w, 4 t v w i' """M'AV.Oflt, A TUB SYININO HMtALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOOH pact mm .. t -- rtpfll Biiv A Liberty HMl . iU After you have bought your LIBERTY BOND walk across the street and buy 0 of those new Fall Suits that we are showing from the HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER ' v , , U...J.J.. t ... -- - a. .1 ... "I... .uilr S mauv AmnLt This Ik lift tifnen . 1 . ' J KA," ES Srl -' nuiiiucui ui new ptftiicrii w inuw you. vrui tiwiv aavr ,wsaaaai, - - , ,v ciecC yours. We have your size in the pattern you like and the price you want to pay for one. Don't put if off any longer. Obey that impulse. BUY IT NOW! P. S. If you can't afford a Liberty Bend and a suit both, forget about the suit The Kuppenheimer House in Klamath Falls STORE Leading Clotbien and Hatters F ERSONAL MENTION LITTLE SIDELIGHTS OX LOCAL HAPPENINGS AMONG THE PEOPLE OP imqT AND TICCOTT. GOINGS AND CamtSCB OP LOCALPOLK8 Mrs. U. B. BIddle of Portland U a guest at the white Pelican hotel. Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Zlm are in town for a short time from McCloud. Dr. J. B. Bankers of Fort Klamath is ia Klamath Falls for a few days. . Gene Holmes of Redding arrlred on the train last evening for a short risit -l . - s - ... ., fc " G. M. Taylor, an official of the , Southern Pacific at Donsmulr, is stop ping at the White Pelican, n , - qJHr.'ni MriJkittocl:ah4 KsnUy'of'Chlioq.uIn are in Klamath TlFaito fori few 'days ' Attoner.'.Chaa. F.8toae left -this morning for a short business vlsU'St ' Salem and Portland. " - i Dr. and .Mrs.. Theodore' Conger, who spend every summer at- Rocky Point, are In the city for ft w, days. 5 , Mr. and Mrs. McWMkus of ?Ash . iind arrired yesterday "uTVisit their son, R. M. Mc Williams, who It 111 wffli typhoid-feverf - -vr ' "r bt Fleet JsHsHsHsHsst- y" E Wianard. Mr. and O. P. KeL tTpper Lang ell Val- and daughter fed from Grants Kuun FUU PINKO ' Mr: and Mi and Mrs. GUI Ier came in fi ley yesterday, . Mrs. Fred Milllcent be raii.-where witlf'Mra.- A Wm. Llord. the Start and Btrlpee, and puts duty ' F. L. Browajfr,, C. L."HaUIday of J ve J-" UngellVaHe?Joha'SBifthandB. E. The speaker developed the Idea Walford'of Yalfttx; Perry Messick of that 0 per cent of the war must be rougnt at Dome in oroer mat o per of Klamath Palm In particular do not yet realise -what the war means. ' "The great army yon have to light it not that of the central powers; It Is the great army yon have la your midst, commanded by General Apathy and General Scoter, traitors and slackers. It It not lack of patriotism, it la lack of vision. We tie bound in by the walls of little things, personal wishes, prejudices, animosities, home ties and eommanlty narrowness. We nenl the summer te's asbtber, Mrs.jmU,t Uc down' those walls, elect a I HC" VUV7eU WOW eWEM eUlJBIUtt MV " r s FOUR LECTURES SCHEDULED SOON DOMESTIC ART DEPARTMENT OF WOMAN'S L1HARRY CLUB WILL ASSIST GOVERNMENT IN FOOD CON8ERVATION Mrs. S. E. Martin is expected home this evening from San Raphael, where she has been visiting her two daughters, who are attending school at Dominican College. LOCAL TOM IS RAISED Hacdoel;' P,.wybrooks of Portland; H. CJLymau ofcOrAv'C.; w. T. Gar rett and R: M. Glynn of BIy; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. LaVttn of'Ttedding; R. E. Briggs'and B'cWrlgbt of the geo- cent may be fought la Europe. "We must 'whip the Hun 1 Europe or we will have to'tght him here." "All other wart were simply motifs logical survey? are registered at the." preluderto this climax In thesym Hotel Hall. "A policy wi&'&'Chikote Ai alwaytstandb 'far safe lasarsatc, - Boys' ladla'a'Taa High Top saade froat theetroagesC leather OH eaHk-MeeWMwe Store.