JS (B V.? A F - v-.. 1 ' IV, ''. ' ' ' " " '. i ''(777 pqv mrm ,t L-, " ae.! .fc. ' 'AY ''; ...,f . A amVZ'.iwBV. w i IT I art, iu . w&mmM m . ' ZMLM . A t rt ' All 1m : ...iffit DMUff 19 rwfj MTr ;; -v- - TsmaTLJ.M. .K. .VImI l'"F'r''BrW-B:'-,K'B'' "-f'"'r SL&.K'c''-M.AimLB.- , .L ' : . v , .. TTr. rr T1 Tsmswf;if' '-ll? iaWiaWia aii . ... .... i - i jjm.. , J JM,M,,M j faaWMaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWiaWliaWiaWiaiia'iaW .ICIAL NEWiPAPlK fr frAMATH xowmr ftclfth Year No. H80 Pro-Germans KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON JbND AY, NOVlMKR 5, 1917 zSSSSE ijsUV.-'. OFFICIAL OF KLAMATH I ,).' "i" j NIWIPAPBl FALLS ' - - .j- jmi"?r4 ! - HeeWsw'OiaB-t V t saVsaml V ammm sS 'dnflfl n a-m-mmm- I 1 1 1 1 U'Clm LSteJ'.'V to' ?. ?i; r? '"f MB0TA6E CASES FIRST CASUALTY ..''! IIUIUIIILVI' linuniunLoi SPRUCEMILLS l W. W BELIEVED BEHIND THE MOVEMENT tWtfe Measures Will lie Meted Oat IfisM Who Hlader Work of OOfinuuNiU CouBtrjrWM Novo mat to ObMrvrt AlryliiM Cob amrtion Hrlnc VmmmtUioiI Many CVm of Habuta Itcportcd. 7 B itM tM.m .. HA.BMA jirirnin .fl tlUlll ivi'y i -"ft. '--J ' 5 '. 'i WlJ MVMMMWHMMMNI LIST PUBLISHED THRKK KILMCD, tXl'K WOUMIKO AM) TUELVK MIHAINU AMKIU ICANH VOUAiWU MIWT CLAHif WITH (JKItMAX AH.MY WABMNHTON, D. C, Not. 5. OfleUU are convlnead tht there la wtll dtOnetl movement at work by Me agency to hinder aircraft pro tection, and they believe that a draa. tie campaign may be neceewry agalait the agltatora. no aovemeut ia noted clear Into UM spruce foreite of the Northweet, vlere numeroua caaea of eabotage are reported from tk mills cutting alrjUae.woocU .-V All the labor dUtnrbancea are aald to be (ottered brthenaiwtrteCwork. era of the World, which la alio bin otrlng tho alrflcot conatructlon. WASHINGTON, U. C, Nov. n. J The official cntually lint of American loaaee In the flrat clash with the Ger- mana nhowa I'rlvates Thomaa Kn wrlght, James Greeham and Merle Hay killed. Private Hopkins, Uoic, Given and Orr J. Hmlth wounded. The minting list Include Hergcant llalyburton, Corporal Mullhall arid 1! allies, Private Oodfrcy, Kendall, Grlgsby, McDougal, Gallagher, lister Langham. Kern and Kecken. Nono of these are from tho Pacific Coast. i The statement said that the Ger man cut off aaallent from the rt of the line with barrage Ore. One German waa captured by the wounded men. MANY RUSSIANS JOIN PACIFISTS WHOI.K aAHKIMON AT PKTBO. UKA1 JOINS DOL8HKVIKI, PA CIHHT OROKR GREAT EX. . (TTKIKNT IN aTV '.LONDON, Nov. C At a meeting held In Petrograd, representatives of a whole Petrograd aarrleon oaaaed under the guidance and Influence of the Oolabevlkl, a radical paclflat group, according to a diapatcb Just received. There I great excitement In the city. , 1 't " ' - .,4al . il ...' aijskVy .. im ' ";...., in Building KeapssworKsror olers Ckistmas i v T f m essBtatasstiBsfasa t -'S tenMrfill Rati tiQHo.theWm HEW PEACE OFFER BELIEVED COMING WIT OK AVCmUAHVNaARIAN MXISTKH TO BERLIN AT THIH. work done. TIMK IH TAKEN BY MANY TO MKAN'MOREOVERTVREB WELCOME RAIN : nsWrt WILL KNABI.K FARMKKH TO KTAIIT FAIX PIX)WINO COtN. TY HOADti WILL UK GHKATLY IMPROVED Tho. warm rain which I now fall Inac over the Klamath section la very wxipomn to everyone. Tho weather remained