1 n H I OFFICIAL NlWiPAPlR OP KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NEWtPAPM OF KLAMATH FALLS Twelfth Year No. .liT Vtf KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917 o he fcucnhtn KLAMATH MILlii RAZED BY FIRE Ruin Is Spread Over Industrial District Hot Box in Planer Caused tire Destroying Ewauna Box Com pany at Noon Today. Kla math Iron Works Ablaze and Big Lakes Com pany Threatened Oae of the moat severe blows ever dealt KUiwitli Wills m community wa recched at ew today, when lire from a hot box la the piaaer brake t oat In ttio Kwauna Bos company, ' spread no rapidly us soon to beioiit of all control. As result the entire iUnl Ik now heap of nine, the Klamath Iron Work plant la a tneea of flanxM, The Big Lakes Box com paay In seriously threatened and sev rial other big buildings tiiere mar be added to the list. The entire loss will probably total ltMn $200,000 and $800,000. Following the Ions dry season, the lumber thruout the Tarda burned like tinder, and all efforts of the fire de partment, barked by a large crowd of citizen", worn powerless to nuke any lieadway nicalnNt the tames. None of the company officials knew at Hint laj what manner the blase started, but In a very few minutes from the time the, alarm na received, the entire plant Man a Hheet of names. Fortunately the new office building which bad Just been erected set far miuRh away from the main plant to li ml t the securing of tlie valuable business papers, letter Hies, etc. The Kwauna Dos company was the first of the box factories to operate In Klamath Falls. It has now been run. ng for about ive yean. Starting, from a smnl concern. It baa developed r by year, and la now one of the! city's leading pay rolls. Nlnetythree and a number of women were at work when the alarm sounded today. The principal atock holders are Mayor C. n. Crlsler, Fred Schalloek ad Claude Daggett. Mayor Crlsler surlily estimated the loan early tills Germany Developing Big Air Ship Fleet ' STOCKHOLM, Oct. . Oermany now trying to get her army off the rth and wage tke future battlss of ihe world war In the air. She la de veloping gigantic, and tremendously ItflWmvriil a ... -".i MrpniH. Already sne ra jojmbly develop ., fepgble ''"'Atlantic' iifhtr-pW rell- OO lflr ivtatla.. Those who knew, asserted ttofat werica hopes or expects to compete afternoon at $1.10,060. He Intimated that the Insurance on the Kwauna hojdings would run between forty and fifty per rent of the loss. The'Klaai. ath Iron Works, which la also doomed to destruction, has been Idle for the past two months. It waa a large sheet Iron covered building, built a very few years ago. Martin llrotliers suffer their second fire loan within three montlw, as the walla and concrete form for their warehouse which they were erecting near the site of their destroyed flour mill, were devoured by the blase. Their loss at this time is limlicnM cant as compared with tlie former. however. Tlie blase, which spread out In the tnlea below the mill, has given the appearance of a city of flames. Tlie terrific lieat eurrounding the scene was so Intense that It was very dlffi cult to work against the Are. At last reports the probability or saving the Illg Lakes company's plant waa strong, and It Is also believed that the Standard Oil plant across the street will also remain Intact. A pert of the roofing on a barn of tlie Hlg Lake company lia been de stroyed, but It is not believed that the fire will spread farther. Aa far as can be learned every one of the factory employee not out with, out personal Injury. (, s GERMAN OFFICIAL MAY SOON RESIGN AMSTERDAM. Oct. 9. Tiiere is n rowlnif dliDlMBuro in the Qerman parliamentary circles agalnst-Dr. Karl Helfferlcb, and It Is reported mat no will soon resign from his office of vice chancellor. In the forthcoming air wa'Mhe must possess machines capable of flying from Germany to New York dupli cating what Geriuanyjj ibstovsd to already possess. During the past fortnight It has been reported that Germany Is using Getba airplanes driven at almost In credible tffe by fpur 0 horae-pow-er onglnj- The nsweit eagles car 1 1 riierfjtieJa'f of sustaining thsm In WghUfefMaliri:'.' Two pilot, op. erst them, and there are 'two ga nets' la the crew besides a 'captain. Who alio operates the wireless.' - - ru - . - . - j - . - jin. - Ln. - .XL - .uL..LnjL - juuirr - LIBERTY BOND SPEAKERS FROM PDRTLANDC0MIIV6 VIA IM1 ALTO SQUADS VISIT THIS MONTH Will Visit Klamath. Lake, Malheur uid Harney CounUceln Interest of Second Liberty Loan Bonds State Is to lie Completely Canvassed by Four Hundred Speakers Speaking Dates From lIMh to SOth. PORTLAND, Oct. 9. "If you can not go across, come across." This will be the dominant note of tho great speaking campaign in the Mate of Oregon on behalf of the Lib erty Loan bondi which was announc ed last night by Milton Miller, chair man of tbe sub-committee on speak ers. jrortojae speakers