' I nmwPAV.OOTO1" jHflHHHmBiHHHMHHBHnHN laMBHemBmSmmm DR. REED'S YOU CAN'T BE Conforms per fectly to the shape of the bottom of the foot. Dr. Reed's Cushion Soled Shoe makes walking a very pleasure. DR. REED'S CUSHION SHOE. THE EASIEST SHOE ON EARTH :Nortb -South, East and West. Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoe is Unquestioned, by all, to be the most comfort able and, easiest shoe obtainable, "it stands out by it self," behind years of merited reputation, and in almost every case will cure Corns, Callous Spots, Bunions, Perpiring and Burning Feet. Prevents Colds, Neural gia, Pneumonia, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Etc. Men and Young Men who are bothered with Aching Feet should investigate at once. KXCI.VHIVK AdKNTH KIMATII VAUA K. Huge Sum Needed For Soldiers Recreation WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 25. Plans liuvo been laid for the nation wide dilvo during the week of No vember 4-10 to ralflo $3,750,000 for the war ramp community recreation fund to provldo wholesome entertain ment for Holdlors and sallorsln cities around training camps. Attending a lonferonco Tuesday were repreHenta ttves of iho national and atate defenso rounclla, chambers of commerce, ro tary clubs, women'a organisations ana rjr ciuuB, women a organnaiiuum mm other association, from all .action, r of tho country Secretary Daker told the confer tice he wanted soldiers to have "that Invisible armor, that moral and Intel lectual nrmor, that new soidier Btate Success ot Pledge Card Campaign A .neiV. rivalry among tbtf states ot the Union for the success of the National Pledge Card Campaign for food concorvatlon nest week has been ftartert, -vhlch bids fair to be decide edly spirited before the end of the Dfltlod. ' Just av Maine ha. been the political burometer In presidential elections, Louisiana, which Is running a pledge card campaign ahead of schedule time, vilj be" tha barometer in the Pledge card campaign, and aa Louis iana Boes so will go the nation. This i the way tha Washington officials are siting it up. Food Administrator Parker of Louisiana says: . "Louisiana la not hoaatlna. and It not in the slightest degree Jealous of other states: She earnestly hope, each of them will endeavor to beat the record which Louisiana ts trying to make, as. tha result will ba glory for everybody, as well aa untold value to the state and the nation." 'Food Administrator Moore of Main wire.: 'Maine accepts Florida's challenge. .We espeet 170,000 signatures." CUSHION SOLE SHOE HAPPY IF YOUR cosmos a wsmairu tH? .asaatvmr iniutuuKM aP .3afHm HUUMusorruMb SaasHaw SUG ARM AN il of mind for their protection over- soon." "Two things this work now plnn- ..in. I- .ninir in da." he said. "It .1 will bring our soldiers hack to us bet-j ter cltlsens, nnd It will awaken In American cities n sense of responslbll- e ..nit that will irn for toward aolvimc tho problem of how best to make cuioa aaio iur mo l - ..- nnA Oil I II U UU imsim I aaaa . - - -- ai.M MAneantlnn WArgP.t a. a tisihlln ha tin II At TUfitldjLV I -h ...... n t Tt I also was voiced by Major uenera om- ! ,..... - - i "To have an , emCcnt -, V h. nett. commanding tne marine ... dared, "you must have a happy army. A dlscontontod army is an Inefficient; one. no matter whether that discon tent Is duo to poor food, clothing or other causes." Is Assured W. B. Ayer, food administrator for Oregon, Jias acceptod Louisiana s chollonge, nnd has wired aa follow.: "Hoover's home atate will, as usual, prole the winner. Watch Oregon. Wo accept the thai ouge of Louisiana or of any other state on the basis of the percentage or popuiauou. p 4h...i.amfor nledie card week thru- out the state Is steadily growing." Tennessee has wired thru Pood Ad minlstrator Mergan: v .- .11 hnllAnvea. and TS!6. Georgia .or'and ailU aeuea """.'"i 11 j .... nthur atate in tne union. 1 South Carolina reports hundreds of mas. meetlugs and great enthusiasm. Thousands of soldier, paraded In Oo-......