mnko a show of fight against the Invader. Prove Angels of Mercy altogether a population of approxl; mately 4,600. Now this has been re duced to about 1,200. The "American Angels of Mercy," as, the Smith College girls are known, .brought with them from America or purchased In Paris large stores of articles of first necessity for the peo pie. Many of the peasants had money which they had been able to conceal from the Germans, and these people were quite willing to pay for articles nrovlded by the American girls. Oth ers among the peasants wore dlstltute of both money and goods, and for these the American girls made charit able provision, The fflrls brought motor trucks and several of them aro raotoj drivers. Once or twice a week each of tne villages In their district receives a visit from a party of the girls In their trucks, which are loaded witn neces sltles, and these are sold to the only wurni miot thL. oldlers tun Dud -iiciK.'r iiml othor gutim aru n J')U, hoxliu; tiiutcliui aro pulled off, nml pretty neiuly every night there Ih 'in eiitoriiilntneiit of some kind, a motion picture ohow f,r vnudevlllo MiiritH impplliMl hy the men them- M'llOh 'I In. M ( A. Ih the cluh for the fllllHtril men. Wherever )!,.. arc Hem Die v, ,j, ( a. follows Kvcry- Kov,'r"",0"t' no'(1 t,ia " 1h w" wort tliliii; Ih rreo. No tiicinhcrshlp Ih re-' "'''"" '" "l,c,"l a conHlilernhle hiiiii of iilieil,Hinl It Ih open t" nil. In order """'& '" exploring the possible pe to continue UiIh woik unil to extend III tro,,,l' lnponlln In Omit Iirltnln." OPEN TO THE SOLDIERS to reach tho nrmles of Itussla, France and Italy, a national drive for $35,-' OOO.ikpO is under way. This sum Is necessary to care for tho physical, moral and rcllKlous welfnro of the! men. it Is estimated that $10 will care for a soldier for ono year. Every one is asked to contribute to this fund. Tho drive Is now on. unaaaBHHiaiaaiiHHaae IjUuuu tut? vusi uue uiusi pay mr a ants at cost price or less, and thus small Jar of the ordinary cold cream. many of tho needs of tho people are met. Food, linen, clothing, furniture, kitchen utensils and live chickens and rabbits aro most desired. - Ll'XItUIUl GOK8 IIOMI-: BUKNOS AirtKS, Nov. 1C An Ar Kontlno torpedo boat is on route from Mnrvln ttnrrln' Tslntnl in thla nnrt carrying Count Karl von Luxburg.itwo on from Uio grocer and make the expelled German minister to this icpubllc. Ills stay here will be tim tted to twenty-four hours. He will embark for The Netherlands In the Dutch llnor Hollandla, having ob twined safe conduct from tho allied governments. Is London Coming to. the Bomb-Proof Shelter? IS "' ''-V vH"5j 'asanEeKrVstoBBHiC4''''' tv&i " vfrssSSBfSBT'- s telBBBBffBBBBSBEuBV VsBBBBBBb jlw One Londoner has reached' the con clusion that his family will be safer In tbla bomb proof shelter, which he has built near bu home. This pro tograph shows his family at tho door ' ENGLISH WILL ATTEMI"! TO KIND OIL UKf OHITH LONDON, Nov. 1C It was an nounced In the house or commons this week that "certain eminent 1 Ancrl-nn Keologlats, who have come' from the United States to advho the! "l lie Hpeaker, u Hpnkcsinan for the hoiird of trade, ndded: "It Ih Impossible to exniiKcralci the linpottanco or llndlug oil In thlH coun try. Wo cannot yet nay that It Is here, but It Is certainly worth looking for. Oil Is almost more Important at jthls moment than anything else. You i -. . oui me Krcnien motive power we are iislm?, nnd tho rest will be of little vft'uc,M . " CHEAP HOMES Four room Iioum and fine lot on Wnlnut Ntrcet for only M,2;0 t-UHli. TIiIh Ih a rt'Al nbrgain. Four room house anil targe lot on Michigan "Venue for BMifi, on easy teiniH. Cliileote, 3;I Main. 1C KKIIECCA OF HUNNYIHtOOK FAItM Special Saturday vatlnee, Star the ater. Mary I'lckfbrd In "Itebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." it Girls! Use Lemons! Make a Bleaching, Beautifying Cream Tho juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle contalnilg three ounces of orchard white makes ,a whole quarter pint of the most re imarkable lemon skin beautifier at Care should be taken to strain the lemon jufce through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo- tlon