clear long enough for all hrnun to comuloto their harvest work and to set much other desired It wtll now bo possible. for them to so ahead with fall plow ing and get their lands In roadlnoss for next year. The road thruout the district will also bo creatly Improved when they COPENHAGEN. Not. 5 It la gen-! again settled following the storm orally believed In diplomatic circles! that the visit to Berlin of Count Ot- ELECTRICAL ADVERTIHING toksra fAMiln k liMiM-Uniimii. ton minister, may be preliminary to a mw peace offer by the central powers. TEUTONS CROW t THE TAGLIAMRNTO BERLIN. Nov. -B The Aus- X 0 tro-Qerroana have crossed the I- -vui niT BHU HUH Uken 6,000 prisoners. , They are ', Nnow advancing further west.' A WILL UE CURTAUjKD WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. B. Steps to limit the use of coal for olec. trlcal display advertising will be tak en up by the fuel administration offl- elalshave decided that nE Dwo clala within a few days. These offl- clals have decided that a large amount of coal may bo saved by dim ming algns, and Is at work now on regulations to be put In force, a promise of co-operation-In fuel sav in. . made today by heads of pub- n MtnitiM concern 'thru their or-' ..niiationa. the national committee on gas and electrical service. New Train Service Was Creatly Needed To. extra passeager traia service, on the morning train It will be neces- lch started here yesterday, will he .""'" y everyone, aa it naa ion . been fait th.t ki. i..i. .. ..i. t Ottlly handlpanMd a.Ukl. u irmtm i i Tf A"'"t'l'w vmtf www feS-f out ww."H-' lW . Jlrali, which leaves at 7 ' wl aWtlw y--aaio0 with tbeerthare. bound train ii- , ...' t. t --- w. lam am iKV u ihb .D?B - ill sive'ceaaeHlet-'.fer ag1tigte.aM.we "w-JV3J Jnjieues sot .eutbsra Keltiv loth wJBefc -hs Ute4; here "-Jf eurv ii m a. a i.ii... iM train win be done away wnai sary to post " 7 tloc' ,B to go out on the noon train wy . ..j v.. i.n nrrordlna to a ,Utement"'fron the local postoflce i aL r.i.ii''t.-VaBraMDtatives.X " - """" -'-. '.L"i u:.Mii tbe'Sottthera racino tv .,- frpa this e will leave eao r"V'-T7 tle0..anth ugfortuaaie ' KLAMATH BOYS LEAWTON WILL GO TO NEW YOBK FIRST, AND WILL GO TO FRANCE WITH RAINBOW DIVDHON, BUT DATE DJ NOT KNOWN 'Word baa beon received from tho boy In the Thirteenth Aero Squad ron, stationed at Dayton, Ohio, that their long suspense is Anally ended, and It Is definitely settled that they will leave there In fact have already left for New York, preparatory to embarking for France. In a letter dated October 28tb, Lou Hoagland writes to bla mother as follews: .."Well, we are all packed up and ready to leave, waiting for further nrdnrs. The train that Is to take us m Nnw York 'la on the siding, and. we will leave some time tomorrow. ' i was offered the position of Master Signal Electrician, at $81 per month. It I would stay here, out i didn't want to leave the real or ine hnva. and. decided not to take it. I am recommended for the same office ahroad. at 197 oer month. I am sure nt tha nromotlon. as It haa been rec ommended by the officera at thia sta tion, and also by the officers going with the sauadron. "i will be allowed to write only one letter a week after we leave New vnrk bo don't