- n..nviiie and Soartansburg r.mi. .lens reading "Serve youd .. Kv .avlna- food. "Help win the war by not waatlng meat, wheat and sugar." The newspapers . f..n naara atones. uu vyv ara urging all housawlve. to sign the food pledge card. r n..nnr withvcombe of Oregon administer, war time pledge, to itn dent, of Unlvewlty of Oregon, which include, the promise "to deny myaelf ill unneeded lugurH, all ladulgwcM THE EVENINO HERALD. KLAMATH FALL1, ORlOOlt FEET ACHE! Needs no break ing in. Assures perfect com fort. Applica ble to the light est and most up-to-date styles demanded by the most fastidious wearer. "VOUR8 KOU VICTORY THIIU HACItlKICB AND FAITH" In food and supplies necessary to the support of our armies and our allies." Herbert Hoover, national food ad ministrator, urgea the same oath ad ministered to other schools, clubs and civic bodies. MUtl San FHANCIISCO, Oct. 24. Threats of death by poison or-dyna 1. ha wtKlttan nnnafiil cariifl re ceived by United Statea Circuit JudgeT. w. w. Morrow ana uu irvius ?, mn attnrnnv In chnVkTA Of aTfange- .... . a r..u.MH Tulltto night in nonor 01 uiunrMMuau utau Kann. ...... ZlT"X Bt Kahn or Judge Morrow and Wise wui not made clear Th carda were turned over to the postal authorities for Investigation. The carda were written in rea wit, bearlna- the lettera "I. W. W." at the Uop and skull and cross-bones at the bottom. It later developed that William H. Crocker, banker, and Attorney Gavin McNnb, federal mediator In wage dis putes here, had received Identical cards. Foderal officials expressed belief "that loost of the men whose names had been published In connection with the banquet had received similar threats. The text Ir. each case follews: . "I. W., W. revolutionary secret r nn mil haa'condemned you to death, and all plutocrats attending the ban quet, by poison or aynamue. MAN DROWNKD ON COLUMBIA ITWACO, Wuh., Oct. 25. Charles Provo, employed as a seiner near Clifton, Oregon, on the Columbia Riv er, was drowned yesterday. He and two companions slipped from a skltf that was being towed J ashore. ' . Mmmn an. vara tlTM. Provo waa 14 year, of age, and ha. two brother. In the united Biaies army. Money to loan oa lty aad country property. eeOhllcote, - or township Plat, showing for est land Just opened for settlement at II per township, send to Lakevlew Ahatract and Title jo.. lanoview Oregon. ll-iot aa. Tha r4es ataa earriaa Ufa, Ira, Msst aad taatth laaaraaye Oft ;. stardard sji;ir-martlaato. . CALIFORNIA MAN IF BACK HURTS BE6IN ON SALTS FLUSH YOUR KIDNEYS OCCASION. ALLY IP YOU CAT MEAT BEO ULARLY No man or woman who eata meat reKularly can make a tnlHtake by flush- lug the kidneys occasionally, aaya a well known authority. Meat forme uric acid which cloga the kidney pore ho they sluggishly filter or strain only part otthe waste and poisons from uie blood, then you gat sick. Nearly all riioumutlBDi. headaches, liver trouble, nprvouiineas. constipation, dluineas. .... ( Hleeplessness, bladder disorders come fiwm slucalBb kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or ihP urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of edlment. Irregular of passage, or at tended by a sensation or scalding, get shout four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a table Kpoonful In a glass or water aeiore breakfast tor a few days, and your kid noys will then act toe. Thla famous salt, la made from the acid of grapes nnd lemon tulce. combined with uthla, ami hu been naed for generations to r.uHh doseed Kidneys and stimulate them tb acUvlty, also to neutrallaa the nrirt in urine so It no longer causes Ir ritation, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts la Inexpensive, and cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent lltbla water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then m irnen the kidneys clean and the bldbd pure, thereby avoiding' serious kidney complications. Adv. Clillcote liaa the exclusive sale of several good houses. They are well located, and terma are easy. 6 