VI I 5 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NIWIPAFEK OF KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FALLS Turin'' V,nii X". Jli'n' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1917 Prim Mr ITALIANS ARE PUSHED FURTHER BACK MAMAAAMMMAtoWMWMMA fIRSf TRIP 0VR STRAHORN ROAD THIS MORNING 1TV OITKIALS A UK HUHHTH Ol- nrii.i:ii INDICTED SERIOUS CHARGE itdSKiiriM; attoiini;v .itti-.mits tospiikah wiic.v tiioop thains passli) thru that titv PORTLAND Nov. li. Flojil Itmnii, nti attorney of llcselHirg, Man been In jur Flifci Time In Curry City I'nlli- dieted for n loliitlon of tlio espionage m to i:ml of IbillH Ikvaiiil All..-1"11- ' ' ""we" ,l",t l10 ntlUrfHbwl tin) soldiers cm route! to training w,ntltm.,l.-om.l,,lNrii-,.-MMultl.4c!uiil)H wIuii (llu tnlM BtiipcU nt Riiuil lied Ciuti-iulloiiiiiil Quality' Itobi-burg, nml endeavored to spread i New riiKM-iiKi-i- dwell U'nws Yiinli AGREEMENT MADE REGARDING CHINA LONDON i RAID DESCRIBED KLAMATH FALLS IM)V DESCRIBES Till: TERMOR AM) SUFFERING WROUGHT IIY INHUMAN KXPK. DITIOXS Germany Now Declared Democracy By Leader BERLIN; Nov. lly AfcMM-intcfl Pre "While troops of net, llio majority lender have impart- of Kipilpim-nl Woik Going Alund History s nindo loilay nl Ktuni- th Kails In tliollritt trip or tho now pasucngor conch over tlm Stiiiliorn line to the nml of the rutin nt tlio gov- ' truncal launl tlin-o miles ciml gf llio city, Tlio city nlllrliilii worn llio guests of Mr. Btr.ilwin on thttt Hrnt trip, and ttonu-rr) party wero greatly Impress, oil itli tlio progress Hint has li-oii made anil -vv 1 1 1 tlio thoroness of road 'tonttrmtlnu. All niembors expressed themiclu-s as ttifrprlsed nt Hie imootlimcM of the now grndo. Mr. Hti.-ilwin called off tlio places of interest pasted In regular biake man fashion, wlillo City Attorney Orocslieik, as ronilm-toi-, iittmupti-d dlslnynlty tlOOpS. ami unrest among tlio DISTURB TROOPSJ TRAIN (itOWII HOOT AXI .IK Kit SOL. nii:its viii:x train stops at OHOVIIil.i:, CALIF. RUFFIANS ATTEMPT TO HOARD CARS OltOVII.I.K, Calif., Nov. C Two earn of a Weslein I'nelllc tioop truln to elect Minor Crlsler for not hnvliig illicit with soldlcis were uncoupled a ticket. Tlmt Klaiuatli F.illn l-t uh the train blood on a Biding Sutur- liilltllng a railroad was realized to-' day ii x inner before, an tlio roacli 'day nlglit. glided liolilnd engine No. 1 over ltn A ciowd blnglng I. W. W. songs Brat few miles. Tl.o Inlorlor of tlio "" " J,rou- no," l,""utu "" iiMscnKcr coacli wns also n surprise tlio ears, but were scattered by tlio to tlic city ofllclals. iih Its eulpmentBOi(eis. When tlio train started tlio Is far superior to tlmt provldod In tho contract with tlio city. Tlio scarcely appreciable grade from thu city limits to tlio crossing br the Alliimiinl. rnnrli In tlio lllllX- --. - " i Imum grado of tlio Btirvoy botween, Klamath Falls and Ilend. wns tlio! startling announcement inado by Mr. Etrnhorn. J" 1-argo piles of equipment woro passed on tho route. Fourteen car ore now on the ground, Including the raascngor cenrh. four box cars and nlno lint inrs, Two uncoupling was dlsoercd. . INHICTLD ON WHITE SI.AVKIIV CHARGE PORTLAND, Nov. C. Stable Hniel lias been Indicted fur wlilto slnvery. Sho Is tho first w ninuii to bo indicted here on llml charge. Tho nllegod victim was tho 10-oar-old daughter morn flat cars 0f an Itinerant picaclier. WCrfi Wl'lir' .in ilm wnv .lnwtl frm Portland recently. Tho K. P. M. 11. 11.1 stamped on all tlio cam was noted tho Southern Pacillo connection and lth f special ploasuroby llio vlsllors. j aciobs tho giound Insldo tho city As a dclnll of tho exponso of tlio on- limits, terpribo, two carloads of nulls nnd The Isltors wero of tho opinion Pikes weiopoluted out, on wbleli tlio that remnrkablo progress had been coat was moro than in.OOO. Tlio four mndo on the work, considering tlio 'lre fcfiro along oach sldo of the right, diawb.ieks that had nrlson. "I way Is completed as far ns tlio Tho passengers on tlio train t b s rails nio laid, and tho who nnd posts morning seemed to ronllzo that this