y Av . v Y OFFICIAL v NIWtPAFXX OF KLAMATH FALLS ...,.., I ''"' r bY ewH'adJsBV-. a aSsBW at , ' US. ' i ' ft ' f!5Lj UluP fcltjpiititri ffiinIn J""" '-""" '" S KLAMATH PALUOMCON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, IM7 "J Mr.o. SWSYSTiJllETO BE UlAVELED I . . ' e , " (i MAX ARRESTED IN PABIaV IMPLI. GATED New Discovered Facte Reveal That Feeds Were Fluid Oat and Directed I fterastorff While Ambassador tu fysasote German Propaganda. Mate Attorney General Lewis of Sew Vork Takes Up Investigation NEW WOOL FIRM LOCATES IN CltY jWBLL KNOWN AD SUCVKSSIfUL SHEEPMEN EO.UIP HKADQVAit- TERM AND PREPARE FORIlKG IlliAJl BUSINESS IN KLAMATH V.V The, new arm of Tyron & McKen- JMW YORK. Oet. 4 InuMtlaatlm. I " ' '",0 concern io open in it secr.t activities In tbl. country of TJor bu",ncM ,n K,Bmth.M?' rul nolo rum, now under arrest In Mr' Tj,ron' "e of the togeatWbl Pub as a spy. hM been takes tip by men n the p"c,flc CoMl- WNt Mirton E. Uwls, Ute attorney gen- "'"T hero '" connwt,on wi,P tral. and la expected to go far toward, T-McKendrle. formerly of UkrfVw, rersallng the entire etructure of the V w,de,y known truout.ibta O.rm.n plotting In the United States. ;,M,r,cl for h, c,,v,,jr ,n thvWW" Proof that money was supplied , ,,,,"lnM- M Bote by Count Bernstorff. than Oer-i U ta ,rP"d d lennrnlhtol. Bin ambassador, la to be produced. ' ue,,s of bu,,Df and ,e,,,n ,,MH,P V Other prominent Qerauuu In the'0"1, "eadquartera have bean-open- 1'alted States are said tn no Involved. M ,n M " Jrawnite buiwieg tu.t rf....,m..t i.i. ........ " rlfth atreet, aad'Viito-date equip w vvfMi BPBAmfae vnssjwvsjnns aaisviaBlwvUv i es today that they have evidence that Dl f iM'K Mf.-McKen- HORN LOSES HIS WHISTLER HLAMATH FALLS BOY TACKLES NORTH CAROLINA PER8IMM0N WITH HAD RESULTS WRITES AMUSING LETTER Dernitorff, while ambassador, direct. drift will be In charge, and Mini Ida d ih ..MnHi ...4. .i.i .. momyer win ne conncctea with the DoIoPsmu. enteiprlae. I. NEW YORK, Oct. 4. Later At- MRS. HARRY GOELLER HOSTESS lorney Cieneral Uwla aald that Invea-' nations had dlacloaed the fact that Mra. Harry Ooellor was a hostcH'to William Randolph Hearst bad enter- a little farewell party Friday after tallied Hollo Paasu at the edltor'a noon In honor of Mra. lo Bean, who home, and had attended a dinner s"lv- leavea aoon for her new home; In a by Hollo. Aberdeen, Waith. The guests wero It was explained that Hearst 'a re- the membera of the Young Women's unions with Hollo were purely aoclal Claaa of the Chrlatlon Bible school. ii far as determined. IMPROVEMENT AT ROBERTS HANKS GERMAN WIRELESS PLANT IN 'FRISCO In one of the most Intereatlng and humorous letters so far received from the local boys now In the ser vice of Uncle aam, Ralph Hum de scribes to his mother some of the In cidents in the lift at Camp Greene, K. C. Hla letter -follows In part: "My new address Is now In care of the 162nd Infantry, The Third Ore gon Is no more, and we are now the U. S. N. a. The people down here sure talk funny. They "reckon we-alla air fun ny people." Believe me, the Bouth erners certainly have a talk- of their own. I tiaed to think that the people up North exaggerated the Southern talk, but now I know that they didn't. The other day one of the boys was on a street car, and an old lady look ed at him and said: "Whar you-all from?" He said . "Oregon." "My" she said, "this Ih something new tew you, I reckon." (She meant the street car.) Tboy have a wonderful conception of the West. One fellow told me that he certainly had always longed to go out and see some of our towns out on the big rolling prairies. They half expected us to bring pet Indiana with us. They were disappointed when Drive Starts For Food Conservation ' Herbert Hoover Declares Every Citizen in the United States Will Be En listed in Movement. House to Houte Canvass of 22,000,- jOOO Families to Be Made TAP BRIVE EAST; OF YPRES IS RENEWED OFFICIALS ENEMY'S LINE TO BELGIAN COAST THREATENED . HUNDREDS OF PRISONERS ARE BROUGHT INr WORK STARTS , ON NEW GARAGE M- EXCAVATION 