I it- m: TH1 EVENDfO HKRALP, KLAMATH FALLS, OMOOIf wnmiAT, mpt tt, itir i ERSONAL MENTION umi: Muonr ox"iiooAi ummMM :vjii ,MMmMmtwmmrmm3mWi'.m r-aiiibnBSAr local routs I" Pat Parker I in town from Bly for i brief buslneu visit. fl MIm Florence Newman ot Medford la a Klamath Fall visitor. ; E. Woods and A. Davidson ot Bo. tiansa are at the Hotel Halt Carl Schubert is ill at the hospital. He has typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jaeobscoa of BIr are here on bualaess. D.tK. Nichols of Milton is a busi ness 'visitor to Klamath Falls. Wr O. Howard of Chicago Klamath Falls tor some time. in Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Prentice are living at.the WhiteapartmenU.. David B. Soger of Portland ,1s a business' visitor to Ktamath'Fatls. -' Mr. arid Mrs. C. F. 8rielllng and Dan Wans or Yalnmx are-la Klamath Falls for a few days. - O. Hawklnson to in. Klamath" Fall on bonlneee from hia home In Port land. - C. Quellmaltwlfo aid son of San Francisco, are' guests of the White (Pelican." 8am 8hort Is among the city's biisl. nam) vhltoni today. He operates a ranch in'Poe Valley.' - . . . 4laBafer-Ki J.-Grant of, the Also ma'Lamber "company Is In the "City looking after matters of business. "Robert Riggs left this morning for 8aa Francisco, where he Will take the examination for the aviation corps. Mrs. K. C. Rourk and Mrs. Kate Kacxer are here 'from Crescent to at tend the trial now on in the justice conrt. - L. P. Fleming ahd'son, H. A. Flenv Ing, and H. M., Fleming are members fct a tourist party visiting in Klam ath Falls from Fresno. They are reg istered at the Whlto Pelican hotel. VISIT OUR V- If 1, - Ready wear .. t I Department ,MmmmmmHBmmKsmmammmmmmmmmm Second Floor..... ACH DAY WE RECEIVE SOMETHING NEW. FROM NEW YORK BY EXPRESS. AND IT WILL KEEP YOU POSTED ON WHAT ARE THE CORRECT MOPES IF YOU ARE A FREQUENT VISITOR ' TO ' THIS DEPART- t ammmmmmmammmammmmamamammmsmMaamammmmmmaMammmaami mammammmammmammmmmmmamammmmmsMmm MENT. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THE NEW GARMENTS AND ASSIST YOU IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLLE TO MAKE A SELEC TION THATWILL BE SUITABLE WHEN YOU BmmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmBmmBsmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ARE READY TO PURCHASE. - New i Many; new style creations in Broad cloth, Poplins, Serge, Gaberdine, etc. Colors, taupe, navy, brown, green bur gundy and black. . Sizes 16 to 46. - $15.00 to $37.50 New Goats f i r f Without exaggerating, we are .showing the best yalues in Coats this season,. We would hot-Be so positive if it were-not" I stated by so many who visit our Suit De- partment You' are' to be-tHe'ljudgean'd' ' .when you see our special line of $LrX50 Coats,, we think, you will agree with us. , Coats made of Velour, Silvertone,rBbur- j I rella, Cheviot, Velvet and Seal Plush, all" ? exceptionally welf tailored, and many" mnvnea witn large tur cutts.and collars. GEORGETTE CREPE AND CREPE . DE CHINE WAISTS . New and just unboxed yesterday. The very -newest ideas are embodied in these newjjwaists, and the colors are absolutely .right, j; You will notice many new changes 'in 'tile new "waists, and without doubt they will appeal to you. Colors, pink, flesh, coral, apricot, gold, maise, burgundy, Copenhagen, cerise and white""' .,""- , i . , ' ''Reasonably 'ptfcea; $5.00 to $7.50. iM f Sizes IS to 46. Prfeed$10tof$50 Silk Skirts Fancyv stripes-in-beautiful contrasting colors, some flared'and others plaited. . Prices $7,45, to $9.$5. , New Silk Changeable Taffeta, plain Taffeta, Jer sey 'tops and all' Jersey Silks. All colors. Priced from $2.95 to $7.50. J ' j i i ' ,f.. :. Magiure Go. ifyi'" jf j tW Mr. and Mrs. C. K. MotMhenbachar have moved Into the oouaa on Sixth street formerly occupied by James Walklns. Mrs. J. A.