"Or WL OFFICIAL NEWiPAPER OFFICIAL NEWtPAPSK OF KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FALLS - . - Twelfth Year Xo. ,! KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1917 Mm Firs) ENEMY YIELDS MN PRINCE SUFFERS BAD DEFEAT TWELVE THOUSAND PRISONERS CAPTURED denial Hetrrnt Threaten Along LIim V Yam Hi. Qneatla to Champagne. Predicament of Crown Prince Sort- one British and French Uotli At- terklng Near Yprea Satisfactory Progress la All District. By Aaaorlated Preee DATELESS From the height of the Alsno Rlrer the French aro driv ing back tho German Crown Prince Rsppecht relentlessly toward the fort me of Laon. eight mllet away, and perhaps to a general retreat along the line from 8t. Quentla to Champagne. with his strongnoias wrenenca from him, 12.000 of troops prisoners, thousands alala and wounded 120 big guns tost, the crown prince's predtesjaeat to aow most ' eerlons. Yesterday the Germane were forced back to the Qulse AUne eannL and forced to evacuate valuable positions. Two thousand more prisoners were taken at this time. Tho British and French are both attacking today- In the Ypres section, and satisfactory progress Is reported. The French have taken the village of Dradlbank In the Papegood wood, many fortlflod farms and great num. bers of prisoners, i LONDON, Oct. 26. Shortly before 7o'clock this morning the Dltlsh on the Yprci front were seen entorlng the "pin boxes" upon the Bellevue spur. Boon afterward the signal showod that the British had carried Poolder- hock Chateau, which had been strong ly fortlflod by the Germans, according to the Reuters agency dispatches. MAN HOWS SMALL CROP OF WILD OATH BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 26. Peter "ulllvan, placed In the city jail here recently on a drunkenness charge, Mid he took hU first drink of whjskey t the age of 74, and promised It would be his last. "Sotno friends started me on Rhine lne, then they Induced me to drink linger ale highball, and here I am." '"They ought to be arrested for Mamg a young fellow like y." the jailer told Sullivan. you They'll never do It again," the Prisoner aald. "I don't want to stunt y growth by drinking whiskey." AMERICANS WOUNDED IN U BOAT ATTACK WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 26. Nvy advices say that nine Americans hve been Injured on an American el In a fight wltn-subuarlnes. Big Munition Plant Wrecked In Canada HONTRIUL, Oct, M Tremendous wpioiioag today destroyed, a large frtlon of the plant of Canadian Ex-, 1oIm company at Vaudraull; - train carrying Are fighting ap- KLAMATH CHILDREN W00aaaaaavvvvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaa00 ELKS HOLD HIGH JINKS ANNUAL ROLL CALL MST .NKJIIT IIIUNGS ,N TIIK BILLS FHOM ALL SECTIONS FESTIVITIES LAST UNTIL liATH HOUR Joy to the Nth power, squared and cubed, permeated 200 loyal II. I. O. Elks who nnawored tho annual roll call, until tho woo sma' hours last night. Tho Jolly Illlls convened at an early hour, prepared to answer when each naino wag read, wit ha toast of some kind. Those who wore absent sent fmeMaKc8 to bo rend In response to the,r Mm. Entertainment of nn lunu(Uai Bna gpoctacular nature, mu- .i- h band and nunrtcl followed by . appetising food made the evening ,ng to be remembered la Blkdom har. - ' , One of the foatures of the occasion (was the dramatic toast offered by Pro fessor Irving E. Vlnlng, whoso several addresses hero during tho last two days have made such a deop Impres sion on tho public. TO INVESTIGATE SOLDIERS DEATH FRIENDS OF WISCONSIN OFFICER WHO WAS ANNOUNCED AS SU1 CIDE WILL PROHF. MATTER. i SUSPECT FOUL PLAY SPARTA, Wis., Oct. 26. Friends Lieutenant Malcolm McCoy, an of nounced as a suicide at the Vancouver barracks, hnvo begun an Investiga tion after tho doctors said the case looked like murder. The bullet entered bohlnd the left ear. Thore wore no burns or powder marks dlscernnble. BOUNTIFUL SERBIAN HARVEST REQUISITIONED BY AUSTRIA LONDON, Oct. 26. Crops thruout Serbia and Bulgaria are better than ever before, according to Information rocelved by the Serbian government. In occupied portions of Serbia, how ever, all the harvests have been re aulsltloned by the Austrlans, and not oven enough has been left to enable the nntlvo farmers to exist until next summer, The farmers receiveu nominal price for the grain requisi tinned by Austria, while no payment at all t made by the Bulgarians. parattfs has been seat from Montreal, It is reported that there has been o loss of lives up to this time. ' It Is believed that ire-started the explosions, whleh lasted over an hour. biggest, day of LOCAL DRIVE YESTEROAY OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS SUBSCRIBER Total la Still Below Half of Ttiat Ex. pected From Klamath Only Two Day Remain la Which Mere Than Hundred Thousand DoUare Should Be Subscribed Seveaty-Three Sab. srribere Yesterday. The addition yesterday of f 17,600 to the local Liberty Loan bond sub