will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and remove such blemishes ns freckles, gallowness and tan and Is the Ideal skin ibftenei, smoothener and beautifier. Just try it! Get threo ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and up a quarter pint of this sweetly, fragrant lemon lotion 'and massage It daily Into) ho'faco, neck, arms and Ifands. . It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach nnd. bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It jls Bmpjy mnrvelous to Bmoothen rough, red hands. Adv. of the shelter, It Is covered with sacks of sand, His' method may be Imitated by others who wish to keep tbolr families out of danger during the German raids. ...- uvU men, munitions ami money, 'and ,icn, the BWollen, 'Inflamed mu but If you havo no oil yen are with- l0tls mcmbrane, giving you instant NOSE CLOQQED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH 'Apply Cream la Nostrils Ta OpM Uf AlT PlMMflM. mmm-i i 1 1 iniiniiiiiiiiiii i Ah! What relief) Your clogged ,""itrIU 0,en r,eht "" the a,r ' stipuH of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, smittlng, mucous discharge, bead ache, dryness no struggling for breath at night your cold or catarrh li (.one. i)on't stay stuffed up! Oct a small bottle of Kly's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fr.imint, nntlseptlc cream In your nostrils, let It penetrate through LV(rv .,. ... . tlie nefld. .ooth.l : ' ' i relief. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's Just splon- did. Adv. ! If You Want YOUR PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING OR YOUR HEAT ING STOVE REPAIRED, OR LINED, CALL PHONE 414 OR 1026 MAIN ST. Fred Stickle CLEANING & PRESSING Phone 410 All Gurments Called for and Delivered Agents for KAHN MADK-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES J. POSPISIL 711 Main St. Your Wife and Yob will both be satisfied with SILVERWARE purchased at Jaeger Bros. Jtecer Bros.' service le each c to linn you of utltfictlon In ny selection you might tneke In silverware or Jewelry. 8houldyoo find It otherwlM your money will be refunded. 8ome opportune buying euggeetlonii H Doxen Hudton Teaepoone 245. We guarantee the wear of these to be that of a lifetime. MILITARY WATCHES for the boy In the service, with luminous aiI,s4.js up. Oar Special $100 DIAMOND MNC Its worth hae spread to many etatee. Other Diamond Ringa 110 to SUM. Diamonds eent through your espresa company for approval. JAEGER BROS. Jcwsuse ORieuas isl.ts auTH er., essexiM sus, rennjkHo.oaieoN . - .asMesNesei . . Dob's. Brsdiuseis. say FsrdaaS Beak ls Here I Come In and See It! The NEW " Z FatitMk Mom FARM ENGINE Economical Simple Light Weight-Subttantkl Fool-Proof Conntructlon Gun Batrtl Cylinder Bore G. C. LORENZ CT f wrP All night masked ball at Shipping ton pool hall Friday night. Prizes to the two best sustained characters. Tickets, 76c. 13-4t .--njjEflSESsBsmmmiP AAA0WWmWWW New City Laundry We Guarantee Our Work. Shirts and Collars Laundered. We also wash silk, wool, and col eretf gods very carefully. Try us once and be convinced. Our prices are right. Phone 184. 127 Fourth Street Back of First National Bank hA0AAAAAAAAAA0mmAtm. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of Sale of Bonds Notice Is hereby given that Pine Grove Irrigation District will offer for sale, at Its office, at the residence of S. K; McKenile, in said district, bonds of said irrigation district, on the 24th day of November, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock of said day, to the amount of $7,000, and that sealed proposals will be t received by the board of directors of said district, at their said office, for the purchase of said bonds, till said day and hour specified for the sale of same. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 8. K. McKENZIE, Clerk of the Board of Directors. 