rif I v. ?-w PACK TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor Fifcllshed dally except Bandar by Ik Herald Publishing Company of Ktaaatfc Fella, at 116 Fourth street Bitered at the poatofllce at Klamath falls. Oregon, tor transmission throuih the aalle aa second-class natter. mhacripUoa terma by nail to any addreM la the United States t OH year OMMoat - FRIDAY, NOVEMBKB 16, 101? Klamath lonnty News - Herald's Classified Ad vs. FOR SALE iui.-u-.rnr r ' " "M1' FOR SALE Snap. 6 room house on Klamath avenue, $600; one tm prored lot with cabin, $150: lunch counter suitable for man and wife, $100: fox terrier pups; good small money makes Main street. SPItlNCS LAKK DH1PPINCSS 4 Glenn Stcemau lias rented tlio Carl Schubert place, and will move there about the 19th of this month. Mr. Schubert will move with hU family to Klamath Falls. Miss Lucille Stewart, who was hurt In nn accident In Klamath Falls Sat urday evening, was able to return to school Thursday. Gordon Qulmby, who was taken to the Blackburn hospital last wee, Is reported recovering rapidly. American Steamer in Battle With German Submarine simrimmmmmm'mm.s:six:sss?x' . " , -. --z:rxrxm3imm; rsk U MT. .VLN'SO'T w. t ;- ,- v&. "&V&s3&V ' i-.VSi LOCAL FITKL INSPECTORS MAY SOON UK APPOINTED PORTLAND, Nov. 16. To nsM the federal fuel administration, llruce Dennis, director of the work of the state council of defense is asking big money. See 634jcounty chairmen of the council of 15-3t FOR SALE Boxed apples in small or large quantities; Kewtons, Ben Da vis, 8pitxenburg, Bennett. Sedllngs, Wlnasaps. Write for prices. T. J. Gardner, box 20, R. F. D. 2, Sled ford, Ore. 15-6t FOR SALE 100 Tom Newton, head ewes, cheap. 12-5t HELP WANTED MAN WANTS work of any kind. Ex perienced dishwasher, janitor and heating fireman. Henry Jarvis, care Herald office. 15-2t FOR RENT FOR RENT Storage room, conven ient locatien: terms reasonable. Apply J. B., Herald office. 15-tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 160 acres, all irrigated? fenced; small 'house and barn; 60 acres in alfalfa; only $65 per acre; good terms. HAVE PARTY who will build you a home to suit, on easy terms. FOR SALE Dandy little hotel; good buildings and furniture; complete ly furnished, and doing a good busi ness. $650 will handle this. defense to appoint local fuel Inspect ors. One man will be named in each city or town, and he will report dl rect to Fred G. Holmes, federal fuel administrator, on the fuel needs of his section. The local fuel inspectors must not engage in me mei uusiness, even in directly. They represent the people, and their duty will be to see that the amount of fuel in the hands of local dealers and the probable demands for fuel are reported each week to the fuel administrator. INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN FOR SHIPPING TURKEYS PORTLAND,, Nov. 16 The follow, fug instructions have been issued by Acting Federal Food Administrator W. K. Newell here, to turkey growers of Oregon. "Ship no birds weighing less than ten "pounds dressed weight for toms and nine pounds for hens. There is absolutely no call for light, thin birds. Ship all birds dressed and thoroly chllled over night before packing. Pack carefully in barrels or boxes, washing blood from heads and wrap ping heads in papers. The important point Is to ship only fat, mature stock. The cost of additional food for carrying thin birds over for the Christmas trade will be more than met by the additional price for good stock." 200 ACRE ranch in the valley; all under irrigation; city property. to exchange for J. T. WARD & CO., eiS Main Street FOR EXCHANGE large six room house with bath; lot 40x170 feet, with 20-foot alley in rear; street paved, with cement sidewalks, all paid tor; one half block from $150, 000 high school on same street; one- half block from $60,000 primary school, four blocks from main part of town and ocean; finest climate in Cal ifornia; three car lines to Los Angeles 18 miles; fine harbor under way, Anyone wanting to exchange farm land for city property, this Is your chance. L. Gamash, 112 N. Elena avenue, Redonda Beach, Calif. 