?i -r? OFFICIAL NBW1PAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWIFAK OF KLAMATH FALLS f r Twelfth Year No. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1917 Price Ftv , LOWER MARSH RECLAMATION BEGUN OF VAST TRACTS FERTILE LANDS WILL RESULT FINAL PREPARATION RELIEVED ACCOMPLISHED Umber for Installation of Gates Hu fort of Klamath Drainage District Thru Myriad of Obstacle la Ho. warded Galea In Before Ralna. NMMMMMWrfWWMMMMMWMMM REWARD OFFERED FOR DESERTERS FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD WILL RE PAID FOR ALL DEHEHTEItH ARRESTED AM BOUGHT TO NEAREST MOBILIZATION CAMP nnnnnnJ"iAAA " -- , ,., , ,-rA-nnn-i-trinrnnrLrTnnnnjwuVT. CAMP LEWI8, Ocl. 12. A reward of C0 la to bo offered for the deliv ery to the nearest mobllliatlon camn Her. m..hm. rrom an.. iy .m. of ,, M,ary omcuIg w, 1. Now on (irtmnd Five YearV Ef-i b empowored to arrest doaertera -- - a alao. Wild enthusiasm attended the un packing of r.00 towels aenl to the camp by the Lincoln school of Port land, aa a new Idea of helping the aoldlera. KLAMATH BOYS TO BECOME OFFICERS EARL HILTON, "RED" LAWRENCE AM) "RED" McCULLUM ARE .NOW AT FOItT DODGE, IOWA, to enter cadet SCHOOL What Is believed to have been the Anal wind-up of all the neceaary legal preparation for the reclamation of the mirth landa of the Lower Klamath Uka baa now beep completed, -and the lumber la now on the ground for the doting of the gatea at the Klam. ath atralt, which will ultimately re claim a tract of over 64,000 acrea of tba richest toll In this part of the tower Klamath Lake la supplied with water from the Klamath River thru the Klamath atralt, and the In atallatlon of galea at the Southern Pacific ttrult rroaalng will divert the water on down the river and reclaim the marthea. Thft lllMtllltfitlnn thaaa ..i. u . --- ""..,, v, t.avww ihih n ilmple proposition, and could have been nccompllHhod yeara ago except ror legal com plica tlona which huve uadlcappcd In ono way and another the dlroctors of the Klamath Drain age dlatrlct. who have worked tire, leiily to arrompllah It. The Klam- th Drainage Dlatrlct tracts comprise oout 10,600 acrea of the marshes. There U alao considerable govern ment land there In addition to a na tional bird reaerve. The marsh land reclamation Ih one of the projects era. raced In the United States reclama tion project, and considerable work hu been done by the service In the Preparation of thla move. There will to a charge of about f 5.B0 per acre Malnat all the lands of the dlatrlct for Its drainage. Altho tho final election of mem wrs of the drainage district to com Wtly finish the matter doe. not e until the 31st of this month, the ARMY HORSES BEIN6 BOUGH! AGENT FOIt SACRAMENTO FIRM IH BUYING GELDINGS FOR CAV. ALRV AND LIGHT ARTILLERY. ONE CARLOAD SHIPPED W. C. Hoback, buyer for Younger & Davis of 8acramonto, Is now In the county buying horses for tho cavalry and light artillery. Ho haa already shipped ono car load, and Is In tho market for more. Only geldlnga are being taken. GOVERNMEN MY T TAKE MORE SHIPS NEED OF CARRIERS FOR EUROPE ' MAY NECESSITATE TAKING VESSELS OF OVER FIFTEEN HUNDRED TONS WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 12.- Owing to the Increased need of trans- U la a foregone conclusion, and ' Atlantic tonnage for tho tranaporta- gates are now being Installed by! tlon of the many varieties of supplies tomciaia to atop the fall rains from. t European nations, the shipping board Is considering taking over all American vessels over 1,500 tons deadweight capacity, Instead of 2,500 tons, as flrat announced. "oodlng the landa, oa which the w,a- unusually low. y U la claimed that the land which ,,"' wntually be reclaimed by this will be capable of supporting as '. Population aa Is now In Klnm- county, WWMlNENT SKIPPER PASSES BAN PRANCISCoToct. 13.