worry If you don't bear from mo for some time after leaving.. But you folks write every day, just tbe same, as nome ion. are tbe most welcome visitors we can have. "I have taken 1400 Liberty loss bond, for which I will pay SSI a month until paid for. Maybe you think thia equadrou Isn't a loyal iiun-haitoMther the boys in this little squadron have takes) out , 000'ln Liberty dobos. '."Maybe job 'will think J should i..v. takanthe oBDortaaity to rejeala In the United States whoa offered, and maybe I should have done so. out I Just couldn't. It seems to me that ha work t where the trouble Is, and that i. where I want to be. aii tae boys feel the same way.' and if I Htdnt o with the rest of them I would alwaya feel that I had'at done my full duty to the lag. flo there it It. I feel It Is my duty and before you get this letter we'll be on the way. Dort worry, wver tbing will he all right" -" Wlth'Hoajnaad will CO iMBlltt MC Oullosa. Joe Skeltoa and Was. Weeks. all meBers or i eeaamww.-. Christmas ureaasjta for the soldiers at the front ivftsef the problem ow intsrestlftaelted Cross work ers thruont tke Uitted State. The time Is drawiar.teTy near when all gifts for tbefboys aero tbe, oeean will have to he atalled. If they 'are to resch their destiaatlWby December 16th. i , It U believed trees'' theay the peo ple of the cowrtrrjhave manifested their Interest la. the welfare of the soldiers la ike- ssV thai- they 'wilt desire eseeeially to see then remem bered at the Ckrlatma season. 'Tha Rd Craaa sjacletf'ltas aDoor- tloned 30.e6fgifsj tor he sUte of) Oregon, or uisavassau veuaiy w looked for tfBras IM- The 79 takea, hyMrs." E. B. Hall at the sard rfseTr$y,last week wilt be tamed fc thHTsjrf.-aaa the RedCroesdMMhWWvea Envelopes. Pencil. ' ' ,PoUls.' Book (In paper cover). Scran book, heme made, eoatala- tng a good short stery, jes. etc. Knife. ucli as boy swatawe. Mirror, steel. . Handkerchiefs, khaki colored. Neckties. Mouth organ. Electric torch. Playing cards. Mechanical pussies (aa assorted lot of twelve small mechaalcal pus sies can be bought at the rate or ii for 50 cents). Red Cross checker ibeard (this 1 a -.Vvi KsgesmmmmmmmmKSH': - SagaggH9g I smmmmmevt'rfVK, I 'BsmmmwP&'iV I ygmTewllx' i.f'M'A - 1 lnmmmmmmlHiMsliagU lammmmmmmBsMRiil IsmmmmmmmmJP "Clf? , liBssmmmmmmmmfC&WiV;? -f sB sHsgsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm t' ZjkMJ 4 ii -sisBlslllllllllllHsisKjy '& WMWWMWWVMWMMAAAAMAAAAMMAAAMnA REVENUE STAMPS FOR PARCEL POST OOMMEKOKG, FW8T MONTH ' REVENUE MUST BE PLACED FOURTH CLASS. MAIL. 1 ' fin, -," ;OTNJBW STAMM ox All i ' s- Tti One more gentle reminder that thia country 's now at .war comes today In the announcement Issned by 'the poatofllce department to the effect that beginning December 1st a spe cial revenue stamp will be reqalred on' all fourth, class or parcel post packages sent anywhere inthe United '"'nnaraitr KalNairllle of Nebras-! SUtes ka has saaae unlils'mlnd to resign bis ' The tax will amount to one cent ptaee to s to the; war in Europe. He for each 25 cents postage required, v'.J Wiu. a.niataa Mlrnial nfa Ka.1 that'U one Cent for SHT Mekage OSSt- Sf.SoT CJ.roV'eJr; iTaIardeglment. .adding J5 cent. t,r a fractle. tkrf.. comblaatlon set ot eherter beare. jj.'SMLC . ,. th4 two cenU for packages costing be- wtr'deWrOaeati'' ftween "85" cents and 50 cents, and " ;-'Z3ELife . soW - , ' . at the Eiks aat FrldarSveaJac Is, being given to raisata for, tjl purpose.! It is expeetea.teai stoaey ior me CbristSEaspaeklkgsis wtsthe raised by chanters thru coacrlhaileas by indl vi4aalsfor.thUsvecl(fU"arpee. Do aaUons wM s'reeetvad at the Red Cross work reoss.;f' ; .WotaejkaldpasIssiVtfAah will- not kfrsissertll Ckrlstaus. It 'Is suggested-that only goods which are assured or standing tne long jour ney should be mailed. Following la a list of articles sug gested for the Christmas packets: Khaki -colored handkerchiefs, 27 Inches square, for container. Writing paper pad, about -7x10 Inches. checkers. chosssea aad dominoes. made of hoary cardboard especially for the Red Cross, aad eaa bs-aurt chased-for 5 cents apiece). . - 't. Other games. Tobacco. " I Pipe and pipe eleaaers. Water-tight asateh hoc t ' ChewMtrass. ' ' vmitad. Aoeolaia. aad other eweet ,. ?&-ZFY--r&. , ,.V cracxen ia cfiavsai ipaajw. ., SmSmam Salted nuU. v , , ' Prunes, flgs, dates, raklas Hard candy. , Chocolate in tln-folj Licorice. . !.'. it is exoected that money for the Christmas packages will be raised by t a. iv-.. ..wl1..ftlvma 11 tnfll icoBiiiers, tutu wuh .. - . -. vlduals tor this specific, purpose. - r-W lS..Jtf YflHICHtlllinF. -u s i ft :'j?a3 CHAR6E aaaji i SsFPfBF'rF' Fn Mim zjcEy poimnn f--'BVtllAwlB an examination In the Justice court Saturday, Jess Uillett, J. Germans Prepare to Retire From Belgium By Associated Press . LONDON, Nov. 5. According to Information received' from .Belgian, sources, the Germans are systemat ically dlamantllng and destroying fac tories and work shops thruout Bel- alum. In tha Llexe district the blast fur naces have been Uken down aad tbe Vice President Will machinery and materials sent to Oer. mnnv. At'OncrM DreDaratloBs aavt --,. - ,.- - . i r . ... been made to pull down three, bias; furnaces and seven rolling milts have beon removed.. The same story cones from msny other pjsces, v It is. suggested that tbe. Germans are preparing tor an early, retreat lav Belgium similar to .mat wnica uwi ' Thia aneetVt .umD must be nlaesd oa the package at the, time of ntalMag oerore k cwssnfcye essg, 4 .-JC It. ssmbbk ImsjsBnsjstfSjsvsvAsjsjS) aevegei seaeig.tt.-hkaseasirt by him atnhe time or saalHag wltt hla.lnltials.aadvthe date,. Tae.aewrevenue stamps wlU ot be' UUrchaageable with the regular JBTii iiTaaaaaaWBaatemBCEa. SOi "f , jjtfK K i r f 'snra CSABGBfl MADE IN JUSTICE COURT SATURDAY IIMMIIIIIM UIQPinQtPill NICK OF TIME DOG WIT tpsTE RABIES LICKED SORE HAND gwlaaey and A. L. Bragg ot thU cttyj rchesPORTLAND AND TAKES haveheea bound oyer to tne anion oil - - . , j . - Z rd Juit. ch'araed with Imprbp- PASTEUR TREATMENTS THE er,codttrt. with, young girls. The prosecutioa only was brought outt the defesewaived presentation of . testimony. . - TeaffmeaT trss Introduced by the H. E. "Blondy" Crane, or the well prosecution to show' that Swinney and, known Arm ot Crane Waters, farm 3. W,.ntW-Uken a young girl Klamath Basin, has-retura. ZfSSiSs Uom Portlsndr where hi took the toBeiiloWaaey and the girl tre,tment following an ex- bad resuesiTer a penoo as man saw M ,0 rgbiM .?"rP;rjffl.KkHth a brothln-law of Millet at Calloqula, according to tne auega- tlo. , . All three defendants were remand- edio tke.countr Jail until such time aa they could raise the bonds imposed b Justice E. w! Gowen. Attorney place in France last spring. Male Portland ' i v;oU W mfZBI John Irwin appears for the 'defend- ''? UNITED WATEaV AIDS RUMANIA -dalTJTiakf halaa laid talMlet t Ml4(g.tsRBwi.tlwie it. .frMsJT. asisw. ;aattad ywjet BUWa;. fM: MWPi f V"VT Rusaaaw taru tiaes , MBm nv m- rLvim Praai. 'Mr. and Mrs. Marshall will arrive dam Marshall will vielt Portlandnext In Portland In the moralag. and wI Wednesday. November 7fl. He will, be met by a reception commltUMoa. . .4 .. .,iri tha avaains Isistinif" of democrats and rieaor nu.i,u.t Taniianeiaa "The lecture Guard Girls. In the foreaooa the .. . ' w.w.i ...J.. h. ananlcaa of KUeata Will be OSOOrtOd OVOT thi OO- the 01 Natloaal Hoaor Guard, and lumbto-Rlvsr highway aad la th al- .h. naada will he devoted to the'.teraooa a reception wiu,w aew r ...... L ... Ia. UMttanM.h liatal uafortuaata ehiiorea or roniaaa,x iw !. .... . , "" " "" .Zt 2 A v ""ft U mmmAsmmaknsQ e svaeus muswaiiii w ? e ; PJ5TB0ORAD, Nov. 5. The ev ttaselaw have drives he Turks ja'-Jia. tha 'Brat Una tiear tha O) PdV'tlack 8ea, aadadvsnood to the third line la some places, Uklng w much booty w Mr. Crane had barked tbe .skin from the back of. his band.. His do. approached nnaeked, aadUckedthe . Injury asTectloaftoly. It was later aiscovereq msn " w-, rabies, and It mjl-to be shot. Crane immediately went to Portland to be treated, and Itwas well he did so. for be was Informed that had .be waited another day it would nave been too late. As It Is, he will suffer no 111 effects. FINE RESIDENCE UNDER CONBTKUITTIU Th an. naw residence being con-1 p. structed'by Fred -Bussing" on Thlrjl x; street, near Hfgh af .hatag rapldr completed, and will be-ntuabjo Mfe'v dltlon to tlils locality. It ts,telag constructed of wood and concrete blocks, and will' be completed at a e) ! cost of over 13,000, .' -t4 -. I Food hHCWOAN HEAP- LtT OF SAiai orsmw wsisa waraavsasr wk es. ...' PLEDGE CARD SIGNERS MlftB.am 'hsads tha caases .'with A r. -, , , . . , aia.i'aaj-a;Maw JsrsdB'lfcaiiefid.1 --'-' - n . 7 . . r. ! .T..'i;. ft TfsBsVllTftTfTI (- i m w. I iWMmtt 5FC TTiJ'?T?r,"-TITJ"7V "T.Tr fZ -. sr . .it r "rrwis j '---. i.- aav-assi . - - f -.. -T:- A A. IT TrOBB. aVMSBJ. UIBw. . eaMt rff o eaywaarey-r-.w vrjr, i.y .4 tw W.MfhWrt;w,WHW 7: &i ;umkt&m warkers ttraoat .tae' eeaatry, 'ws t,. waekV eaaiselam wtll haVe'eaW eallsVaf'siiiuwlves'for iat lO.OOe'.OdVilfa'er, J V food cowenratlods ThWhufatthe s NHI M - - r -tT v Conservation i Lecture Tome 3? 'fMy.BjliiltWiU 4,VWiM,f"l"f,rW -j ,j..t..wt .ti. jji j j.M.h'iaaff. uui kM JwAaWSwauSSBjBHSV JBJSBasSSa JUtlawBtOJlBSBMr '" '-""-"- PlmamaawrfSMfcBJifcafirS laidlBBwll SSSlI all MSSS1I S IIB I BS1SJI I II I swsW.gd lat.sx'assisw! edBswvsu .. . r.u.i... .1. I .. id. . M.'". "--i -, wrWwra I1MSBBSSVS i'oit.itftwyW-e seaef,BBU s3f4sWW i . Sia- a. watv- --, -j -.r' is iMOad outraUea at eaemat Wii. w aaats.. Thia SMSMBt Wt :"TS? ..-.. xl. v......iv ni'tha city. Tyesayi " -"" " w?v T rda.4WsaJ& ' J . viu . f ' "iiX"" ... wTrt B" "1 ", "" ' c a -i;v a .. tSP, m