4 gfog jmmmg Br raid i' i in i OFFICIAL NEW1PAPEK OF KLAMATH COUNTY OFFICIAL NIWtPAFEK OF KLAMATH FALLS Tut!"'1 VMM No. ! KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1917 t" Price Fit "!, UL. LOCAL HEALTH CONDITIONS HEALTH OFFICER HUNT DECLARES WATER PURE SOURCE OP TVPBOID FKVKR NOW ERADICATED Oaality of Milk Diatribated la Cltjr "Ualvermlly GeaeV' Teste of Vim. ter Made bjr Htata OSke at laaiiga (ion of jCallfoaleOfgoa Power Company la Three Districts of the City are PaMiehed. The following la statement of the health conditions of Klamath Falls by Dr. Wnrren D. Hunt, health officer for the City of Klamath Falla and KUmath Ceunty: "With the poMlble exception of a number of convateacent casea of typhoid, the general health of the community li good. The early eource of the typhoid baa been eradicated, and fear of contracting It should no longer be entertained, provided ex cretla from the convalescent caaea Is properly disposed of. Aa to inequal ity or milk and water aupplles at this time, In my opinion, the milk dis tributed to the public Is universally good. The water has been repeatedly analyzed, being found pure at Ita source, but with some contamination after Its Inoculation thru the pipe system. The use of boiled water will set aside any doubt at to the germ carrying qualities of tbe water. Rab ies has been discovered In doga and coyotes within a radlua of ten miles of Klamath Falls, and strange acting animals should be regarded with sus picion." Tests of the city water have also been made for the California-Oregon Power.aompany by Btate Health Offi cer, R. K, L. Holt at Portland on samples submitted by Dr. George Cathey of this city. Three samples were sent for examination, tbe first from the pumping station, the second from Hot Springs and the third from tbe'eourt house. The letter from Offl cer Holt follews: "Gentlemen The examination of the samples of water submitted by ou September 13d showed as fol fel fol eows: . No.l 16 bacteria par c. c, neither gas nor colon bacilli recovered upon 72 hours' Incubation. No. 2 160 bacteria per c. c, SO per cent gaa formation upon 71 hours incubation. No. 3 75 bacteria per c. c, neither M" nor colon. bacilli recovered upon 12 hours Incubation. 8amp!es No. 1 and No. S are good haters for' drinking purposes, but No. 2 shows some contamination.. f Yours very truly. K. K. L. HOLT, BUte Health Officer. RIG TEAMS RUSH TO NEW YORK NEW YORK, Oct. 8. The New York Olanta and the Chicago White Sox are speeding here to resume the New 00 Station Is Now Nearly Complete Work it progressing very Rapidly days oa theaew stetlea beUg sere,"'-' w. .na !&". ?r? " jn e-f the hi teel tanks were ""leaded 4frpa toe ears Saturday af Krnoon, and art Wow being set up. CHICAGO TAKES SECOND GAME F1VK RUNS MADE IN' FOURTH INN. , A 1NO OF YESTERDAY'S ' GAME GIVES TUB WHlTK'itaX EASY Hvh VICTORY OVER GIANTS A landslide of five runs off of six hits In tbe fourth Inning of tho sec ond game in the World's Series yes terday, gave Chicago an easy victory of seven to two. Tbe line-up was as follews: New York Hums, If; Hersog, 2b; Kauf, cf; Zimmerman, 3b; Fletcher, ss; Robertson, rf; Holko, lb; Mc carty, c; Scbupp, p, Anderson re placed Schupp in second and I'errlott leplaced Anderson In tho fourth. Chicago J. Collins, rf; McMiillen, 3b; E. Collins, 2b; Jackson, rf Felscb, cf; flandll, lb; Weaver, ss; Schalk, c; Faber, p. Two runs wero made by both teams In the second Inning, Robertson and Holko scoring for New York, and Jackson and Felsch for Chicago. Only two errors were made during the game. New York made one In tho second, and Chicago made one In tho fifth. V. There will be no game today, an tbe teams are en route to New York. Tomorrow's game will .be played at tbe Polo Grounds thero. DALL OFFICIALS IN BIG WRECK