- M- Heiress Who Received $60,000,000 from Mrs. Flagler, and Her Yohng Husband Following the Instructions of the i government in regard to food conser vation, the Domestic Art teachers of the city and the Domestic Art De partment of the Woman's Library Club are offering a series of four lee. turet to alt the housewives of Klam ath Falls. These lectures will be giv en at the Library Club rooms, and will begin next Tuesday, when R. H. Dunbar will talk on "Food Conserva. ti noin General." Fololwing that, on I hony In the straggle for human free- coniecutiTe Tuesday, a talk will wm. imi uie wr vi , u-. made bjr MUg Mears, Miss Sander notrtinrthe world, shaking it out of n and Mlsg ,mer. The complete itaelVrecreatlagthe soute of men," i j profr8m u M ,ow.: Mr. Vlnlng sketched the horrors of October 30 "Food Conservation." Prunlaaism. "Wi heroic spirit November 5 "Conserving Our Local of France and concluded with a mov-j products." Ing appeal for support for the com- November 13 Ing food conservation campaign. of Conservation Meats, Fats and Sugar." November 21 "War Bread Demon stration." These lectures are particularly meant fcr the housewiteg In general, and are given at the special request 1 mSBBBBBBslBBescPSSSBBBBBBBBBlBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBtBSSSSSm 9 BVaHpP7;'' 3VaVmmSBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKSFmSBBBl B f ?'&,&?&'& ?X .BBBBwMBaBaBjBaBg ObbbbT ftty' ' v s ', t r ' assVassssssBsssssHK sissssssl bsbbbb', iy f' rff ftffr 3BMBeBssBBBsJvmssl SBSBBBBBBBBBriaHaBaBBBBBBBBKl I sammjBQvesmmmneammmmmmmmmvXsisessg liEWBJsBB ' 'Remember," he said, In closing, "the lying diplomacy of Germany in our own land, the Infamous work pro moted by her 'representatives while enjoying the friendly courtesy and hospitality of this government. Kick 6t the tooi commission out General Apatuy and come to tbe colors. Out of the scum of every-day things, we are born anew with tbe tcnutiful cplrit of service, better cit izens and better Americans. God jit hue Nations, be with us yet- Lest we forget. Lest wf forget." (Continued from page 1) If Klamath Is to "do her bit," ft all the other sections of this part of Oregon have already done. Those subscribing yesterday were: First Trat aal Havings Bank Miss Maud Baldwin Southern Oregon Auto Co. John A. Miller H. E. Hauger f Jean R. Hauger Mrs. Addle Walker Jean Grace Groesbeck 01 Milliard Alice McCourt M. L. Poland Margery Otterbcln Nate Otterbeln Mrs. George G. Fry Mrs. Camll Frlisle Dr. George 11. Merryman V. 8. Wiley Mrs. Ella Lee Miss Lucille Marshall Roy L. Orem Rots Flnley Margaret lllbbcrt Ross Nlckerson Amelia Confortl Elisabeth Taylor Mrs. Coda L. Wiggins Bert C. Thomas I First National Bank Mrs. James K. Newnham James E. Newnham S. T. Summers Mrs, Georgia Collier Pearl A. Taltey Elisabeth Grlgsby C. J. Dunn Minnie L. Sargent Earl Whltlock Mrs. Karl Whltlock F. L. Armstrong Mrs. Jcnnlo Hurn Mrs. Carrie Maler V ' "Mildred L. (Irons .Fred W. (lroli E. R. Hratncs A. Delbert Addison illelen M. Addison Mrs, C. R. I)Up Louise K. Ferguson E. I, Applegate Jfrancls and Itobrrt Kset Mr. and Mrs. SlUa Obeatitli M. L. Poland i George E. Stevenson L. B. Appelate , Percy M. Collltr Ida B. Momycr 'Jesse II. Moniyer Morris I. Maler , Lyn SkilllnKtoa Thomas It Hkllllngtoa Eastern Star II. J. Lincoln Wilson Brothers Bernard I lack land ', W. A. DeUWI Vannlre II rot hers Tyron & McKcndree Aeargo I.. Humphrey Battle Keller )u J. Keller GSrHFQy'Vt2Pv!sy' tXHi . I'ltOFESSOR VI.MNG TO TALK KRIDAY NIGHTJ &000AA00tA0limA0lAA00l000A Moving Pictures wwwwowwywwiMi Arrangements have been made for an address to the teachers of Klamath i Fall and Klamath County tomorrow Mtitvfwtm al ,f.M a"....,....! .L.1 