r 'I . D Stye official' newspaper OFFICIAL NEWIPAMOt OF KLAMATH FALLS OF KLAMATH COUNTY f v"- $ j! ' T ? Twrlftli Year No. ''' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1917 Price Fir '2$ IEmnmg BgraJp "'C REVAL AND PETROGRAD THREATENED RUSSIAN CAPITAL WILL MOVE TO KVAtTATION OF BBVAL COMMENCED HAH Port tit Gulf of Finland Entrance Now Seriously Menaced by Rerent Move of Germane Heat of Russian Gov eminent Will lie Changed Imme dUtrir Moscow Relieved Mo Popular Place for Government. PETROGRAD, Oct. 19. The gov rnment has definitely decided to more to Moicow In the very near fu ture. The newspspere announce tho evac. tin. at thn fortified Port Reval on the Baltic, al the entrance of tho Quit of Finland. The recent offensive of the Ger- nana In tho Quit of Riga and the la land or Oaol placea Port Revat In a very serious predicament, na a rail road commence at Hapsal on the mainland shore, directly oppoalte the occupied Inland, runulng directly to Keval, less than 100 miles dlatant, and to Petrog'rad, 200 miles north eait. Whllo It la not vrobablo that the QermaiiH will attempt any move on Petrograd thin fall, owing to the late, neat of the season, the Russian alr thorltles plan to take no chances. It Is believed by many that a more loynl spirit wilt be demonstrated thruout the empire with the capital back In Its original position at Moscow. Thru trains are now declared run ning between Berlin and Riga, mak ing the trip In twenty-four houra. MATERIAL HERE . FOR RED CROSS SHIPMENT OK FLANNELETTE FOR SOLDIERS PAJAMAS AR RIVES FROM 8EATLK TODAY. MORK TO FOLLOW BOON Thirty nlaesa of flannelette arrived at the Red Cross headquarters here ioaay irom the Red cross supply ser vice at Seattle. Sixty more pieces have been ordered and are. expected to arrive In a abort time. It Is intend ed that thla cloth will all be made into pajamas for the soldiers. A larara aim haa tAAti rAcalvad irom Washington for these garments, and It is hoped that the ladles of the city will respond to the urgent call, n.j. . .u. ... .. .1 i "" ivr wieir assistance, ana niiaui t the work rooms in Increasing num. uora. Many Ducks MOSCOW On Upper The duck hunting season la now on in fuip.wlng, and that Klamath County, which is noted so widely as a mseca for this popular sport Is keep "K up Its reputation; this year Ut ft 'letted by the lUutihir of birds thai re befog brought' J by the local sportsmen who are cutting down the COASTWISE TELEGRAPH STRIKE IMPENDING fWmxaaarLAnjxr.raar.anrr B , m'T RIGHT OF WAY DEEOEDJO CITY TWELVE DEEDS TO ROUTE ALONG HTUAHOItN RAILROAD PILED AT COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE YESTERDAY Twelve right of way deed to right of way property along tho municipal railway between Klamath Falls and Dairy wore yenterdoy made over to the city and died in the county clerk's office. Three mortgage releases wore also Included in the action. Nearly all this right of' way bad been ar; ranged for nt different times previous ly but the legal steps in the proced ure had been delayed for one cause and another. In a number of In stances the fact that outside, owners haa to ne locaiea ana uenu wmi um taken considerable time. In several cases the right of way had been made to Robert E. Strahorn. These were also deeded over to tho city. 118,000 MORE IS LIBERTY BOND TOTAL IN KLAM- ATH FALUi HAS SWELLED SINCE MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT WUBSCRHTIONS COM. 1NG IN FASTER v- Elghteen thousand dollars worth of Liberty bonds have been subscribed In thin cltv. since the mass mooting at Houston's opera house Tuesday night, when (22,100 was raised. i-nrad bankers report that tho sub (rintlonn nro commencing to come In faster than previously. No report has yet been received from the Merrill district, which responded so heavily at the time or the first issue. Portland, Oct. 19. Thirty-six hun dred and ninety-three persons, or a little better than one per cent of the population of Portland have sub scribed to the second Liberty Loan up to last night in the state at large. Many nanaa , - will carry depositors on the payment of two per cent down In eTty ... Ti.o hunks will make the in- u..v hnnka announce mat iuc; m - . thai stallment paymenta and allow tneia I - .. in HitllfTHrA. cuBtomern uho Flying Lake Now ..... hih cost of living consider ably and onvlng a lot of pure Joy Into the bargain. .