$ Vii. . ., Xy sr v 'J9' tf & & !, t m k m& L"" SV? T &! U. n ., rAOBTWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLt, OREOON TheEvening Herald W. O. SMITH, Editor rafcHAiti daily exeat tuaday A Benin PaMlaklag Cosnneay of nnr Falls, at US roarut aires. Marat at fee sostoace at fitto. Oifoa. for traaaaMloa tknmgk s. aa aacoad-elaaa nutter. eaacriatioa tew r II to aay Him t tka United States: One year OMBMatfe. -.at THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, I9IT HefaU'sChssiiedAdvs. FOR SALE juijinni iriri'i --' FOR SALE Cheap, or trade; Haines car in good running order. Call Howie garage or phone. 193M. 24-4t FOR SALE 1,400 acres inutte Valley; all plowable; no cash re quired; only one rear's Interest in advance; after two years, 5 per cent cash, balance in 20 or SO years, to nit. L. Engel, owner, 79 Mercer St.. New Yorkcity. 25-6t STOQjC RANCH FOR radge; 1,000 acres For particulars write Klamath Falls, Ore. SALE Good for $25,000. to Box 383, 23-6t FOR SALE 160 acres timber land ob Bryant mountain; will take used auto In, part pay, Ford preferred. For further particulars address V. W., car Herald. 10-17 FOR SALE Large thorobred Jersey cow; gentle; gives 8 quarts milk per day. Ed Probst. 431 Wash street. 22-6t Bie CELEBRATION HELOYESTERDRY CAMP LEWIS HAS BIG TIME ON HOLIDAY MAX IS OIVKX HEA. VV &KXTKMgflR FAILING TO M RMIT JUMVLATIOXS r CAMP LEWIS. Oct. 23. An ad dress by Senator Wesley M. Jones and n great trS&'and neld meet wert features of thVLlberty Loan holida jesterday here. Forfeiture of all pay and confine rnent for five years at bard labor was the sentence Imposed upon Eno R. Larseu. a drafted man from Sab Francisco, who was tried by court martial for failure to submit to physical examination for contagious diseases. Larson will be confined here for the present, and later sent to Fort Leavenworth or Alcatrai Island. Another soldier arrested for sell ing "dope" to the soldiers will also be court uartialed. Princess May Be British Queen FOR SALE: A splendidly built bun galow of 5 rooms; completely mod. era; furnace heat; good lot; all in excellent condition. Price $250 leas tana would coat to build the house. Terns. W.S.Slough. -49-tf KOK KENT FOR RENT Two housekeeping , rooms on ground floor; light and water furnished. 1143 Pine at. 26t HELP WANTED ' 'WANTED Man and wife to work at boarding house; good wage to right party. Phone 70J. 24-2t WANTED Handy, woman to wprk In boarding heuse: good wages for party not afraid of work. Phone 9 8 J. gl-lt . WANTED Cook for, boarding house. Lamm Lumber Co., Modoc Point 19-tl MISCELLANEOUS YOUKO LaDY wants room and ooard In private fatally.' Phone 181. 23-4 MADlSON,Wa.. Oct. 25. La Fol- lettelsm will, be the chief issue inhe event of a special election being held to name a successor to the late United States Senator, Paul O. Hustlng. Altho the attorney general In as k unofficial opinion has declared an election will the necessary. Governor lot Mllwaukee,.Thomas Kearney of Ra- before taking Jeclslve action. The V,'liitJ:u Jiyuity legion wil be Ur taccur.lr. tUoaaUjrJal campaign, and it will oppose every La Follette candi date who appears in the field. Some of those mentioned as possi ble successors to Hustings are Gover nor Phllipp and Judge John C. Karel Phillip has requested a formal ruling cine, William H. Hatton of New Lon don and former Governor Francis Me Govern of Milwaukee. All of these men are strong foes of La Follettelsm. WANTED Modern five or six room furnished house. Call 143 23-5t TWO OR THREE small tracts to ex change for farm land In Klamath County. Tell what you have for trade, Billings Agency, Ashland, Ore. 22-5t FOR SALE! S-room modern bouse, furnished with 3-room apartment roughed In; can be finished for about $200, which will rent readtly for f 16 per month; close In; owner says sell, sell; $2,200. 23-lt J. T. WARD CO., 610 Mala Street STRAYED OR STOLEN from Fort Klamath pasture about October 10, 2 gray mares, one colt, one bay mare, one bay gelding, one sorrel gelding,- one we can't describe; all branded 87 on left shoulder and N on left-thigh; (Percherons, raised In Swan Lake Val- ,. ley, Call J. W, Utter, Fort Klamath, or P. W. Snyder, Klamath Falls, and get $20. 23-6t "" LOST AND POUND .OST A tire; anyone finding a 30x3 Diamond tread tire between Aspen ake and Odeesa will kindly leave at Herald office and receive $S and my perpetual gratitude. E. 8. Klrby,- Odessa. 24-3t ft, f i y i fUMT Somewhere in Klamath Falls, boy's new macklnaw; made by Salt Lake woolen mills. Reward if return ed to Herald office or to Mrs. J. F. ' "Adams. , 24-tf GERTRUDE CO. Millinery fir t.'I.UMAXK WITHDRAW OX "WIDE FROXT DERLLf.'Oct. 23. On a wide front between the Gulf of Riga and the Drina River, the Ger man troopV ' have withdrawn without Interruption from the enemy. :o - The withdrawal took place Sun- day night." 