n im hjk.'I 3 MO.NM.IY, SIIITKMIIKK 'Jl, 1UI7 THE EVENING HERALD. KT.AMATH FALLS. OREGON r '1 ") I ' fJ . ft WMHHWHh t t t T T T t T t ? t T t t T T t t t t t T JEWISH HOLIDAY STORE CLOSED HKnmllFmmmmmml STORE CLOSED All Day Wednesday : V t y t t t t t ? t T t T AI)VKUTIISi:i) MAM, LINT The following tincliilrncil mull mat. tcr. advertised on Sciilcinlicr 22. will be Bent to the Division of Dent Let- tom, Soil Fi.'iiicIkio, on tlio Ctli of j October. ,A ilinrKo t i! writ will bo niailo on each letter ilollvcrctl from thin Hat. In lulling plcaiio nay ad- voi Used. W. A. DeUull, 1'. M. Arnold, W. V. DniKlioarH, Mrs. (!. Y Dclley. Mrs. Colin Donald, Mr. Itnlley, Walter Ilnll, VlrRlnla Illinium, Mrs. John F. ' Harvey, Harry Hurtii!, .1. I.. Irwin, Mm. Dan JaRPtnann, MrB. W. A. Jordan, ftdw. Keel, Mrs. tana A. Morrow, Joe Mathews, J. K. K. SUGARMAN Yours For Victory Through Sacrifice and Faith $$Jm5$$m$m$ t t t t t T T Fall Clean-up for City Is Suggested Interested Citizen Suggests General In spection of Dairies and all Places Where Food and Drink are Man ufactured or Handled Early in Fall of Each Year Klamath Fall, wltb tlto Idea or banking In the sunlight of sanitation and rendering tho city pleasing to thu lye, has Inauguiatod a cttRtom o' I'leanlng up every spring; u custom most laudable In any community, and which, wo trust, will bo maintained Indefinitely. But why not, In vlow of the conditions confronting us this fall, enlarge upon tho custom to tho extent of having a fall cloan-up of the entire city, say about tho llrst Mon I day In October? And In conjunction with tho Konernl clean-up In the HiirliiK and full, provide for n general 1 Inspection of our dairies and all places wliero food of any description and drinks are mauurnctuicd or ban died for human consumption. Tho city has n eiy comprehensive! ordinance, which, If enforced, ospo. dally limine luto summer nnd fall vuuld uuiiieHtlouably reduce to a minimum thu danger from typhoid lever epidemics. "Swat the Fly and Save tho Ilaby" campaign and slogan, like the sanl- any ordinance of tho city, apparently has lapsed luto tho realm of forgotten things preventive, to be revived, pos jiuIj, ulcer the recurrence (but not till thou, of course) of conditions that dedicated Ita necessity and virtue in the ilrst instance. Let this city, while striving for a place In tho sun, commercially, con uuci uiong with its "city beautiful campaign" each car, a salltutlon campuign, nnd if the latter can be promoted successfully In no other way, offer prizes, stipulating that tho capital prize goes to the city admin intuition making the best record for enforcing the cay's sanitation ordi nances. CITIZEN. IIOMIMJ I'KJKO.NH ARE ItKAUV 1'OH SKKVICK NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS KLAMATH Title Company Successor to Weeks Abstract Co. ABSTRACTERS CONVEYANCERS INSURANCE AGENTS REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS HOUSES TO RENT BUSINESSES FOR SALE OR TRADE TAXES OF ABSENTEES PAID OUR FILES INCLUDE All Records affecting Real Property Delinquent, Taxes All Real and Personal Property Liens All Timber Holdings All U. S. Government Lands open for Entry or Sale List of State Lands for Sale All Maps and Plats of County and City Property Absentee Mailing List Call ud See Us at 713 Main Street Or Phone us for Prompt Information. PHONE 375 Klamath Title Company -SPECIAL- For ONE WEEK only we will sell the latest Klamath County Map for 25 cents. Come and get one before they are, all gone. CM: V ISLAND, Ohio, Sept. 24 Tho United States Is mobilizing its birds of urt Two hundred homing plgeoii3 blllod to Fort Wood, N. J., hao left here as the hist unit or 2, SOU birds to bo transported to France. They are going to bo used as mes sengers on the lighting lino where biurugo lire wipes out tho use ot motorcycles, telephones and wireless, Oregon Casslnier Suit Xew pat tern ultli two iNi Irs iKiiitti, $20. At K. K. K. Ktoro exclusively. 20-tf Set rial desirable -10 and 80 ncrc ti.u ts with Mmo alfalfa. 