scription brought the total for the city up to $2,760.;aad was the .big gest dajTso far during thtfarftVtieW by a good margin. It however falls short of being anywhere near the av erage receipts necessary to bring this district up to the required quota dur ing the limited time left before the campaign closes. Nlnet-two thousand dollars Is con sldorably less than half of that ex pected from Klamath, and in order to "do her bit" she must subscribe more than f50,000 today and tomorrow. Both banks will remain open dur ing the remaining evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 for the purpose or receiving subscriptions. Those subscribing yesterday, seven-ty-thre In number, were: First National Bank D. V. Kuykendall Southern Pacific Co. Charles Balln (Continued on page 4) LABOR BODY IS PATRIOTIC AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LA BOR DECLARES'INTERNATION AL CONFERENCE OF SOCIAL. ISTS UNTIMELY WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 26.- The executive council of the Amer ican Federation of Labor has declined to participate. In the International conference of workmen and socialists of all countries, declaring that such action would be untimely and Inap propriate. SPAIN TO USE WOOD FHOM CUBA HAVANA, Oct. 26 The fuel short age In Spain, brought about by the re strictions on coal exportation impos ed by the United States and allied governments, whoch formerly sup plied that county 'a demands, -a opened a new Industry for Gab the export of wood for fuel purposes to the Spanish peninsula. Recently a small sailing; vessel was purchased by Spanish Interests, and Is velng overhauled preparatory to being placed la tnia new export traae, wane efforts are belag mad to obtain other vessels for the sami purpose, TO FEARFUL SMASH ?i ; Jf New Mexico SJ. ' Many Liberty Bonds SANTA FE, N. M7 Oct. 2C. The state of New Mexico is officially In vesting Its savings 'thru the agency of the second Liberty bond issue. The state's permanent school funds, total ling $381,300, have-been invested in the bonds by State Treasurer H. L. Hall. , Under the state law the treasurer and secretary of istate may 'decide Larger Bread Loaves U F Are Kecommenaea &3f WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct.. 26; At a recent convention of bakers. in the Eastern states the following eco nomlcs of the large loaf of bread as contrasted with the small loaf, were pointed eut: , ' First A saving Is effected In labor connected with the baking depart ment, as It costs very little more to' handle a hundred 15 or 20 cent are manufactured, the loaves, In order loaves than It would 10 or 15 cent to be thoroly baked, will admit the loaves. . .use of a lower temperature by at Second The cost of "wrapping: least 20 degrees, thug baking more Taking a 10 cent loaf as the basis at a slowly, more thoroly, and assuring a cost of 100 per cent, a .15 cent loaf, well baked and better product, would cost approximately 75 per cent) Fifth It must be remembered that ami m. 20 cent loaf only 50 per cent ..the larger loaf Is of better keeping for wraoDlna Ubor. The operation is the same, whether a 10, 15 or 20 centi requires less fermentation, thereby loaf Is bandied. Again, a larger loaf ' retaining more of the desirable ele wtll require less paper In proportion.' ments In the dough, increasing the Third Reduction in delivery cest: j yield to sdme extent, at least, and, A salesman should handle 100 large what Is more Important, It Is a more loaves more quickly than double the nutritious foodv German Officer Was Shi By His Troops BRIT18H FRONT IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM, Oct. 26. In one of the redoubts captured from the Ger mans this week northeast of Ypres, according to reliable information, British troops found a German officer who had been executed by IiIb own soldiers.. His hands had been bound Hunter Liggett Will Command IAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 36. Major General Hunter Liggett, (former com mander of the Western, department, will return from the French front In a few weeks to take command of Camp Geene, where the Federal STAGE FINE ptnjxfiAnjxnjuumAAruvii-inrrr- ----" Buys how any of the state funds may be Invested. ' Au obstacle to The Investment, a piovislon of the. state law providing that the funds ottne state must be in vested only In New Mexico securities, was avoided by the issuance of a man damus on the ground that the restric tive clause of the law was in conflict with the enabling act. 11 amount In smaller counts, and like- the middleman who sells tne oreaa eaecis a saving in mem. . Fourth A baker making small loaves not only requires more help, but also requires more bread pans, racks, etc., as well as more proofing room.. Again, as an oven can accom modate more pounds of bread to bake in one run where the larger loaves quality. Furthermore, a larger loaf t behind him and he had teen shot. Many tales