26-2-9-16-23 Summons-for Publication In Foreclos ure of Tax Lien In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor Klamath County Joe Vose, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret Douglas, Defendant. To Margaret Douglas, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregen: You are hereby notified that Joe Vosethe holder of Certificate of De linquency numbered 699, issued on the 17th day of February, 1916, by the tax collector of the County of Klamath, State of Oregon for the amount of sixteen and ($16.93) 93 lOOths dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1913, together with penalty, Interest and costs there on upon the real property assessed to you, of- which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said county and state, and particularly de scribed as follows, to-wlt: Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), and four (4), of block two (2), in First Addition to Fort Klamath, Klamath County, Oregon. Tou are further notified that said Joe Vose has paid taxes on said prem ises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of interest on said amounts as follews: Tear 1914, paid February 17, 1916, Tax Receipt No. 5920, amount paid $14.78, rate of Interest 15 per cent. Tear 1915, paid March 6, 1916, Tax Receipt No. 354, amount paid $12.79, rate of Interest 15 per cent Tear 1916, paid April 2, 1917, Tax Receipt No. 1823, amount paid $10.86, rate of interest 15 per cent. Said Margaret Douglas, as the own er of the legal title of the above de scribed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other per sons above named are hereby further notified that Joe Vose 'will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing the lien against the property de scribed and mentioned In said cer tificate. And you are hereby sum moned to appear within sixty 'days after the first publication of the sum mons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs and accrued In terest, and In case of your failure to do so, a decree will be rendered fore closing the Hen of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons Is published by or der of the Honorable D. V, Kuyken dalC Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath, and said order was made and dated this 18th day of October, 1917, and the-date of the first pub lication of this summons is the 19th day pf October, 1917. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within' the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. H. C. MBRRYMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address First .National Bank Build ing, Klamath, lls, Oregon. 19-l6-a--lM3-30 , tttTvtvVtTTTt "or Hands Be conscious of the character jfY01" haLndA P and water will keep them clean, but you need to use some high quality cold cream and hand lotion to keep the skin white, soft, smooth and youthful A few moments a day can be well spent in the Deauiifying of your hands this applies to both men and women. - .- You are often judged by the ap pearance of your hands and finger nails have a caret m ,. w Allow us the opportunity of showing you some of our splendid nail cleansers, nail polishes and manicuring goods. V Yourhmdt tdnntt you tlther ft rorsWy or unfiroribly In the mlndi of thote with .a-Jtom you come In contact think It mr. t. UnKrwootftPtarRary W'T KLAMATH FALLS OfEOOHiSfwl V eet ?. Moots lH 1VTt 1 trf Treti ewas amSwMi ?""""?"?"? Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. F., meets Friday night. R. A. Emmltt, tf. Q, Nate Otterbein, Secretary. Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O. O. F.. meets Tuesday nlsht. S. A. Bmrnitt, C. P., L. J. Bean. Scribe. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN O. CLEGHORN County Surveyor Civil Engineer City & County Abstract Co. ARTHUR R. WILSON 517 Main St. t FAItM LOANS AT 8 PER CENT FLAT DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician & Surgeon Suite 211, 1. O. O. F. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 321 . . Rea. Phone, 2B8R (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Klamath Falls.) W. D. MILLER Roofing Contractor Malthold, Tar and Gravel Roof ing. Roof Coating. Repair Work a Specialty. 232 8. Sixth Street Phone 293. Pioneer Auto Service DAY OR NIGHT Phoae Mecca IBS JITNEY JOE ' NOODLES AND CHOP SUEY AT ALL HOURS Ladies' and Gentlemen's Trade Solicited 6o Mala St, at Center Passengers and Baggage Anywhere in the City Quick Service h , ReuottUe Rates PHONE 187 : Western Transfer Conpuy K$ '& t & - i5- .,'' ij TrtdJ :fesi , SVA-JfS : ?TZw y"M 29 4ijCkjfc. ' llfe K'StW;