1'rlccs me i cry low and income good. Soo Clill uti 13 MEAT CAUSE OE ION 0 E WE EAT TOO MUCH MEAT, WHICH CLOGS KIDNEYS, THEN THE BACK HURT8 Most folks forget that the kidney?, like the bowels, get sluggish nnd rlog ,ecl, and need a flushing occasionally else wo have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, sevore headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, ncld stomach, sleeplessness, and all sorts of bladder disorders. Yc.ti simply must keep your kidneys aciivo and clean, and the moment you foe! n ache or pain In the kidney rreio.i, get about four ounces o( J 'id Sail fiom any good drug store how. iiKe (i tublospoonful In a glass ot wa ter before breakfast for a few davs ami yo-.i Lldneya will then act One. Trie ft.Uiot. salts Ib mado irom the acli of grapos and lemon Julae combined t'h litbla, and Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids In the urlno so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders, Jad Salts Is harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful efforvescent llthla- water drink which everybody sbould take now and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well known localdrugglst says be sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be lieve In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. Adv. Meheffrey, J. A. Nyland, P. P. , Nordyce, Leslie (3) 1'ayno, J. M. , Powell, T. L. Prescly, Miss May , Pretarl, Gulseppe Itcctor, Hoy N. i Kchovellng, Oeo. , Schmear, E. W. ' Bcott, Frank piianahan, Charley Shoppe, E. A. finlth, Mrs. D. L. Smith, P. L. ' Snyder, P. E. Storey, Miss Helen (2) , Sullivan, Timothy Terence Swanson, Elmer Theodoropulos, Thedoron Walker, J. B. Walton, Sonny Zan Candldo (2) A policy tilth the Chilcote Agency alua)H Mauds for safe Insarance. 10 i:i:poi:t op the coxditiox op the FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Klamath Falls, In the State of Oregon, at the close of buiU iieiB on September 11th, 1917 RESOURCES 1 a Loan;! and discounts' $674,263.30 2. Oterdrafts, unsecured 2,006.92 S. L K. ltoniN(other (linn Liberty liomlHof UM7): ,. a U. S. bonds, deposited to se eing circulation, par value $100,000.00 ' b l S. bunds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to ' ; t secure II. S. depositn (par value 10,000.00 f U. S. bonds and certificates of Indebtedness owned un pledged 35,000.00 Total U. S. Bonds (other ' than Liberty bonds) and certificates of In debtedness 145,000.00 0. a Liberty Loan Bonds, un pledged ' 19,239.00 7. ItontN, securities etc.: b Bonds other than U. S. bonds t pledged to secure postal " savings deposits 20,000.00 , c Bonds nnd securities pledged as collateral for State, or - ft!r - other deposits (postal ex- r1 eluded) or bills payable... 61,182.70 '' e Securities other than U. S. i bonds (not including stock) owned unpledged.. 31,977.58 Total bonds, securities, etc 113,160.28 9. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent ot subscrip tion) 3.500.00 10. Value of banking house 30,000.00 11 Furniture and fixtures 6,220,00 12. Real estnto owned other than banking house 760.42 13. Lawful roferve with Federal Rcseive Bank - ,-81,935.02 1 1. Items with Federal Reserve bank In process of collec tion (not available as reserve) 2,203.01 l.. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks. . 235,329.89 IS. Checks on other banks In the in me city or town n3 re porting bank 4,938.91 Total of Items 14. 15, 18 242,471.18 lfl. Chocks on bnnks locatod out- side of city or town of re porting bank and other cash itcm3 3,494.51 20. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from II. S. Treasurer 5,000.00 Total ..." $1,327,051.32 LIABILITIES 22. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 23. Surplus fund 17,000.00 2-i. a Undivided profits $12,485.83 . . b Less current expenses, inter est nnd taxes paid - 4,927.27 7,558.56 25. Amount reserved for taxes ac crued ...- 1,738.60 27. Circulating notes outstanding. 100,000.00 29. Net amount duo to national banks 5,180.98 30. Net amounts duo to banks and bankers (other than In cluded In 29) 29,765.64 Totals of Items 29, 30. . 34,946.52 Demand deposits subject to Re serve (deposits payable within 30 days): 31. Individual deposits subject to check 671,308.58 32. Certificates of deposits due In less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 38,448.48 33. Certified checks 1,107.65 34. Cashier's chocks outstanding. 