NOSE CLOGGED FRONI .. A COLD OR CATARRH Auk Crmm la Nostrils T Ope Up Air . ii 1 ui 1 urn Ah! Wha relief t Your cloggud noislrils open right up, tha air jt ncus of your head are clear ana you can breathe freely. No more hawking, siiuCTpg, mucous discharge, head avhe, dryness no struggling for ftreath at night your cold or catarrn Is tone. rinn'i tnv atuffad udI Get a .mall bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from yoiir druggist now. Apply a little of this iragrant, antiseptic cream m your nostrils, let It penetrate through overy air passage of the head; soothe and lical the swollen, Inflamed mu cous membrane, giving you Instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just n hat every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. . It's Just splen did. Adv. WHEN .YOU WAKE " UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons and toxins from eystem before putting mere , food Into stomach. Saye Inslde-bathlng makea any one look and feel clean, swstt and refreshed. vVash yourself on the Inside before ties into the blood, causing Illness, This is vastly more Important because the skin pores do not absorb impuri ties nto the blood, causing Ulnesa while the bowels pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must ba car rled out of the body. If this waste ma terlal la not eliminated day by day it quickly ferments and generatea pols oils, gases and toxin, wntcn are an gorbed or sucked Into the blood stream through the lymph duet, which ahouli suck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure ts to drluk, before bieakfaat each day, a rums of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In 11 which la a harmless way to wasa wear poisons, gasea and toxins from tn stomach, Uver, kldaaya and bowel.. thus cleansing, sweetening ana irean onlng the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food lato tha atom aeb. A ouarter nound of limestone pboa phate' costs but very Uttla at the dnu Atore, but 1. sufficient to make anyoai an enthusiast on ittslde bathing. Vei wake up with a dull, acwng neaa 01 have furred tongue, bad tast. aait) breath, sallow complexion; other. wh i.ave bilious attack., acid atomacB a- Lmmtinatinn an assured of DrOBOUBCei r . 1 Improvement in au neaiur ua j a paara&ca shoiuy.-7aT. n e-i-riSW 'rfwrfvw " E wanar a.sneai - AiV-'i: lnwmww twrmmmmmv9 mm- aitvu A' tt.Artlcl4a.aC lav AnonllnlfM thai Ab.HC.D tivbUSh. tng compear el Medfo;ito filed with the corporation osrtnMU. ft. Mmnan will Buhtlah' th. IfasV .... v , , . - W ford American. The Incorporators are W. W. Watson, .Howard A. Hill and A. B. Bllton. Capital-stock Is 16,000. t Tht vinnmmt LUnir comuur 01 Toledo filed articles. , It baa a caplUl stock of 15,000. The incorporators are,Q. B. McCluskey, M. W. Small and J. B. Booth. r . - - - LEGAL NOTICES . tWWWWt',t0'0mmmmm Notice of Pi as eat lag FaUUoa , Nntita I. hereby riven that the fol lowing petition for.tbe argaaitatloa of Shaata View irrigation visirin will be presented! to jthe Couaty Court or Klamath County. Oregon, at the! regular meeting of said court, on the first Wednesday la December, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the ronntr court house, la the city Of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for Its consid eration and actien: letltlOM ' i 1 In the County Court of the. State of Oregon, for. Klamath County, In the Matter ofthc Orgaatlo ! mo aoMMim tiow ..... "- trlcL . , 4- -. To tha Honerable Couaty Court of .liufcu wwm, w..wm. Your oetiUonera represent as fol lews: , ' ' i - That they nroooae tha'orgaataatloh of an Irrigation dlstrlcttObe, known as Shaau View Irrigation. Dlatnct, under the provlaioaa of Chapter S67, Law. of Oregon for ,1917. -, - That tha boundarlaa of said -pro posed Irrigation district ara aa fol Iewa: Baainnlna at tha eorner common -to sections J8, SO, 11 and SS. town ship 40 B., R. IS, kVW. M.; Thence north , nUle;- Thence east 1 mile; 1 Thence south 14 mile . - - Thence East K, mile, to corner com