-.. . raeaivad especially ttom the UpperVuke are to the e8ect that r T.i.'fcj. im TvTnslat naggea-.vavv - -- , . . week three ei secure geyegtyilx ducks In one trip. SUBSCRIBED ' m, RAILROAD WORK GOOD WEATHER TEAM WORK NOW NEARLY COM PLETKD l!ridge Across Canal Will lie Done Nest Week Route Thru Pine Flat Uraded ami Terminals at Dairy Finished-Grading Held Up at Olene Over Right of Way Chan gee The Dredger ProRrmsittg With Fill. The exceptional fall weather this year is proving of great benefit to the Strahorn crew at work on the new munlclpul, railroad toDalry. Work oothe bridge across .the gov. ernment canal near Altamont ranch is now well along, and will probably bo completed during the early part of next week. As soon as crossing can be effected here thework of laying rails to Olene can proceed without further delay, and will In all probabll- Ity be done In four weeks. All the team work Is now complet ed with the exception of a tract at Olene, which Is being held UP by the rlsht of way difficulty. The road om clals expect that the activity will be resumed there in a short time, how ever. Contractor C. T. Darley has com pleted the work on the terminals at Dairy, and the entire route thru Pine Flat is now graded. The big dredger Is making gooa nroaress with the fill between the Southern Pacific tracks and the pres ent terminus on Klamath avenue and Second street. About thirty men are now employed on the new line near the city. RUSSIAN SHIP LOSTJ BATTLE BATTLESHIP 8LAVA, OLD TYPE OF VESSEL, IB BUNK IN NAVAL BATTLE IN GULF OF RIGA. ALL OF CREW SAVED PETROQRAD. Oct. 19. The Russian battleship Slava has been sunk In a naval battle which occurred yesterday In the Gulf ot Riga. She was struck several times below the water line. . The Slava was one of -the old type of battleships, having been construct ed in 1900. The members of the crew were all saved by the Russian torpedo boats. FRUIT FOR LAND . SHOW BROUGHT IN ' Antone Krupka came in today (rem th Malln section with am lae ap ples, paara and grain for the hlbt which the-Commercial, Club plana to send'to the Manufacturers aid. Lead Products' Show at Portland tea abort tiite. ' .'... , '?'' an "Tf r" " beauty pteVs gfewn byKnlpka are unusually line, HURRIED DURING McAdoo Endorses "Four-Minute" Men PORTLAND, Oo. 19. Secretary of the Treasury w. O. McAdoo has recognised the work ot the "fourjnln ute" men thruout pregon as a valu able adjunct to the Liberty Loan cam paign, and haa asked their co-operation, in speeches at moving picture theaters In all Darts oLthe state. The following telegram, was received from Secretary McAdoo by Sherman B. 1 Wi test Out New SALEM, Oct. lO.-'-Attorney A. C. Shaw of Portland has notified the land board that he will begin legal proceedings to test the constitutional ity of the act passed by the last legis lature, authorising the board to credit 1UIUIIT, uiiimiuui MW in...... w ...u-.. scrip applications of the C. A.Smlthj Lumber company ana otners ior,suu to tesv iue ui;i. SERIOUS MUTINY THREATENS ENEMY GERMAN BAILORS REFUSE TO BOARD SUBMARINES BAD FOOD AND ILL TREATMENT CAUSES SERIOUS OUTBREAK AMSTERDAM , Oct. 19. Mutiny among the German sailors at Ostond, who refused to go aboard the subma rines, is reported In the Belgium newspapers. One officer was thrown into the sea. Thirty mutineers have been removed In handcuffs to Bruges. WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 19. Official dispatches here report mutiny In the Austrian navy. There have been clashes between the Austrian sailors and the crews ot thn German submarine fleet based at Pola, in which officers on both sides' have been killed. Thin haa resulted in a decision to change the base of the German flo tilla. neanlte the attempts of the Aus trian admiralty to suppress this news It bos reached here via Berne., Tho crews are in revolt under tne 111 treatment of oHcera and bad food. Overbearing conduct caused the re volt of the submarine crews. .TWO BILLION BY SATURDAY NIGHT . ' ., WASHINGTON, D.O., Oct, 19. The Liberty Lean subscriptions ' ;have now reached 11,760,000,- ooo ana are ' wuain sinauiu w UUoV, of the $1,000,000,000 . hated fer by Saturday night. '. w,WWi.www(Ww..w.....i.i. Hall of Portland, head of the speak ers: , "The four-minute" men are a mighty and potential influence in the success of the liberty loan. They did an Immensely valuable and patriotic service in the first Liberty Loan, and I count with genuine satisfaction unon their enthusiastic support and service in placing the second Liberty Loan. God- speed every "four-minute" man in this noble work." State Law money paid by them to third parties for state land, title to which proved (Infective. The attorney general re cently held the enactment invalid, nnd Shaw asked the board to enter an order refusing to give credits on - .. -. . - - applications, so that he might begin PRESS SCORES BRITISH NAVY LONDON DAILY MAIL ASKS WHY GERMAN FLEET WAS PERMIT TED TO CONTROL THE GULF OF RIGA LONDON. Oct. 19. In a violent criticism of the action of the English navy, the London Mall here today ed itorially flayed the offlcere of the British fleet tor what It termed tbelr failure to prevent the German fleet from becoming master of the Gulf of Riga. Demands were made upon the ad mlralty to explain the "humiliating J dUpla" EX-CZAR LIVES LIKE PEASANT PETROGRAD. Oct. 19. The fam ily of Nicholas Romanoff, former em peror, now gets food by the use of food cards, like any other cltixen. MIKXCH LOAN IS INCREASED TODAY WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 19. The government has today advanced a loan ot 120,000,000 more, melting a total to the allies of $2,731,000,000. 