6,223.82 35 Stato, county or other municipal deposits secured by pledge ot assets of this bank. . . . 123080.46 Total demand deposits subject to Reserve, Items 31. 32, 33, 34 35 840,168.99' v- Tinio deposit subject to Ro- , serve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice) : 39.- -Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 157.585.22 41.--Postal Bavlngs deposits - 13,969.82 Total of time deposits sub ject to Reserve, Items 39,41 171,555.04 43. United States deposits (other than postal savings), In- cludtdng deposits ot U, S. ' disbursing officers 8,801,01 45, a Other bonds borrowed with out furnishing collateral se curity for same 46,282.70- . .Total $1,327,051,32 Stnte of Oregon, v County ot. Klamath. eg; ' I, Leslie Rogers, cashier ot the above-named bank, do sol. emnly swear that the ubovo statement is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief, LESLIE ROOBRB, Cashier. Correct Attest: L. P. WILLITS, JOHN M, MOORE, A, M. COLLIER, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me thta 21st day ot Sep tember, 1917. ; BERTH. WITHROW, Notary Public. lily commission expires December 7, 1920) mmmmat IllSfell jNoprescrtpUosi I hSf Joodfllclt,or MjniKt No drag too rare Underwootb niarmry WMJJJttra TALIS OREflOH tSSw CLEAN CAR STOSAGK, CENTER TOWN MACHINE 9HOP IN CON IN CONNECTION KLAMATH MACHINE AND REPAIR CO. 137 SfXTH STREET I It Meets : Railroad Requirement Comes op to and toast be yond specifications (or rail road watches, and to Us (a. Tored watch of tks sujorlty ot trainmen on all systems. The Hamilton It's a gentleman's watch handsome, stylish, durable, truthful. Upp carries a com. plete line, in solid gold and gold filled cases. Examine them. Ton'll not be asked to buy. , Frank M. Upp- Jeweler 432 Mala Street i OHclal S. P. Watch Inspector- Get a started fire taaeace pottey In a standard company. See Obit, cote. ' m PROFESSIONAL CAKOt JOHN C. CLMHORN Ceratyl CMI1 DR J. H. CARTER DENTIST OmCaVftOOMS 7 and WHITE BUILDINfJ City ft County Abstract Co. ARTHTJF R. WILSON (17 Malm St. ABSTRACTS, LOANS MUM NSCRANCR DR. P. R, OODDARD Osteopathic PhyskJasi Sates fill, Lt.ar. (over K. K. K. Store) (The only Osteopathic Fhysl ctaa and Surgeon in Klamath rails.) &AAAAAWW00WWW0WW0WWWW WOOD Place year Orders for QREEN SLAB WOOD NOW Bsst wood obtainable for the money Kbmih Ftd Ct. AAAA00IA0WWWWI0t0t0Wl0W00md The Shasta ? Fill your "sweet tooth" .with our delicious home mado can dies. Only the purest pasteur. tsed milk and cream used in our ice cream and candles. 480 MAIN STREET LEGAL NOTICES (Equity No. BOO, for Decree ot Dt Torce) In the Circuit Court ot the Stato of Oregon, for tho County of Klam ath. Kate Taylor,, PlalnUS, TS. William Taylor, Defendant To William Taylor, the above-named Defendant: - In the name ot the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in mo anora vuwiiva uit, a or before tho SOth day ot October, 1917, that being the day of the .last publication of summons', and" tbs last day within, which 70U are required to answer, as fixed by tho order of pub lication of this summons. If you fall to appear and answer, tho plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relist demanded In said' complaint. 'Said suit Is brought to secure dissolution ot tho bonds of matrimony eswtlmg between yourself and plaiatlf . This summons' Is pnWlehed In the Evening Herald, a dally: newapaper printed and published at. Klamath rails, Oregon, by order of Honorable D. V. KuykeudaU. Judge ot Said Court, and dated September 17, illTs tho first publtoatlon to ho mad on tho 17th day ot September, 1117. and tho last publication thereof on tho 80th day ot October, 1117. 0. r. STONE. Attorney for Plaintlt. 17-I4-1-M5-IM0 Passengers and Baggage Aiywhare the Oy QikkSenice ' - RMIIUsklulN ommmmmmi PHONE 187 - . Westeni Traisfer CoaiaiT i ij ' ". .' hf? Automobile tires i Vulcanizing anil n -'; M AU work Guaranteed - y-K - ry i-y-'a. IUIA1B AUTO TIRE rfMslDllfW -i.tirj 'ft wi 1M SKd tJirtsi tlerost' mi ' I n i , . XfA fUr j.1 r K -J it ,. ,. r '.