mon to section. S7, SS, SS and S4, township 41 8.; Thence south mile;. Thence east mile; Thence south mile;. Thence east 1 mile; Thence south H ,mue; Thence east mile; Thence south 94 mile; Thence eaat 4 mile; Thence south tt mite; Thence east K mile, to eorner of sec Uons 6, 7, 1, IS, township 41 ., Re. IS, HE. W.M. Thence south tt mile; Thence east tt mile; Thence south mile; ' Thence east mile, to the center corner, section 7, township 41 8., R. 18 E. W. M.; -" r Thence south S mUesr, to the OrV gon and California line; ; Thence weat-1 mile W the Adam'a or D Canal: . " ' t Thence In a northwesterly direction along said canal? to tho .pout where tt crossea the section line between sections S and 10, town ship 41 8..B. If B.W. M; Thence east 900 feet to the tt cor ner of sections S 10; Thence north 1 mile tff the township line, townships 40-41 8.; Thence east vtllt; t Thence north tt alia; ' Thence east ltt mile; ' Thence north tt mile; ' ' Thence aaat tt aalto, to tha center of section 86; Thence north tt sane; Thane east tt ' mile, to tha range line, R'a. 11-1SD.J , Thanca aofth tt mile: east tt nine; north tt mile: eaat tt aula to h. Mint At kaaiaalna:' all In Klamath County, lUtaxit Oregon av inri" -- - 1 f Klamath county, aiaia-oi rww. That your patltkmara aoMtltutea matorttr of the owaeTs.of aald toad, ..i..n .mi in ai narf and that said land to auwpUblaJ;ot4lrrlgatlon. That your poaucmeie w. - nmniiatlon of aald diatrict .'lofro- vide for tha ooMtru;cUo.ot work. for the Irrigation of .gBM,M ror we purchase, operatlea' or; mhlataawca of work, alraadr.oaswteaclaa, ad for the amumpUon aa.SfUWnal or guar antor ot ihdabtedseaa'oa aoeoahVot district land, to thaUmlteAVSUtea un der the Federal Reclamation law.. Wherefore your petltloaera pray ht aald trrlMtto dUtrtct bo or ganised under aald tow oUflJt. rtmtnmm." NamOB. Samuel J. Smyth , Geo. B, Icenhowar l . w W aft lak eaeitaUtm Edward Joqea C. C. Garrison A, 8. Bennett j. L, Hale A.H.Hale John McCarty h o. Pickett F..M, Oorfoa v AM.CJarrlaoB ,W. B. Barrtof AntoaPollvlka t H.Jobee- ' Harry fc'WUsw rrankH.Vochateer O. K, Hunt S.V.Moody- '- Vlrt1X.Wio4oieUMU B.T.HUWHf"'. KwJ.HaTUlBS AaKotara JakeSterakol , David Mt DM ''B,2, ' Cha..aUaal ,iamkfloil W.C.paltea .kUvmi riUkTHteA.J.Pi BIV " w - $Jf.j "wrPraavvwwwwnwmiwHwi i piji i i i " ' i If IMP! t.TssWslW rYa X2R m ? aaav at 1 av T 4 LnaaWl l.ajsaaT TAX ExsjMm jutl wlMtTry Ux want to lasW, ,M simpl kngtutgv, ytMc25c w rjyiwir,; .i w ? aVr M&jBmfas& ! Tf M I M.M.Stastay . J. H. McNeill Ida S. Stone John M. Johnson C. R. Beardsley Si Mi Johnson Jasper Smith, ' State of Oregon, County of Klamath, as: I. Samuel J.'Smrth. betas: first dair sirorn, depoae and aay that I am' one m tiA - -. ha ArAnlfi n. I.M anil fcl .l!il mIIiIa. I. ra . YerUy--ii-T-i BAhTITBL J. SafYTH: ' 8ubicribed Md ti hetotaaaa .hi. 10th dy of October. 1917. BT.-M.-TIUBB, Notary .Public forOragoa My commieaiosi eacplraa laWlf, 1981, , SS-l-S-lSS - r ' 'A 1 - J. Notice) to Crwdttotm Ib ataadnreuier In the DIstrlA'Ctottrtia'njaWed States for tha MaCHcl-Af Oiegoa ' lathe Hatter'dt Samuel MlllerVBank r rupt. . '-r-t ,- v - To 'the Creditor, ot Samuel Miller, ' i Bankrupt:' f ' " Notice la hereby given that oa tha SSd day of October.. l17..8amuel Miner waa dy ,acjnaioataayaajiK rapt, athat'tarW'ateetfngof,the creditor will be held In .'room SI, INrat Nattnnal Rajalr hntUtar. Ktaja. ath Falls, Oregon, on thar'lthfcarot November. 1917. at S o'clock la the afternoon, at whfch'tlma'aald eradiiV .. .. . '' rr.-..-...- ore mar aiuaa, proye, ueir, cimauy rapii ' and transact auchv other haal neaa aa mar properly coma before - -..!.. T t 1 said meeting.- i- J.. C.RUTENIC i 85-lt . Referee In Bankruptcy. Notice to Creettore x Notice lsf hereby given that .tha v rivaln4 on HaotMiBar 1. ltlT. hv tha' Conntr'Oonrt of.tha Btate of Ore. gon,-for -Klamath County, -waa dalrl appointed adminiatraVB N.tMeiis( of Walter S. Turaer.'ilseiaeei', Mail persons, having. ciainu'aBiVeaiil esute ara requirea to present same, properly vertfled to tha-admmiatra trlx at the law .office ot'R. C.Oroee beck, KlamithTaUa..0rew4ii,w.Khln lalx.montha from thedate ot this ao- Dated, October 11, 1917 ' ' ' ILU B. STILTS, Administratrix of tha Sktata ot Wal ter 8. Taraer, Deeeaaed. ll-l-SS-1-8 " '.,-.