16-lt H OUSTON' Metropolitan Amdtements s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE Saturday and Sunday November 17 and 18 'THE SPOILERS" STAR THEATER Artcraft Picture Corp. Presents The Nation's Darling, MARY PICKFORD In a Cinema Portrayal of the Famous J Story and Play REBECCA OF HUN.NYBROOK FARSI In Six Parts; and a Two-Heel Keystone Comedy TEMPLE THEATER 'The Half Back," A Corking Story of American School Boy Life In Four Parts. 'Playing in Florida," Educational Reel of Science and Mystery. "Ill Love's Laboratory," A Swell Comedy A Piwam fr the Whole Family ADMISSION 10 CENTS MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS MorrHJ, Oregea BOAT RAVAGES ARK NOW DECREASING Associated Press War Summary Germany s submarine warfare Is waning as the result of the strlngest measures that have been taken to combat it by the British and Amer ican naval forces. Last week only six British merchantmen were sunk, and only one of these was a craft ex ceeding 1,600 tons. This is the smallest total of vessels sent to the bottom during any week since the unrestricted warfare began, tne lowest previous figures having been twelve merchantmen, eight of them In the category of 1,600 tons and over, and four of less than 1,600 tone. GLASGOW PLANS SIERRY CHRISTMAS uuouuiv, jov. le. 'mere tg a great rush for whiskey in this town, and despite the very high prices now ruling, there have been long lines of women In the Clyde working districts waiting outside shops to buy as many bottles as possible for the Christmas fetivltles. Scotch distillers express tho belief that the sale of whiskey-will cease In a few weeks, and this has Increased the urgency of the demand. Publi cans have decided to curtail their sell. ing nours, and the prices In the bars have risen to ten pence a glass In the poorer districts, and to 14 ponce in the higher class saloons. These are the highest prices ever known in Scotland, but, In conse (juence of the big wages now being earned, there is no slackening in the demand. REBECCA OF HUNNYIIROOK FARM Special Saturday matinee, Star the ater. Mary Plckford In "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." it By the window of almost every ticket office in the hind you will find the Travelers name plute. Travelers policies ure nlmott universal. Ask C'liilrote for rates. 16 1 .' A vliP '- NEW CABINET TO BE FORMED One of the Luckenbach craft the navy department has not given out the wholo name of tho vessel, tho they are all built on the same lines fired 260 shots at a German submarine in the Atlantic Ocean, while the under. sea boat fired 234 shots The. battle raged for four houre until a xhot from the submarine burst In the streamer's iougine room and disabled her. She might have gone down under tho at tack of tho German vessel had not an American destroyer, called by wire less, appeared, when tho llcrmau boat submerged. uti i i Jewish State In Palestine Advocated THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Oct. 31. (Correspondence of tho Associated Press) One of tho first ministers of a neutral country publicly to express himself in favor of a Jewish state in Palestine is Marie William Frederm Tretib, Holland's minister of finance, who has frequently been called the "strong man" of the Dutch cabinet. "The Jewish question' Is an interna tional problem, the'solutlon of which is of world interest," declared Minis ter Treub in the course of an inter view. "If an International solution of the Jewish question proves possi ble, and the formation of a Jewish state Is one of the consequences of the universal war, I personally should bo very pleased. One of the first re quirements would naturally be that the sacred places of Christianity should come under the control of Christian authorities or be Interna tionalized. But I do' not think diffi culties will arise on that head. Ev ery friend of humanity must desire the rebuilding of the Jewish nation In a Zionist sense. Every endeavor will therefore have to be made in the di rection of trans-planting the Jewish people to its old