t... Tit M, dh)u a iiivj vuiihi wuuui uy rruii Irving E. Vlnlng, who will talk on the subject of "Enthusiasm." The lecture will be at 8 o'clock. The public Is cordially Invited to An.exc4ptlottalJy food feature pho-( hear this address, and In view of the was Mist Louise Wise; relatir'e of Mrl Flakier who iater"becaae tHa.wrfe.of Judge lacaaat of LouTsvflfe.r&"hare .Vew: wHh her youag husband Vt golf oa toplay at -the opera boas entitled "Around tbe World in Eighty Days." ey Jtales Verne, who Is also, tbe author of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the. Sea," ,u showing tonight and-to morrow Bight Mr. Verne Is a recog nised aatbor and la considered to be one of the best writers known attendance at tbe mass meeting last night, it is expected that nfany will take advantage of tbe invitation, s fact alone should guarantee this pro- bopds; NOTICE There are funds In the city treasury Tjfor the redemption of the following duettos. The story In brief depicts an felr..Kl)o is left a fortune oa coHdi tion tba berclrchie tbe globe and re tiarns married 'la eighty, days. A tart. MfTJ that it cannot be. i done. .JM.hero (Heary Garlck) in making, the ytm of the world, encottn. ten. various dlstcalUes aad thrilling adventarssjv Thia; pletUfe ia Interwo ven Jn. a maeterfal way, yV cin plog 'pfa( that-.teaves the enker,ln Ignorance ,as to'.what hi coming next, surprise follows, surprise, aatll the cjimexjia, reached. Jt Is educational, exciting and. Interesting from start, to flhln, and, worth sola sells to tee. la "Madcap Madge." tbe latest Tri angle pay, ia which Olive Thomas makes her serosa debut, the myster ies of what takes place la the exclu sive and expensive seminaries are re vealed.' Tbe IllumlaaUoB' that Mist Thomas sheds on this It extremely valuable', "W are shown what stfps young' ladles go thru before they are graduates! 'laid the reeks of dobutan ted. There are 'oceans la the dorsal- terleiVwaer the pajaiu'elad gjrlsilay out eamaaigaa of atlacaaeC fr the eebig'eay. Perhaps tae'atost laier- Series A, Nog. 52, 53,-54, 55. Series B, Nos. 160, 161, 152, 153. Series C, No. 219. Interest will cease from Nov. 1, tha'linkit ' WbleSuUnVr ,8prlg, Va they have1teea!-h)terted:lBftlv '"" of -Hse- eeusee 01 taw eetiag teeaee are la t rvgym," where death of Mrs. aTlaghsm. whe: left the tie 'glrlt lire seea golag thru tielr young wosmb. iilbmmq. . eelaaa. At.tM Ur teeilght ,"'wlir ru tHeli Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon, this 26th day of October, 1917. J. W. SIEMENS, S6-5t City Treesurer. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ejjss4eisisasjht0Vejia LOST Bunch of keys, between O. K. stables and Farmers warehouse. Finder notify Herald ojttce. NORTHWEST WEATHER FORECAST Washington Unsettled, proba- bly rain and southerly winds, strong along the coast. Oregon Generally cloudy, prob ably rain northeast portion, moderate southerly winds. . KLAMATH U. S. R, . Maximum, yesterday, T deg. Minimum, today, 29 deg. L 1 ( I "4 in a inm l THE CORRECT -VvTUTINOlPArllt:-' - , "Yours sincerely," you write. You doubly emphasize this expression when you use Crane's Linen Lawn not only the correct writing taper but the best as well. Tbe writing paper you use reveals, yojis, personality just as surely as does the text of your letter. A lettef on CaAMX's LnntN Lawn creates the suggestion of superior good' taste and adds . charm to your correspondence. .. ' We carry Cbane's Papebs because we cater Jo'jht best U , . trade and appreciate the utter futility 0 'appealing to a ! refined patronage vrith other papers, ' ej .jf DUU j.. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON iffa? " .WWTK.UWW PKOPLK tlfj UV THCIrf DRUOS iffimj imtr- "SK