8AN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. Tbatsona! statement and appeal be sets the final drive for food conservation' forth the problem and Its solution. pledges will be made during the week of October 21 to 28, Is the message received from the Food Administra tion at Washington, by Ralph P Jterritt, FederakFood Commissioner for C'alifornlathla morning. The enrollment campaign is organ ised by states, and most of the states "On the success of this unprece dented adventure in democracy," said the food administrator In his appeal, "will largely stake the Issue of the war." "Food, will win the war," la the. battle cry. Nearly 2.000,000 wo men have taken the pledge to furnish the food our allies and oversea armies require,. and already they are visibly COMPLETED BRICK WORKCOMMEXCED ON GEORGE BIBf$'S NEW BUILD- 7'jv ING AT MAINftND TENTH Work has .now 'commenced on the new brick garage, which is being erected by George'' Blehn to adjoin hla present strucjM-e on Ninth and Klamath. The"afw building will corner on Main and Ninth, oooosite the Central schoolnd will be equlp- pea in every waraja modern garage Excavation te practically com pleted, and workAfin the walls has nimmaiiMri 'ft have already completed their prelim- Increasing the available supplies. The inttry arrangements for assuring the small amounts which each Individual complete success of the effort within is asked to save thru substitutaon their borders. A house to house can-land avoidance of waste-when multl vuss of tho 22,000,000 families in the piled by millions becomes an effect-. United 8tates and the enrollment of every man and woman of this nation in a mighty food conservation army that will win the war la-the task that the food administration has under taken for the week of October. 21 to 28. Herbert C. Hoover, the United States food administrator, today for mally announced this final campaign With the levins: of a new floor and'ihnv uiw tlmt wa wore uniforms in BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4 A hum ttae repainting of the front of Rob- stead of cowboy outfits. We haven't thBt wl en,ut every cltuen ,n ine odan. i.t... ....Li .I .." erta A Hanks store, a decided im- v .W mi thn town onaa irat! Wa wona war lor uemocracy. in a per- - n "as vinaa a minis siiasr iiisiiii nasaa --- - .-. .,,, ... keen' seised by United Statea offlcera )provement '" notcd in tho Caaaral are some ead disappointment. A lady In tbt heart of San Francisco. i appearance of the establishment, stopped the other day, and t told her I was from Oregon. She asked me If The plant was at the home of Ed.'Th, work wra Abrnhamson. whoa son. R.P'ea. "rmnamson, was a licensed wireless eperator up to the time President wiuon issuod his proclamation April ia, canceling wireless licenses and ordering all private plants put out of uuiiness. A raid on tho Abrahamaon home led by Lieutenant H. D. Hays of naval communication service. The Want was cleverly concealed. Abrahamson and hla son were ab- when the offlcera Broke la. Sev. JM Hindu lodgera were found to the Pttce. The plant waa for receiving wlr, being ao equipped that no mes Mas comd be transmitted froasit. Is now practically com- NEW COUNTY ROAD VIEWED The ljoard of county roud viewers, consisting or Alfred and Thomas Dix on and J. Ct Cleghorn, have viewed the new road in the vicinity of Tee ter's Landing, south of Keno. By the new survey the county now has accesa to the landing. DAD STRIKE IN ARGENTINE BUENOS AIRES, Oct. 4. The .allrnail atrlba hna rnmillntfllv (ld Ul) railroads of Argentine, Including the oretB aft,d a-l- government lines. Klamath Boys Leave for Camp Today Training i II..J , g00d- ,,,ed cro W iif nr,t ft ot. left lor thh -' ." camP America ! wwrning, 0ln to the faet tut sons had ..l?"