n OFFICIAL NWMAPER Of KLAMATH COUNTY 4JK" ! OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH, FALL! 'r w i - - Twelfth year No. a.140 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGONTUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1917 "' Price Fhw OMM flMgg fcugmnq " r CITIZENS URGED SUHALF OF GERMAN ZEPPELINS DESTROYED FOR BONDS COUNTY MVK8T IN SOUTH CB.V. THAI, OREGON Total fur Cliy Now low.OOO, Little Mora Than 88 Par OMt Raised. Oaly Two Days Left of Campaign. Strenuous Work Necessary to Hake Rcspertnhle Hltowlng Lake Coun ty Over-Hubsrribed. That Klamath Falls It at this time among tho loweat In the atato In Ita response to the subscription for Lib erty Loan bonds, and that strenuous work will have to be done within tho ant day or two If the city la going to subicrlbo anywhere near Ita pre scribed quota Js Indicated in the me. sate Just received by Captain J. W. Siemens, chairman of the Liberty Bend committee for this district, from C A. Miller, representing' the Re- Mrve bank at Portland.' The message reads: "Ws realise' that' yon are working. but your subscriptions to the Liberty Loan aro only about 15 per cent of your quotn, making Klamath Falls among tho lowest cities of Its slse. A short time only remains. Try and Increase personal canvassing. The government Intends to keep a record of the subscriptions of all committees. Oregon Is now away behind. Exert force In final drive." C. C. Chapman, vice chairman for Oregon, wires that of the twenty eight cities In the same class as Klam ath Falls, this city It twenty-second from the top in the proportion tub scribed. Klamath County It tho low est In Central and Southern Oregon. Lake and" Harney counties head the list In Eastern Oregon and Jackson stands at-the top for Southern Ore- Continued on Page 4 j GERMANS RE6AIN ONE POSITION ONE OF THE CAPTURED POINTS TAKEN YESTERDAY IX FLAN DKR8 IH RETAKEN ALL OTH. ER NEW POINTS HELD LONDON, Oct. 18, The Germans MUcked one of the newly captured British positions In Flanders, and forced back the troops holding It to y. Elsewhere the British galnt of yes wdsy have been maintained. A wvy raln hat fallen In the Flanders ectlon. j Food Prices HH,.0Aaol 0ct- M rst " n the1 history if.tfe. United a government nrVinaiiv a "Mt" m& " - , ( .:"' TMlT, IllliMa fofld a "'irator, has announced the proper WaPMWMMWMMMMMMW WHY FIRST BONDS ARE- NOT ISSUED LOCAL HANKERS KXI'iaiX WHY THOSE WHO APPLIED FOR BONDS UNDER PREVIOUS IS. SUE HAVE NOT (JOT THEM To explain the question In the minds of many pcoplo at to why they have not received tho bonds for which tlioy subscribed In the first I mho of j the-Llberty Loan, It is explained by the local bankers that this delay has been caused by the fact that the gov ernment has togu.preparlng two dif ferent kinds off bonds, ono which draws 3 Vi per cent Interest and is non-taxable, and the ether which draws 4 per coat Interest and Is tax able. These bonds aro now ready, and will be issued to, tho subscribers upon application ancWstatcmeiit of j which bond is deslrod. These J)ond I have been drawlag Interest since the day they were subscribed. It is n great expense to have tho bonds re printed, and that Is another reason why tho government has not Issued the printed bondB until n preference Is Indicated regarding the one desired. TESTIMONY IS TAKEN TODAY ARGUMENTS ON QUESTION OF KBNO POWER COMPANY'S EN TRANCE INTO LOCAL FIELD HEARD LATER AT SALEM Testimony In tho hearing before thn Public Servtco Commissioner II. II. Corey as to 'whether the Keno Pow. er Company shall bo permitted to en ter the local Held and dispense light I - i-J ..f,l with ,ha Hn0i pOWBr HI IXJHIIOliHUI, nun ..w California Oregon Power company, In acof dance with the vote of tho people last fall is being taken today at tho city hall, Instead of tho court house, at previously announced. Mr. Corey Is tho only one of tho commissioner presont at the hearing. It is reported that only the testimony will be taken t this time, and that the arguments will be heard lator in the matter at Salem. , ATTENTION, LADIES OF THE MAC. ' CABEES The Thimble Club meets with Mrs, Houte, 706 Eighth street, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. A good at tendance Is desired. Are Named in Illinois prices for augar, potatoet and nour. Grocers for the most part have agreed to put the prices Into effect. They are somewhat lower , than the recent prices, retail" price