-Jap- Kw .. ' Dr"Wnt of tne Matson Tintlon company, died here today S5jrtnu- Hb erved bis appran "Whip on the cllnnur .hin. -- - waeft MORE GERMAN BOOKS OUSTED FROM SEATTLE BBATLE, Oct. 12. "Im Vater land," the Qerman high school text An Interesting letter was received by tho Herald this morning from Cllf ford Sevlts, one of the flrat of the local boys to anawer the call to the colore, now at Fort Stevens. He tells of tho liberal subscription madejfey the boys there to the second Liberty Loan, and describes the activities of camp life. The letter follows In part: This morning Earl Hilton, "Red" !.awrence and "Red" HcCullum, all Klamath Falla boys, left with a de tachment from Fort Stevens for Fort Dodge, Iowa, where they will enter cadet school to be trained for first sergeants, sergeant majors and sup ply sergeants. In view of tbe fact that these men who made the trip were chosen by company commanders, the three boys from Klamath are to be congratulated on being Included. "Football Is the center of attrac tion In the athletic aide of camp life Just now, and as usual, tbe Klamath boys are taking their places In this line of activity. Wade Short and Paul Hilton figured conspicuously In n snappy game here Sunday between the First Company Regulars and the Eleventh Company, O,. A. C. from .MarabQeld. "During. the past week the boys have been actively engaged In digging trenches, erecting dummies for bayo net drill, and getting into shape gen erally for a season of stiff training in trench maneuvering. The work fur nishes a thrill, and the newness of the project is a pleasant relief from other routlne,duties. "This regiment of soldiers has sub scribed (36,000 to tbe second Liberty Bend Issue within the past five days, and tho sum is still golog up. We wonder If there are 2,000 civilians who have contributed as liberally as these soldiers have, who have already offered to give their lives, If need be, that tho country might win out In this war. Whatever their sentiments wero boforo the United States became Involved in the war, without excep tion, tho boysof tbe Coast Artillery are now heart and soul Into the cam paign to win. They are eager to flu Ish up the Job aa soon as possible and leutrn to a peaceful occupation. But not one will slack his duty until this war Is over and the plenipotentiaries of Europe gather wlthtour representa tives around the peace table to dis cuss the greatest problem of all ages. "Whether the coast artillery will remain at this fort for long, of course, I do not pretend to know, but we all fervently hope that It will not." New Rites Given on Liberty Bonds Ben Selling, of - Portland. Offers Thete to Oregon Residents For a Dollar Down and At a Dollar a Week PORTLAND, Oct. 12. Any resi dent In tbe state of Qregon can now obtain Liberty bonds on the' install ment plan of $1 down and 11 a week. 'This announcement bos been made by Ben Selling, a prominent Portland merchant. It is as follews: "I wilt sell .Liberty, bonds of the by me whatsoever." There Is no limitation made by Mr. Selling as to the amount of bonds that may be acquired under this plan, the only condition being that tbe ap plicant be a resident of tbe state of Oregon. "This should result In seven days second Issue upon the payment of $1. in 50,000 individual subscribers to down and fl a week, for each $50 bond, and when same is fully paid, bonds will be delivered to the pur chaser, with all the coupons attached, the Liberty bonds," said Mr. Selling. Applications should be sent to Ben Selling, Fourth and Morrison streets, accompanied by $1 for each $50 bond There will be no Interest charge made, desired German Propaganda Dales Back Eight Years WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 12. t combat the newly developed move- President Wilson learned today that.'ment for celebration of' hundred Germany financed the Irish-American years peace with England, propaganda organizations in the Leagues were formed