!torr other, are an- pcla. , the uow from outside -.,- r, Waa traaf..j' I. tU J.l. ..!. a.naotio. ffilfa ?Mi wW'Jsi '- 'AMt mm' Uva. now Mt tap ad., Uft "? a,wW KtUMlh Ceuaty (a dlffersat DA of ro,,,..Tfor,V1 wlthreUtlmlalue aervlee slaee Ue call to thf eel- Names of those who left this morn Ing are Matt Lee Shadley, Lucaur Igkello, Stephen D. Valentine, Frank Harrison Vocbatier, Paul Chrlaf Ro vleh, Lewis Clinton WaraplerHamer wm. Humpnrey, narry norrei, van Allen Cornish, Charles Langell Moore and John Oskar. There are only six men yet remain tu of the drst call to leave. Tljere haa been ao sanquncsmeBt as to, the t knew her boy. She said he was out, West, and I might have met him. . I asked where he was, and found that he wns a traveling man In Indiana. I told her that I bad never been over that way on account of the danger In the Nevada forests. She was satis fled, and went on. This Is also some reckless town. Everything Is closed on Sunday ex cept the drug stores, and they only sell drugs. But It baa Its wild men here. There are "bootleggera" (tbey call them) who aneak around, the back atreeta and dispense Camel clg- Can you Imag ine a cigarette and coca-cola boot legger? Atlanta, Oa and New Orleana are my favorite places of the cities that we came thru. I prefer San Francis, co or Portland to either of them, tho, I will sure be glad to get the comfort bag and the sweater, because It Is very cold here at Wight and in the morning, and we have to get up In the morning at 5:45., There are cotton flelda all around here. I am not even curious enough to look at them any more. I at my first persimmon today (also my last). I can't whistle any more." lve total. The whole problem wilt be solved if the American people eat less of the foods which, because of their concentrated nutritive,- must be sent abroad, and more of other foods of which there is an abundance. . . The foods that must be saved are wheat, beef, pork, dairy products and sugar. Those that should be used gener ously are fish, poultry, vegetables and all cereals except wheat. New Gold Strike In Yukon District PEACE MAKERS ILLS ANGELES HOME LOS ANOELjM Jct. , 4; With three of'thefr leaders "under arrest and twice driven by the police from downtown public meeting places, the British Are SucccssfiUly In the Drive Commesicedl Week Heavy Artillery DeU Coau stitute the Only Activity Arosntd Verdun Today Freatcb Coattasw Air Raids Over Gersaas) Cities. By Associated Press DATELESS Striking again on a wlde'front, the British-today began a new-drive against the-Cerasana oawihe east of Ypree. t , 'Field Marshall Halghas announced Christian Pacifists; met the situation that good progress, has been. made. with a meeting 1) a private homeland that hundreds of. prisoners are with the challeng&that they wouldl h, h.i,. i Continue their "naaffp pnnfAani-a" of! - at Eagle Rock City, a-B'uburb. - The pacifists-were a bit cautious in their arraignment of war. But know. ing that police and federal agents sur. rounded the house, they were out spoken In their denouncement of the envoys of the law. Miss Fannie Blx- by, wealthy Long Beach heiress, pre sided. The advocates of "arbltratment, of love" were In ahlmpassloned- session when the police .arrested their, lead ers, Rev. Floyd Hardin, organizer of the conference; Robert B. Whltaker and Harold H. Storey BEND DISTRICT TO WINTER SHEEP DAWSON, -Y, T., Oct. 4. A new one is reported having reached bed- gold camp may be opened In Yukon ' rnnl sin lha dAtttrt les HAr Irnnvn. The nearest points on the new creeks to the Yukon River is about MOVE TO OUST JOHNNY RABBIT and are. was mad last spring. 4.- WASHINQTON, D. C, Oct. The Jacrabblt to the rescue. Ways and means for distributing the carcasses of millions of Jack j-abblts that Infest Vu 'fertile f aids of .the Far West., sad ooasame much of the fia crops of .the farmer are to be takea up seea by the. deagjV teat of agrieumire, wltt a vtow af Increasing the supply lead lower the cost of meat. shortly. Arrivals from the vlcluity of Halkirk rannrt that much ataklna- . .. ... 