NATIONAL BASEBALL COMMIS SION IN WRECK ON PENNHYL. VANIA LIMITED ENGINE MEN AND NUMBER OF PASSENGERS ARK INJURED PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 8. Mem bers of tbe National Baseball Com mission wero aboard the Pennsylva nia Limited en route for New York when the train was wrecked this morning near Beaver Falls. It Is roportod that none of the offi cials were injured, altho tho two en glnemen wore burled ;uuder the wreckage and a number of the pas sengers were hurt. MEETING IN COURT BOUSE SQUARE TONIGHT A band of the Apostollc.Palth .min isters will speak at the court house square this evening at 7:45. Every body la Invited. There will oe no collection. world's championship baseball sories tomorrow. Catcher Lee McCarthy, who was in lured in a mlxup yesterday at the plate, expects to play tomorrow, That .big Mike, which bold 10,000 alien of U each, will soon t be In fOetUoi, The kflMlaf .. 'ijMeJi ,MJ vf Wtl ffiVfawea iron, , 1- . II.1.A AKA I im ka. praetieaiiy eompwiew, ,. , -lleved tkat tba -aew .plant gill be ready far use in about two weeks. I)?! The American Dictator of Haiti V'jsmrxx. (JEN. EU.K.COL& . General Ell K Cole of' the .Amer ican Marine Corps, is now the dicta tor or Haiti. Ho has dispersed the Haitian congress, which has been In session for some time, and has shorn tbe preldent of the republic of most of his powers. Marines have been in Haiti for a long time because of dis orders, and now tbe situation, accord ing to General Cole, has come to such a pass that he had to assume com mand. LOWER MARSH TRACT SOLD L. JOCOB8 BUYS 600 ACRES OF RICHARD A. SMITH OF EUGENE. LAND INCLUDED IN TRACT OF KLAMATH DRAINAGE DISTRICT Another real estate deal of consid erable importance has just been com pleted here, by which L. Jacobs of this city takes over 600 acres of the tule marsh land on tbe Lower Klam ath Lake from Richard A. Smith of Eugene. The deal was made by tele graph. The consideration was not made public. The tract purchased is included in the lands of tbe Klamath Drainage district, steps for immediate reclame' tlon of which are now being taken. When drained and Irrigated, aa now contemplated by the district directors, these marsh lands will be among the most productive of tbe Klamath Basin. MONT HAMAKER IMPROVES Mr. and Mrs. Mont Hamaker have returned from Grants Paw, where Mr, Hamaker has been undergoing med' leal treatment for an Injured eye. A particle of sand which lodged there while driving an auto some weeks ago started the trouble which has nearly caused tbe loss of sight. Mr, Hamaker Is now considerably Im proved. . RED CROSS NOTES A petition for an auxiliary to the Red Cross Chapter here has been granted to the ladles of Boaaasa, Fort Klamath has also applied" for an auxiliary. Mrs. Lottie Martin will leave la the morning to join Mr. and Mrs. V. Hall at Im rreaewco, and will at. plate the auto, trip with them,. If las Mable Mart la. bm .so tar,rvere that she to able U be up. . V v v Mrs. A(He wa)kerau ' te lly to ttstraet the ladles there umbo km Cross work. eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- m " ' $'9&m PVv)VBnv "inaaaaal LaL & fsflsfaSgaBT aaaam.Wraaansaal BBSBSBBBa f'J k'9iiP''r' BBSBSBSBbI HBaBBBBBBBM taBBBBBBBBBBBai SagggKiggggHH II BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmWkwmWk9MWM JaTjeVMMeejMeaV Klamath Han Is Left a Fortune News has been received that R. M. Hale, a Klamath Falls man, has left for Franklin, Penn., where he will take possession of a fortune left him by his uncle, Robert E. Hale. Registration HONOLULU, T. H., Oct. 8. Regis tratlon in Hawa.ll for tbe selective draft held in July cost the United States government $600,' or 2 cents a registrant. The registration figure Leave to Attend . J. W. Siemens of tbe First State and Savings bank will