to foster In United States as early as 1909 to terest in German affairs. BAD WEATHER DELAYS DRIVE ALTHO HOLDING TERRITORY GAINED IN FLANDERS, HEAVY RAINS PREVENT FURTHER MOVES AT PRESENT 1 . By Associated Press DATELESS Extremely bad weath er on tbe Flanders .front is limiting activities of the belligerents. In tbe territory gained Tuesday, the allies' hold'hag slipped on only one point in a particularly low sector along the British front below Peel cappelle, where the advance posts bave been compelled to draw in a little. ' PRODUC E WANTED FOR PORTLAND EXHIBIT w SPECIMENS MUST GO FORWARD SOON MAN KILLS AN ELK FOR DEER REPORTS MISTAKE TO AUTHOR. ITIES;AXD UNDERGOES TRIAL. T, ANIMAL HALFJBUD IN CLUMP. OF BUSHES A Considerable Supply ofFlae .Grain and Vegetables Hare Already Been Gathered, But Many More Are Needed Partners Asked to Bring' in Good Samples of Grain, Hay and Vegetables la Next Few Days. RIGGS LEAVES OCTOBER BOTH Robert Rlggs.of this city hu re ceived orders to report at tbe United book designed to give Americans "a Httea aeronautics school at Berkeley better appreciation" of tne Kaiser ana Prusslanlsm, was ousted from Seattle schools by unanimous action of ; the school board. m Duck Hunters May Now Shoot Before Sunrise WASlUMnA.. rtasi..::" w4uw' .?. oct. u. I . 35. """merit of aarleuUura hu tatkiwpi- Mta... 77 wring tie. ." m ... to tau laws. " I The open season la Eastern Oregon, Washington and Nevada U f romSen tessUer lth to December a let. , The opsnaeuoaUuachaafed west of tbe 'Ciioga'in Oregpnend' Washington'. - The previous reguUtless permitted jsVBtlBit only between sunrise and sunset. i SLEVIN PLEASED WITH KLAMATH MAN WHO HAS IMPORTED MANY BELGIANS INTO OREGON SEES GREAT OPPORTUNITIES HERE COLONY MAY BE STARTED LAWRENCE EZEtL BREAKS HIS RIBS CAR STRIKES LUMBER PILE ON SLXTH STREET, THROWING DRIVER AGAINST STEERING WHEEL WITH GREAT FORCE ALBANY, Ore., Oct. 11. B. B. Dough ton killed a 500-pound elk in a clump of brush, thinking It was a deer. He Immediately reported the mistake to the authorities, and is be-' ed Ing tried today. He may be given a' pounds each release. on October 20th. Rlggs recently pass ed the entrance examinations to this school. Following a six weeks course at Berkeley be will go to San Diego, where be will finish bis preparation. On successful) completing the work he will receive a commission aa first lieutenant. , FIRE PICTURES. DRAW CROWD Tbe moving pictures of the Bwaana fire at the Star Theater last night were unusually clear and drew big crowds. They will be shown again this evening and then taken to. Mer rill . FOREST FTJUM NTUR ROttaURG , ROSBSURO. Oct. If .A Urge far. est Ire, U ragia. nertheaet.of -here. rigr ate are. sew f ghtiair the blase In the green, timber. H$r smaller ares are reported burning, James Blevin of Portland, who has been responsible for large lnyorta- tlohs of Belgians itfto tbe state off Oregon, left yesterday morning; after a short visit In Klamath Falls as the guest of H. R. Reynolds. While here he was ahown over a part-of the Klamath Basin, and was! greatly mpressed with the oportun Itles here. It is generally believed that a colony of Belgians would be very successful In Klamath County, aa they are known to be a thrifty lot, and Mr. Blevin Is apparently disposed toward sending some here later if It can be arranged. He Is now on bis way East. WORK ON BRIDGES BEGUN" Lawrence Eiell of tbe firm of Esell Brothers, three miles east of town, met with an unfortunate accident this morning when his car struck a pile of lumber on Sixth street near the scene of the recent, fire. Mr. Erell was thrown against tho steering wheel with such force that two ribs were broken and he was also badly bruised about the bead and face. His injuries were attended by Dr. George Wright and be is now resting easier. Work has now commenced on tbe construction of the new county bridge