HI I - Tff4P qi i!El?j JEurnimj Mi?ratp OFFICIAL NEWiPAPKR OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NKWlPAPn OF KLAMATH FALL! Twelfth Yr No. ! Ml KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1917 Fries Five CELEBRATED ORATOR packed house IS EXPECTED TO - ASSEMBLE fOOD CONSERVATION TO RE DIH. CUSSED tJaasaslly Capable PrWessor of Of Iambi University WIU DIkiim fcwum of tho Day Before CitlsesM at Mowtim'd Opera House Well Re membered Address Here oa Prrvl- r om Occasion Will Draw Crowd. The opening iun of the Food Con Mrratlon campaign which la to be eoaducted thruout Klamath County ant week will be fired with a tremen dous broadside tonight, when I'rof. Irviog K. Vlnlng of Columbia Unl unity will addreaa a maw mooting at Houiton'a opera house on "Issue of the Day." Those who were fortunate enough to have heard the wonderful address Me br. I'rof. Vlnlng here on the Red Cross work a few weeks ago, are MBdIng every effort to bring out their friends for the treat they real ist Is in store for those who attend. It Is most unfortunate that the people of this city have not made moro of an effort to attend the gatherings where the problems now confronting the na tion tre discussed, but It U believed that In vlow or the exceptional ability of the speaker this evening and his well remembered previous address, that there will be a packed house to night. Professor Vlnlng is here at the In vitation of the Klamath ounty Food Ooaiervatlon committee, and has re fused a.nuniber of other engagements In order Jo come to Klamath Falls. Oregon is the only state In tbe Union where tbe schools are held re po&sible for tbe success of the food conservation campaign. Bills are being distributed over the elty today notifying cltlsens f the importance of the meeting tonight. ARE YOU A MONEY SLACKER? Havo you a so in tho army or navy? If nt,lt may be Impossible for you to fully realise that we are dually in fife and death" stfup tie with the most ruthless foe on earth. The motliers and fathers who have given up their boys to go to the front realise the war la actu ally here, and that tlief are part of It. The family who has sent a son hs given the nation what money cannot buy. Burii families need nn urging to wt every effort to furnish the rmy and MV)r w(tll mii pomible equipment and supplies. They are nake to the urgency of the situa tion. They are carry!"! donble Jd. for they are giving their ys and they are giving their do!, lars. ' It la to the person who Is still sitting back and letting the other fellow do It, that attention should directed, , rdly a man in this country truthfully claim be la too poor bay a liberty ten, and that Is We only claim that sJimM exempt Parson from owning 'cms! Liberty bonds' can be purchased lyttttTlfP INTERNAL RIOTS MUNITION FACTORIES HEFOHT ED WHECKRD IX FOOD KIOTM. lOLtCE REPORTED TO HAVE FIRED ON CROWD IX)NDON, Oct. 24 Tho Austro- 8v.ss frontier tins been rloBcd, owing to tho serious Internal situation In Austria, according to dispatches Just ret olvod here. Several munition factories have boon wrecked In recent fcod riots lu Vienna and l'ressburg. The rioters consist mostly of women. It In reported that the police have fired on the crowds, killing and wounding many. COMMERCE BODY MOVES QUARTERS KLAMATH COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL OCCUPY ItOOM IV MAlfEU BUILDING. AT KICJHTH AND MAIN STREETS Arrangements have been made by the Klamath Commorclnl Club dlreit ors to romovo their quarters to a new location in the easterly room of the Maheu building, near the corner of Eighth and Main strocts. The room now occupied by the club will be taken by tho First Na tional bank, and remodeled ns a book keeping department. It Is believed that the change by the Commercial Club will be boncft cial In many ways, as It will have a good window spaco on Main street whern attractive displays of the coun ty products can be exhibited for tbe benefit of tho strangers and others vlnlllne tho city. The now movo will bo made about the 1st of November. on any kind of terms, the govern nient takes tlmo payments, banks advance money, and practically all employers ran arrange the matter so employes' run take a bond and 'pay for It 1 such easy Install menu they will not notice It. There la practically no excuse for you if you don't own a IJberty bond. You are the worst kind of a slacker, for you luivo failed to Ho the very easiest thing possible to help In this struggle. Buying Liberty bond is just as mte us arrung'iiiK to buy flvo ten dollar bills, and it Is hole lot better, for when you havo paid for u 50 Liberty bond you have some, thing drawing 4 per cent Interest, which Is Just a good for money as the currency, and Just as safe. Don't hesitate, now Is the time. Don't force the government to re tort to taxation when e re offer, ed an opportunity 'to carry the loan aa an Investment, drawing In. trrest. nemember, your boy may be the next to go, and you will want him fully equipped. Above everything else, It Is your patriotic duty to hack your go-, eminent to tbe extent of your anil. Ity at this time. DISTURB AUSTRIA KLAMATH FALLS