wo now on bund to complete It to1 was tho beginning, net of a short mil Dairy. I rnnd to a point twenty miles oust, but The new brldgo across the canal Is of n great system which Is destined In. most subbtiuitltil structure nnd hnB a fo years to bo tho means of do been completed In nn Incredibly short vcloplng an empire. . time. A .innm .hn.,i ...111 i. nvn.l Tim iilo thU mcinlng wns restrict- ahln ii. .. !. it .... ... ' -.i i i.n riiv ntllclnls. bub Mr. Slra- ... nuuii lime, iiiiii uui iruiu u "" - - the higher points along tho grndo will horn phms to Invito tho public Tor n be carried to complete tho fill noar similar rldo In tho noar future. Tho fearful times experienced by people of London during tho numer ous air raids now bclng.carrlcd on by tho (icrmnn Zeppelins Is brought fore t lily home to the people here In a letter lust received from John Corey, recently employed In the White Tcll enn garngo In this city, and now a cor. poial with tho Thirty-fourth Aero Squadron stationed temporarily In Knglnnd. A much more realistic pic ture Is given of the distress and terra- occasioned by those night sky Whits than Is realized from the regu lar dispatches concerning them. Corey says In part: "Since I have been here there have been seven air raids. They are aome thing awful. I had beard of them In America, but to go thru one of them Is bomethlng entirely different. Just Imagine several Herman airplanes flying over Klamath Falls, dropping bombs full of shrapnel. The worst thing Is, you don't know where the things are going to drop, You can't boo, thorn, as they alwaya come be tween 7 and 9 in the evening, and you are entirely helpless. "Of course, there arc the anti-aircraft guns here, but they can't see what to shoot at. Utell you, It Is simply hell to go thru an air raw. iKxi-use the grammar.) "What with being shot by subtna llnes nnd these dirty air raids, I have seen n little of the war. That Is the way the uermnns ngni. u manes n person hnte the kaiser worse than ever. It Is cold nere now, ana mere U no moon, so we haven't had a raid slnco last Tuesday night, but no one can tell when they will come. "Tho raid of last Tuesday waB the worst of the eeven. Two bombs dropped within three blocks of where we wore. One dropped on the slde unik in front of a home. It tore the wl ole front of the house out from the bntoment to tho third floor. Every uiminw within two blocks was brok en All tlio nouses across me ueei wi shattered and torn from the ntnrn of shrapnel. "Tho other bomb fell on top or a limine, nnd It was good-bye house. I ui.s standing near when this happen ed, watching, or trying to watch' the raiders. Iv made me decidedly anx ious to get back to quarters and see how close they had come to hitting us. More women- and children are killed during these raids than men. the central allies are forcing their way acrotw the TnglUmento, (Jermuny nt home lias quietly crWed the polit ical Itubicon, and In lite hi" !"" rtinifged from a autocracy to n democ racy," declared Matlilas Erzbcrgcr, leader of the contrast party, in un in- tervlew with' as Associated Pre- cor. respondent. Erzberger said: the most mowentoofinovc since the founding of tho empire. Its achieve ment reprVsPUt permanent pollUm! ed their com l Hon of the hopeless no or permitting the old ystem to piovajl. "There U need of co-ordinate ro IichIvo goeninirntiil collaboration with Hie it-lrlistag." 'c Krzbergcr then told hoiv von llorN Hug and von Kculiele'innnn conferred with the paity leadciw, urging parlln 1 i mentary 'prowl111"6 as the only nolu- i. This lias been -n r tUe cr,scs- : i SKCHKTAHY LANSING PUBLISHES PACT MADE WITH JAPANESE AM1IASSADOR REOAIIDING POI 1CV OF EASTERN TERRITOItV BERLIN DECLARES ENTIRE FRONT EVACUATED ROME ADMITS RETREAT FROM ' MOUNTAINOUS TERRITORY ' Tlie majority leaders and von llort- ling nro working in complete liar, liiuny. and the nnci Ims the full sane gain for tlie German people. tion of the emperor, who gave tlic Tltru the chief of tho civil caM-.jjrliniicellor free Iinnd. DriveiHtart For Camp Recreation Fund WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. 