1 -v-jiv 'S,' -ail Ul ai '51 .! tic : . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER W lOAMATIT COUNTY' J. T M v r.?-'. tX ftf -MwaiaMMMaMaar . -Wl'-i I . 't. M. . twelfth Year No. .Ut :& ; awzm Olhv -dsttittiitt tf ' ' I rssSs 1 i . eatgsS -ieT sr i . gsVsssV aW? SaBM geftP ssP V1P -BgsftPsBtB'Bam. . . VJHTiHr, v 'vwvp' i i 1 1 i i i i ii MiSigiisi .iS ?n i i i " XL ' -ZL : '''' ' .,. ..;.... -.--.. ' .' ' . . .Iz'Jll'MM ' -.. y i- ,.-? , ' " M " - -r . .i . - " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SAIUKDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 117 ' 'lW "" wnm 'T i'.ji, m ' '' '' .--.m ,, IHI. , , ., .- - . i . j- i i i i i i i .... - - in ii - i - ,--.-----. - jy-f - . ... , i .i . 4 k ,::. " BRITISH DATS Of ENEMY SUNK IN NORTH HlEA WATERS 1UUANS MOLD TKUTOKH FROM CROWMNO TAOUAMBSTO 0wm Troop HUU FnitenriM WIUi Bawtoim ' nnrlln ABaouncea Cap tare of America Vocctm by Rccun Boherlnic Wrty Oernyin Com. mm lUtder aad Five Trawlcm tart to IMtom bjr BriUali. LONDON, Nov. a. The admiralty ku announced that certain Britlah forcei have been enad In the Oat i Ucat, an arm of the North flea, and teat the prisoners arc being brought la. The announcement declared that ten armed patrol craft, besides a cruder, were sunk. COPENHAGEN. Not; I. The Oer aaa commerce raider Crocodile and Ire armed trawlers have been aunk jr the Britlah In Scandinavian wa- iara. linn on two Daalah ahlna ra- -ZL:-Tjr sll. ;r7.. fHIW ! IIUMIIT"!.. aHin w mo to be on ire, and later to sink. Tae Crocodile carried 400 men. BERLIN, Nov. S The capture of American soldiers by a German rocon aolterlnt. party haa been announced jr the war office. The statement aaya that the prltonera were brought In from the district of tho Rhlnemarhe ttaal. ROME. Nor. 3. The Auatro-Oer ,mu pressure waa more 'noticeable ysttirday on the left wing of the Ital. knarsiUa. along the Tagllamento jlne. Tb'e Italians detained the Teu ton attempts to reach the right bank el the. river. PffmOGRAD, Nor. 3. The Rus sian troops In the VoshneS sector fraternised yesterday with the Oer- sa iroops, the Russian war oOce an nounces today. VlsbneC Is on the Russian front aoutheast of Vllna. LONDON, Nor. 8. Thirty men on the auvlllary cruiser Marie of Fein's our were killed In an engagement with the British destroyers. BL8INORB, Denmark, Nov. 3. Wounded men from the aerman aux iliary cruiser Sufk in the North Sea vtrs Unded here. FIREMEN'S BALL THANKSGIVING EVE Arrangements aremow being made for the fourth semi-annual Firemen's Mil, which will be held at Houston's opera home, Wednesday evening, No smber 38th, the evening before Thanksglvlnsv Th Peerleu arches will furnish music, and a Sne ms is predicted. Strikers Refuse To Resume Their Places i 'V',,ij.)n,,1 ;. -i"".MwsiLl'lf;;'SA:;ji ;SVif -j- utiores at Tfaiiawaija. smi If. Taeejoa aid Portias to rstur to cr Bwtdlag aisdUUy 'seafereacM. repeated itt taMUlocraah seat wr by Frank McNully, president H REAUY DEALS MASfelHtoX WAA0M00IA0i00MMI0AAAAAAAAAAAA0AAAA0jAaAAA FOUR MORE BOYS LEAVE FOR FRONT LAHT OF LIST FIIWT KXAMINKI) IIY LOCAL UOAIID LRAVK FOIt CO.NTONMENT CAMP MOHK TO UK CALLED FOR KXAMINATIOX Four more Klamath boys left this morning to Join tho ranks of the Amerlcsn army at Camp Lewis. They were Charles Roberts, Robort Adams, Claire Arnold and Oliver Jefferson, the latter being from Chlloquln. This la the last of the list or draft ed men examined .for the first quota, altho It is considered very probable by the local exemption board that an. other group of about twenty more will be called to take the examination In order to fill thsgps caused by the fifteen men that wer'ti (recently discharged. nV American ... Lake for . .7.. . - '.CM.". w'- . -- physical 'dlsabffifjC- H-' v &v-. COUNTY WORKERS ARE INDUSTRIOUS FINK SHOWING MADE BY RED CROSS WORKERS IN ALL FARTS OF KLAMATH MORE INTER. EST NOTED IN MOVEMENT A total of ISO suits of pajamaB, ion nlKhtlncales