J,W" today, rraoiai u, m. THB EVatNINO HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOOH M ., - ifci .1 li Oersonal mention f JmS 'Wim wwttqtm ow local Antennas V 4(ff" GOINGS AND CMINGS OF lAfcTOLWI II v f llHlKXSaeaieaHBIBBHlBViHHBBBEESaaBKI ' ,Mr. and Mn. Jack Goddard of -Weed are in niamaia aus. f - L. C. Slsemore ta ken on business f rom hia home in Fort Klamath. James E. Tomha and wife ot Los .Angeles are visitors to Klamath Falls. A Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Johnson have "tome to Portland to spend some time 'TUIUlf. X All those who are sat? erlng from -typhoid are reported to be progressing "rapidly toward recovery. t Messrs. Fred, Lance, Leon and George Walter OCentacaer all or tan same family, are vieltiag here. - J. M. Johnson of Klamath Agency la spending a few days la Klamath Falls. - Attorney Joe C. Kent with Mrs. Kent hare reUrned from aa aato tour of Sonthera California, covering .a period of three weeks. j James Nevln ot Ban Francisco and O. W. Converse of 8an Diego are la Klamath Falls on business. Miss Grace Hayes ot Yreka is visit ing Miss Bertha Lawdehangh at the home of Mrs. Harry Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. William Fintey and Miss Alma Flnley of Portland arrived last night for a brief visit In this city. O. T. McKendree, a well known sheepman ot Lakevlew, and Caen. Berry, also of that city, are la Klam ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Stoat ot Eugene are among the tourist visitors la Klamath Falls. They are registered at the White Pelican hotel. F. A. Ford of Portland, W. T. Whit field of San Francisco, O. A. Johnson ot San Francisco, George H.oevaal of Portland. J. Dtavllo of Baa Fran cisco, Martin Maher of San Francisco, all travellng'salesmeo.are la Klam ath Falls at the present time., " f JUST I .IN I -- ;"s I ' Jt$L- Heavy Shipment of - S - ' Grmnclf Play cr- 1 TJT' pianos and Phono- ' . grapni, also late Vi ,- Records . i a- .SBBBBBBBBBBBBbV BjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn (( ' S HEPERD "H ' fjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl V' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl n - mmmnBBBBBBBBBBB PIANO DEPOT , r1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE i mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBk ' "tl''-' Neil Door fist Office 'i The House of a Quality ? ?p 11 & Sfc tf ml 'UrJVrfM ' - '. i si OPERA HOUSE, Satarday & SI.j. Sep. 22-23 1 i w . rhXk bsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV MP bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV ftfieL. ?" ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbO m amaBta. . BBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmSsM BMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK'iJa4BBBBBamBBBBBBBBBB ' BBb1bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB2sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BgtHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVlBBmi1 ' IsVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSsBBBBBHmBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBm i IHiiiiiiiiHBlH HlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm BBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm 4 'HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmleSHH v MSSSSSSSSSMmmBBBammmmmmmmmmmmaTBsBBl i VsSPS HI Wtfuar in a wonderfuii bbttixo is II 4 -kir 1 ' II u y i $ ,Lfi asasss'T" r HCLrt tPWm .!rr IV Si i a W' U r& Jf J HI Jt 523 CA1 'Hill r :f Best of New Fall Fashions l w 1 lreat Variety Here;. Exclusiveness, Originality, Distinction, Charm WHAT COATS THE FIRST THING THAT STRIKES ONR ABOUT MANY OF THESE NEW COATS IS THAT THERE IS NO SEEMING RESEM BLANCE OF GARMENTS SHOWN ELSEWHERE. INDIVIDUALITY IS ALWAYS SHOWN IN PALMER GARMENTS. ASSUREDLY THE SEASONS MOST IMPRESSIVE SHOWING OF JSJew pa aR( Winter Coatf TAILORED SUITS MANY HANDSOME NEW SUITS IN DRESSY STYLES AWAIT YOUR CHOOSING TOMORROW IN MATERIALS THERE ARE TRICOTINES, WOOL VELOURS, WOOL POPLINS, SILVERTONE AND OXFORD CLOTHS. NEW IDEAS APPEAR IN THE HANDLING OF THE EMPIRE WAIST LINE. LONG WAIST LINE EFFECTS ARE ALSO OBSERVED, . AND ONE-SIDED CLOSING ADD A NOVEL NOTE TO SOME OF THE SUITS. COME TOMORROW AND INSPECT THIS DISPLAY. YOU WILL NOT BE URGED TO BUY. ' I MARY PICKFORD J, V t W 'M U -1 U' i isi' f Khmana of the Redwood" t wf CtcU & DeMUIe Md Jeaaie MecBbetMB. " iBbjKl A 1fnli ?w',',,e Jc toreeto aad great alatas. Directed bjr that gealas of acreaa craft, 'X Cecil B. DeMille Prsseated