will, be used all over the state, all counties but four being completely covered. After the regular campaigners have broken the Ice, local speakers may carry the cajnt: palgn to a successful conclusion. It Is declared that In Klamath, Lake, Malheur and Harney counties flying auto squads from Portland will be tho speakers on behalf of democ racy vs. kalserdom. There will be no solicitation for bond sales at meetings. Speaking dates will be from Octo ber lGth to 20th. BRADNACK Will EXPLOITKLAMATH EDITOR OF MERRILL TIMES WILL MAKE KLAMATH EXHIBIT AT CALIFORNIA LAND SHOW WITH PRODUCTS FROM MERRILL George Bradnack, editor of the Dorrls Times and Merrill Times, la in the city preparing to leave tomorrow for the land show at San Francisco. At this event, which Is to be one of unusual Importance, Mr. Bradnack Is to represent tbe Butte Valley section, and It Is his Intention to make a dis play of some Klamath County pro ducts of the Merrill section under the head of a Southern Oregon exhibit. It Is believed that .the good showing which can be made from tbe Merrill district this year will be valuable in attracting strangers to this section. RUSSIANS ARE TO FORM PARLIAMENT PETROGRAD. Oct. 9. Ignoring for the time being Premier Keren sky's defiance In naming a coalition cabinet in tbe face of the ultimatum of the democratic congress, that body has voted to elect members of the pre. Ilmlnary parliament. Tho vote waa 631 to 241. Ballots will' be east for 305 members of tho prospective par liamentary body. " " Disquieting news gas Mm received from, tke capital el nUM.?TM FW alia seaate proposes to - UtroditM's new pouticaroraer. Tke senate. re cent advocacy of complete sora4e of Finland from Russia foreshadowed this plan. innnrnruvj - ri - London Stocked LONDON, Oct. 9 All the cold stor age warehouses In the London district are tilled to capacity with foodstuffs, and have announced to dealers and shippers that they cannot accept any further custom. This is having a marked effect on the markets, forcing down prices and bringing Incoming supplies onto the counters. A large shlpmesvof Tastnaltian ap . ples arrived the other day at a time Roosevelt Fought HELBNA. Mont.; Oct. 9. Thirty years ago cattle rustlers were tbe ob ject of attack by Colonel Theodore Roceveit.TiccordltfiHo aa old mmato book of tbe Montana Stock Growers' Association, 'which recently was brought here. The entry of Colonel Roosevelt's cattle brand, filed ln-1885. haa also been found In the office of the recorder, of marks and brands here. Tbe Roosevelt brand waa an elk- WILL VISIT SICK FATHER FLOYD O. ANDERSON WILL RE TURN FROM CAMP LEWIS FOR SHORT VISIT WITH HIS FATH ER AT OLENE In response to a wish of his father, D. W. Anderson of Olene, who Is now seriously ill at that point, Floyd O Anderson who recently left with the army men for the camp at American Lake, has been granted a leave of ab sence of eight days to return here. It Is expected that he will arrive during the next day or two. OF CANTONMENTS WAR DEPARTMENT ORDERS THE y NATIONAL GUARD FILLED TO WAR STRENGTH IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY , WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 9. A rwllstrlbutlon of th. forces of the mtion.i imv cantanmants in the South. Middle West and Eat has bee ordered by the war department! to 111 the National Ouard to war strength, and to provide for the or ganisation of additional divisions composed of negro troops. - YRBXA PASTOR VISITS Rector Arthur wnSm Bell M the sH.Marks mptoeopsi efcirsftVat Yreks, Is la tho eity for a few ieyi.-looklag over tho Klamath district. REDISTRIBUTION ...w.wwm...,............. Warehouses With Food when there was a glut of home grown fruit, and when tbe lifting of the em. bargo on French fruit had brought a heavy shipment of pears from the oth. cr side of the English channel. Ordi narily the Australian fruit would have been put Into cold storage, but no space was to be found there, and the apples had to be sold for what they would fetch, some good varieties of cooking apples selling as low as 62 cents a case. Cattle Rustling horn on the right rib of cattle and the left , shoulder of horses. Altho his herd waa'in Dakota, it was near the state line, and he took a,, prominent Dart in activities of tneMontana Stockmen's Association. He made many speeches against the activities or cattle tnieves, according to the records of the organisation, and on one occasion was strong In de nouncing a resolution in opposition to tbe Interstate commerce law. HEAVY CATILE SHIPMENTS MADE JTHIRTY CARLOADS OF FAT BEEF FROM CHILOQUIN 18 SHIPPED i v. TO SAN FRANCISCO WHOLE. SALE MEAT FIRMS Another mammoth shipment of Klamath County stock has Just left this city for the California markets. It consists of thirty carloads of cattlo bought from the stockmen on ! the reservation in the vicinity of Chll nnnin. Henry Levi ft Co. and tne Western Meat company of San Fran clsco are the purchasers of these fine fat steers. Heavy shipments to the outside markets are now an almost daily oc cur! ence either from Klamath Falls or Midland. The total returns from tle fall and winter shipments will probably aggregate between $1,000, Ouu and $2,000,000. - County Seat Election Declared Legal nii.tM. net. 9. The- Sunreme -..