NEXT TO BOTTOM WITH THREE DAYS LEFT OF CAM. PAIGN, CITV HAS SUBSCRIBED LESS THAN ONE-TIIIRD OF ITS QUOTA. i With tho addition of 15,200 yester day to the local subscriptions to the Liberty Loan bonds, the total of $59, 000 for Klamath Falls was raised to $04,200 toward Us quota of $200,000. Only three days more are left In which to raise the other two-thirdB of tho quota, and It Is hoped that the cltlsens will respond to the call In a way that will lift this cUy from Its present place next to the bottom of tho list of Oregon cities. Ileports from all over the state to day Indicate that other districts are swelling their fouls rapidly. Lake- lnw is the leading city now in South ci t' Oregon, and Bend has over-sub-bcr'bed Its quota. Tho "Million Dollar Special," com posed of the Portland delegation which visited Klamath Falls early list week returned to Portland late last night, having collected applica tions during the week for over $200, 000 worth of the bonds. ORPHEUS THEATER TO BE OPENED " HAH BKENLEASED BY SISSON OPERATOR, AND WILL OPKN TO THB PUBLIC THE FIRST OF NEXT MONTH I Clay II. Powers, 'an experienced moving picture, operator from Slsoon, lias leased the Orpheus theater from Charles K. Worden, and, will reopen It to the public about tbe first of No vember. Mr. Powers loft for Slsson today af ter completing tbe lease details, and will return early next week to get the place In readiness for opening. NEW YORK SUGAR SALES CORTAILEDI RETAIL BALES RESTRICTED, AND ONLY TWO TO FIVE POUNDS SOLD TO EACH CUSTOMER. HEAVY PRICES PREVAIL NEW YORK, Oct. 24. The first war ration went into effect today, when the retail stores restricted the sale of sugar to from two to Ave pounds to a customer, at ten and elev. en cents per pound. I Tbe lower price prevailed only where .patriotism ranked above av arice, CANDY MAKERS WILL HELPSAVK SUGAR WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 14. Tbe cooperation of tbe Facile Coasi randy manufacturers with tbe food aoralnUtratlOBWM pledged IT til, gram received today from. Federal Foot! Administrator W, B. Ayer of OieRon.. - , WMWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Grant Lands Will Be Opened Next Spring The first block of Oregon & Cali fornia grant lands will be opened to settlement early next spring, an nounced Clay Tollman, commissioner of tho general United States land of fice of Washington, D. C, in Portland tbe oilier day. The lands first to be offered com prise a block In tbe Southern part of tbe tatrt. Only lands classified as agricultural lands will be offered. Timber lands (having 300,000 feet or moro on each forty acres) will be classified separately, and ultimately offered in larger units for cutting op. vratton. "As fast as possible other blocks of land will be classified and the agri cultural portions will be opened to entry," said Commissioner Tallman. For the purpose of entry, O. & C. grant lands probably will be divided into four blocks, which will be suc Hidden Supply of Sugar Discovered LONDON, Oct. 24. The federal se-p cret service agents have, reported tbe discovery in a warehouse here of 10,-1 000,000 pounds of sugar, labelled ! First Aid Class Meeting Postponed 'As the text bookB ordered for the First Aid class -conducted In co-operation with the Red Cross Society here have not yet been received, It has been announced by Dr. A. A. Soule that the next meeting will be FOR LOAN BONDS MILLION WORKERS BUSY TODAY OVER UNITED STATES GREAT QUANTITY OF .SMALL SUB SCRIPTIONS EXPECTED TODAY WA8HINOTON, D. C, Oct. 2.4. American business today gave way to tbe Liberty Loan campaign. , A million workers turned their at tention to getting subscriptions. A heavy tide, of small subscriptions Is expected to sweep the loan into tho safety tone before night. PERSHING VISITS a -v. FIGHTING FRONT AMERICAN TRAINING CAMP IN FRANCE. Oct. 14. General Pershing accompanied one of the French gen erals yesterday aa far aa tbe second German line In the French attack on the Alsae front. NATION WORKS HERE TONIGHT cessively opened, according tov Com missioner Tollman's present plans. Tbe Immediate purpose of his visit was to see about tbe classification of the northern portion of they grant lands. Cruising parties working southward have reached a point south of Eugene. Classification was accom plished last year from the southern border of Oregon to a point north of Koseburg. Tho strip that lies be tween these two points will have to ualt until next year for classification, he said. "Wewlll publish a booklet contain ing the cruisers' reports on each sec tion of the land classified," said Com. mlssloner Tallman. "We ylll prepare a map large enough to show tbe 40 acre tracts, yet small enough to go Into an envelope for mailing. The booklet and the map should provide Information necessary to any per son." "Top Crust Flour," which was scheened by other articles, Flour was sprinkled on tbe top of the sugar in the barrels. held In about ten days. The class will probably be divided Into two sections, an afternoon and an evening class, to suit tbe convenience of those attending. V About thirty were present at the first