place of residence, in order to solve a question that is so painful for the Jews and for the world. "It cannot yet be said with certain ty what questions wiilbe discussed ot the coming peace conference," con tinued Mr. Treqb, In reply to an In flTIIry . "Whether" the Jewish ques tion will come up for discussion de peutb on the manner In which the licaceconferonce is held. The ques tion is whether peace negotiations will be restricted to the most import ant points, or whether nn endeavor will be raado.to solve all International questions. In the latter case, it may be hoped that the Jewish question will not be forgotten. "Here In Holland there Is no Jew ish question. We know no definite nnti-Semetle movement, such i9 ex ists in Germany, and even In Austria. Every able Jew makes his way equal ly as well as an nble Christian in Holland. Talent Is hero the onl) requisite demanded for success, and with us a gifted Jew may become a cabinet minister. We arc proud of our traditions of freedom. Holland lins never known hatred ot Jews or Jewish prosecutions. If wo had not been so phllosemetic we should have had no Spinoza." (The great Dutch Jewish philosopher.) "From a moral standpoint, too. Holland has an Interest In a wise so lution of the Jewish 'question, as laid down in the IZonlst program. It Is comprehensible, that for that reason wide circles In Turkey, and in coun tries allied therewith, are also In fa vor of the realization of Zionism. It lies In the line of historic develop ment that every people be offered the opportunity to freely develop its powers," concluded Minister Treub. ESCAPED PRISONERS CAPTURED 9 PORTLAND, Nov. 16. Farley Hunt and John Mnjor, negro convicts, who escaped from the honor squad at Salem recently, have been captured near Troutdale. John Taylorr anoth er of the fugitives, was captured at n place near by. Wealthy Packer's Son-in-law Held ii - y '"' ja--SnSESB Vr?PHiK i araBgKTp 1 lfSr!liRSH! 1 tflwf Eljvli i !lL'f4FK,';h eEEESmBfleEB',f aVEEEaBEisEftaV2BBESEB 1 RlBBBBSEvEBiBeMvHH: HlBvjHrH, BREnKHuKlHl lsSBSfilieSSflliILESSSSSSSSSfl 1 !sBHHS9BH 4 SiHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHBSSSSSSSSS3m - - COUNT ft COUNTER JAME5 MINOTTO Count James Mlnotto, son-in-law of member of the Intelligence bureau of Louis F. Swift, the millionaire Chi. the navy. The chare aaalnst hla Is cago packer, has been arrested In con-' not known, Mr. Swift algned bit nection with his attempt to become a J bond of $50,000. EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS TAKE A GLASS OF SALT TO PLUSH KIDNEYS IF BLADDER BOTHERS YOU Eating meat regularly evenually pro duces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known authority, be causo tho uric acldo In meat excitea tho kidneys, they become overwork everwork overwerk ed: get sluggish ; clog up and cause all soi ts of distress, particularly back itbo and nilxery In the kidney regien: rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constlpntlon, torpid liver, hlceplessness, bladder and urinary irritation, Tke momen our back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or If bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good phnrmacy; take a tabtespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a tew days nnd your kidneys will then act lino. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lltbla, and haa been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them tn normal activity; also to neutralize the acids In tho urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder dis orders. , Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which millions of men and women tnko now and then to clean, thus avoiding serious kidney keep tho kidneys and urinary organs disease. Adv. See bulletin' beard, Cth & Slain. H-3 WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons and toxlna from system btfore putting more food Into stomach. aye Inalrfe-bathlng makes any. one leek and feel clean, eweet and refreshed. wash yourself on the Inside before ties Into the blood, causing Illness, This is vastly more Important because