7i" wtl' A.NTI- LA FOLLETTEISM STRONG IX WISCOXSIX "The Leading Dividend Paying Co, The Mutual, JLife, the company that Has Earned .More for policy holders, Has Paid, More- to policy holders than any othericompany in the world. See Geo. C.OUrJch, District Manager. 3-tf .o'A Several Improved 40 and 40 crt Irrigated fan.la the heart of the Klamath Valley. Ask Chllcote to show tliem. .' -' 6 H T"- OUST ON' Metropolitan Amusements s HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE j THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JULES VERNE'S LAROUXD THE. WORLD IN 80 DOYS 1 , STAR 'THEATER Triangle Fine Arts Presente Olive Thomas la "MADCAP MADGE" A photoplay full of Jaxx from start to finish, In Five Parts "HIS. BETTER FATE" A Triangle Comedy CHIC! NEW I TRIMMED and , --RBADY TO WEAR HATS Just re- ., . v ftelKed. An assortment of boll, brims, f,' straight brims and drop brims, In Black Purple, Taupe, Brown and . iMWiun Red. Some of these the Xj jrtrjnejMitar qQLp "DAL HATS. fl Mate Si TEMPLE THIATIB , Selig Presents y Lew Fields la THE DARKER" A thrilling drama of circus life In Wve Parte HKARSATHK NEWS Latest War Pictures, Current Events ADMIsilOOX 10 CENT ("Mil MERRILL. QPERA HOUM MUTIOJI JHTTUBJ TUESDAYS, AAU HATOswUn atorrw, Oi f "' ' -' "' 5la& -.Wl made by an East Pruwlan prisoner, hne lion received here In official dls pnlchei. According lo this soldier the jotialiMle and revolutionary spirit In growing so rapidly that It It exictcd to -fndanger'the supremacy of tn Junker by spring, and the military Hiithcrltles'are adopting most ncvoia rircsle measures. He alixi told n story of how Gerninn privates left thnlr officers to their fate In Hio faro of tiro, and of how officers hated by their troops fell on battlefield with bullets In their backs. . DANCING SCHOOL Starts Monday night, October 2tMli. It you wish to Join the cIush phone 187. 2C-MI awsRSwBrsRa -"' va'SEr' arssrs-sss -.- PRINCESS MAUPe DUCHtSSOf rlFB. Princess Maud, the beautiful daugh ter of the Duchess of Fire, will be come Queen of Great Britain and Ire land, if, as reported, she Is engaged to the Prince of Wales. Dut the young prince has been reported en gaged many times. The Duchess of Fife was a daughter of Edward VII., grandfather of the present Prince of Wales. Plot to Kill President On Thanksgiving Day MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 23. Eight men. are ifhder arrest here on a charge of conspiring to kill President Wilson on Thanksgiving day. The plot, which is sal dto have been worked out In a small town near here, was neurathed by secret service agents. Federal officials refuse to give the names of the men Involved. Detectives say that three of the' men planned to go to Washington and gain an audience, thru political influ ence. The crime was to be commit ted then. The method was not given out. ' Two 'of the men lived In Pickett County, two were arrested near Nash ville, and one was arrested in Scott County. The others were arrested here. " Four of the men have been bound over to await the action of the grand Jury. Exact charges placed against the men are not given out by federal agents. The men are being heldfor further orders from Washington. The man at whose home the plot Isald to have been hatched has been bound over to the federal grand Jury and the government has refused him ball. WASHINGTON', D. C, Oct. 25. Secretary Tumulty, shock absorber outside. President Wilson's office, pmiled when informed of the plot In Tennessee on the president's life. "How'd they get by me" he asked. disparaging the Idea that anyone with n.ere political influence couldgaln an audience with the president. . Joe Murphy, guardian of the presi dent's person in public, regarded the plot lightly. W. H. Moran, bead of the govern ment secret service Bureau, said they had an agent stationed at'Memphls, but, that no word of any plot had been received by him. Germans Now Expect Peace In November WASHINGTON, D..C, Oct. 25. An Italian workman Interned In Ger many since the beginning of the war, nag escaped thru the Alps to, his own country with av report that the Ger man people want peace, and expect It to come in November. Official, dis patches received tell the man's story, accordlngvto which the Germans have abandoned hope of victory of arms. I aborers are threatening to leave the factories If the war continues anoth efi inter, and the civil population generally Is living under terrible con ditions. He said 800 soldiers attend In a'clrrut at Esen were killed at one time by a bomb of allied aviators. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 25, Interi-fetlng statements about Germa ny's unsettled political sltuatlpn ana ticachery in the ranks of the army, ouch! lumbago! rub Cains from sore, (ame back RUD BACKACHE AWAY WITH SMALL TRIAL BOTTLE OF OLD, PENETRATING "ST. JACOB'S OIL" Dack hurt you? Can't straighten up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen) That's lumbago, sciatica or maybe Crom a strain, and you'll get relief the moment you rub your back with ioothlng, penetrating "St.Jacob's oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lame ness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub lt on your back and out cornea the pain. It Is harmless and doesn't burn the skin. ' Limber up! Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" from any drug store, and after using It Just once, you'll forget that you ever bad backache, lumbago or sciatica, because,, your back will never hurt or cause any more misery. It Mver disappoints and has been rec OMauaeed (or 60 yeari.--Adr. saTjnjJJISSBaafciiP w I S J m m T wa ! COMB SAGE TEA . INTO 6RAY HAIR DARKRNB BEAUTIFULLY AND RE STORES ITS NATURAL COI.OH AND LUSTRE AT ONCE Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux urlans. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, Is trou blesome. An easier way Is to get then ready to use preparation Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, costing about 50 conts a lnrge bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus aoldlng a lot of muss While gray, faded hair Is not sin ful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attractiveness. II) darkening your hair with Wyeth'x Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one cafPtcll, b'ecause It Is done so natur ally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hnlr, taking one small strand at a time; by motning all gray hairs have disappeared. Af ter another application or two your hair becomes dark, glossy, soft, and luxuriant, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requi site. It In not Intended for the cure mitigation or prevention of disease.-' Adv. P fmni-MficBiq Criticism Are you a coffeo critic? Then you will thoroughly enjoy the delicious flavor and enticing aroma of Gold en We$t Coffee when you cut the seal of the Vacuum Can. mum- i TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SUCKER Practical as a plow, and just as necessary. Make every rainy day count. Waterprooft Absolute are Marked IAIM- . fOWBfe I ml. mm :m. tsjfsM AJiTownca boiton -C Klamath Lodge No. 127, 1. O. O. F., moots Friday night. H, A, Kmmltt, S. a., Nate Otterbeln, Secretary, s Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I, O, O. F., meets Tuesday night, R, A. Kmmltt, C. l, h. J. tiean, Scribe. rmng! Be Watchful of Quality in War Timet. Tree Tea ' is Todays Always, The Beat Quality .andfirtht Least Money CEYLONjApAN ' FullWeigh The Watch For the Railroad Man Upp gives particular atten tion to railroad -wntcha-t. our stock Ih kept cutnploUt In tln various makes which lmo proved themselves to bn (lie most reliable wntchoa for men In the rnllrond nor- Ire. If oii tinvo n fnvorlto rail road watch, you will find-it here In a caso which will appeal to you. , If you have no choice, we will be Klml to'show you reliable makes and explain the features of each, ho that you can form an Intelligent opinion of their respective merits. I'rlcej Hinge from 40 to $C5. Upp's prices always represent tho greatest wntrh value posslblu to obtain. Frank M. Upp Jeweler 433 Main Street Official a P. Watch Inspector "'IMW.T0W-T ra I'bCJ t ) i 1 1 Harvest Your Overcoal Yet? A iMiiintlfiil Iwrvwit her H Nfi mid Mire. Our Stock i la mi rompti n Miid faiun, of Niirii Uilnlte ttrsrtj. neM and him h evident at tlnrtlveiMw that the task It mn io mill n pattern Hat ItlflUftaiMM I.... ... . a ' rliolin from mi( m sMar iirniii lutitFrns. Tliry aifi $15.00 1. $45.01 SUGARMANS (To lie rwntlased) Harrty bonds n Idle Vn Walt fatl (lillcote. THE NEW CLAREMOrfT. i THK HUNHHINK HOMK I I'nder tlie tnattageiueat of Dr. Kllaa A. IngnlU (graduate of kW L'nlveralty of Michigan Medical) will take a limited amahsr at liatienta, or thoae sufTerleg from uei-vou ailment or maws rolMltlona, or other lllaeaa. Xo coataglomi disease received. 228 FOURTH HTItKKT KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. If You Hesitate to Have Your Shoes REPAIRED On. account of looks you don't know the kind of repairing1 do. Wo promise In advance to innko your old wlwes look ! mott ns knm1 Tin new-and at a Tery reammHlile t. I'alea you imvc nil kinds of good alio money to throw away, YOU KIIOl'l.l) Make the Old Ones Last as Long as PnaVe I.t it show you how we make old ahoes look llko new cats. Modern Shoe Store GKO. W. IIKADI.KY. Mar. 721 MAIN STS Ope -II TheTsday and fnav,' ra House ocl 25 - .' HI'UCIAb ATTRACTION "Around the World In Eighty Days" j SEE ny JULRH VERNH Also AuUior of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Undor tne TIlRILMNai INTHnKHTINOI - THK OAMKL RACK! th'u HARKMI , .... ...a... nDIIIU flKNI Tttw vnintvv "' l ii THE JAPANKSK CARARCTI ,RHng the ailldren Will Pleas Both the Old and the V COMK KARLY AND AVOID THK Mm Adults 25c - - Children 15c Also An uproaring comedy Eight Reek ST'- tfshr !.-" j -' i m-, ,f4 t,--, d ' j s2i j .- - -r- U t