meeting. MICHAELISTO RESI6N POST GERMAN CHANCELLOR HAS AL READY HANDED OVER PORTFO. LIO, ACCORDING TO REPORT. VON BUELOW MENTIONED COPENHAGEN, Oct. 24. Emperor William has returned to Berlin, pre pared to begin dealing with political crises, particularly' as affects the chancellorship. Prince von Buelow Is again being advocated for tbe chancellorship by tho conservatives.' LONDON, Oct. 24. Dr. George Mlcbaells, tbe Imperial chancellor, has placed his portfolio' in the hands of ; Emperor ..William, according to,. an Amsterdam dispatch. MRS. VAN.MPER RETURNS Mrs. Garrett Van Riper returned (to Klamath Pallr last- night, afterac conlpanylnn ; her, husband ' to San Francisco;- where he enMsted in the commissary department of the avia tion corps, ' . TWO HELD OVER TO GRAND JURY MRS. ANNIE BEEBE AND EDWARD SMITH ARE CHARGED WITH MAINTAINING NUISANCE LIQ tori FOUND ON PREMISES 7 Following a hearing held yester day before Justice EW. Gowan, Mrs. Annie Beebe and Edward Smith were bound over to tbe actkra of tbe grand jury on the charge 'pit maintaining a nuisance. ft" Tbe action was -taken by tbe au thorities on the rece'nVdlscovery of a substantial quantity.,of liquor and a sack and a half of empty bottles at tbe American botel, conducted by Mrs. Beebe. '' Attorney W. H. A.Renner reDre- - V, -- sented tbe detenoants.ln the bearing, tne Italian' front. Tbe German tn which occupied most ofthe day yes- fantry this morning captured thefore terday in the Justice court. most of the jtaHun , positions near . Smith's bonds have, been placed at Futcn an)1 Tolmtno, and In the norta- 1500, and those of Mrs. Beebe bad not been fixed this forenoon. ,i BIG SURPRISFS 10M0RPMWGHI Jtr- V UNUSUAL FEATURES BEING AR RANGED FOR ELKS ENTER TAINMENT AT ANNUAL ROLL CALL MEETING A whole brass band will blow mel ody at tbe antlered nerd's corral to morrow night, when tbe roaming Elks will all assemble for tbe big annual roll call meeting. While those behind the secret will the fact that a spectacular attraction from San Francisco has been secured for the occasion, has-leaked out, and' there will be a number of other un-1 usual features. I To remain absent tomorrow night will be a cause for life long regret. GERSIANS VAINLY ATTEMPT LANDING PETROORAD, Oct. 23. The Germans attempted a second landing on the Esthonlan coast, but were driven, away by the Russians. WHERE IS THE About eighteen months ago the people of Klamath Falls expressed a wish to show their appreciation of the saw mills and box factories that were being v installed on the htiores of the Upper Klamath lake In and near the city limits, by building? paved' road to that dis trict, which would enable the workmen and employes to get bulk and forth conveniently In the winter season. It was realised at the time that n paved road could toot be extended by the city to the further mill, operated by the Pel jean Bay Lumber company, ns this .-was conslderahly outside of the ,'. rity limits, bit "It was understood thst a spur te,Jis mill would be .laid with frtwjjsrtl rock from the trunk road tyho city Umlts, and continued freen there to the mill GERMANS START OFFENSIVE , TODAY MOVE MADE OX THE ITALIA FRONT Important Positions on Balnsassl Pla teau Are Recaptured by Kaiser's Forces, According to Berlin Dis patchesItaly Admits Strong on centratlon of Forces, Mostly Ger mans Along Battle Front. BERLIN, Oct. 24. AN Austroer. man offensive has'been instituted on MinU WMUU0.. V uw ern portion of the BalnsUxa- plateau, v ' ,." ROME, Oct. 24. The' Austrlans have concentrated strong forces' on the Italian front for the offensive work. A large portion of the troops are Germans. TWO 8IU TRACTS SOLO YESTEW; PAN JOSE MAN BUYS TWO RANCH fcS NEAR DAHtY BOTH IM- ' PROVED NEW OWNER TAKES POSSESSION IN NEAR "FUTURE Six hundred and eighty acres of Klamath County land near Dairy changed' hands yesterday, when J. S. Enrlght of San Jose, Calif., thru the agency of A, A. Bellman ft Son, pur-, chased two improved ranches from Andrew Kern. One of tbe tracts consists of 400 acres and the other of 280 acres. It Is expected that the new owner will take possession as soon as the final records of fe sale have been completed. The consideration in volved was not made public. ' v NOTICE Tbe Altar Society of tbe Catholla church will have an autumn drive to Algoma tomorrow, Autos will leave the rectory at 10 a. m. Mrs. Frank Applegate of Algoma will entertain the visitors. REST OF IT? by tbe county officials. With this Idea In view, beUevUg that they were furnishing direct) connec tion with both the big pay rolls on the Upper Lake, the cltlsens of the city voted upon themselves n tax of gao.OOO, to be paid in three years. The Shlpplagton -road H now done, and Is tae piece of work as far as It goes, but It does not cover the ground nor the rent that was outlined to the; people on the ballots at the election n year ago last spring. Another winter season InnVaW. lag close at hand, with prospects for the PeMea Cttjr mfe, . pie to play the RoNnsmv, Cry or nwiss cnauiy vmmvmm i as usual. " l ' Where U tfto res e. mm piugton road? &rki: 3 -7 ; v .Vi ... 3 - iArf (5 ' Kic& J ili