aro going the rounds about dissatisfaction among the Ger man troops. Very often soldiers charged with desertion and other vio lations of military law escape with slight punishment. According to prisoner this Is something new for Prussian militarism. Camp Green Guardsmen from Oregon,-California, and other Western states are in train. lng, -.'' i ' ' Liggett has taken a- course in the latest military tactics on the firing line. ' WILL T.LEE TO REPRESENT KLAMATH COUNTY TO EXHIBIT AT PORT. " LAND LAW SHOW m Fanners Who Have Not Brought in Their Exhibits Urged to Do So by Monday County Court Decides to ('(Operate Financially With Com nicrce Body by Paying Heavy Por tion of Expenses. That Will T. Lee' of this city wilt represent Klamath County at the coming Manufacturer and Land Pro-j ducts snowai roruana, commeuviuB, next'Sreek. was finally decided this nralBe.wAenAhrCeunteJCurten: doraad the recommendation made, by the Klamath Commercial Club, and authorised an expenditure from-the county sufficient to cover a large part of the costs of maintaining tne ex hibit. The Commercial Club and court congratulate themselves on securing so capable a man to arrange the coun. ty exhibit, and boost Its interests at results. Accompanying me mqidi----this show, where an. effective impres- Hon an excellent program Is being1 slon Is so valuable to the county. The given both days. The feature of the. .... .i show wtlWast tor three weeks. .Many exhibits have already been brought in, and the grain decoration for the walls about completed, but there still remains many exhibits. thruout the county that have not been secured, and as these have to be in not later than Monday, it is urgently reauested that farmers and others who have these, get them to the Com- merclal Club as soon as possible. This has been a fine year for veget ables and praln production In this dis trict, and Klamath County should make a very creditable exhibit, it Is believed. SEATTLE WORKS TO SECURE 9UOTA 8EATTLE, Wash., Oct. 26. This city has redoubled its efforts in the loan drive to-reach the minimum of $13,000,000. Twenty-five million five hundred and sixty-four thousand of the state's $36,000,000 have been subscribed. e GERMANS WORKING ) HAVOC IN ITALY e BERLIN, Oct. 26. The Ger- mans have captured over 30,000 prisoners and 300 guns in the big offensive on the Italian front e and are now fighting on Italian territory in many places. Germans Fast Losing Ground on T FBTROOXAD: Oct. !, The Rus- Una following German withdraw- al in the Mt:.dtstrlet, have now reached the Riga-Orel railway with out discovering the enemy, :. SHOW COUNTY SCHOOL FAIR IS 8(6 EXHIBITS OF YOUNG8TER8 ARE ASTONISHING .. Excellent Program Gives Both Day of School Industrial Fair at IteaJey. Many Schools Are Represented. " Will Be Made Annual Event Ad dress by Celebrated Speaker Yeeter. day Many Attend from FaU- , Great interest Is being taken from many parts of the county In the Klamath County Industrial School Fair, which is now in progress' at-the Henley school house on the;MerrIir road., The.falrsUrted yesterday and 'l-i-"1 . TIf J f I Ml T -1 wlH conctaae tedewrw '"-' Nearly adoxenschools of the eoun- ff ;,ty afe represented at this fair, active preparation for which has-been going . on for weeks. f -. The exhibits of agricultural and in dustrial work of Klamath pupils now on display are exceptional, and one Is astonished at the Juvenile efforts nnd . m ", .- -- . program yesterday was an address by Professor I. E. Vlnlng of Columbia .University. An athletic prognuit has' proved of great interest to particle pants and visitors.. A large delegation. ' has attended both days from Klamath Falls. By no means the least attractive- feature of the occasion has been the; appetising dinner served on both days by the good housewives of that district, whose prowess in the cull nary line Is evidenced by the way the good things disappear. This is the second annual school fair in Klamath' County. It Is staged under the auspices of tho Klamath County School Fair Association,-' ij group composed mostly of county, school teachers and county officials, whose splendid endeavor is deserving ' I of great commendation. PRESS SERVICE SLOW. - , t IN PLNEDALE, ARIZONA EL PASO, Texas, Oct. 26. At least one American did not know there waa a war In progress In which the United States was. participating until he.ap- peared at the local, navy recruiting office to enlist. He Is from Plnedale, Arli,, and gave his name as HyroraV Smith Hancock. He had been In Plnedale, a small mountain town, for five years, and said no one there knew there was a war In progress when he left. He was accepted for the navy. '. , East Front SUCCESS Russians on the weraer .ueae - ?? f.ivUi.-h.u rmrMiMA' tiaMdian'eW ta'cament, prt ef the OeHnihnWi; u & roa , Including seme drsgsM gUMivas inored la the"KlvMtlr IsVUfcJi. ' anchored Oulf of Riga. M V.J v. i' y xtM . i TdCWii a v .? ti tv 2 , 5ftltei