-Bayaa et Kvarttt. Wuh., Is visiting her coastn. Mrs. John Mc- Call. She l accompanied' by her son. Kenneth. .' it v y , Three more cases of typhoid have been reported, all among the school teachers, Miss Hardenbrook; Miss Llndblom and Mrs. Bryan. Friends of Oliver 8plkor will be glad to know that he has so tar re covered from his recant Illness that he wilt soon be on the street again. Miss Elmer states that the Domes. tic Art and Sewing departments In the grammar schools aro started .nicely, and that they expect to do a great Heal for the Red Cross this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Watts left this morning, Mrs. Watts going to Oak land to visit her parents, before going to Bend to Join Mr. Watts. They ex. pect to make Bend their home in the future. Mrs. Margaret E. Herrln, deputy Supreme Commander of the Lady Maccabees, Is here from Portland for the 'Interests of the lodge here. She Is the guest of Mrs. C. B. Cristsr, bo Ing an old time friend ot theirs. Victor C. Rambo, second son of W. W. and Mrs. Rambo, left yesterday morning for Philadelphia,' Pa.,' where he has been elected aa one of the 100 freshmen admitted each year to the medical department of the University or Pennsylvania Victor has spent the summer in Klamath County, clearing right of way for the Pelican Bay Lumber company. He visited with his parents a short time before leaving. 'He Is a medical missionary volunteer. BUCKING CONTEST HERE THIS WEEK CHAMPION RIDERS WILL TACKLE WILD OUTLAWS HEBfcf BATUR DAY AND SUNDAY DOLLAR PER SECOND FOR RIDING BULL Owing to a desire of manjr of the old time stockmen ot the ounty, to see a public bucking hone rjldlngeon. test nnder the same conditions as ex ist on the range, arrangements have been made for an exhibition ot this nature Saturday and Sunday, Sep tember 23 and 23. Among the famous riders .who will participate on this occasion are C. C. Couch, known all over the West as a rider of unusual ability and winner of many prises; Love Chandler, fa mous at the Elks Rodeo ln Klamath Falls and first prise winner at last year's show at Yreka, will- be on hand. One hundred dollars 'will be offered by the management for any horse brought In that those two can not ride. One of the features of the occasion will be Nero, the world's champion bucking bull, valued at 11,000. One dollar per second Is paid his riders, and It can bo readily aeon that a ride of an hour or two would be worth the time of most anyone. The Rube clown will also be one ot the attractions. The beautiful, wild, unridden "Strahorn will be brought In for this event, 'and a number of the beat rid ers will attempt to stay on hl back. J. Frank Adams, William Dattos and E. O. Logan of Bend, have been named aa Judges In the riding and steer tlelng contest. ' ' AAA.A.AAA.A.AAAAA - ' lenV t i-ffllam Vmiii Klf I w .... sm.smsm-sm sm am " T I lA O You can do our town a service, just now, T 'X la 1 C A 11 by cleanmI UP round your home; X .. Jj X Rake up the trash. 'Destroy all garbage. t 'J W Disinfect every cesspool, or other source of ' ' ' j X I I H mm Kith. Clean up the stable. X , X w Is? e T Kill the flies. Destroy all their breeding X. 7tr Pl" X Xfl'S Doing these thing may prevent sickness in X yfl 1 your home, or that of your neighbor. T I Disinfectants For Ibe Skk Rm YtwDodw'sMer t ,: T laUMUIVVfCUlU9 w.iMTeaveTjtWnatjeadfml'for Mtmsi ttoJjSs'' '" i JB .'ChlorWeUsae Uw akk rooan. (looim of hlerts y!? " I " " " V X t dJMpWHKHrAcld 1-W-.fiht. rSSSii F?' ' X ' -rime a a. other good V V T' ' WIWT WALITY DRUGS X T dtelafertMU saay be found at te " KXPKRT PIUltMAC(Tlt V X onretor. FEVER THKRMOMKTKRH, ' PROMPT MCRVH1S X T FOUNTAIN HYRINOEd. fi-ho Vo X- " T The dally of on, or mora ABSORBENT COTTON JSJTF T 1' X STERILE RANDAUEH, wansatoua. b of umt is Uio cheapest and INVALID CUSHIONS, ftwrlatloM, colled for aad 4 4 beat "Health Insuranre. RED PANS. deUvarsd. T ' smV v V X The Store of Quality and .Service I i I m I Qwierwoods nitttvyl 1 W'v" KLAMATH FALLtGOHtSWI - t X V WHCnJE fARTICULAIt PKOPUC ti'L t .- X T I !ug?v I UV THEIW DRUGS lAgfJk&VI . s . AT J TffTTTTfffTffvffTffvff f?ff W W !Sr. W WV World's Longest Potato Patch Near Pendleton PENDLETON, Sept. 19. A potato patch 'fifteen miles long, said to be the longest patch In the world, lies along the Joseph branch of the Ore gon, Washington Railroad and Nav- s ? f (nation company In Eastern Oregon, according to report received here, With the consent of the company the potatoes were planted In the right of way by employee and farmers lir ing along the line. The Official Seal of China Is lost OOVKSNOR TOTcA" ' . i .. ATMICJslKLaHrHrAlB ST. HKLMNS, Ore,, Sept. It. Go, er nor JasMa Wltbyeoaiba of Oregon wiUJdavtr as addfaav here, ThniV 4ay.iSpanilMr.S6th. Governor's My at tho ColamR County fair. " . ' NOTICK . The ladles of the Kplacopal church will meet Thursday afternoon at J: I at the Red Cross rooms to saw. Special Hm of More. 17-. i'f. 4 iTfdICT Tho BaracesH la Pfcoffcecjr Studies In Revelation tonight at tho little brown church. Thrilling les sons in history written In prophecy. You are Invited. MEETING PLACE CHANGED ' ' . The ladles of the Metbodfit church will meet on Thursday arternoon, at Zs 30, with Mrs. Mayer on Eighth and Jefferson streets, Instead of with'Mrs. Lewis, as previously announced. ' '; ART CLUB MEETS FRIDAY The Domestic Art Department of the Woman's Library Club will meet Friday arternoon at 2:30 In the eliib rooms. The work of the afternoon will be knitting, aand those wishing f to learn to knit aare asked to prepare themselves with No. S bone'oreellu- . PEKIN, Sept. 19. Pekin has been much agitated over the disappearance of the official seals7. When 'President LI Yuan Hung waa forced to give up the presidency, General Ting Kwan, the keeper of the presidential seals, took them to Sbfngbal. Another prominent official disappeared with tho seals of the bouse of representa tives. When the attempt at monarchical "NORTHWEST WEA1 FORSOAarr ORBOON Fair, westerly winds. wiSHINOTON Fair,) except rain Wednesday In wast; with southerly winds. . J" ' KJiAMATH.ILS.R. S. v NL I Maximum, yesterday, M del. restoration had been defeated, and .MIaf ;,?, H ''' Premier Tuan Cbl-Jul declared tho re. . .', public had been restored, there was am' much consternation because ' disappearance of the seals 9(. t.h.0 re- H public. General Ting Kwan waa ar rested In Shanghai, and aftr tA legal 'struggle was brought bYck to Pekla, together with the missing presiaenuai seals,' and is to have hearing before a Chinese court. JURY FOR SUIT NOT COMPLETE Considerable Interest Is being tak. en today in the first municipal rail road condemnation suits commencing in the, Circuit Court of Judge D. V. Kuykendall. Frank Corpealng of Olsne Is the told knitting needles aand s tell of dsfendeat la this action, which Is bo Dexter cotton or yard, for practice.. Ins prosecuted by City Attorney R. TheNo. 3nofdlesarea,iMM.8tea0,v0rtfcck. corpenlng asks a MthOMUMdforRodCroMkattUai. '., ,-. ,Ui -roitrty thru Tbosa wha slready knew how to "knit '' "lw iW"fu tftr" are-asked'to eosia to taach th. henia. w' nXVnU Hfru than la TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY AajaajaaaMaMaMaMajaManaaa)aaMaaMaAaaff A WANTED -Expert an rad aaaa ladles ateaca, F. 4. KNt JPTf nPd fltoro city. Attorney C F. Stone and Wll son 8. Wiley appear for W defend ant. The Jury for tho ease has not neen completed yet. NEW INCLINE FOR BIG FIRE TRUCK ; . . A new concrete Incline for th. hi Are truck from tha door of tha city Proved. Will trad la oa auto. Hurry! nan into the street was completed " w,w " f " L , a!S!lSu ftc",taU'l0 LOST-M..d,y, Ssptambar 17, tw"o'w rSrau!"4 TUt f th bu,Wl "to " with rl Md brack.! .: j ing considerably. A concrete walk LAia.. . . M.a. ik. aid .M At.- -,p,-.w.f WW"WWm VIPHI - ,t .,1 TO EXCHANOE StO' acre atok ranch, fie par sera; want towa , property. W. P. JOHNSON CO., IS Mala Street'? ' FOR, SALE 81s room huse, bu(l, neas lot; 'no reasonable' offer' tr S fused; also, good resident lot. all !; ' SKffr-taj--tars Ttt3S4&&ttSmsi&. w-rlt I aava ' I fclfava4 lh. akil MpAar hv tha mlumWM Ij W.Wn . , .U.tfm.m- I ' . ." f )., 4s a,s.ir: v m ' r Ui I. i ,.'( !l) ) - r im 3f, -. 0 '"T Wi' ""'"V.- I'.Vv ? 'y ' ' V -X i ,VS?ft -r - .:(. uRnniiuuVittVL.wucniUAra i-',",r xa - . . . - i . J, In ' " .. . ,.')h 'iti, ; . in 1