6. Jupun and the United States have reached a complete agreement "regard ing China, and a complete under standing as to military, naval and eco nomic co-operation in the war against Germany. Secretary Lansing, has published notes exchanged between himself and Count Ishll, the special ambassador, which formally records that Japan lis .-i siipcial interest in China, but pledging "the independence and terri- terrltorial integrity of the Chinese re public. It reaffirms the doctrine of the open door for commerce and Industry, and It cleared away misunderstandings that might Jiave developed into a seri ous situation. Until the Associated Press dispatch from Peking told ot signing the agreement it was not known that the delicate Par Eastern question had been taken'"upr "' Italian State Retreat Made to Estab lish New LineBritish Attack ota Flanders Front Russia Doing Ut most to Carry on War Russian Minister of War Relieved From Office By Government Order. The drive In Klamath County for. American Soldiers In the field. .1 ..ion nt r.-imn.ilcn was market the 1400 requested us Its portion of the War Camp Recreation fund will start with a bang here Thursday, and be continued thru Friday and Satur day under tho leadership of H. D. Mortenson. At a well attended meettug held last evening in the White Pelican ho tel an enterprising group or men nledsred their support and time to raising this fund, which will aid so materially In the comfort or tne BERLIN. Nov. 6. The Italian lift Ion the Tagllamento has been won by" the Austro-Germans. Tne Italians have evacuated the line along the en tire river, to the Ardiatic coast. The conflagrations Indicate that the route taken by the retiring Italians - lies between the mountains and tha sea thru the upper Italian piaias: They are retreating from the Fella Valley. MANY KILLED IN TRAIN ROBBERY ROME, Nov. 6. The Italians have been forced to evacuate the moun tainous area north of the plains bt Northern Italy, to establlsh'thelr new line. The enemy now occupies this territory. " The ulan of campaign was marked out, and will be carried thru by this ag- ...antlnn U'hnSA IlfirSOnncl Will be made public tomorrow. It is believed that the citizens of this county will respond to this call In the same generous manner as In the lted Cross drive hero last spring. The terrible life which our boys are un dertaking for our safety and liberty makes no sacrifice too great to pro vide thorn with every possible com fort, It Is declared. Brazilians Incensed Over Loss of Ships PETROGRAD, Nov. 6. Russia Is still doing her utmost to carry on the war, and wtll continue to do her duty, according to Premier Kerensky. He n.ntaata. xTsimt nv other lnterpr- VILLA FOLLOWERS KILL SIXTY", tetton of his recent interview with the Associated press. GUARDS AND wyuxu rasK.. GERS IN BIG HOLD UP ON MEX ICAX CENTRAL JAUREZ, Nov. 6. Villa followers LONDON, Nov. 6. The British have commenced an attack this morn ing on the Flanders front beyond Par schendaele. PETROGRAD, Nov. 6. General, dynamited a. passenger train on theVerhovsky, minister of war, baa been Mexican Central at Armendan. ou relieved: or omce ojr iotwu.i -.- miles south ot Chihuahua. jder. General Manlkovsky has been Sixty federal train guards were appointed acting minister of war. The killed and passengers were wounded, department Is under me general ui- GF.RMAX GIRLS TO BE DRAFTED INTO SERVICE New Reclamation Work Near Teeter's Landing Ily cutting ditches thru the dike later it Is planned to Irrigate the tmct. Tho water will then be pump- 6C The land In this district le known to be very fertile and productive, and It Is believed will soon pay the reus. e acroaa to the river and.onable coat of "ciaraauon. Flower urotnera, u. . " - W. O. Smith, are the principal lapd owners In this district. Ar.-.v.igomcnts nre now being m-ulo '"' 'he. reclamation of n. tract of n'p- PrOllnuilnli. inn .-... -. iv,. -I.1. 