v "' ' , . m r GLh Jill t Pit hi n -aasama... - r ofMClAL NBWiFAFW OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF -KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH COUNTY - - -? A "1 0a. " ar SSf "sV e gr aT,. i Or r Ba rn ' ' i .. ev 07 1 afXgft nj KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, Tirtlfth Year No. ,! OCTOBER 22, 1917 Price Fire Cents 4 i ie RO POWER CASE UP FOR 1 lejgMON TO UK HBLD AT COURT HOUSE Public Horrlce Cuiimlsalso. io Deride on Kntroaw of Kmm rower Company Into Loral KleW Com- sttadoa Now Hm Authority to Pro Competitive Utilities Frees n.11.. T.ltnMr llraaila HMMri. iiiiwi ....-w. ...-. ... it,. ....t inn iu to whether the' Km Power Companr will be peunlU " . -WT . M to proceed to serve the city or Kluutb Fall! with light and power. M roted upon by the People at aa akatiaa lut November, will ha ud for . . i.. . - t.. k.t.M HbARING 0M0RROW .v .. n i ii o. i MMIi.i,. staining amount was an account tak tlMOreion Public Service coemtestos ,. h tha .I. a .... I...... k aaa- In li icheduled for 10 a. a. ," , USCViuuij nun uuun. ara aaar- That there will be a highly later-1 I Ud audience at thli heerlac M flew i ef lb preceding lnteroatMC develop I atsti, U a foregone concluiloa. AMU pawed by the last eeeslei of the Oregon legislature, h a-a the Milk service convanlaaea bill, S-tvee tat public service commission author Ky to uie Its discretion la allowing a lecond public utility to eater a fleld ' alnadr aerved by one utility, and al- tag this leglHlatlon waa enacted after tei local election, the coramlBatoa ex eti to extend Its authority to handle til KUmath Kails case. A spirited controversy occurred hers lut fall over the advisability of allowlnc tho Kmin Power nomnanv a fc.nl.l.. ... h.a .L aa1 I.IJ ! ..muinuu ouicr in ivcai um iu mpetltlon'wlth the California Ore- gen rower company. The matter was referred to n vote of tee 1eople la a straw vote early In the asasen, (tad Pmed by a heavy majority la favor at the Keno Power company. , The Keno company refuse to ac-j wpt the franchise offered them by tho Uy council, rlalmina- It waa not In aeeordance with tha tarau Wad hiwmi J the Deoulu lit tha Hm'taIi With.) - . ..-..-,.. ,.-. .. - nesotiatlng further wtflr the ,coua eU a petition was circulated aid the siier put i..fore the publk at a reg- Ull nl.nl ...LI.L ' ' . . . v.ii..,,, wuica -waa aasw a U- ,... ... . .. .. 1- . . '. .. r.l usunu-B were neia at watca tie litter wan nrsuail. hn Kun'Snvu MBPiny (ilTerln? In rataa than af UJ"1" obtained, and the 'California 'Oregon Power camnanv malntalnlaa ,th,e added oxpense of another utility NrVlCe to DIM nAw fi.Mlaf.lnar aaa. te seivice, would ultimately rt jwt id mo consumer. 4 Celebrated Orator to Be Here Wednesday Night IlYlnC V. Vlnl.a IW. -.1-W.. .... - jaw iiaa via n r' wh0lle wort Od Cross work was aa ilaanlv ibhi. wsd who., gives ijilL f,w weeks ", has been aaaaraa-aaa. amlkar 1iH Wednesday oveshUk1 - r. Vlnlng wl4alf4,JJ.ttll SfS " t00 MMrnttd4'' sp rr fJSi ee,t " NJlWb4 Co rfwrstlen Weak, and twi'akju u llallv . "T - .T-.???. .T la-'mi. " wmm " f w (OCOSMMIaaMMftV . f'Ar'..iL t-r. ' ui laa SaMrai-aaiaai Sai ,'. rj.ii. Commission Reclamation WHm 'hav'jhjsiaeaiii FOR COLLECTION VAN RIPER IIROTIIKHH IIItINU AC TtUN AGAINST THE KLAMATH LOGGING AND TIMIIKR COMPA NY FOI UNPAID ACCOUNT van rtiper urowcra mru meir at torneys. Rutenlc A Yaden. have filed suit In the office of the Circuit Court drk for the collection of 164 .09. aliased due from too Klamath Loa TlBb-r .,,--, hundred and forty-seven dol- 1 - - Urs of this amount Is declared from merchandise which the defendants aareed to pay by June 15th. The re- " ". -...---. -. - P"11"" .... 'M . ML KNOWN MAN i DIES AT ASHLAND JAMES WELLS. A WELL KNOWN pioneer, pab8kh away hat. urday night dkath cau8ki) by'hardkning of arAbiies Jamei Wella, a pioneer of Western dwun noi, a r.v... -. Oregon, father of County scnooi tsu- perintendoni Kana wen n Katharine Cole of this city, passed away 8aturdsy night at his home at Asblaad, at the age of 70 yean. Hnrd. isnlag of the arteries caused bis death. M. Welto was a brother of John Wells, a Klamath pioneer, stockman, who died last spring. He Isvsurvlved by his wife and sev- arm! children.- Mrs E. H. Mays, Mrs. ... Chssan Payne and J. P. Wells, beside tha two llvlni here. ." if waiu eroiied the plains In 1851, at' the age of sly years. His life has been devoted to horMcultue and stock raising. A host of friends over Oregon mourn his passing NOTICK A meeting Aloha Chapter No. 61, O, . B., will he held Tuesday, Octo ber IS. After business there will be cards. Mr. Vlnlng, who U a profeswr. at Columbia University, la acknowledged to be one of the most efficient talkers In .the country today, and the privil ege of hearing so capable an orator Is funususl.v iv ' ,, s"1' - a-aaarai anaiby on the part of the kmnh-JWls'sWtc.'to the discus-' ! Of-tgO sgHOaai.preowiM- -- kuaau Ik' for its beosflt hat boon aeted, as' It is slacersty hoped that Meale wlirbMtlr.MWaWlvoa w we mere active Interest la taM.ue. tlOM la the future. ", SUIT BROUGHT FIRE DAMAGES SPRING WORKS BUILDING OP KLAMATH AVENUE SHOP AND MANY TOOLS DK HTROYKD IX DLAZK LATE SAT L'RDAY NiailT. Fire which started in some man ner in the rear room of the Klamath Auto Springs Works at 11:46 Satur day night, seriously damaged the building, destroyed Ave auto trailers and a lam niimbar of tools owned by William Crosby. The iools In the I.Im.-mI.1. it.n.rfmut' Sflk MA tlk lleved damaged. "' The Auto Spring Works Is directly adjacent to the Orecon Mollne Plow company building on Klamath" ave nue, and the efficient work of the Are department prevented a disastrous hlaxa from aoreadlna to that block.' The .losses of-Mr. CreJbyafe waif cever: by Insurance.-rM bVeitpects to be In shape to proceed with his business In a short time. ' -Mr.- Crosby hones tbst the flag which flew from the pole above his shop and waa reported picked up, will be returned to hn. SHIPYARD STRIKE ENDS Tl WORKERS TO RESUME PLACES. all dut two unions accept plan offered by federal uoard' PORTLAND, Oct. II. The ship yard atrlke Is oyer here, but workers will not rport until tomorrow. All but two unions have voted to secant the federal board uttlemeM plan. Those two meet today,, .U,?ts hoped to make the acceptance "uaaal,: moua. ' .. At all evenU, the others will return to work tomorrow, as the majority rules.. NEW DRAFT RULES CLASSIFY MEN FTVK DIVISIONS MADE AMONG THOSE NOW AWAITING CALL. SINGLE MEN FIRST PLANS AN. NOUNOED BEFORE PLANNED WA8HINOTON. D. C. Oct. Vl.-r- Under tho new draft regulations p proved by PreaiaMt wusoa, tae arst men to go will be the single men without depsadsnU, ant married man who habitually failed fo'supporl their fml(lM orare4epeae-it o their wives for iujfon,me,rriee. mea not usefully ngsged,, thole wkoag (amiilaa areailnnorted. by outside l- coe ip4 uwkUledJUkererl. ; v Tmese Ave claeslflWegS soae.g du!!1 before thit tUnVHeaaed by provost aokersl Crow'der.' IMORROW to fear $ ' ' Head on ' MMJ The Public Have Cheaper Meat i aaaaajalllaaaaaaaaJaaaaaaaaaaJaa1aaaaaaa(.BaaaaaaaaB CHICAGO. Oct. 22. The American i "Ixiwer prices mean a larger con- public hss reached the breaking point la high meat prices further Urge In creases will mean a boycott. Thla hu.baeafranklsi admitted by packers themselves? who jtre here at- laailtna ih. Minvafitlnn a tha Amur. !. U&b D-b--a iuaatallnn Tha' packers were practleallylinanlinous in 1GU aivafc ravana aawiu favor of lower prices, despite the fact that they claim they art now operat ing several branches Of Weir Industry at a loss. -ii "7 Dreary l Outlookfor Hwolulu Imbibers HONOLULU, T." H.. Oct. 22. By January lat'tbe supply of 'Scotch and other Imported whiskeys In the Ha: walian Islands will have been ex hausted,. Judging by the supply, now on hand and the normal consuniptlont After that, time the imbiben of Im ported brands -must dowlibos as under me. leaerai ioou ibw importe- she I kaaaaaal v V aw Evangeli to Be HeW Here Soon aa. w u m nt tha Eleventh , gireet Banttat church and Major , W from the locat church tfUi JNtptlst; Slate convention whlchcynvenev, at j Mgalil iei mis iBormu,a-w4-ji The Dalles. Rev. Cox Is scheduled fOr two ad- TREMENDOUS FORCES'' .i " t n '.rf" ', NOW BKARINOARM8 WA1M1NOTPN, D, C, Oct. -II. Al tMst M.000,000 meaitre now baarlat inu a tho worjd-war at this time, over. 1,000,000 being Amerl eaas. aocording to' a statement Issued by the war department today. -r The allied forces boast of 27;500. 000. ' ' T. HOTEL MEN MEET TOORlUMV Thara will be a meetlaa efalllthe hotel keepers and restaurant, proprU stors tomorrow afternooa:at'thf Hall hotel to consider the requests 'made by the government regarding the con servation of food. i I V Those matters are being Uksn upjat. this time 'all over the country, ana tho urgency of Immedlatocgctlon '.Is mt' - "it li'heaed that every gaterer ,ln thoolty sriU bo present tefaofrow. VWW'KmMtm WOmmBm, 'The.central'coua.cll of workmen's .r ., . ', A and soldiers' dewgates has defeated r a- , i ana oiaira " -t.- . MlL-mTY.-liont.. OaVrill-wThottheBoliehvl reiolutlon agalnitWd- Aasaaakan mt tammlaa? aaa hseaiteardslsgatss'to tho coming HM ergaalaed assesig the eWberf the conference l--Prte.' The couwlt de. iui..'J iL.'..i., ataN la'nuaiaiitolrfait.to aand two dslegaWs, x WHI W aaatam . w-.-. Utility Visit to Must 'sumption, and the packing industry Is lounueu on me iiriutipiD ui iviuuc, was the way Edward LaBartb of Chi cago puts It. "People will quit eat ing meats and take to otb,er foods If they are asked to pay much more than the present prices." The packing Industry will, welcome government regulation thru the licen sing system, because lower prices are virtually assured,,(packer attending the-'conventlon said., '' ' ,'' ",f tlons Are pretilMced. - ' - .jror,lheldrlnker'..;of Imported gins there ip aftbnger reprieve, the supply on hand being equal to six months' deman'd, while of American-whiskies It U'estimffted that the amount stored In antlclpaHloitne'pf'onlb'Uory'- bin, on liquor 'manufacture will sufhee the needs of-the aicohoubly'lncltned for ajtrep.-ycars.'v.,,.,, ,. dresses at this convention On his re turn, October 29th, be will be accom- nanl-d by the Rev. Drr Driver and wife-ln. tbechapsl car '.'Goodwill." commetfclng October. 18th, a'sertes of gpeclal.evangellstlc-meetings win be conducted at the BapCtst church. nnimtv with tha burnoaa of 'looking out for the comfort of soldiers from this locality In France. Letters of cheer to the men-wilt be among the tamambrancea- to bessnt. It'is an nounced, as well as more substantial presents. - r . PMOnCE TOWHT Officers .and members of the degree team . of' Prosperity Rebekah Lodge No. 104, 1. O, p. F,rwlll meet In Odd Fellows hall tonight foe the purpose of practicing the 'work. There will be Initiation nt next meeting, and all members are urged to attend the drill I tonight. By order of the Noble Grand, Mrs. Georgia Sloan. UfRKMIBR GOES FC FRONT PETRDORAD. Oct. II. Premier Karanskv has lsft Petrograd for the . f ightiB.tTo- -: i v'i i-1 n t '.. . ....-. ... J.f..a' i -. --- - , : -r av. at meeting atalA I m w Klamath Falls WILL R. KING IS IMPRESSED 8Y PROJECT CONFERENCE HELD, .WITH - TER USERS TODAY Rarlamatlon of Nearly Hundred Mil lion Acres of Land May lie Taken "I'n Followtag-Paswgeiof lllli by Chiiuilierlaln. Government tb et IVelilnd and Finance Reclamation ' on Wholesale Scale. JUDGE WILL R. KING Greatly Impressed with the wonder ful future in store for the,-Klamath country. Judge Will. R. King; chief council of the United States rtjclama tlon service, who arrived Saturday night with President J. T. Hlnckle of tha Oreson Irrigation Congress, com. pUtted a flying trip yesterday over the vast area of the Klamath project. .This is Judge King's first visit to Klamath, -and he appeared surprised to note' the natural advantages and resources here. A conference