on sugar being about I cents jess than present quo tations. ! , ' ,' UNUSUAL POTATO YIELDS REPORTEO REMARKABLE RETURN HAHVEtt. TED ON SMALL PATCH NEAR MIDLAND FINK QUALITY IN MANY EXHIBITS NOTED A largo number of the farmers in different parts of the county are now commencing to dig their potatoes, and from present Indications there will bo a large yield. The Klamath country Is especially noted for Its ex. celleut "spuds," end It Is believed that this year's crop will be no excep tion to the rule. A number of fine exhibits have been brought In for display at the different windows In the city, and It is a fore- gene conclusion that some fine dis plays will be made st the School .In; dustrial Fair this week at the Henley school. Three hundred and fifty sacks of marketable 'potatoes on less than an ucre of ground, without irrigation of any kind, Is the remarkable yield pro duced by James A. Thompson on his ranch n short dlstanre west of Mid land. Mr. Tlilmpson In sacking his small patch has not Included the small potatoes. ' It. K Smith, who made a trip to that district yesterday, brought in a few Hpocliuens which are unusually fine In appearance. Thoy are of the Blue Centennial and Early Rose va riety. Mrs. (Jlacominl near Malln dug up one hill of spuds a few days ago, which yielded twenty-two potatoes, tho total weight of which was nine teen pounds. E BALTIC ENTRANCE ANTICIPATE MOYE ON PART OF ALLIES NAVAL FORCES, AC CORDING TO INFORMATION RE CEIVED FROM SWEDEN ' STOCK'.-J. Oct. 23. The Svenska Dagbladet military critlo says that the Oerman Is anticipating an at tempt by the entente fleet to force tho entrance Into the Baltic In conse quence of the German successes In the Quit of Riga. - A great number of German destroy era and submarines are stationed in the neighborhood of the sound be tween Denmark and Sweden. GERMANS MIN e t TO PURCHASE BONDS yWJWMMMMMMMMMMMWMMWMWMWMMWMWM SLACKERS 1 Since the begJaalng of the world war the term "slacker" has taken on a special use aad meaning. Today It Is only applied to those individuals who shirk their duty to their country in Its great struggle. la England it was mainly used in connection with those men who re fused to fight for their country, but in the United States it carries It greatest degree of odium when applied to those individuals who not only remain at home, enjoying all the comforts and blessings of their govern meat, bat refuse to give of their earnings, made .possible by the men who have offered their lives for their safct) and protection. la many Instances there may be justifiable reasons for a man not en listing In some branch of the service, but there cannot be any excuse what ever for a maa who selfishly shirks his duty and refuses to bay at least one Liberty Road, and (has assist the government in furnishing the equipment and supplies necessary ifor the men w ho are fighting for the safety of this nation. Tills war canaotro woa without great sacrifice oa'the part of 'all the people, aad the sooner thia fact is realised the quicker the war will be woa and peace secured. Before this ia accomplished it is quite probable that far greater sacrifices will be demande 1 of all the people than the mere loan ing of a small portion of their earnings to the government. If the peo ple won't loan the funds voluntarily, the government may be forced to take it, as this country is in the fight to stay and the war is 'going to be woa. We do not want to speak too harshly of the attitude shown by the peo ple of Klamath County, bat when it is considered that fully 00 per cent of' the clUxeas of this prosperous community have shown themselves "slack ers" we cannot but believe that they are not yet awake to the real need of their country. We cannot conceive of any reason for anyone not being able to own a Liberty Road, The banks have even offered to advance the money aad let the purchaser pay for It la monthly Installments. No good reason remains for any one who really wants to "do his bit" as the opportunity for employ, meat ia greater than the supply of laborers,, and the whole country Is in a more prosperous condition than ever before. No matter what your condition, don't be a slacker. Make up your mind to own a Liberty Bend. Go to your banker the first thing in the morning, and he will tell you how easy you can secure one. Remember, the Second Liberty Loan sale ends Saturday. Only four more days remain. Don't