and IS pair of bed socks are now completed, at the local rooms of the Red Cross Society, or thl. amount, the Klamath high school girls have made 33 suits of pajamas and 10 nightingales. Bly has sent in nevon suits of paja mas, Bonansa six suits, and Fort Klamath four suits. There has been a marked Increase In the attendanro at the headquarters here recently. There are scarcely any women, however, who find It possible to be there in the forenoon, so from this on it haa been decided to keep the rooms open each afternoon from 1 to 6, and on Saturday from to a. m. to S p. m. NINE MEN LOST ON FINLAND WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 3. Eight men are dead and .one Is; miss i... fmm the tornsdoed Finland. Two of the dead and the missing man were amhni-H of the armed guara, two were army men, and the rest were members of the crew. mrVT r 'i v r ipt .jthe i meraktloffJ. Aasoelatlon iff I Electrical Workers.- j, v' .'-?. 'ItATti, NoV. 8. The iislOB IsAd era asYatiitsrtsd that tbe strikers will roUfi oily when (he avera. meat takes) over the telephoae'Iyltesa or the company grants Its demands, WIN NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS 1 i. it ' " T ' '" 3--"""''-. J .-. ' ' ' -.j . I T ' DRIVE RESULTS PROVING GOOD KLAMATH FOLKH SHOW FGER . SKHH TO AID COUNTRY UY PI.KDG1.NG FOOD KCONOMY. SCHOOLS DO FINK WORK With tho exception of a very few, tho people of Klamath Falls and vi cinity are responding unanimously to tbe call of. Herbert Hoover for food conservation to aid the United States and allied armies. In a few Isolated cases a spirit of Independence has been manifested, some refusing to sign the pledge cards because they believe that the Issue Is being forced upon them. Almost every one visited thus far, howevor, hag demonstrated an eager ness to holp the government by sign ing the card Immediately, with as surances that It will be. lived up to. Every, JKUnat'alU family; repre sented at the high school has nw been enlisted in the move. Tho high school was dismissed yes terday afternoon for the purpose of making further progress In this dis trict, each pupil-being pledged to en list one family m'ore during the af ternoon. The food campaign this week in OregonVas placed entirely under the auspices of the public schools, Ore gon being the only state in the Union where, this was done. As a result, all tho schools are making a supreme ef fort to make a fine showing for the stnte. Clty;8chool Superintendent R. H. bunbar'and -Principal C. R." Bowman of tho high school, aa well as a num ber of others, have worked sealously for tbe past few days to make a good showing for Klamath County. ARMY RECRUITING OFFICER IS HERE To secure enlistments In the reg-iIhi- nrmv. Recrultlna Officer' H. J. Price of Redding, Calif., arrived last evening, and Is stopping at tne notei Hall. Until hta departure November 8tb, he will receive enlistments in all branches of the esrvlce. He declares that there arismany vacancies. la the uiiiinn olnn nil thfi nr1neer. for those qualified In this, kind of' work.' Opportunities are oRen in tne forestry regiments for lumbermen of all kinds. Professional, men ana traaos. Wen In many different lines who wish to' Join the colors will find openings in thaJit reinaetira Vocations. Officer Price, Will be glad tojaaswer any and nlh questions oi tuose mteresieu. ' ' ASSAILED MUSICIAN RESIGNS POSITION r - BOSTON. Nov.-8.-lbr, Mark Muck, rnnduetor of the' SostOB Symphony orchestra who waa severely criticise for not piayug tae "tar apsagiea .a..-.) ii-.-ransai niisrnat r bssrrs" UiffqK.v.T..W;?i; MW wv. -TT-T7 r: i-T-IJ Dlsye4Kfutr;i SSSSJBJSJSJk-.. ,.?:. i. . rf.H.'