-, -. . ; Court has held that the election n 1 1916 to remove the Jefferson County geftt ffom Culverto Madras was legal, as affirmed by the lower court. ' tHate Liberty Loan Nearly W.000,000 i PORTLAND. Oct. 9 It to artnounc ed that Oregon has now subscribed $1,960,000 toward the second Liberty Loan. Of this amount Portland nas subscribed $985,750. New York Bank Subscribes Heavily NBW-YORK.flctS Another f.fl. 000.000 Liberty' Loan'' subscription has wcouragsith campaign eommU- teein' efforts' to accumulate '$700,. .OW.Oae, this week.' ''' The 'Hanover 'National bank sub scribed for $10,000,000. J I JAMES SLEVIN . . . COMING TONIGHT MAN WHO HAS BROUGHT MANY BELGIANS INTO STATE WILL i STOP ON WAY EAST TO INVES- '' ' TIGATE KLAMATH James Slevln of 'Portland, who has been responsible iftt the Importation of the large number'of Belgian immi grants during tbe past few months is expected here tomorrow evening for a brief visit on his way East. He comes at the solicitation of H. R. Reynolds, a Iarge.und owner here, who has been anxlouM to see a colony of Belgians brought to the Klamath section since he became interested here, something over a year ago. Mr. Slevln wM,J taken over the Irrigated sections ofthe Klamath Ba sin, and tbe agricultural opportuni ties here exploited? SCHOOLS 10 AID IN SAVING FOOD JUDGE GEORGE' T. BALDWIN' RE TURNING FROM PORTLAND CONFERENCE, . SAYS MOVE MENT WILL BE FORWARDED . Judge George T. Baldwin has re-; """ "ir ,, - turned from Portland, where he at-j while the crown prince to still stag tended a conference called by State goring from the first Food Administrator Ayer, regarding: food conservation of the state. jj9j v.iu.rfa that this wnrlr la to be taken up now thru the schools of the state and pushed sealously from now on Owing to illness. County school Superintendent Edna Wells of this couuty was unable to attend this meeting. MORE TRAINING CAMPS IN PACWIC NORTHWEST SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9. -Additional army training camps will prob ably be located In the Pacific North west, it to officially announced. Tho engineering corps of the Unit ed States army have been ordered to Investigate sites at Hackstaff, Calif., Reno and Tobar, Nev., Boise, Idaho, Warm Springs, Oregon and Tenlno, Wash. ADDITIONAL LOAN MADE TO ALLIES WASHINGTON. D. C. Oct. 9. Additional loans of $"40,000,000 each to England and France have been made by tbe United States. Tbe total now loaned to tbe allies Is 12,613. 400,000, Argentina Will Not Break With Gennaiiy -Sw Tho' Arli BU1N08 AlRlsVQct. 9 gaatlu iOTslithj-unBrtparsftolUr. She has not piwsens sow-" follow' tho aetlon'oi'Urutugy yeaterj. day in severing relations with Ger lWWWwl,www,w,,W THE ALLIES SMASH AGAIN NEAR YPRES HAIG DETERMINES TO FOLLOW UP VICTORY Berlin Paper Gives Outline of Mere Peace Terms to Be Submitted to Allies Soon Would Surrender Belgium and French TerritoryNo Indemnity on Either Side Ger many and Austria Agreed. AMSTERDAM, Oct. 9. Germany and Austria-Hungary Save agreed to make another peace offer to' the allies, according to the Tage Eeltund, a Ber lin paper. The offer will have aa a basis: No territorial aggrandisement; the sur render of Belgium and" French terri tory; the renunciation of.positive ter ritolal acquisitions- for payment in money, and no indemnity on either sWe4 By Associated 1 DATELESS Regardless of Unfavi. orable -weather, the' British- and the French In Belgium launched another j heavy attack to the east and "north east of Ypres. Tbe British report satisfactory progress everywhere. The French de clare the struggle Is continuing and developing favorably. It Is believed that Halg is determlu. mill ion rnuni, uci. v. iuo British bave pushed tne Germans ! thru Poelcapelle and advanced to tbe Oasschendaele ridge. Tkey bave retted a thousand yards south west of France and crossed the Jans beck and Brownbeck rivers. In many plaeastke allies ha ve ad vanced 1.200 yards. "' ' . f ' FEDERAL RE8M.VE DIRECTORS' NAMED SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9 Tbe fol low lag directors of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank have been announced. C. J. Houser, acting manager; M. F. Backus, N. H. Lati mer. Charles E. Peabody and Charles Hicks. . www NO GAME TODAY NEW YORK, Oct. 9. Post- ponement of tbe third game of tbe World's Series was announc-'w ed here at 12:30. A heavy rain fell here all last night. Games will be played at the Polo Grounds tomorrow and Thurs- day. many, according to tba foreign & fty. hut to .attempting w aasvarw - iner interests, - , i "(la.f 1'Tj.r,,