if .' A Iff.' cUf Eurntnn Brrald OFFICIAL NEWiPAPIR OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIPAm OF KLAMATH FALLS "s Twelfth Year No. S,1M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1917. Price FllS) RUSSIAN BATTERIES MAY BE BOHLED 11 BE TRAPPED BY MOVE OF GERMANS ACTION EXPECTED IN GULF OP RIGA Advance South and East of G Troops on Owl Island Places Bat. i tart, on Orel PmlsmiU in Km aerraiaiag PrwUcamont .Invasion 'of ttie Mainland la Now Expected. life fienteare fur Korwlloff. PETROOllAD, Oct., 16. Germans' wao unaed eaturaay on usei uiana are puening torwara 10 ine east ana - sooth, which place. the Russian force. sd bstterlr. In tho Arensburg dls - trletontbaCewlpwIttaulaloadim- tilt position. . Actions In the Gulf of Riga are pre dicted followed by Invasion of the sjalaland. The northern group of German war .saleafcave reported taa torpedo boat sinedrou between Oaal and Dago Is- .MBAftA nrouln hik fh Ril.l.n lift. trW Russian naval forces reinforced tit patrol, which then escaped battle, whereupon the German ahlpa re turned. HKRI.IN, Oct. 15. Rapid progress hu been made by the Germans on Oaal Island. Warahlpa have shelled tht Russian land batteries and silenc ed them. The Svord Peninsula has been cut off from the north part of' the Island. PETROORAD, Oct. 15. General Cbablovlsky, president of the com mlulon of tho Inquiry Into tho Kornl los rebellion, has returned and de dared hi. unbelief that the action u high' treason, aa Kornilof com mitted no act of any nature to weaken we flgbtlng front, He tbiaka that lite imprisonment ia toe greatest aentence possible to in flict on Kornlloff. FIRST WEDDING BY JUOGE HANKS ORBMONY PERFORMED EARLY SATURDAY JUDGE REPORTED tO HAVE BLUSHED FURIOUSLY DURING UftVICH aturday waa a red latter day for County Judge Marlon Hanks, aa he Performed bis first miri-laa care. ony. The contracting parties were w. H. Thlsby of Portland and Beat nee Baker of Klamath FaUs. Blni new at the buslnaaa, it Is re wted that the Judge bllshed even ore than the bride, and was uneer in before the ceremony waa finished w be waa not one of the contracting Partita. Enormous Coal Strike Is Called , CITY, Oct. II.- raae.behMl.iBsxt Friday, ha. been pass. woicaliint to, a atrlkInetta ed. so itgnad by tha PreMwU WaMatbera of tac eathwaatem Coal secretaries of tha state orfaluMol '' Asaaautlaw 1 OUaheaw. I Of Mlssouil, Kansas, Arkansas, I 1917 CHAMPIONSHIP MAMMAMMMMMMMWMMMWWMVWWMMW PRETTY WEDDING EARLY YESTERDAY POPULAR KLAMATH FALLS GIRL WKDH W. II. Mrl'HEKItlX OF ' MII.LH IMPLEMENT CO. TO RE. HIDE IX MAGUIHK APARTMENTS A pretty wedding ceremony was performed hero at 6 o'clock yesterday morning, when Juitlco of tho Peaco B w. (Jowan mtM ,M Carn MOm ch"br W ' Mr and " - c"rl Schubert, with Mr. W H. McPhom,n' t " homo on rlno sirovi. Tho wedding waa very simple, tho bride being unattended. She carried 'largo bouquet of white rotes. .Tho ring ceremony waa used Mrs. McPherren la well known In this community, where she baa resld. ed for many years. Tho groom la a form" rM'de,,t, of Portland, having been In thla city for the past two yeara. II U an employe of J. 8. Mills dt Son. , The young couple spent the day yeatordny with tho brido's parents In tho Spring Lnko district, and will be at home In tho J. F. Mngulre apart ments. EIGHT KLAMATH MEN ENLISTED FOUR HAVE LKFT AND FOUR GO LATER IN WEEK W11TH LUM- BERMEVS IIATTALION HER- geant Mcdonough here u.v til thursday Sergeant D. E. McDonough of the United States army recruiting service la again In Klamath Falls recruiting men for the Twontleth Engineer For eat regiment, of which one battalion baa already left for Overseas