the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties nto the blood, causing lllueea while the bowels pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be car ried out of the body. If this waste ma terial la not eliminated day by day II quickly ferments and generates pois ons, gases and toxins which are ab sorbed or suoked Into the blood stream through the lymph ducts which should suck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it, which Is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, liver, kldnoys and bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and fresh ening the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food Into the stom ach. A quarter pound "of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drut store, but Is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on Inside bathing. Men wake up with a dull, aching head or have furred tongue, bad tests, nasty breath, sallow complexion; others who have bilious attacks, acid stomach or constipation are assured of pronounced improvement in both health and ap pearance shortly. Adr. PARIS, Nov. 16, Feraer Premier Ctetnonceau has agreed to form a now cabinet. The Ttvr4er pay aa average of 7.1 afrlikeit claims er day. Ak Clill. rote for rate. . 10 ' LADIES DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR I'SE OIIANDMA'M HAOK TEA AND SULPHUR RECIPE AND NO BODY WILL KNOW The use of Sago and Sulphur for UMtorlng faded, gray hair to Its lint-' urn I color dales back to grnndmoth-j er's Mmo. Sho used It to keep her hair bcnutlfully dark, glossy and at-1 tractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appear nnce, this simple mixture was ap plied with wonderful effect. Hut brewing at home Is mussy and ut-or-dnto. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get this famous old preparation. Improved by the addi tion ot other Ingredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well known downtown druggist Hays It darkens the hair so natural ly and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied. You simply damp en a spongo or sort brush with It, and draw this through your hair, tak ing one strand at a time. By morn ing the gray balr disappears, and af ter unother application or two, It be comes beautifully dark and glossy. Wycth's Sage and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requisite for th oo who desire a more youthful ap pearance. It Is not Intended for the :uro. mltlgatlon'or prevention o die. ase. Adv. "'"""N'"""" 1n Q TV Vlt?l 1 W HSJCdfuV No.M,niitU,m.u.AV You Turn rlllKMi-iiiiin m ,MIM ( nrmiiKrim-M, for jttrh. ter neat!, tluin npr The .mi,. ,, IIPTr. mi well MiNl.nl Up h Knx Iikmi IihihIIh... IIAUTs(IU.rxK,4 MAICA (TOTIIKM t'MiTlint.MT IIHA.VD WTIIKH STETSON HATH M.l,l.lltV iuth IIOLEPIIOOI' HtMK OREtiON tirv M.U'KI. N.WVH SUGARMAN'S (To be Kintliiued) liNCLK MAM NOW HI'VH IVAVH SHOD WASHINGTON. I) C. Nor. 11 Pniplto. thn rlmiM In RumIi, the United SlntiM government thli vnI showed Its fiiltli In t lint imllonbju. notinclng nunrdo fur 2,000,000 pairs of shoes fur t tit Itimslan army. TW money, about $r, mxi.iioo, will coat from American k eminent lotu. Give 'Em the Cold Shoulder YOU HKAIt LOTH OF TALK TIIKHK DAYS ABOUT POOR HHOKH. THK HHOK AND LKATIIF.lt MAItKKT IS A LOXd VAX FIUM IIKINO AT ITH, I1F.HT. POOH SIIOLS fl.OOD TIE MAItKKT. TUItN VOUK HACKS ON Til KM AND DC MKiHTV CASK FUI, WHAT YOU IIUY WIIKHK YOU IIUY. YOU DOVT NKF.D TO WOIIUY IF YOU t'OMK TO TH HfOHK. WK'LL HKLL YOU HHOKH THAT WK KNOW AKR I'P TO THK HTANDAHD. WK TAKK ALL THK HISKH. HKSIUKH- We Save You Actual Dollars The House of Satisfaction Modern Shoe Store GKO. W. IinADLEY, Mgr. 721 MAIN STBBKt Alwavs . the same good smoke Why? Because, at nearly as mind and hands can do it, we make each OWL just like every other OWL in blend and burning qualities. "If you like one OWL, you'll like them all." We can say that with certainty because the flavor and even-burning of the OWL are insured by a million dollars worth of selected, carefully mel lowed leaf. The) Million Dollar Cigar rhTOBSMGUNST BRANCH jfa i ll)lh "--? mm