across Lost River near .the Crane Watters ranch, In the Klam ath Basin. O, D. Wlllson 'has the contract for this work. J. H. Oarrett Is at work on the abutments of the bridge at the west end of Mala street. The work to be tag Inspected by County Surveyor Cleghorn. i - DIVORCE SUIT FIUED- 1 MRS. FRED BECK ILL AT HILDEBRAND Mrs. Fred Beck In tbe Hildebrand section is on the sick list. Dr.' F. M. White was called there yesterday af ternoon In attendance. Her daughter, Mrs. Rose Powell, has come from Ashland to be with her. dj. Alleging desertion, ateult. for vewe.ha bees brought tg'taeloatte. of tae circuit court clerk byWtUleai w. Mesas against uweweseiya Adaau. O. 3, attorney, BEAT SALE PRICES RAISE AT THE WORLD SERIES GAMES CHICAGO. Oct. II. The.even r- .suits la. the werldserleshMieautel the speculators nere to raiea-usiei i prlce.s Manager Rela4egf4tU:t start "Reb"'"RusseVttur4sy.- tteetl i Ferguson la nlalatttV wll be the next cheice: Bailee will 1 I start the game for New York. ' NEW CANADIAN POLITICAL PARTY OTTAWA, Oct. 12. Conferences by representatives of two major po litical parties baa resulted In the for mation of the "Union Government," under Premier Sir Robert Borden. There Is strong opposition, bow ever, from some of the liberals. The Klamath Commercial Club add County Agricultural Agent H.- R. Glaisyer are. now very busy gathering material for a county exhibit at tbe Manufacturers and Land - Products show at Portland, which commences the last of this month, and runs thru a greater part of NovemDer. Several trips bave now been made thru the Klamath Basin, and a good supply of fine grains and vegetables ' secured, but It Is possible to visit only a limited proportion of the ranches, and it is desired that the farmers who have products which will make good displays, bring them into the Com mercial Club within the next two weeks. ' Potatoes on which prlxes are offer- should be in displays of thirty The following varieties are listed for prizes: Burbanks, -American Wonder, Early Rose, Early Ohio, Uncle Sam, Gamed Chili, Hunr dred Fold, Netted Gem, Earliest of All and Gold Coin. Prlxes are offered for the best bush el of Turkey Red, Forty Fold, Blue Stem and Early Bart wheat. Veget ables of all kinds are wanted for the exhibit. Good grain on the stock Is also desired for wall decoration. ADMIRAL RETURNS FROM CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 12. Admiral Mayo, commander in chief of tbe Atlantic fleet, has returned with bis staff from England, where be par. tlclpated in a naval conference, ac cording to an authorised statement from the navy department today. RERUN REPORTS SUCCESSFUL DEFENSE MOVE TO -MM RED CROSS WORK SOURCE OF EFFORT TO HANOI CAP PROGRESS OF SOCIETY IS TO BE TRACED AND UPROOT- ED-ALL DIVISIONS NOTIFIED WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 13.- Declaring that efforts to disarrange work of tbe American Red Crocs are being made In Various sections of the United States as part of the ant!- nKRf.iN net is flermnn haitla i patriotic propaganda, uenerai ssan- lines on the Flanders front are being ager Harvey Wilson has telegraphed held firmly by defenders. Repeated all division managers to begin a na attacks on an eight mile front have tlon wide campaign to trace the move- been broken down with heavy losses. ment-and combat it. Noel T. Ward Takes Over W. P. Johnson Co. TaVentlre real estate "business of tktW PJahnaon eoaananv waa nur- J j-h) .v .rr.ii -.ivj - v i county ehaaad aa.4-taken ar. today y.Joel r r 1 , 7W5"j ,: "vtttc" -'.. v i expects to T. War., who hu be tdeMM lUi 1 tlHeeomaaay far eoae time. It wll new be operated-under the name of J. T. Ward ft Co. A general real estate bustaeee will be conducted, aa formerly, t Jljr.wl property. mmSjf" cftgiMtrV ;Umeemea'a battalion, doeae?jAtetsrse business 'here until the end ef the war. . :' "" . -i a H' "&$ v, ' r -"fc T fl