leave tomor row mornlug toi attend a conference iu Portland Wednesday with Secre tary of the Treasury William McAdoo regarding the second Liberty Loan POTATOES HERE YIELD HEAVY 9 SMALL TRACT IN HUENA VISTA PRODUCES 8,000 POUNDS WITH. OUT IRRIGATION POTATOES LARGE SIZE, GOOD QUALITY Two and one-halt tons of potaties from four city tots, without irrigation, Is the mammoth yield reported by Commodore Alex Nosier of this city on his property on tbe Buena Vista hill at Shlppington. This district nearly always yields heavy spud crops of One quality. In the last sack picked on the Nor ler Held, tbe potatoes were counted. There were seventy-five potatoes, and the sack weighed an even 100 pounds. TELEPHONE STRIKE PROBABLE SEATTLE, Oct. 8. Eight hundred telephone girls who recently organ ised a union, have voted to strike on October 19th, unless their demands for higher wages and Improved work ing conditions are granted. e V BOAT BUNK WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 5. Details of a fght between an Amerlcaa destroyer and a Ger- maa submarine,',, ia which the euemarlae was destroyed by .depth bombs, .were nude public ; '. ky the .BavV'deMrtmeit today., e The locality ail place or the battle were not-given, sWMjaxiaiweMrfjarfrfM Mr. Hale has recently been in tbe employ of the Weed Lumber company as locomotive fireman. He expects to return to Klamath County as soon as He can straighten up bis affairs In the East. Is Cheap in Hawaii showed an enrollment of 30,000. While the actual cost of tbe regis tration work was more than this, all but tbe $600 was borne either by the territorial or local county governments. Portland Meeting campaign in Oregon. Tbe First Na tional bank was invited to be repre sented at this conference, but owing to unavoidable circumstances, will be unable to accept. W. OO. Shork of the bank at lakevtew Is in town on his way to attend 'this meeting. MOVE TO OUST IMMORAL WOMEN CONDITIONS AT CAMP LEWIS RE. PORTED DAD STATE COUNCIL OF DEFENSE WANTS FUNDS TO COMBAT SITUATION SALEM, Oct. 8 Tbe State Council of Defense hopes to secure $3,000 from the Emergency board Wednes day for use in co-operating with the Washington and Idaho boards in eliminating the immoral conditions at Camp Lewis. Immoral women -from the nearby towns are said to be giving tbe au thorities troubte. Governor Wltbycombe said that if the commander at Fort Stevens asked him to close the resorts at Astoria he would" assign special agents Imme diately. NEW MAXWELLS HERB The New Maxwell 1918 models have arrived, and are being demon strated by J. E. Howie. A decided Improvement is noted in the lines of the new machine, as well as changes In equipment and construction, Mr. Howie declares that he has dls- posed of thirty-three machfnes this past season, in spite of the fact that he could not supply the call a. great part or the time. N SPANISH OFFICIALS DUn7IP4NES waihingIton. d. c. oet.i:- TheBpajstfal g ovsmwt has tt arsiuo steps,) io aswpu raaaanibia tor the safalaten the German! submarine which aaeaaet from Cadis. ' I ARE FORMER RESIDENT RETURNS TO HUNT CAPTAIN RAY H. REED, NOW OFJ HONOLULU, RETURNS FOR BIT OF KLAMATH'S FAMOUS HUNT. ING MRS. REED VISITS That the good hunting realized In on the the Klamath district' U jr. outside is shown by the fact that Cap tain Ray H. Reed has come all the way from HonoWfu for the inviting shooting affordedhere. Captain Reed is; well known here, where he was formerly In business In the Southern Oregon Auto company. He is accompanied on his trip here by bis wife, who Is .visiting old Klamath friends. A fine busk deer and a large i numoer or aucxa nave so tar reward ed CapUjn Reed's; efforts with rifle apd shotgun. V - . .. - : fWWIUM ARMED WHALE BOAT FROM THE RAIDER SEEADLER IS TAKEN NEAR FIJI ISLANDS PRISON. ERS