4 tor8h lands In the vicinity of -Teeter's IdhJiu . i - . . . . uuing. T nig tract -lies In a separ te unit, nnd can be easily reclaimed r constructing a dike from Wild Hone Butte across to the river and "one the river bank. The dike, when wwpletod, will bo about a mile olid quarter In length., 8TRA8BURQ. Nov. 6. Now It Is the women students of the University of Strasburg who are soon to be drawn into the semtmilitary universal civil service that the relchftag decid ed upon more than a year ago. On the bulletin board of tho university there has appeared an announcement .w.tifvinn the young women that they are needed for ammunition and sim ilar work. RIO DE JANIERO. Nov. 2. De layed) Two Uruzlllan steamships have been sunk by German subma rines, while passing thru the U boat lone, according to news released here. Immediately upon publication ot the news a large mob attacked two German newspapor offices and much rioting followed. , JOHN QUINNEN JOINS AVIATORS John E. Qulnnen, better known as "Heap," enlisted for the aviation see. inn nf thu army, and left at noon to dcy for San Francisco, where be will go In training for a abort time before leaving for the front. Many otber opportunities are open f cr 'young men in 4lf ereat branches of the army. Recruiting Oflleor Price withes to get a few more before be leaves, on November Itb. He mr found at. the Hotel Hall rosj, the street at any time until this date. The mob also set fire to a German club house", ltlots Incident to the strike on the Sno Paulo Rio Grande railway, which threatened to develop Into au uprls lug, wero quelled by troops within the last forty-eight hours. There were many casualties, however. The gon eral thoory Is that the strike aud the riots wero Incited by Gorman Influences. A hundred and ten bars of sliver, Be longing to an American company, wero taken. Several passengers were lobbed and executed. COUNCIL MEETING TONIGHT Lack of a quorum at the city hall last evening made the regular session of the council impossible. The meet ing will' be held this evening Instead. Arctic Explorer Is Building New Boat rectlon of Premier Kerensky. HOLLAND-AMERICAN LINER RFXEA8ED ,eV CONDITIONS WASHINGTON, D. C, tfov. 6. Arrangements are practically com pleted for the release of the Holland American liner Amsterday, for one voyage, on the condition that she carry 2.000 tons of corn for the relief or the Belgians. It will be the first of the Dutch fleet released. CONVICTS ESCAPE FROM SALEM STRIKE MAY REACH SOUTH - - t RAN FRANCISCO, Nov, 6. . . ..... .- J-.1.....1 a The telephone strme ... T .. . ,, honor -en. t SZAXXS ? r&tttttBi I ,0Vohut have Tormina! recerds: TuefW wmouL , believed to have stolen an automobile. Kg Month For S. P; . At Klamath rails BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. The Pram, the famous vessel used by Cap tain Roald Amundsen in efforts to ne. gotlate the North espassoge, will, not be used In Amuaosens wtiw 'rfh for the North Pole," according to member of the Norwegian colony aerv. i Aannndun III tO hV Diet tllO Pram la Ban Francisco, but the vessel . .l InnrrAn oilllnhln far nas oeen louim uu .... . his uses. Instead,.ho Is having a ves. During tne mown ju.n....- - set constructed-at Bergen, Norway. paggenger tickets were soia ai u In this he expects tolfloat as farortb inVii 'southern Pacific depot'than any !ulWaT Pilous month during tb. bUterx ot T.-T. X V ' the-cduuty. The total was I.78Q. plane.' l 4 -,... mt a ceneral tout y.wF " -.- - - exodus from tho city by eny meane, . ihA railroad omclals. as more are believed tobave anlved than to have o make th.otrlp totbe poje by air- . The .GJoa,. which was used by .Amundsen, on other lArctlo. trips, now, occupies a dry land berth in a'publ park here; " , i left, but U does reflect me gte progress and proaperity 01 w ' munlty. . ' -1.1 - !f( 1 jft Although- the Hgurea the freWir .- nA v.t vailawer Kr we.. -,- iriwv t -- j- -.-, .. --, .-., , rH. "?va ' , "iVH irSWV V - - r ' -j " J " "-, u siBESS!' aioieo mv n,.,.w-wv. -r-z: ai,; ,-bms ally well, outgoing tew Wjm"' $s5l have been very aeTjr, ww.rj-r. ber and otber produce I county. .-S&iJnwSl 1 ft''v'V -t At -X..i?,. J&zif ...&&,?&. 7 mm: