M 1 l u I ItllMV, HKITKMHKH ttl. IMI7 THE EVENING HERALD. KT.AMATH PALLS. OREGON .X t rum mm$ Hove to Keep Records of Oregon Soldiers POUTI.ANO. Sept. 21. -MiitlmiH, WC-H. HlKltUM Willi H-l'tllCllllM of, ohkoii miltlliTrt niiil snllors nro tuwtl In Inillnlln mallei! '"ll,y ' "' Hl'"" Ciiiiih'II f I'i'fi'iii"), l orKiinlrii ihhI , ioinlo with county tliftiK IriiKii"' '"'"I'li'K rumpled' nirnrds or oiiKoii Hi"" wiiii wy l w,,r' I The rnroul should ,glti, tho liullii tin HO''. I'"1 nddressnn "f tho men,, the raitKrt tliey hold, tho Imltli'M mill inurilii'i eiiKK"l '". tlm nrmles anil dlilim of which llioy r u pint, uml nil mli Information which will afford furls for ii hlHtory of lhi men ilmltiK till) Will'. ('iiiuity ilofcmiiii li'iiKiU'H urn inge'l In tint liiilli'lln to uirrcit I ho fnlHit llllpll'HHlollH Willi ll till! HtlltO COIt 1111 HII)H llllH lll'llll lllllllHtrloilHly I iMIlllltl'll iitnoiiK tlm pnnplii Iiy (in mini aiicniH Unit Hut drafted iiicii will hit sunt Im incdlatcly Into tlm IiciicIicm of Frnnrii nml ixmikiiI to tlm woihu pohhIIiI" liiiitiitH mill pruLtiiully icrtalu death, "Thu fin In are thnl Hid men mi KiikimI In iIiIh uar me not ortl to mi)thliiK like the Itiirilshlim or dan Kern ami tli latmalllcH are not no ureal iih In tho Amcilntn Civil War," tln hiilliitlti ciintlliuvN. T.tKI'S l"OSITHX AT I hank In the capai lt of receUliiR toll. I'lltHT NATIONAL HANK or, ami Iiiih alteady iikhiiiiii'iI Ills now lIlltll'H i; S Watch, fur hdiiici iiioiiIIim pant Mr. Vc.itcli Iiiih hail rotmlilcrahlu Fighting Airships Given Overhauling At Night i Hangers Are Busy Places During the Hours of Night When the Air Steeds of War Are Tested Care fully and Kept in Shape for Strenuous Service Oregon Caasliaere Overcoats, SSA. Exclusively at K. K. K.. Store, lOtf r- - ;. A policy tilth the Chjlcote Agency nlua Mumls tor safe Iiwim. 10 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that leath. er grip, left with me about Decem ber 17, 1916, will be void for charges In 30 days Is not redeemed. W. Pomroy. M-M-ie-S Auto channels reset by the Klam ath Auto Spring Works makes your old wheels as good as new. Alt work strictly first class and guaranteed, eod iii:iiini) tiii: iuutihii links in FltANCK, Aug. 27 (Correspondence ot thu Associated l'rcs) Night, :ih uell us day, is full of work nnd hustle at an army uurodome. Night flights aru not froiiucnt, but tho night Is tho 1 1 tne whim tho mechanics nro busiest, putting everything right (or whatever among the trees. The mechanics ap pear, wheel the machines Into their lespectlve hangars, and the night's work Is begun. U Is seventeen miles to the shell holes of No Man's Land, and all' the horrors of war. The long white road, thick with dust of transport, Is silent. cliidn)i!il in tlm olHtv of tho Algotnii previous hanking exieileme In (irnntx Lumber company, has now liecomo I'iihm, where lie resided liefoie comltiK lileiitltlcil with tint First National to Klamath. GIRLS! MAKE A RFAIITV:innnN . ; i WITH LEMONS MiMIMirMiyMMfM uLm tjAeeee4mVaSBBBeJMsemBfe AAAM lllyjl I No prescription d "lljgjij JtoodlSknltfor , WyUWOn FALLS OREGON SSw I V vmeitc PMflricuLA pcoplk By rSattZD OVTrll ORUGS .UAgvSkfcd P"JFBF", Find these points the OWL in (1) perfect in mellowness, since the leaf is cured an average of eighteen months before using. (2) flavor "insured" by a million dol lars' worth of reserve tobucco in a way unique in a five-cent cigar. (3) correct in burning, because hand made in the correct square-end shape. Could a manufacturer do more to guarantee you a smooth, satisfying smoke for your nickel ? THE MILLION DOLLAR CIGAR M. A. CUNST BRANCH MNtRAL CIOAN CO , INC NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS KLAMATH Title Company yWWWyWWWWWWWVWWSWVl'l'i"''ll''VV,,S' Successor to Weeks Abstract Co. ABSTRACTERS ' CONVEYANCERS INSURANCE AGENTS REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND DEALERS HOUSES TO RENT BUSINESSES FOR SALE OR TRADE TAXES OF ABSENTEES PAID OUR FILES INCLUDE All Records affecting Real, Property Delinquent Taxes All Real and Personal Property Liens All Timber Holdings All U. S. Government Lands open for Entry or Sale List of State Lands for Sale All Maps and Plats of County and City Property Absentee Mailing List Call ud See Us at 713 Main Street Or Phone us for Prompt Information. PHONE 375 Klamath Title Company tomorrow may bring forth. , The flat aerodrome Is In darkness, but Long uft.tr the sun has mink bo- the hangars, looming black against neath tho toim of tho hangars nnd the evening sky, are bright within. the trees hno changed from green to There Is much to be done. Maieg of black, tho hard-worked airplanes wires must be overhauled; many must drirt homowurd, crossing the evening he replaced or tautened. The enemy Hky like black miecn on a nurtile cloth anti-aircraft artillery has been active i ami landing with a deep droning on urd some of the planes bear witness the dipped grass, lame nnd wenry of Its work. The canvas wings or one from a long afternoon's work over tho machine are riddled, and need long II,,,. M laud patient attention before it will be fit for service ngaln. On another the flying struts must be renewed. On another, the wings are out of shape, the result of straining manoeuvers In acrobatic fighting. The whole means a hard seven lhours"work for the entire staff of me chanics. They settle down to it as a matter of routine. Every time a ma chine comes back from the lines It has to be overhauled, perhaps disman tled. New gadgets must be fitted, the engines repaired and cleaned. Air planes are, after all, very delicate pieces of mechanism, and need con tinual attention. Without It they are useless, even dangerous. The accur acy of hundred's of measurements, the trustworthiness of hundreds of parts, are essential to good flying and relia bility, and Just at much depends on these factors as on the skill of the pilot. The airplane mechanic doesn't share the dangers of the field or the hardships of the Infantryman or ar tilleryman, but he has endless work, and a very heavy responsibility. When there is heavy air fighting he must frequently work all day and all night, and woe betide the pilot If he should skimp any of his Work. Upon his shoulders rests the strength of the squadron and Its efficiency. The officer In charge of the aero drome during the night hours Is known as "orderly officer." Warm ly clad, to keep out the chills of the night, he walks around the busy sheds and hangars, now and then offering a word of advice or encouragement, but -SPECIAL For ONE WEEK only we will sell the latest Klamath County Map for 25 cents. Come and get one before they are all gone. Their day's work Is finished; le portH artt handed in, anil tho pilots saunter down to tholr moss tent COIHB SAUE TEA INTO GRAY HAIR IIAHKK.VS IIKAUTIKITM.Y AM) UK STOItKK ITS NATURAL COLOR AM) i.ustiu: AT O.NC1-: At tne cost ot a small Jar of ordi nary cold cream one can prepare a full quarter pint of the most wonder ful lemon tp kin softener and complex ton beautlfler, by squeeslng the Jules of two fresh lemons Into a bottle con taining three ounces of orchard white, Care should be taken to strain the Ji.tce through a floe cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion rWlll keep fresh for months. Every (Wo man knows that lemon Juice Is used to blcacb and remove such blcfmlshss as freckles, sallow ness and tan, and la the Ideal skin softener, smoothenor and beautlfler. Just try itl Get three ounces of -irehard white, at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly frag. rant lemon loUon and massage It tally into the face, neck, arms sad lands. It should naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen, and brims out the roses and beauty of any skin. It Is truly marvelous to smoothes rough, red hands. Adv. Common gnrden sago brewed Into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and laded hair beautifully dark and lux urlans. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at homo, though. Is tro'u hlestime. An easier wny is to get the ready to use preparation Improved by the addition of other Ingiedicnts, -listing about ."0 cents a largu bottle, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sago ami Sulphur Compound," thus Molding a lot of muss While, gray, r.ideil hair Is not sin tnl, we all desire to tetaln our youth "11 1 appearance, and attractiveness. Ii darkening jour hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, becauso It Is done so natur ally, so ecnly. You Just dampen a apongo or soft biush with It nnd draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning nil gray hairs havo disappeared. Af ter another application or two your Blways with an ear for the telephone bell, for at any moment orders may come thru for night bombing or the hair becomes dark, glossy, soft, and luxuriant, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requi site. It lg not Intended for the curet mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. Hot Water. for : Sick Headaches Telle why svsryMM slravM drink hft tssMftsUt 4taftl sallsBBBVsBJBste VIV WVVe W1W1 pVVfJPWWBJ fft ft MfT9 IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS LOOK YOU NO I J1HING BACK ITS NATUHAIi COLOIt. Ol.OSS AX1 ATTHACTIVENKSS Common garden sage brewed Into n heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a fow applications will prove a revela tion if your hnir Is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing tho Sngo Tea and Sul phur reclpo nt homo, though, is trou blesome. An easier wny Is to get a S-cent bottle ot Wyeth's Sage and But nliur Compound 'nt any drug store nil ready for use. This Is the old time recipe Improved by the addition ot other Ingredients. While wispy, gray, fadod hair It not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive ness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because It does it so naturally, bo evenly. You Just damp en a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn Ing all gray hairs have disappeared, and after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. This preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite, and la not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adr. warding off of some hostile aircraft Such orders art very rare, but every thing Is ready for them when they come. The work In the hangars Is so ar ranged that the steeds appointed for the next day's work shall be ready an hour before dawn. As the first rays of the sun light up the aerodrome the machines are wheeled out on the "Tarmac," oiled and attuned for the morning's flight. SHIPPINGTON ITEMS Captain John Llnman Is towing logs to the mills from Ball' barge. Captain Wlckstrom Is driving pil ing for the Klamath Manufacturing company. Alex Nosier bought a potato digger last Friday, and will begin digging potatoes this coming Monday. John Auten, the Fatrvlew dairy man, has leased Buck Island from K. P. Hamilton, and has purchased a splendid motor boat to be used In vis iting. same. The dredge Klamath Queen has been working on the dyke opposite thejWlnema landing for the W few days. Mrs. B. V. Plnnell will start for Kentucky In a few days to Jotn her husband, who Is looking after a large estate near Frankfort. Preparations are being made for an old fashioned all-night dance at St. Cloud. The exact date has not yet been announced. It will be strictly an Invitation af air, however. Headache of any kind is cause y luto-lntoxicatlon which means self- poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons jailed toxins, sucked into the blood through the lymph ducts, excite tke heart which pumps the blood so fast that It congests In the smaller srter es and veins of the head, producing violent, throbbing pain and distress, jailed headache. You become nerv ous, despondent, sick, feverish nnd miserable, your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then yon resort to aos- tanlllne, aspirin or the bromides which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these Irritating toxins. A glass of hot water with a-tea- spoonfull of limestone phosphate In It, drank before breakfast for awhile. will not only wash these poisons from your system and cure yon of head ache, but will cleanse, purify -nnd freshen the entire alimentary canal.. Ask your pharmacist tor a quarter pound of limestone phosphate. It la In expensive, harmless as sugar, and al most tasteless, exoept for a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. It you aren't feeling your beat. If tongue Is coated or, you irake up with bad taste, foul breath or hare colde, Indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, add stomach, begin tke phos- phated hot water cure to rid your system ot toxins and poisons. Results are quick and it la claimed that those who continue to flush ont the stomach, liver' and bowels every morning, never hare any headache or know a miserable moment Adv. real property In Klamath County, Oregon, to-wit: The, .southwest quarter and tha aptMiwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 5; the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, the north halt of the northwest quarter, and lot S ot section ; tha -northeast quarter ef-the-northeast quarter.' and lota 6,- and Jad see. tlon 7; the south half of thenorth . weat.aastsretsectlon 6,aad the i southeast. quarter ot'the aeetheaat 1 quarter of neetlon , all in'town shlpjtO south, range(10 oast of tk Willamette Meridian,-.eentsialag ( 600.16 acres, more or less, saving , and excepting, canalj right, of wny convoyed to the Unltedf States ot America byi Lillian J. jfest and James A. Best' her husband, by , deed dated May llimand re corded in Book a ot Deeds, nt I pags st. Records of said county t and state, and all rights, to the use i ot water fortolfftlngi 8sM,prem- ises, and for domeWo-asevihereoa to which Lillian J. Beet and James A. Best or the pramlsssi wer.en , the 8th day of February, 11. or since, then, have beeeme sen tinted, , or which then were and since "hive l become .or may:hereafterrle.nsed , on said premises; however the same , may he evidenced, nnd (together ; with all shares of stack and shares of water In any ditch or irriga tion company which In any manner entitled the said Lillian J,, Best and , James ABeat upon; the said 8th day ot February, 19H, to water-tor Irrigation purposes upon said premises; together with the i tenements,, hereditaments and an. partenaaces thereto belonging or ; in. anywise appertaining. Be sold by the sheriff ot Klamath ,County.Oregon to satisfy Judgment and all costs. I Therefore, I will, on the 8th dsy ot October,. 19J.7, at-the.hour ot 8 o'clock in 'the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the court house in- the.City of .Klamath Falls, Klamath- County, Oregon, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder tor cash In hand, all the right, title and Inter. est which the said defendants, Lillian! J. Best and James A.rBesg) her hus band, or either of themt had la and to the above described premises on the 8th day ot February, 1918, or since then' have acquired or now have. the proceeds of said sale to he applied 9k satisfaction ot the. said caseation and all costs. Dated this 8th day ot September. 1917. OEO.;L. HUMPHREY. Iherlf. By C..A. HAYDEN, Deputy. 7-14-8M8-5 Get a stardard Are in a standard coaspeay, cote. peUey i GUI. If PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN O. CliBCpOsW . - - Ct,Hgter jj i si DR J. H. CARTEK DENTIST OFr-ICt, ROOMS 7 WHITR BHJILDIrM ,i Ciiy it County Abstract Co. ARTHTJF R, W1MON 817 Main 8t i JUSTRACTB, LOUTS IXITJKANCR '? DR. P. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician ail, L 9. O. V. (ovor K. K. K. Store) a (The only Osteopathia clan and Surgeon in rails.) Physl- LEGAL NOTICES t WHITE BOX WIN TOS8 CINCINNATI, Sept. 81. The Chi cago White Sox have won the toss for the opening game of the world series against the New York Olants at ths baseball commission meeting here. Notice ot Final Account In the .County Court ot the State ot Oregon, tor the County ot Klam ath.' ' In the Matter ot the Batata ot James C." MOngoId, Deceased. Notice4 Is hereby given that the un dersigned, as executor ot the estate ot James C. Moagold, deceased, haa lied la the above entitled court bis final account of ths administration of said estate, and that the said court h fixed Friday, the 88th darot Mptem. bsr, 1917, at the hour of I9;l9.a, I as tho .time, and the court room of said court as the place tor the hear lag of objections, If any, to said ac count and the settlement thereof. P. L. FOUNTAIN, J Executor of the Bststc ot James O. Moapotd, Deceased. Sl-7-14-81-88 Notice of Sbarire gale Under HMpnuoa . i Notice Is hereby given, that by vlr. tue of an execution issued out ot the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Klamath County, and to me de livered and directed, upon n 'Judg ment and decree rendered and en- tered In said court on the Sth day of Beotember. A. D. 1917. in favor oil nsoes jsvissaws Frederick E. Judd and against Lllliaaltn the County Court of the State ot J. Best and James A. Bsst, hsr hus band, In a suit therein1 pending,' wherein the said Frederick K. Judd wss plaintiff and Lillian J. Best and James A. Best, her husband, wsre de fendants, for the sum ot '88,489.08, together with Interest thereon nt tha rate ot 8 per cent psr annum from the 8th day of February, 1918, until paid, and for the the further sum ot 1600,00 attornoy's fees and costs and disbursements, which said deeree, Judgment and ordor of sale has been duly docketed and enrolled In the office of the clerk of the said court, and In and by which said Judgment, decree and order of sale it was di rected that the hereinafter described fm00i0A0A0AmA0t00AA000tm0t0i000i00m wo op; h flscs year Orders tor . QRKKN SLAB WOOD NOW I Best weed obtainable fer the money Hanati Ftel Ce. i Passengers and Baggage Aiywlwre kdie Gly QttSenkT' ReufJiaMe Rates PHONE 187 Western Tnisfer j Coquny Oregon, for tho County eMtlam. ath. In the Matter of tho Batata ot Atria B. Libbcy, Deceased. Notice is hereby, glyesKihatUie undosatgned baa been .duly, appointed exscutlr of the estate ot Aim Libbey, deceased, by tho above on. titled court, and all .persons having claims against, said Ostete nro re quired to present same to said execu tor at.Marrm-Orooa,--wtthla-atx months from tho date of tale notice. Dated this 7th day of September, 1817. JOHN S. FRUITS, Executor of tho Relate of Alrla B. Llbsy, Deceased. 7-14-8 1-88 Automobile Tires Vulcanizing and; Refraining All work Guaranteed A $ V iM' H : KLAMATH AUTO TIRE COMPANY 110 ten Steth atroot . . ;.. ii YV fI SK!-