service in France. Since his return Sergeant McDon ough haa sent the following mon to Fort McDowell, Calif: Carl O, Dodte, George E. Scbram, Walter H. Gorley, Oscar Jolly. The following men have signed to go lator In the week: Oliver O Boyd, Godfrey J. Rarabo, Virgil B. Hawley, Irving E. Bradford. These men comprise soma of the best lumbermen In the region, and are bound to make a mark for themselves In the branch of the aervlce fof?whlch they enlisted. Sergeant McDonough will be In the city until Thursday. for Friday tha Uatted , Mlae Workers of Altar. lea. T COUNTY SECTIONS AID RED CROSS LADIES OF IILY AND BONANZA SHOW ENTHUSIASM WHEX VIS. ITKI IIV NUM. ADDIE WALKER, BONANZA SCHOOL BUSY Mrs. Addle Walker returned yes terday from a trip to Oly and Bo nnnsa, to start the Red Croaa work among tho ladles of those place.. Mra. Walker reporta great success in the work, as tho ladles are all very en thusiastic and anxtoua to accomplish bb much aa possible. She held two meetings In each place, and then left tho work in charge of a competent worker. Mrs. Walker took material for the work with her for Bly, and hud sonio moro forwarded to her at Bonanza. The pupils of the Bonanza achool aro making comfort bags for the sol diers under the direction. of Miss Nichols, one of the teachers. The bags will be filled with necessary arti cles and complete In every detail, and will be sent to the Red Crosa chapter nere. EXPLOSION AT DUPONT WORKS MTRO STARCH DRY HOUSE GOES UP, SHAKING WINDOWS OF PHILADELPHIA TWENTY MILES DISTANT NO SUSPICIONS Eft TERTAINED PHIAL.DELPHIA, Oct. 15. An ex plosion In the nltro starch dry house of the Dupont Powder Works at Gib aton, N. J., resulted in the Instant death of two workmen. A third man Is missing and probably dead. An other la seriously Injured. The building destroyed was small, and waa removed a considerable dis tance from the rest of the plant. Only four men were there at the time afl tho mishap. The company declares that there Is nothing suspicious about the explo sion. Windows were shattered In Phila delphia, twenty miles away. UPPER COUNTRY LAND APPRAISED APPLICATION FOR. Ott.eM IN FEDERAL LOANS APPLIED FOR IN FOB, YONNA AND LAN. GELL VALLEY Announcement ft te raeetved frost Secretary Treasurer, J. B. Pad dock of tha Boaansa Farm Loan Aaso- elation, that the Federal Land Bank appraiser of Spokane has Just eow pleted tha appraising of lands is Pea, Yoanawd U!f ell' yalleys.. , ABreittoly lOO.oeo la laasa asp bMaaaaJlea; for up to this time-by the -farmers of that district.' Chicago White Sox Win World'sjnmpionship By Defeating the Giants on Their Home Grounds, Today the White Sox Secure Necessary Four Games to Entitle Them to the World's Champion ship for 1917 POLO GROUNDS, New York, Oct 16. The Chicago Americans march ed triumphantly off with the world's aerlea championship, by winning four to two'gamea frpjnhe New York Giants.' Red Faber pitched superb ball for the White 8ox. Thirty-three thousand saw tho Giants' defensive blow up In the fourth inning, when Zimmerman's wild throw, Robertson's muff of a fly and a hit by Gandll were responsible for three acorea. The Gianta got two , v.w . nnaaAa ann Manfl,'a triple. Today 'a game madothe series four to two, giving the Sox. the cham. plonshlp for 1917. FINAL RESULT 9 R. Chicago 4 New York , .a H. 7 0 E.' 1 a Batteries Chicago Faber and Schalk. New fork Benton, Perritt and Rariden. LtaevUp and Uattiag Order Chicago J. Collins rf, McMullln Sb, E. Collins 2b, Jackson If, Felsch cf, Gandll lb, Weaver aa, Schalk c, Faber p. New York Burns If, Herzog 2b, Kauff cf, Zimmerman 3b, Fletcher ss, Robertson rf, Holke lb, Rarlden c, Benton p. Ftast Innlajr Chicago J. Collins grounded to j U.S. Buys Pacific Island For Aviation Purposes HONOLULU, Oct. 5. (By mall) Authorisation for the purchase of Ford Island as a site for a big avia- tlon branch of the Hawaiian depart - ment has been received here, . The, Island contalna 361 acres, and will be devoted solely to the, development of England to Reprisal Air Raids LONDON, Oca. 15. Tha morning papers suggest that tha government, ia! ready to begin carrying out reprisal air rales Oarmisy. 