fey ARTORAFTPICTURES OORPORATIO.V y? rJi :. M mi r'lj 'V' i iwBBwnn. OaUrea 15c BEAUTIFUL FALL WAISTS Ecpecially attractive lines of New Crepe 4e Chine, Georgette and Washable Mescaline. $4.00 to $10.00 MOE&CO. 15c VALUE OUTING FLANNEL PER YARD, 9c 27 inches wide, well finished, fleecy Outing Flannel, assorted stripeB and checks. Mrs. Morelaad, who is the teacher , of. the da? school on the Klamath In-J dian reserrsuon, nas reioraea ra ur school, after speeding several days here rUltlag frleads. Mrs. r. . Fairbanks of Pittsfleld, Mass., aad fear sea, R. B. Fairbanks of aaa-Frsasai.are speadlag ser- eral dars la Klamath Falls. Mr. Fairbanks is fe trmllng salesman for Holbrook, Merrill ft Stetson Company of San Francisco, and Mrs. Fairbanks Is visiting her son. &ii $Vilt TZ7? T17T. k. i ,1 I NEW GROCERY FORJHiS CITY KLAMATH CASH GROCEDY WILL START ABOVT OCTOBER 1ST BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH STH. PROPRIETORS FROM NEVADA ' ELKO almost any other place.' A full line of ( up-to-date groceries la to be car ried by the new Arm. Oregon CaMlmer Suit New pat terns with two pair panto, $20. At K. K. K. Store exclusively. 20-tf ATTENTION, MACOAUEE8 Superintendent 3. M.' Johnson of the Klamath Indian reservation, Is In the city looking after, matters of busi ness. Mr. Johnson if a recent arrival from Eastera Washington. He ex pressed himself as greatly pleased with tha aresaat outlook on the res- " """" """ """ """" wul.u ""' ervatloa,' and thinks there are won-,0eBOnorDW,rthe.tt'Blonn oeriui opportunities tnere in a stock- Special meeting of the Lady Macca bees to receive applications and Inltl-' ate and other business, at Moose hall tonight at 7:30. Margaret E. Her rln, SUte Deputy. ' The Klamath Cash Qrocery la to be the name of the new store which will GOVERNOR WHITES DEPARTURE DELAYED raising way. the Modera Shoe Store. r Orsfoa Caastmer taks New aet In the J. F. Magulre' block, between . I flAVjinth anil Klvtilhi.!.-.,. am UIm I I The proprietors of the new estab-' at llshmeat are C. V. Holmes Md C. R. Il-tf I Williams of Elko, Nevada, who are here with their families. Mr, Holmes hWIBS WMVHWV )". ibw , UWAbIVU &! HDmUX LIimK MM VT-B i-m 4lk aala. mmim U l..l . ..J .. u... t ... . ,1 J K. X. K. Mara saKtasirely. SO-tflopportunltlss bsre were greater thaa SALEM, Sept. 31. Adjutant Gen eral'White is not to see active service as soon as be desired, the war depart ment having granted the governor's request to delay White '5 departure for North Carolina for a short time. The governor says that White Is bad ly needed here. T Oregoa Casslmer Salt New pat tarae with two pairs peat, $30. At K. K. K. Stare exclusively. 20-tf "ROMANCE OF REDWOODS" I IS EXCEPTIONAL PLLAY In accordance with his proKrenslve policies and desire to give his natrons the best In Alms, Manager Houston of the Houston opera house has Just ar-' ranged for the presentation of Mary I'lckrord's new Artcraft picture, "A Romance of the Redwoods." 1 This production was staged under' the perHonal direction of Cecil B. De- Blue, who also wrote the story In col laboratlon with Jonnle Macnhersan.. Mr. DeMille, It will be remembered, Is the producer of "Jean the Woman," the famouscjnetna spectacle concern- i me mom 01 urieans. The art of Mary IMckford, the super-star, combined with that of Cecil B. DeMUIe, the producing gen! us, means a now standard of excel lence on the screen, in direct ron-' trast to her previous triumph, "A I Poor Little Rich Girl," Miss Pick fold's newest vehicle presents a red-1 blooded story of the West, replete with dramatic situations as well aa Incidents of typical Plckford charm. Supporting the star is her forthcom-. Ing picture Is an unusually effective cast, Including Ellott Dexter, the pop ular leading man, and husband of Marie Doro, Charles Ogle, Tully Hr. shall, Raymond Hatton and Winter Hall. To be seen Saturday and bud day. , Oregon Casslmer Sulto Now pat terns with two pairs panto, fJ AJ K. K. K. Store exclusively. W William's Dairy Is now pastuerlilni milk. Delivery morning and cvenlnf. 20-5t Oregon Casslmer Overcoat, Kxrlualml- . U V If. ftture. tOU -- w www wwe -- - - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Dishwasher for bosrolnf ..house at Bray. Apply to H- '' Hill, Bray, Calif. "'n' WANTED Woman, general hou work, small family. J. M. John Klamath Agency. " Oregoa faaslmer Salta New tsnu with twa pain pew, K. K. K. Star excfaslirelr. "'" ' 1 A 'mwfw '" -' T -.A Ijist i.rt.ir . , - A TV nv 'ft a'Si Tt'iSfr