Is being held today with the Watgr Users Asoclatlon di rectors and members, regarding the changing or the association Into an Ir rigation district, the election for which is to be held. In December. This 'change Is heartily endorsed by all 'officials of the service, and It Is be- New Blow Near Ypres Ilr Associated Press DATELESS In co-operation with "JSJ?S,HS: narrow front at the German lines northeast-of Ypres. Early success has been reported, The operation, la apparently aimed at hrlnafha the left flank of the allied aavanoa further .fOrWSrd tO SUPPOU w-,- , ,.u. the .center, where the wedge Is driven fsrthsit. The Runlan haval units have outt amBamamamaaRBBamamamaml ssannnnnnnnjBsiw jajsannnnnnnnnjm k amamamaiP' -AaamBBmamBal -fffffffV.;3atiit-'. VBJBJBJBJBJB- ma-ma-mli'i'-r ' '-aaaBaiaBBBi Bl V JLH sanBaBaaaBBiamBBBfimaV SamBamBaaaL ? Ba ' "' 'UaamBBai malmaaaaaC:-:- ',:tf bmaaapiaBBBBBBrV C k amflsaam 'gSaSaKL BaBaSaBBA'iaV' JaPamBVOaSl RaaaBBBBBliiaflsBBBBBK BaaamaaBamamaB''aBaSamamaSm 'AaMPSHsBSawP' iMBmaVawS lBTsBaanBBaaaaaaaatmaaaaaaaar .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaml HLILHH'aBaBBBBBaSBBBi saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaawr . r aasaaaaaaaaaaaasBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTuC ' amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal uestion ifvwwuwm FAMOUS RING ROHERT F1TZS1MMONS IVES UP STRUGGLE AT CHICAGO AFTER PROLONGING LIFE FOR SEVER. AL DAYS IIY DETERMINATION CHICAGO,. Ills., Oct. 22. Robert Fitzslmmons, the noted prizefighter, died here last night, following an ill ness from pneumonja. His life fas prolonged several days. Just by hls.-g.-lm determination to live, according to physicians. The funeral 'services wlli.be held Wednesday at the -Moody .Tabernacle. lieed there will be no substantial op- position to it. v , Judge King, with Engineer A, P. Davis, composes the reclamation com mission at Washington. Judge King has charge of the legal department. while Mr. Davis handles the engin- ,pesenhrlff 13Vtaur-tT TMBpcr - lion over wie siiwimi 6vcmuir. ,.,- Jects, looking toward.the reclamation of'a vabt" tncreaso oFacreage by" the reclamation department provided for by a bill now, oerpre congress iniro- duced April ffjh'by'Senator Chamber-' Iain. Tho rmlnmntlni" of 95.000.000 "acres Tnay be'un"3eftaken at the 'con CHAMPION DIES clusion of 'the present war "by the gov ernment, according to 'Mr'.' King, to gke care of the gieat drmV'of'wbrk" ing men, which will appe'af'when-tho armies commence to disband. He ex. plaftied that the complete adoption of? the Chamberlain bill by congress will contribute, to the reclamation of till able soils on a wholesale scale on grounds that the goernment Wilt-get" . behind the bonding und. financing of either arable land9 or' water-logged . lands that may be set In a program for reclamation. j ' "The 'government guarantees pro tects which will come.undcr the new act in such a niarter that' if will not bei difficult to finance tBem," daid Judge Klne. "hut the moJ6c will-be built nbsolute'.yVinxler the dlrectloti of the government, and will be operated by the government until It is paid for. That will contribute largely to fur nlshlug assurance' wJUch will mean that "utmost confidence will be cen' tered In the new projects." Mr. Hlnckle, whose home is at Her- miston, has been appointed assistant to Judge King In district organlza- tlon, and will accompany him to morrow morning on his departure by way of Lakevlew. at Enemy is Successful willed the superior German fotces. In tho northern part of the Gulf of Riga and havo escaped from Moon ,Souiid without losses. PARIS. Oct,23 TheTenck troops adjoining the British In BelglunPtb; . .-. ... lnnw n tfllrt day atiacKeu ine-Biieui uw meter front. All objectives anf're- ported gained. 4 ' 'iiONDQN.bct.. 22. Tbe.'rjtlsh rforceV today made'suceessfulytttaek, F. I ... .1.1 A .liA.w'aMni1aaflailti OU "OMl UlUBS ", " " -J 1" i .a. A I !1 : f : : 1' K&L