wmni:hoav, shpt is, isit THE EVKMNO H1ALD, KJ,AMATH FALLS. OMKK)K .a. r is ' t ' j food, according to reports here. Most! Hints for Homemaker's By KLIZAU CTII KKVKH u.iwiii-h-'i-""'"' . -- - . --- .... t nnrgnrui. jul NOTK This corar of tin pawr Mill bo tllvhlod Into several parts, mIi lrt I" published weekly. Hie IIvInIuim win be: Household Nuggsstlons, Recipes, Uood lliltli, Fashion ami Aiiswer In OurMlon. In Answers to Questions Minn Key Mill be kIm1 to ad tIw r give MWr to ill) problem of nny of Ilia readers of Uia KvmiluK Herald. Suggestions of all aorta ulll be very Welcome. Address Miss KlUabetli Keyea,'tre of UvciiIiik Herald. Jews Hold two Championships " and Are Claiming Four, ,in)lM!ff.!?'!.MP.'MJJiri MMiii of the disorders, detailed news of which has been suppressed, have beea due to this cause. Thousands of the VMWCTOKOMtt people are making pilgrimages to va rious shrines, Imploring divine inter No prescription too difficult for ctofllL No drag too rare far sw to supply. cession for peace. Prussian officer, It was asserted, are frequently Insulted on tbe streets of various Austrian cities. Italy's successful drive east of Oorlta la likewise reported to be can. Ing widespread apprehension thruout Emperor Charles' dominion. ggTfj l!SSS9V m EKM ANKWKIW TO QUKSTIONN Can you lull me WWX white sometimes curdle while I nm whip ping Ihniu? Young Housewife, Klsra tttll FttllH, There arc Hovornl reasons why the white of ckrh curdle while boating; It usually happens If weak, tela eMC uru used, the white or which nre wry watery. Curdling li often the rcJiilt ofjbeatlng the mixture nil mcr the bowl Instead of keeping It well In the center. Particle of the meringue- remain untouched by the hruter: those quickly separate, the small colls bunt, and when mixed In with tho remainder or the mixture rsuae the whole to become sort. The whiten should be ilowly beaten up tint, and tho speed Increased a they become firm. If they are made un der proper condition!, no sugar need lie added until the whites are almost ready for uso. Numbness or Finger. I am greatly troubled by numbness of my niicerH and hands. Can you toll mo If there U hodio simple remedy T Mr. A. 8. N.. Port Klamath. Kxerclie In tho open air as much as lioaalblo, and take several deep breathing exercises two or three times dally. Above all, keep from worry. Poor circulation Is frequently the ratine of this trouble, and sometimes, sa a Isal resort, a change .or cllmato la very beneficial. the paper begins to dry under the Iron look nt the mark under treat inunt. It will Ito found to have drawn up t-onslderubly. If It U Htlll notice able, u second and u third treatment can bu Klvun. Hy that anything but a doep cut will have become Incon spicuous. Apply furniture polish and polish thoroly. BIG ERUPTION -A! ML LASSEN HMOKK AHt'KNDH TEN THOUSAND PKKT IIKLIKVKD NKW VKNT OPKNKD IN (ItATKK OF MT. LAHHK.V U It possible In any way to remove a rather deep dent In a chair arm? Mrs. J. 8. L., City. Over the dent or scratch to be treated place a piece or blotting paper folded four or live times at leaat, and wet thoroughly with water. Have the paper saturated, but not dripping, IIKD1HN0, Cullf., Hept. ID. A big eruption of Mount Lassen begun ut 5 15 Monday morning, and for two hours a column or denno snioko burned from tho volcano, rising to a height or 10,000 feet. Observers who have been watching the activity or the mountain for three years, believe that thQ eruption marks the oneplng of n new vent In the couutaln's crater. Heretofore nearly all the eruptions have been from the main crater, In Shasta County, but many believe the last eruption was from a new crater In laaen or Tehama counties. As seen from Redding the smoke ascend ed from a point somo distance from Ilia muln rmlAP. ttnmn AvnrAiuaAft thn l.nllnf that fill fflltw Vnnt la AtltlrAlv distinct from Mount Lassen Itself, and that It I, in fact, fifteen to twen- Heat the Iron and then press It firmly upon the folded blotting paper. When.ty miles away, near Uumpas hill Hints to Builders i2 E 4 gKvT f iL X& ''B 3Bm?BB tTlM TtOM01LtWi9 For the first time In the history of tho ring there are now two Jew cham pions of different classes. Bennle Leonard I the light weight cham pion, while Ted (Kid) Lewis I tbe welterweight champion. Al McCoy, another, claim the middleweight championship, while a fourth, Bat tling Levlnsky, claims tbe light-heavy weight championship. Benny Leonard of "Battling.' MMK BCMNY LtONARO Is Kenjamln Lolner, and hi parents came from JCurope. Lewis is deration MandeloB?, and his home 1 In Eng land. McCoy Is Albert Rudolph. Lev. iasky started in tbe boxing business as Barney Williams, but he later came Into the hands of, Dan Morgan, an astute manager, who believed his name was an asset In tbe East, and he restored the, Levlnsky, with the prefix California Starts Settlement System LADIES': DARKEN YOUR 6RAY HAIR USE GRANDMA'S SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR RECIPE AND NO BODY WILL KNOW The use of Sage and Sulphnr for restoring faded, gray hair to Its nat ural color dates back to grandmoth er's rime. She uaed It to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and at tractive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or treaked appear ance, this simple mixture was ap plied with wonderful effect. But brewing at home to mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for a 50 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get thta famous old preparation, Improved by the add! lion of other Ingredients, which can be depended upon to restore natural :olor and beauty to the hair. A well known downtown druggist say It darken the hair so natural ly and evenly that nobody, can. tell It ha been applied. You simply, damp en a sponge or soft brush with , it, and draw this through your hair, tak ing one strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears, and af ter another application or two, It be comes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyeth's 8age and Sulphur Compound Is a delightful toilet requisite" tor those who desire a more youthful ap pearance. It Is not Intended for, the cure, mitigation or prevention dis ease. Adv. W WHesjff. rrcuuu koplc ffB NOTICE Notice Is hereby givealhat a Ieath r grip.Jeft with me about Deeam ber i7,'il, will be sold for charges la so dayscIs not redeemed. W. Pomroy. 