.'j"-riua .? mmmmm pF.iutiiw cosVf TifcXeKHriafcfaOSff;.: W ) I. iw;Cfr win . sew w day aftsrScisiati-SilO la '.the Wast hall ef ,tWe 9f d Fellows building. Appleg ate s Pioneer Stockman Disposes of Interests After More Than Fifty Years Act ivity in County . Largest Cash Realty Deal Made Here During the Year Captain I. D. Applegate yesterday sold his big stock ranch of 800 acres, across the California! line, near the Lava BtfBds, and his band of sheep to Murphy Brothers. The price paid, which was all cash, was In the neigh borhood of $35,000.' PJ0bnlyJio-jDSAJI0ff.toay u more Intimately acquainted with the history and development of Klamath County than Captain Applegate. The family was prominent In the early settlement of the Willamette Valley, as well as Klamath County, and Cap tain Applegate served with tbe pio neers of the early days and during the Modoc War. Later he engaged in the WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 3. A nation wide drive for funds with which to carry on the war camp com munity recreation service will bo made the week of November 4 to 10, it was decided at a recent conference here of representatives from all parts of tbe United States Secretary of War Baker, the prin cipal speaker, In praising the war camp community work, declared that the soldiers must be adequately arm ed and clothed, but that he wanted them to have also "that Invisible ar mor, that moral and Intellectual ar mor, that new soldier state of mind for their protection over-seas." John N., Willys of-Toledo, national Great Pure j ' War Camp Fund Drive to Start Stock Show Planned PORTLAND, Nov. 3, The Pacific International 'Livestock show, which will be b'eli hsre during the week of November lit, is expected to be the: greatest purebred stock show held1 la .IAN;PK)RO.Cailf:.iNov. ,8.Tae steamer ,-Geveraor.H which grounded hera Vfif tigat tpt last, wasU-fog, Taaraslay.haa; IOIIH SWilWtf sBwaaa i m iiuw from saetaer vessel. - ie-j. ft. Last Stand Evacuated stock raising business, and .at differ ent periods owned a number of the big stock ranches of the county, In cluding one In Yoana Valley, Ui Edgewood ranch In Swan Lake al ley, and the Oleae ranch now- owaed by Rex Bord. A few years ago he purchased .800 acres otlaad Bear the his wlnter'sheep raaie. . This raach he. appropriately named "Applegate's Iast Stand," as he' had. about decided that this would be his last venture In the stock, business. Mr. and Mrs. Applegate still re tain tbelr fine home In Klamath. Falls; and will probably spend the greater ) portion of their time here., chairman of the committee presided at the conference and at the session of the national committee held to make the plans. . ' President H. D.i Mortenson of tbe Pelican Bay Lumber company has been named as the chairman for rais ing of funds In Klamath County, In which tbe quota has been set at T400'. He has decided, to accept this duty at the solicitation of tbe Klamath Com merclal Club directors, to whom the selection has been referred. A stronc .committee will be an nounced Immediately, to aid la the work, In which those who still enjoy tbe comforts of home should assist to provide) the boys who are flgatlag for IUBIU, T Bred to those la charge of tbe wraage- mens.' ' There wUI be forty-slx Shorikora. Hereford sud -Aberdeen Aaguslherds entered.- The herds will laer4a stock fro Oregon, Waskiagtei, CAUMrata, Montana aadliaael ' l m jXM v,v. rjew T ?YT fc,lr,,Srv. jAvwiv io;aot . ,J.-V. N.vi;r-'-SbUiiii'vwHv -aR' ' V " WAftbi;Mrs Trs.stajei Javary.; grounded p Wa4ty,sl4Js S8v the rocks by ( Uttta auaasja to the boat resulted tress the MsldeiHr FRENCH GAIN ON M RIVER ENEMY DRIVEN -TO 'NORTH BANK OF RIVER ELBJffcN HUNDRED ANDFOHTTkl r I - UNS TAKEN IN TEN, IA4Y8V S 61' L PASHA. Khr-Jt.ZlV&r, French are 4e advancing betwtmts&Olse canal and u r-ar yTKTy.' By, and have: reacned tae foam t of the Aileete River. The Gar reated to the tbe bridges north bisak.y, across Uit.AleUelace October 23d thelheViatured 433 blg !i3Ji A. . WIGGINS: BRINGS ACTION AGAINST 1. 