4 SUGAR EIGHT CENTS PER POU? SAN FRANCII8CO, Oct, 19. w The food administration that .the ratsll nrlee of sugar in satailiots w 'here will.be approximately eight St Jtanflfat. IMP nBUOfli v Neerly;al! the Western states , are to be basea-en laie ngurs. w MvMvMtvvtvMv . are to be based-en this Igura. FIRST NATIONALTWO THOUSAND DANK WILL REMODEL PRESENT QUARTERS TO BE EX PANDED l'J, Business Increased of Institution Compels Additional Facilities. i Commercial CI jib j Rooms In Loonris Building to He, Remodeled and Used for Bookkeeping Department. Marble Fixtures to Be Installed. The First National bank ot this city has completed' .plans for expanding Ha nrmnt oiiirtem and renlaclnz fine i equipment with elegant up-to- .. v.!..!.... -.p v - date appointments. Final decision ori ,ngton wln ont on a ttrlke at mld ncntei.pmtoiprovements'waj jght fbutgnf,,uccordtagito,Wf ?.Dp L.il. a nuatlnr of thn directors!. ma ..- j.uL ( Clao. made at a meeting of the directors last night. Necessity for expansion has been found necessary owing to the rapidly increasing business ot that institution, whose deposits have Increased over 75 per cent since January 1st, and are now drawing near the million and a half mark. In order to meet this situation tne room now occupied by the Klamath Commercial Club, directly In the rear, haa been token over, ana win oe re fitted for the use ot the bookkeeping department, where employes may oni-v without conflicting with the general business of the bank. Marble fixtureannd floor will be In. stalled in the lobby, and a five win dow working snace will replace the three used. Work Is to commence lm. mediately. FITZSIMMONB IS LOW WITH FXEUMO.-UA nmcAGO. Oct: 19. Robert Fltr- slmmons, who Is 111 with pneumonia, ta in a critical condition, and there Is practically no hope of his recovery.. . . - FORMER GREEK KING VERY ILL PARIS, Oct. 19. A dispatch from Zurich says that an old wound of for mer King Constantino has reopened, nd an oneratiott has had to be per formed. His condition is now most grave, A STATE VETERINARIAN VISITS State Veterinarian W. H. Lytle Is in the city today on his way to attend to official duties at Lakevlew. Heavy Stock Leaving One hundred and tour thousand dollars worth of beef cattle, gathered principally frbai the Klamath Reser- Vatloa, S'Mp;a wan;ios i ahtnaad brSakV.nrsB ofiMcLemore ft Mtobsll 'aW before hsit. and U V . -- ' .- . .kijMMt 1vtaa SreNawuse-snia-si. if -" sle' year. - Three traUs bar been w ?- . --r - "--,, shipped In three consecutive days by WALK our T T' STRIKE HAY EXTEND OYER THH PACIFIC COAST Seattle Operators Strike Brought Be cause- Company Refuses to Recog nize Women's Union Delegates From Several Sections Bolt Con ference Now on at San Francisco. More Wages, Closed Shep, Asked. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct" 1. Ap proximately 2,000 organised operat ors of the Pacific Telephone and Tele rniin COWLWUJ 1U IU1 graph company in the state of waah- laney of Seattle, delegate of the.Elec- trlcal Unions from that city. - He said that the company's flat re fusal to recoxnixe woman operators In the Union precipitated the action, and he withdrew from the conference. TAe Fresno ana &os aut" Bi..v. have also withdrawn, threatening a coastwise strike. Deloney said that-nothing but con cessions of all the delegates can avert a strike of the Unions of delegates, who have bolted the conference. The employes are demanding wage Increases, elimination of efficiency ex amination, closed ahop and the recog nition ot women's unions. NEW OFFICIAL APPOINTED WASHINGTON. D. Cl, Oct. 19. A. Mltchel Palmer of Bwartnmore, Penn., has been appointed alien prop erty custodian under the "Trading with Enemy" law. He was a former congressional representative. L ' HEAVY LOSS TO ENEMY BERLIN, Oct. 19. Two Russlon Infantry regiments totalling B.ooo men, have been captured on Moon I Island. 4 FRENCH ATTACK - WITH SUCCESS PARIS, Oct, 19, The French have again attacked on tne Atsne w front and" penetrated the(Ger- w man lines. They have token a w hundred prisoners'. , Shipments Klamath to. ! isfa) thls,tm, the largest being Stty earn.. ONIGH ine econur iwr w.-, -, rr" rt j,, a .m Mawa a fIBB which left this morning vn. nn n& The shipments have beeatCOnatgue g to ino uaiao."i vwrw w-ji'"Ci4 i.nd and tka Western Meat aCaiketo M .4 a-n SmiuIuui. . .a.i na .. w- .... ' vV The ekeeta iwusd by ue ame arm , . ... aw ..... .lukau aa far p? this year have totaled $.$.. W ' ' t . iSi'i .. M&tf,- it 'a . ?? . Vj,JAt -' KX-