- Admlaletmtor'a NeOea W mac . Waal In tha County, Court of, tha State at Oregon, for atmmaia ueaaty. ' la tha Matter C the Batata atWU 11am MacDoaald. Deeeaaed.- Notice to hereby givem that I hlava filed nur final aeoount aaa raaon aa Administrator c. t a. ot the eatate ef William MacDoaald, deceased, aad tha above entitled cotbtmkaa Ixed upon 10 o'clock In tha forenoon ot tha 10th day ot November, A. o. hit, aa tha time, and. the couaty court room 1 - -t- - -.- In the coura house la the City ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, aa tha ptoee when and where any peraoa or aer aoaa may preaant any objection, or excepUona to anything la aald saai account contained, or to aaythlag dona by ma aa admlatotrator 0, t. a, at tha eatete of William MacDoaald, de- ceased, and tbaluatMica time aaa niace the court will faally aetUe aald aeoount aad report aad cloee tha ad- mlniatratlon of aald aetata. ' Thi. notice u nubllsaed aaraaaat to tha order of tha haoTO aaUtled murt made on tha 10th aay at ueto- har. A. D. 1917. aad -the rat.puauea- tloa to made la tha Bveains naraia WTWff " j. - a a oa the llth day oiwaar,A. 1 1917. .l. . , & " A. D. MILLM. ,V Admlatorei.'o)Al WHUamMaaiw w, wa.aa.aiii . St&?& at br aa4 tap mmamVmm!! T. tha aanUn'M'leavi' - Klamath 'DrateaM "Klamath OaajUftl4)(awai'v lv,i u.i. w -- arlvam thai a aaaet- lag.ef the wiera;fiU4l akaate h tU-:KUath'Braiaa:pietrtatr.at UK, MEMBonlf knowas diract I iilMHMH llT local aad-' auallled voters of Mid iath'Dralnage District, tha fol- lowlag questiens: 1 -"Shall the tax levy of tho Klamath Drainage District of 'Klamath County, Oregon, for 4he I'year 1917, ba increased to the.ex- teat ef raising the sum of 85,797.78 for thev purpose of meeting the , coat, and expenses of operatloaand maintenance of aald district for the '.year 19177" S -"Shall an Indebtednees to Che extant ot and amounting to tho sum ot 8110,387.98, be authorised for thaparpoaa of carrying out the L 'Plaaot JteclamaUon' adopted by the Board of Supervisors of tho Klamtth" Drainage District and ap proved by the County Coar ot -Klamath County, Oregon, in Ite de .cree'dated September 80. 19177" Vn.k mutlnr in tui at thai oflca of aald Khuaath Drainage District at No. 4S1 Main street, in the City of Klam athvJlalla, Klamath Couaty, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 31st day ot Octo- fber, A. D. 1917, at the hour of S O cmer in tne anernoon 01 aui ww C. R. DE LAP, " ''county Clerk ot Klamath' County, 1 - Oregon. 18-llt PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' Miwwiwiwiiiw.iwMI JOHN O. CLBGMOKN I ' Coast? CHI Chy ft Coiurty Abrtrsct Co. ''. ARTHUR-WIlioN 617 Mala St.- t FABM LOANS AT S PER CKNV :T flat DR. F. R GODDARD -" !". " -v . BeiU ail, I. C.. F. Teasaea - , (overvKK.K. Store) ' Phoae SSI . . Rea. Phoem, 9BSR (Tha only Osteopathic Pbyet ,cla and Surgeon ta Klamath Falla.) W.D.MILLER Walkt, rioora, Fouadatloaa. Coa erete Balldlag Block., Flaee aad THea. 888 S. Sixth St. Phone 898 CLEAN OAR STORAGE, CENTER TOWN MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION KLAMATH MACHINE AND HKPAHtOO. 187 SIXTH STREET i PtarmarY w afBmBamaBaaajmHBHHHPCM sT " aHOaBWI f SHINE "KQol I IN EVERY K I ptaaaioTaPoUiiHfaffAffSH IbnhHLvV'Sammmi it, I a4aWaMBrvm. , aaaaaam I Rlsmlr Aillr 1 Lfimwwam DlaawKl ' B a,.., aHaH-aaaa Ma 5 BaBwaak aMMaaaw.ha5siw 1 jaTawmV: V aaaasMvaBUBivs ii aUBWarngSHfew ? awKaaeaBSaBHiasil -'mjsSawawamraUaaaaa t imammmVjSaSalabaka ' yjammammmmm- SBCTTSZ-anZ: iaMBaBamaamalW-saaTi aawnp .Y-&. iBmmaaBaH'.JbA5!J,.S!Ot' ' SM W'Sm-'aalS7aBhr1iM5M v' WaH9HBVaHsl HBBTW"? " f 'aVaaVa.'tlXSSJSVSE Wm . sHaHaHaMaHfvaBMe JgffiitlmSSt Wm BVtaWeaWHlBaV&awaUrinBS ngSSmmmmmm'mmmmmTBVttBJVBHi HamjHaHeHaHaHtBBBmHBaMBH jv 8