'twenty-five mites southwest of Sei nes been done on the newly-dlscov- ,,,, ' A IUH. .,,,, frnm ha M ered placer creeks of Seymour and Dalton trail. They are tribuUrles Kitchener and tributaries, The local- ( of Big Creek, and flow ln from the Ity has been christened unofficially southerly direction. Big Creek flows the Kitchener Creek strike. The Into the Yukon on the left limit, twen- merits of the creeks remain to be de-'ty miles south of Selkirk. Kitchener termlned, but the prospects are said! Creek Joins Big Creek thirty-five to be most encouraging. miles above the mouth of Big Creek. Most of, the staking has been done Seymour branches off from Kitchener on Seymour Creek, which Is under- a short distance from the junction of stood to have been staked a distance. Kitchener and Big. Big Creek car of eight miles. Kitchener Creek has rles a heavy volume of water, about twenty feet wide at the mouth; and Is almost a small river. It rises well buck' of Selkirk, and la paralleled by the Selwyn, on which gold prospects long have been known. been staked to some extent, and more staking Is under way there. One of the stakers claim to have got two cent pans In the gravel along Seymour tor two to, four miles. No ' PIE CONTEST JUDGES NAMED Mrs. 3, J. Keller, Miss Myrtle Meas and Miss Clara Elmer have been selected as judges -for the bast decorated pie at the, pie contest at Hwetons opera Muse, tomorrow niht. it Is reported that Uscemps. tUlfa. Is. tola taabe.koo aaioiig I'lLUNGS, Moat., Oct. 4. Lee 8liuoason, a stockman of this city, recently, received a check for f,B6J 7i)4jtn payment for a,tran load '"Of sheep sold to, a Denver firm. He said be had (our mora trs!htoa4s:of:eseee; tapjr ( the ladles at, the) city fet the to ship, la all he sold 40,000 head, kaaars oa Jthls osaaslaa. A Marau Which' ba lahianla o'ldahaTaad crowd Is expected, . Colorado ranges for the winter. " MAMMOTH CHECK FOR SHEEP RECEIVED BEND, Oct. 4. Stockmen esti mate that 50,000 sheep will winter this year on the irrigated lands near Bend. Two years ago winter gracing in the Bend country was considered out of the question by stockmen. NEW SECRETARY FOR W1THYCOMHE The Germans made desperate coun ter attacks unsuccessfully. ' Fighting on the French front ie calm, -except for heavy artillery duels near Verdun;. . The French air forces have bom barded Frankfort' and jlastatt In. a dow campaign of reprisals. The new British advance" in the Yprea salient now definitely threat ens the enemy's line of communica tions to the Belgian coast. The Os-tend-Llllei railway, which in a -large measure -feeds theGerman:saval bases at Ostend and. Zeebruggey.the' latter the home port .of the German high seas submarine. ufloUllas,. now comes within ta ranged of-the fire of the Biltlsh'gunsfc - Hf London announces a successful raid by British airplanes on the Mace donian fronts One enemy airplane was brought down. PORTLAND, Oct. 4. Chester Moores, Portland newspaper man, plans to take up his new duties as secretary to Govnrnor Withyconibe nn November 1st. Mr, Moores will meceod George Palmer Putnam, who resigned recently. ' SEATS GOING FAST CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Seventeen thousand seats for the. World Series games, which begin Satur- day, were distributed today.. More than 200,000 applications are now In. Scalpers are ask- Ing 50 tor V15 tickets. Fifty-One-Car Cattle Train Leaves Klamath That Klamath County Is certainly doing 'Its bit toward keeping up the nation's food supply Is Indicated In a single cattle shipment of fifty-one cars of cattle, whiten left for Califor nia yesterday, --a. ' -Theae-eattle ere.-purcaased'from W.- C, Daltoa 'eiytaalln -and others. 4V Wl be-ko tailnsj. Calif., id fslsitd enBFatilp: ''They ware si4- as "tmtanm WMtern Meat es-mpejiyof fessaltfsee.'.'- .U 'People here aa'f rait da aetraaUse tmelmmeaee toaage ol livestock thatcasoa loaves this county during the stock buying season Tho return for' this -shipment will be well up. toward 1100,000, and altho this U one of the larger ones, others of substantial atae aro leaving about twice a weak. It U noted with regret that R tommy lirrto remove the eettle. to .other os tlons to' feed themt:aet vW.ymn-: Wi'Sf - ,,.wt' tuts crop can-be -'rsiWJaera:a :-;.: abundance and wHh eeh esWl! it k to be heaad'iaatm InM be'-la. Jhmmym & ffli V.'BUrarJ iZMl jsk.'': 'zmts it- A- m k