' i .Si I yr 1 ti i f dftf 1 .' . , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIPAMK , OF. KLAMATH FALLS y, vl 'y -k :j Twelfth Year No. S.148 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1917 si. I swaetaaaVeB -.afafes.aSjBW) ' .aw. . . AZv . .a ami USawaaa 07m mmwLw amm . . . tmr earn, a r - Bai S aT i aiaT .aawar aaaa ' .Bb aaaw n hn iUi4rt jj4ia r.JLI JC ' -MIll Kill I II I TT1 fl 1 II I jL -. '.4 -i " - ' " I I. I. I !! , . 'Ill Fries live i TEUTON DRIVE FORCE Of HEAVY BLOW IS NOW NrfH I s 1IKHLIN REPORTS FEW AUDI. TIUNAL PRISONERS Enemy rreww Italian Um Bark to MIUU17 Headquarters Near Line. General Cademo, Harked fey He uewcd Spirit of Troops Prepare a Wrong Defensive Line Along Um TagHmrato River. By Associated DATELESS The IUUm resistance It apparently stiffening, m General Caderno prepare to reform his force along a strong defensive line of the Tagllmento River. The entire Issue, lift baa been turned and the Cnrso position given up to the victorious Teuton soldiery, who are now before Udlne, the forraert" Italian military headquarters. Berlin reports Jhat go grest sddl Uonal prlisnern hnve been Uken. which nuy.M ihat the force of the .first blow has been spent. BERLIN, Oct. SO. Later The Austro-Germsn forces have occupied Udlne, the former Italian general mil itary headquarters. JUBILEE BANQUET AND MORTGAGE BURNING The Jubilee banquet and mortgago burning, which was appointed a year go, will take place at the Christian churchy Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. All members and friends of the church are cordially Invited to attend this gathering and have a good time. w FIRST AMERICAN SOLDIER WOUNDED ' By Associated Press WITH AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCIS, Oct. 30. The first American wounded In trenches has arrived .at the base hospital. ' He Is a lieutenant in the 8lg- nal Corps, who was woundel in the leg by a shell splinter. KLAMATH'S CHANCE IT The Untied States Government thru Food Administrator Herbert Hoover, Is calling this week for co-operation from every loyal citizen In the Nation. It is calling for aid in n movement which no one can have any legiti mate excuse for not heeding. There may be many good and sufficient re, out why we are not yet training for the trenches. There are perhaps numbers of us who do not And It possible to purchase liberty bond, no matter how much we might have wished to do so. Home, It may be, liave 1 been dented what to them would hare been privilege of co-operating with the Red Cross movement. This i a matter, however, In which no call 1 made upon the nuance of the people lay any way, or which will demand any noticeable time. It Is ' request which will benefit directly the finance of all who follow It, as the supplies asked conserved are anung the more costly of tlie nation's foods. A person' desire to back the good old Mar Spangled Banner can be accurately gusged by the way he or s'te responds to these simple demands, "fcl are calculated as a swift uppercut to that smug mustachedmug of Noro William. The city of Klamath Falls fell down woefully during the recent cam. Nga for Liberty bonds, and so far as we are able to learn, there bars NasmsdssslrWsiTSd for the wag the public generally has taken hold of V h wT5t the Ret crass Ma,uartre. were w m wwfw, w-wm f ', .weasrcetssMTH ssawrour patnousss ana or w,... r. ;. . .;7;M Uhsrstosejorsuejfrsh to make every esc. rM?1 Tsnisiihis, the food supply of the country. Let It be M (hit XlasMSKihjiM and Klamath County responded so quickly with a reply U th feed easerratJoB request s to let the outside world . tafwr we.eesistder. it a frerilef to, make tho denials ssksd, rather hardship.' Mar it he said that Klamath fulls "casne hath." wish ''iiA ENEMY'S ATTACK PROVES FRUITLESS GERMANS PUSH FIIEXCII HACK IX MIIIIIA MKITIU HUT UIMWKIl GAINED IH LOST IN COUNTER ATTACK I'ARIB, Oct. 30. Tim Germans linve attacked the French lines near Chaumo Wood In the Verdun section, and gained a footing In the advanced ironenee, out tne ground takon waaj regained In a counter attack. ANOTHER LICENSE fO BE REQUIRED ALL THOHK HANULINti KX11VO. BIVK MATERIAL WILL BK RK 4JUIRKU TO TAKB OUT HI'KCIAL LIOHNBE XOVKMIKll 1ATH . y' ' In order to ssfeguard the use of esploslves-'and-that the government may