1. KELLER FOR VIO. ' LATION OF AGREEMENT, MADE ' AT SALE OF KELLERS CAFE it ' r iif t.. An action Instituted.' some time ago tt :ia 3nJ VffH utm CIVIL SM IN eritftf COURT SstKSiSv1"" i' ia VhlchMrSi.I.r seeklng,to restral4;J. Keller from, u J ow of priBC,p:ltock- conducting a .restaurant business in r Tn preMnt,bullUn-twW ...eged .rlolatloa oi hi. contract vS'b.,Sy-ivir tw., at the time bedtoposed i of his cafe to lMtlt5ti0BlilH,fcW. vviggws,.is oeiiia np .,. Circuit Court. TheAVWene for the prosejputloa. Is now.'pout completed, The.defsase seekfo show that the present business: wltwhlch Keller Is IdenUled la conducted by Mrs. Kel ler.' Attorneys Charles F. Stone and W. H. A; Reaaer appear for. the pros ecution, while the defense Is repre sented by Charles.' Ferguson. y KEW ALASKA SCHOOL TO BE OPENED SOON FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Nov. 3. Efforts are being made to have the now. Alaska Agricultural College aud School of. Mtaes ready, for opening raezt fall. The beard of regents is now.JUv correspondence with educa tional Institutions on the "outside" 'regarding the ;type of bullldtngs and courses of study for the new school. , - -v '-an UNION mccoGNnrioN IS STICKING' POINT SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. The Faclffv Telephone and Telegraph com. any baa again refused to, recognise .the operators' uatya as a means to end. the'strlke.' Ituss. however, or- fsred to nKoUsWiIll other questions. .L? .' -mn., s-ewwtswsBPiJ ww. .-.-. tsemttjk' betievs that they uaaergrouaa;- 'Undej ground' Leak to fysimnvThmmhtFAiinil VBagsffstsfsVsfsBBB 4B SBSBMS7.HafWePSmVV'jB VsV VSF If'SW"''' eaSBBBW BBBBBSSBBBf aaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBSISBBSmBVJ M w ' " T hTBBi -" V w I l" -t" kM 'ITTi.Iili r7i.sWi;ii'S'' !'?.'. -ivfl sates.: gsjaisri eissunr rv -:. . ij v.aiifc. - i 1 . h ''v'lVv .jwrvj'-.'r? TsaseaeasBBuv.- v. ggusssjBBSssasMsajB.e smamssssaasa. gave, sMseoreraauHa mum CORNER CHANGES HANDS J'l- WILL PROBABLY BE USED XEWBANK BY it One of the Finest Bsis;SMist fa. Klamath FaB at the. Comer' Mi Sixth' and Mala, Owned by George McDeswM, Ja Takea Over by C.B. Crisler at.a ComsMsratlosi el'SleV, OOP New-BsilHlag te bsj Bveetsd One of the most substantial realty deals In city property of the season was completed-here tnlsmornli'gj , when Mayor C. BCrlsler jbok, over1 I iikir .nrntuirtv artti Minn sUltl YESTERDAY Vilrij' j"..L,.. -rU jB.TT?-if. . .-iit--ui uain xaripcrij. uciu uj uwis mv- . mZ-L. i"' L.M IV rlum Ja '" Donald, at a consideration of UO.OeO'. This property, now occupied bythe' jewel cafe, Is considered, by alt 'bast ness men tqbe.one of the mostvalto able. business corners, in thVcityi as It stands attbe Junction of .Main street and the 'principal tbororiralto ' the agricultural; district, vl'JJ,' It Is! generally believed 'that the building will be immediately remod eled and occupied by the new KJam- h tumta honlr uinn in Yiit started 'In -(nrnl,y esUbllshed, and later a-ew, . ,M.Min- win h Ar.rtkd foi modern building will be. erected .for Its accommodation. &', n The new owner has'jkaken uBsaedt ate possession. ( BAITIST MEETINGS T I? The evangelsjUc meetings .bow dc- elc Ing conducted Jrt the- Emanual Bap- tist church under tbe leadership of Dr Wt c. Driver are attended each evening by large audience; Foreful sermons oy tne noiea speaner ana fine singing provided are drawing out the peope In greater numbers. The meetings' started last Monday,, and will' be continued for some time. - . . ASSISTANT MEDIATOR NAMED WASHINGTON, .D,- G, Nor. 3. Immigration Commissioner--White at. Seattle haa' been named to cooperate; with Federal Meeilater. Verisr" Ree' to work toward the settlement of. the phone strike. 8EATLE, Nov. 3, White is now out of the city, but is expected to re turn immediately and take up .the work, v ' ' -!? (fcrit-JT".. ts!fvv-rS'tAil.;A? pxwmit pv-,-' rTT7''T',Tn.-i trsasitted. sutea It has then authorities. . ;w.. .s!S5.?a&s "mmipvMm. -to :'-. bees retoyedte wwag, J, t'y&mt&r-m J. .-j -t 4l 'T-,1 Wl sir1 4 TTT nt? i-iV?-''V5V ' SlS.'l',' J8