delay. Name of Crippled ' Steamer Published WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 23. : It I. officially announced that the1 I American destroyer which had the en- gagement with the submarine on Oc-, Butte Valley School Is Completed A new hlin school building has Just. -- -i been eompltted at Dorrls, and is to be dedicated on Saturday, November i tober I6th was the U. S. S. Casln. She was badly damaged, but reach- ed port under her own steam. One man was killed and five wounded, but none seriously. High Srd. A 'fine program has bee ar r i a ranged for tnls'occssloa, and Uvtfa-J tionu exienaea air over phim vausyv A for the affair, ' ElK HERD TURNS LOSE THURSDAY a ANTLERED BUNCH PREPARES TO TOSS" HORNS WITH JOY AT Bit J ROLL CALL GATHERING THIS WEEK uih it) The sky is to be the' limit on Thurs day night, when the 400 Elks of the Klamath Falls Lodge will assemble for the Annual Roll Call meeting. The program that has been sent out by the arrangements committee shows that the preparations for this s J event are most complete, and that any Bill who remains away is going to regret it forever afteVward. A surprising program with unex pected stunts, of attends will pre cede an appropritff Weed" at' the wind-up. Orchestra music will be furnished turnout-the -'evening. Every membeffifJeYpected" toan twer "present" at the roll call. ENDEAVOR 10 AVERT STRIKE TELEPHONE OPERATOR UNION DELEGATES WILL CONFER WITH MEDIATOR.IN ATTEMPT TO PREVBNT STRIKE SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. Wo men delegates from Telephone Oper ator Unions in California towns, Seat tle, Tacoma, Portland, Spokane, Wal la Walla, Aberdeen, Olympla and oth er Northwest cities, have been sum moned here to meet Mortimer Flelsb haeker, the mediator between the wokers and the telephone company, In an attempt to avert the strike called for the 27th. ANDERSON ESTATE ADMINISTRATOR NAMED A petition for the appointment for an administrator fqr the estate of the late D. W. Anderson, of Olene was filed In the office of County Clerk De Lap yesterday. George E. Anderson received the appointment. s NOTICE, W. O. W. The regular meeting of the W. O. W. 798 will be held tonight at the Odd Fellows hall. Presbyterians Will Have New Pastor Soon . n , k.iT ..... it., 'Kenilworth Parian, church portiana win aeceprtne'caii recently extended him by the First Presbyter ian church here 4a'Ae newt received by the trustees outsit institution. Mr,, Lawrence wrjtet'that he will .. .h- T ' . r. . ' .. ., RAID MADE OVER ENGLAND ENDS IN DISASTER GREATEST DEFEAT TO AIR FLEET IN WAR German Threat to Wreak Fearful Vengeance Made Few Daya Previ ous Visited Upon Kaisers Forces Instead French Have Started Sac. cessful Offensive on Aisae Front and Are Making Good Progress WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 23. Germany has probably lost' half her total effective fleet of super Zeppelins aaa result of a raid over England Sat urday. The allies are all exulting, at the greatest defeat administered to the air fleet during the entire war. " ' It is now known that the German raid was an attempt to carry out a f earful threat of vengeance made four days before. PARIS, Oct. 23. The French have attacked the Aisne front northeast of Solssons, and progressed along the whole battle front. They have taken numerous prisoners. By Associated Press DATELESS General Patain's drive on the Aisne front may prove, to be an operation of first Import ance along a three mile front. Fort Dela Malmalson, which the French lost last spring, Is apparently one of the Immediate objects of the offen sive. Good progress Is reported. TOMORROW SET FOR HOLIDAY NATION WIDE HOLIDAY DE CLARED TO STIMULATE SUB SCRIPTION OF LIBERTY BONDS. HALF HOLIDAY IN OREGON, WASHINGTON, V. C'v Oct. 23. The Liberty Loan is still lagging, ac cording to unofficial estimates of 'the treasury department. It Is hoped that the three billion minimum' will be reached by tomorrow night as a result of the Liberty Loan day sales. Tomorrow is to be a national holi day In virtually all the states. A half holiday Is proclaimed for Oregon. i orriva Aariv In November, in time to -12 llth of the month. 1 AIM W . mwmww. . w - '"f-- has been without a regular pastor. since Rev. Hurd left tost spr Ugand Its members deem tha4veefertvt-; nate to secure a wnnvktijaCrt; Law-,' rence's unmistakable calibre. c n?vt ASjr I fi xSS v M.-jp., ' TlM"f . Vs" A ,