keep track of those who have them In their possession, a license will be required In order to handle them after the 15th of next month. This license will bo required of all manufacturers, vendors, purchasers, foreman of operating works, export ers or Importers. The license' fee, however, Is nominal, being only 2ft cents. The now licenses may be se cured iu Klamath County thru Coun ty Clerk C. R. DeUp. BILL AT HOUSTON'S CANCKLLKD Owing to circumstances over which they had no control, the Metropolitan players, who were scheduled to ap pear at the Houston opera house this week have been obliged to cancel their engagement, and not make their appearance as advertised. The rea son for their non-appearance Is con veyed In a wire received this, morn ing by Manager Houston. LOAN MADK TO KXaLAXI) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. SO. The United States government has advanced England $20,000,000 more, making a total of the amount loaned to the allies now 12,851,400,000. '"WWW'WWWWWWIIWWWWXWW """.. HIGH GRADE CAR EQUIPPED WITH ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES Will Haul Fifty Passengers With Comfort New Bridge Over Osnal Completed and, Laying of Rails Go ing Forward Rapldsy Orade In side City Limit Being Thrown Up Rapidly by Big Dredger. The arrival cf a, passenger coach for the new straborn railroad makes tbe fifteenth piece of equipment re ceived to date. There are now here and In use ten flat cars, one locomo tive 'fend tho passenger coach" above referred to. The passenger coach, with Its rich coat of green, Interior wood work of solid cherry, upholsteryof dark red plusn and trimmings of highly pos Ished copper, and nlckle, together jrlth all modern heating; lighting' and toilet, accessories, will be a surprise to those who are looking for common accommodation train standards. About fifty passengers will be com fortably carried In the two compart ments. One designed for smokers, besides furnishing moderate space for baggage and express. The freight equipment which is now In use between the city terminal and the end of the track, being paint ed a bright red, is a very conspicuous and enlivening spectacle out In the middle of the valley, wltb tho fre quently passing locomotive. To one who travels this way occasionally,, it seems that the new system has all been Installed over night. The big bridge acrosstbe canal Is now complete, and track laying will be pushed at a rapid rate from now on. Meanwhile the lajrge dredge Is making rapid progress with the grade toward the heart of the city, and the grading contractors further out are making a good showing at all points VICE RAMPANT IN SEATTLE COMMANDER AT AMERICAN LAKE MAKES STARTLING CHARGES REGARDING IMMORAL CONDI TIONS AT SEATTLE SEATTLE, Oct. SO. Mayor GUI has declined to make a statement an swering the charge wade by. Major General Greene, the commander at Camp Lewis, that a powerful Tics syn dicate, using S00 women,, exists In Seattle. Greene declared that unless there Is an evil crusade, he will put a step to troops Visiting Seattla. . MICHAELU OVSTED -" T BBPSBSBBBMBSSSS ' A ' AMSTERDAM, 'Oct. SO. Count Crsoaf tm JiettUnf, tho laTartsg prime - abetter,-, ha .A been' made imperial ekuosller to. iMsesd Mleaaslls. who has ba namsd as the prleMi ainls- tir.el, Prusals, . v fc s IS CHECKED IN ITALY e r IWWWWWWWWWWKWWWMWMWWiOMMWWWMWWWWWWWXMW WVWWWWMWWWWWMWWWMW'WWWWWWWWWWWWWMMWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWMWWWWWWWWWWW'iiM Modi'. Needed Hail Route A WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 30. Congressman Sianott has today been notified that the postofnee has ordered Issued the establishment of a tri weekly rural route at Klamath Falls, to become effective January 2d next. This message will be unusually wel come news to (a large number of ranchers In the 8prlng Lake and Mid land sections, who have been obliged heretofore to come to the city in order to obtain their mall, while It has been delivered to some sections of the county fifty miles distant on the rural routes dally. . It' Is believed by many" that the. es tablishment oMhls service will mean delivery for rajddent of Mills Addi tion, that being one of the things pe titioned for In? connection with this service. ' When asked pbout the rural route to be