ADMIT IDENTITY LONDON, Oct. 8. An, Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Melbourne says that a whaieboat with a crew of Germans from the raider Seeadler, has been captured In the vicinity of! the Fiji Islands. -. '. The boat contained machine guns, and the Germans admitted they had been hetalled from the Seeadler to make raids. The raider 8eeadler has been pre viously reported lost by stranding! It is one of her .raiding crews that Is believed to have wrecked the schoon er Blade. The members of the crew of tbe Blade reached Samoa on Octo ber 5tb. U BOAT ESCAPES e MADRID, October 8. A Ger- man submarine Interned at Ca- dls has escaped. mmm Klamath Falls Boy Is Booster For Y. M. C. A. A flue recommendation for the work being done for the enlisted men by the Army and Navy Y, M. C. A. has been received from Virgil DeLap, a Klamath County boy now with the U. 8. Marine" Corps at San Diego. Calif. Mr. DeLap finds that tbe Y. M. C. A. la a great inducement to clean living among the boys in the fields. His letter In part follews: ' "The enlistedjaen have been asked to write a few lines to their home pa pers, expressing' their opinion of the Army and NavY. M. C. A., and the work it la going f among thV men iji la. . .. IA 1 " t v ia:w,Ki., y,.v K ,.,,,. I me al tbe sailors tat) marines will agree with me that It is one of the' very luW he&varciry ni9; ever , Ivweat U Vattajoaadl talak'ttat r wiMkW ii pv awMBiv- w,mm, GOOD GERMAN MINISTER TU PERU HANDEO HIS PASSPORT WILL NOT BE RECEIVED OFFI CIALLY AT ECUADOR Internal Conditions la Gerassay Are) Expected to Force a Pabilc State meat of Kaiser's War Aisaa at Meeting of Reichstag- This Week. Statement and Discaestoa Are Pre. dieted la Meetlaff. By Associated Pdese DATELESS External pressure to force Germany to set forth her war aims having failed, International con ditions within the empire have threat ened to compel Issuance of a fall statement of the alma of the German leaders. These are. expected to.be dis cussed this week in the rejehstag. QUI TA, Ecuador, Oct. 8. The German minister to Peru will not be officially received If he attempta to come to Ecuador. He waa headed his Isajtsport by. Peru. Saturday., w, "OPEN SHOP" FOR THE PORTLAND STEEL. CO. PORTLAND, Oct.' 8. President J. R. Borees of the . Northwest -Steel comapny, who has just returned from Washington, declared teday: "We will run aa open shop strictly so long as we operate. our Portland plant." GRAIN FORECAST ANOUNCED WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 8. The department of Agriculture has announced the, forecast., of spring wheat as 243,000,000 buahelsl all wheat, 959,000,000 bushels; eora, 3,210,000,000 bushels; oats, 1,80, 000,000 bushels. , NEW BUILDINGS AT CAMP LEWIS CAMP LEWIS, Wash., Oct. 8. Or ders have been resolved from Wash ington to rush apjutructlon of 17S buildings to iiuusfniodate 6,200 men in the training- battalions. This will mean employment'fbr moremen. KIDNAPER'S.TRIAL STARTS MARSHFIELD, Mo., Oct. 8. The trial of Claude J. Plersol, charged with kidnaping Baby Lloyd Keet, started here today. l few bright spots in that town for tbe enlisted men. I have also received many accommodations from tbe Navy Y' on the exposition grounds in nan niesro and the Army and Navy Y' at North Island, which is serving aviat ors, infantry and martaes. j "I find tbe same spirit in all these places, and believe that the primary in.rat of the management is for the comfort of the' boys. "I surely believe that wita we ex ception qf the home, that of the Y M . C. A. holds first place as Inducement to clean living among the boys at tha front and those "who 'will see U fMW' carrying on of tain war aM wary Tl' A I- IvflaMe'TsMgraVaCtffV oaVlatereste. laHe'e iy rtoaM f it along. . ' ,-' X r w- , r:1 A ; &..H