'The belief Is baaed on the assign GOES TO M1DDLEWEST Fletcher. McMullln waa out on a foul to Rarlden. E. Collins alngled over second. Jackson waa out on ground er to Hersog. No runa. New York Bursa grounded to E. Collins. Hersog alngled "over third. Kauff fanned, and Zimmerman lined to Jackson. No runa. Second lanlog Chicago Felach fanned. Gandll , singled over second. Weaver ground. C(, t0 H 0and UJK iec0Bd SchaIk grounded to Zlmtrmiin. No runa, New York Schalk took Fletcher's roller and threw him out. Robertson grounded to E. Collins.,, Holke dou bled to left fence and almost Into the stand. Rarlden grounded to E. Col lins. No rung. Third Inning- Chicago Faber fanned. J. Collins popped to Herzog. McMullln fanned, No runs. New York Benton fanned. Burna lined to Felscb. Hersog filed to Felsch. No'' runs. Fourth Inning- Chicago E. Collins grounded to Zimmerman, who threw wild to first, Collins taking second. Jackson filed to Robertson, who dropped the ball, Collins taking third and Jackson holding first. Benton got Felsch's grounder and tosaed the ball to Zim merman, who cha8ed Collins across the plate for a run. Jackson and aeronautics and aviation, . Plana for the enlargement of the army aero base, tho Sixth Aero squadron, have been officially approved. It la plan- nod t0 baVe 22i228 aeroplanes In aer vice, Ford Island la located near Pearl (Harbor, Hawall'a naval base. Start ment of -Lieutenant General David Henderson, director general of mili tary, aeronautics,- to special work,'d sending Major General W. S.'rak. rj director et the air' organisation, to a command abroad. MWWWWWWWWMWMWWWWWWWMI Felsch scored on Gandll's single to right. Gandll thrown out at second trying to stretch, Robertson to Her sog. Weaver died to Burns. Schatk alngled to left. .Faber walked. J. Col lins grounded to Zimmerman. Three runs. New York Kauff rolled to E. Col Una. Zimmerman filed to J. Collins. Fletcher singled oft McMullln's si the ball bcmnclng'tcK Weaver,' shins, who nearly threw Fletcher' out at first. Robertson filed to Felsoa. No runs. Fifth Inning Kauff robbed McMullln of a hit by coming in faat to nab his liner. E. Collins was out on a fly, and Jackson grounded to Hersog. ,No runs. New York HoTke 'fanned. Rari den walked. Wilholt batted tor Ben ton and walked. Burns-forced Wil holt, Weaver to E. Collins, Rarlden taking third. Rarlden and Burns scored on Hersog'. triple to right field wan. uuu iuuicu tv uuuuii. x wu runs. Sixth Inning Chicago Perritt replaced Benton in the, box. Felsch walked and was out ateallng second,.' Rarlden to Fletcher. Gandll-fanned- on- three straight. Weaver gTJbundedItb;Her sog. No runs. New. York Zimmerman grounded to E. Collins. Fletcher fouled to Gan dll. Robertson singled to right and Holke grounded to E. Collins. No runs. y Seventh inning Chicago Schalk walked. Faber fanned. Liebold batted for J. Collins and popped to Hersog, who dropped the ball and then ran over to- first, touching both Schalk and Liebold. Umpire ruled infield fly, Liebold out, and Schalk safe. McMullln fanned. No runs. New York Liebold replaced J. Collins In right field. Rarlden ground ed to Gandll, unassisted. Perritt