established, Postmaster Deliell said that his office had not yet recelv-' Food, Conservation Talk This Evening O. M. Plummer, widely known over Oregon, and now a member of the state executive committee, wHl ar rive this afternoon and will address a mass meeting this evening on Food Conservation at the Houston opera bouse. ' v Mr. Plummer has long been con nected with tbe school work of the CITY HOI IS SOLD .YESTERDAY ARTHUR WILSON BUYS PROPER. TV ON WASHINGTON STREET OWNED BY NELLIE COGSWELL OK CRESCENT Klnmrth Falls city property Is changing bands rapidly these days. A sale wi' made' yesterday. In which Arthur Wllson.of tbe City and County Abstract company takes over the property of Nellie Cogswell at 130 Washington street. Mr. Wilson's family will take Im mediate possession of the property. The sale was made thruW; S. Slough. The consideration 1s not made public. This residence has been 'occupied Inrevloufcly by Mr. and Mrs. C." P. Stewart, wno ieit this morning tor Hollywood, near Los Angeles, where Ihey expect to remain Insthe future. T BOLD HOLDUP IN SEATTLE IIATTLE, Oct. SO. Two masked rubbers with drawn,syoitsr .today joreed' tasirc way lata tksapartmsat occupied v by Mr, and '.Mr."' Milton BrosdwaU eg Pike treet.-aud .bound ur gagged the. : nun uiixni awiars wra 'ws (rem the seeksU ef Broadwell. The reesers escaped In an automobile. Established ,ed any official advice in regard to It. If the route Is established as recom mended when It was inspected a few niTiiitlis ago, it will embrace all the tcnilory In the valley west of the main road to Merrill lying between the rler and the bills on tbe south. It Is a triangular tract about ten n.llcx on a side, having approximately 100 families as residents. The route will also probably include service to the residents of Mills Addition, add ing fifty more families to the service. Postmaster Delzell has worked per sistently to get this route established, and alt ho twice turned down, he has at last succeeded. The timely repairs of a bit of bad road near Midland al lowed the inspector to give It a "clean bill of health" this time, with the gratifying result of the route being ordered established. It will prove a great boon -to the farmers along Its route, and it is safe to say the value of every farm as a home is increased (100 by it. SrJ state, and Is known, all oyer Oregon as a splendid speaker. He is thoroly conversant with the subject to be treated, and it is expected in view of Its Importance just at this time that a large audience will be on hand to hear the address. Tbe speaker will arrive this after noon from Lakevlew. Tbe address will begin at 8 o'clock. SPY PLOT UNEARTHED EMPLOYE AT SAN FRANCISCO IRON WORKS TAKES PICTURES OF SUaMARlNESUNDER CON STRUCTION BEING PROBED 'SANFRANCISCO, Oct. 30. An al leged plot to steal plans of the sub marines' under construction for the government at the Union Iron Works here is being. Investigated following a raid made on the home of John Kul cllff, a riveter at the plant. It Is de clared that he took snapshots In tbe shipyard and had them developed at a drug store. BRITISH GAIN NEARYPRESS ENEMY DRIVEN BACK THOUSAND YARDS IN PLACES CANADIANS NOW IN THE TOWN OF PA8CH. MEDAELE r LONDON, Oct. 3,0. 4"be British have again. stacked, the enemy pnthe Flanders front, tiood progress Is. re ported riorta ot-tbe'Ypr.M-RouUrs rllivtail.-. Th , Hermans have" hsen PdrlVen backto a4ep'th4t lV00Q;'yafs at some place along the Yores front, i Early today the Canadians bad oc cupied a position only 400 yards from; the heart of tbe town of Patehmo. daele. ' ? STRICT RULES FOR CAHNERS SPECULATION IN CANNED GOODS IS TO BE PLACED UNDER BAN BY ADMINISTRATION SALES RESTRICTED?1 WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct.-30. Special regulations to prevent specu lation in canned goods will be put into operation November 1st by- the food administration. All cannerewfll be placed under license and forbidden to make further sales of canned74trn, tomatoes, peas, sardines and salmon before February first; ' ' EWAUNAlOMPANY BUILDS OFFICE NEW BUILDING ERECTED TO TAKE CARE; OF BUSINESS IN. IKimUPTED BY FIRE FUTURE PLANS AReNoT MATURED . . ; - , . The t'wru'na Box company Is now at work constructing a new office' on Its property recently devastated by lire. Ofllcials of tbe company announce that altho their plans for the future are not determined, there is a vast1 amount of 'business interrupted by their misfortune that demands' tent ion, and that these quarters are being arranged so that they may.pro; ceed. They intimate that their final decision will depend largely on What is provided by the' city In the way of adequate water protection. ' Fred Schallock and Claude Dagget are now In San Francisco looking af ter matters of business for the com pany. , "' .' OUR SECTORS WONT BE SO QUIET A LITTLE LATER. COPENHAGEN, Oct. 30 The Ger man newspapers have printed the first official report from the American forces In France without comment ex cept an occasional sarcastic emphasis on tbe "quiet sector" of the front. GERMANS EVACUATE. POSITIONS TAKEN PETROGRAD. Oct. 30. The Ger mans have evacuated tbe Worden Peninsula on the Gulf of Riga, where they recently made a landing. FINE EXHIBIT IS ASSURED FOR SHOW In order to provide for a first clsss Klamath. County Exhibit at the Manufacturers and Land Products Show at Portland, commencing Satur day, the County Court yesterday made available the sum of 9BM for she transportation of the exhibit and the services of W. T, Lee as county rep nentntlve during the period of the show. One of tlie feature of the exhibition is to be very large map, uranaratlon at the Strahorn railroad 'headquarters hero, show nlimd develonmeat which is to make Klamath Fsll the ! liuiuitrfal Mt which it swosBhical nosttlon has destined for . That Klamath. County Is going to have an exhibit that wBI bo wta., ner is evidenced by the targe amount of line producenow hoJssJ s.4 for arupweut at the Commercial Club rooms by Mr, Lee. ..Tho " : thruout the different part of the country have responded tothe -esMtMuvf; tu in aa unusually enthusiastic nuaahes.'aunar beets, potatoes. dMerent kinds of fruit nad , sheaf grsJn'is on hand sumcient to make n most attractive dssoley. T v 4u.''ihuji vLmIuIw ii lin mi " MM1r..mmft.-4iai 'alavsust wbiah isssi'sgai-ii arstla for the exhibit, and In fact, eresi 1 on ih'niesUr has' shown, a doslre r - 7 i. .T" 5 Miles ssjft cowpanaf, Is worklssl ulth M. Leo on dosioBfor Mr. VJa ursU laava u-lth the smids for Portlsikd tsmarrOW JSM f -ZT- -.TV- 7ll wv- HORSEFLY SYSTEM miiowiE- DIVIDED SEPARATE UNITS TO PROCEED INDEPENDENTLY On Advice of Attorney, Old District. I8 to Be Retained, But IssKthhsal Groups WIU Go Ahead. With Separ. ate Irrigation Enttrpilaes Getter Reservoir Site in Horseiy Valley Taken On Market. That the Horsefly Irrigation pro ject, which was originally created to Irrigate 16,000 acres In Laagell and Yonna valleys by the Installation of a dam at the bead of Miller' Creek la Horsefly. Valley,,, will new. be divided into about .three separate units, and each unit. proceed on Its own private enterprise, was practically decided at a meeting of the members at Bonansa yesterday. v ' ' JM!hg on .advice of Attorney ,C. F. Stone, it was decided, best .to retain tfie "old jtmtf althoiitbe -original Inn of Irrigation Is now out of the question, as the rancfcojLouta Ger ber, which; was to have besn; purchas ed and used as a reservoir site, has been taken off the market."' -It is nowr probable that the Yonna Valley ranchers will irrigate by a' separate project, and the lingell Val ley farmers' wiirget wateffrom the Clear Lake dam south of the bead of tbe valley. r , , Tbe.Btg Springs project at Bonansa Is bow well under wayan will have tbe water1 available for ,hext"season. unless something .nrr' ' unforseen arises; Between 2.500. and 3,000 acres' are embraced In this project. 'It is believed by tbe members of the Horsefly project that they, will get their lands all watered sooner by proceeding In smaller-groups than by waiting to get some large system to cover all territory' at once. "" m WANT LABOV SECRETARY TO BiiBLP SETTLE STRIKE 8AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 30.- retary of Labor Wilson has been asked by .Attorney Gavin McNab and United States Senator Phetanto come to San Francisco immediately and try to avert the threatened telephone strike. No reply pas, been received yet. manner, and- an array. f aim ft.' tV!l t,timimMfi91Wk : - i- t"t " y;.i . 4 - , ,.,;.; -H M -f i J V M &mu iS. & I .Jf '." ?$m? ....- . -