sin gled over second. Burns filed to Weaver. Perritt took second on short passed ball, and went to third when Schalk'a wild throw escaped Collins. Hersog popped to Weaver. No runs. Eighth Inning Chicago E. Collln8 grounded to Holke, unassisted. Jackson singled to right Felsch fouled to Holke. Gan dll filed to Kauff. No runs. New York Kauff filed to Liebold. Zimmerman grounded to Weaver, and waa robbed of a hit. Fletcher ground ed to McMullln. No runs. Ninth Inning Chicago Weaver singled to left. Schalk fouled to Zimmerman. Faber sacrificed, Perritt to Holke. Weaver scored on Heboid's single. Liebold took second on Kauff'a home throw. McMullln grounded to Zimmerman. One run. New York Robertson was hit by pitched ball. Holke grounded to Col lins, Robertson taking second. Rarl den fanned. McCaltby batted for Per ritt and grounded to E. Collins. Klamath Campers Are Cautious 'The people of Klamath County are to, be congratulated on their judg ment and caution used regarding fires while eamplag during the summer months. Perhaps the people of this district realise moro than the aver age tourist and camper what a won derful asset tha forests are to the community, and take--unusual care, but tan tset tUt tapamt taken to prevent spread of -aamfcs i'by- -.loeal 'campers la out of the 'ordinary Is WWWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ROUSING MEETING TOMORROW NIGHr AT IPEUI HOUSE PROMINENT SPEAKERS FROM PORTLAND Men Are Taking Valuable Tiaae to Assist Uncle Saw la Floating; lib erty Loan Aa Patriotic Comas, ity, Klamath Falls 8bonldTam Out aa Enthusiastic Crowd to Wat. come and Encoarage Them. It la hoped by those who are mak ing arrangements, that every repre sentative ctttsen tf- Klamath Falte - - - v. will be on hand for the' big masr meeting tomorrow night' at Houston's opera house, when, the delegation of Portland speakers will be present to outline the reasons why Oregon should get behind the Liberty Loan bonds. J. W. Siemens of the First Bute 'and Savings bank, who returned, Sat urday night from a -conference with William McAdoo at Portland, declare, that the people there are rduaed to the neceasltiy of strenuous actions and have been subscribing, liberally, but that only a very small percent of Ore gon's quota has been raised thna far. The public spirited men who are coming to this city on aTtrip tnruout Eastern and Southern Oregon, are giving their valuable time from mo tives of- patriotism, and It la up to Klamath Falls to show that these ef forts are appreciated by giving them a rousing reception. The speakers will be introduced by W, D. Mortenson.'. 'A meeting will also'be held some-time Wednesday at Mefrill. . ' PUBLICATION OF TROOP " MOVES ROUSES OFFICIALS WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 15. The war department Is aroused by the publication In aome parts of the coun try of private cablegrams from.former nationals-guard officers in France to ' governors of states, announcing the arrival of troops. Steps will be taken to prevent repe tition of these announcements, which are not believed to be for the best In-, terests of the army by the department officials. The department, says, how ever, that; all casualties will be given-; out promptly. About Fires shown by the following letter, of.ap-. prestation Just received from Forest supervisor L. Erlckson, stationed At , Medford, ,'4 "Editor of the Klamath Falls' Herald: ? 'Dear Sir TUI year there aava. been hundreds of campere and huckle berry pickers at Lake ! tan waaaa.,. Tha season has sasa.ufusaaUyJavar-. ' able (or kuokUrrteshv.sjs;,pany1 Continued on Page, t fit -v " "v - .i 4 ," iVJ .ci- i.."