12-19-SS-S LIQAL NOTICES WNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Saaunoas DICUKKI.KY, '.illfurnla lias Calif., Sept. 19 vlituully completed phnc to branch forth In the land col onisation business. This new under taking Is the tlrst time in America that such a land settlement policy has been Introduced. Under the new land settlement sys- ty to thirty-six years to pay the bal ance and will create a colony devoted to mixed farming, in which rotation of crops, the growing of livestock and tbe maintenance of the soil's fertility will all be assumed. Before the land Is selected, Prof, Thomas P. Hunt, dean of the Unl- tem, authorised by the last leglsla- verslty of California Colloge of Agrl ture, a young man with little capital culture, will report on the suitability may make a start as an Independent of the tracts submitted for closer set- A well planned modern house is like a machine, per fect when nil parts work together systematically and compactly. To produce such a house one must have a working knowledge of all the parts and their relation to one another. This involves a practical knowledge of brick, concrete, carpentry, lumber, painting, decorating, plastering, plumbing, heating, wiring and electric fix tures, tile, mantels, hardware, sheet metal, roofing, etc. Every design in our FREE PLAN arid BUILDING SERVICE to customers is the work of an expert. Investigate. . Big Basin Lumber Co. farmer, cultivating a farm be himself owns, with anywhere from twenty to thlrty-stx years to pay for his land. As the first step, the state land set tlement board has announced that li Is now ready to purchase from 4,000 to 0,000 acres of farm land the board then to Improve, subdivide and settle the land. When tbe land has been purchased, the board will sell it on small Initial payments, with twen tlement, and the president of the state water commission will report on tbe water right pertaining to the lands offered or to be purchased with them. The land settlement system by the state has been in effect some time in Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland and a score of other countries, from whence reports say it ha been found to be successful. SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS , FROM THE LIVER Everyone should drink het water with phosphate lit It, A before hreakfast. There Is No Mud Like Flanders Mud PHONE 107. Klamath Falls, Oregon ffffiin""""""'"'" LONDON, Sept. 19. Major pen Serai Frederick B. Maurice, director of military operation at the war office, who has just returned from one of his frequent trips to the front In France, was asked by the Associated Press correspondent what phase of battle front activity had on this occasion impressed him most. "Always the same thing tbe mud" he replied. "It is the most remarka ble mud In the world. As an enemy It Is more persiatent than the aeraan and more deadly than his artillery. ' "I had a remarkable object lesson of the power of the Flanders mud during my week in the battle area. I visited a hospital where they had two of our men who had bean rescued af ter spending thirty hours In the grip of a Flanders mud hole. Tbe two men, advancing across No Man's land la the semi-darkness, had stumbled into aa old shall hole and found theau selves inextricably la the dutches of th thick mud at the bottom. Whoa they were found they had been there for thirty hours, and had been drawn waist deep into the clay. "All sorts of expedients war tried to extricate them, awj It was lastly deemed necessary to fit a harness to them and pull them out with a team of mule. Both men had their hips and knees dislocated In tbe process. That Is Flanders mud." HARMONYLACKING INK EMPIRE MANY DSM9N8TRATION8 AGAINST .GERMAN , GOVERN. MHN HAVE TAKRN PLACE RE. CBNTLY IN HUNGARY. ROME, Sept. 1 Austria-Hungary Is reported .Indian: jt Increasingly dif ficult .to keep in agreemsntwlth Qer many." Diplomatic, advice received here today told of aa epidemic of riots thraout tbe dual empire and political differences aa to Pruaslaalsm that in dicate a growing breach between tbe two Teutoaie powers. Austria la iwferlag from lack of To feel as fine as th proverb! fiddle, we must keep the liver washed clean, and almost every-morning to prevent its sponge-like pores from clogging with indigestible material, sour bile and poisonous toxin, says a noted physician. If you get headachs, it's your liver. If you catch cold easily. It's your liver. If you wake up with a bad taste, fur red tongue, nasty breath or stomach becomes rancid, it's your Mver. Sallow skin, muddy complexion, watery' eye. all denote liver uncleanllness. Your liver Is tbe most Important, also the most abused and neglected organ of the body. Few know Its function or how to release the dammed-up body waste, bile and toxins. Most folks resort to violent calomel, which is a dangerous, salivating chemical which can only be used occasionally because It accumulates In the tissues, also at tacks the bones. Every man and woman, stck or well,, should drink each morning be fore breakfast, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos phate In It, to wash from the liver and bowels th previous day's Indigestible material, tbe poisons, sour s4e and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening th entlra alimsatary canal before putting more, food Into the stomach. Limestone phosphate doss not. re strict the diet Ilk calomel, because it can not salivate, for It is harmless and you can eat anything afterwards. It is Inexpensive and almost tasteless, ana any pnarmacut win sell you a quarter pound, which la sufficient for a demonstration of how hot water' and limestone phosphat cleans, stlmnlaMa and freshens th llvsr, keeping yon feeling It day la and day out. Adv. ' v CNo. 911 Eoaltv '"" in the Circuit Court, la and iar the County of Klamath' and State of Oregon. , , Sadie Fori, PlaisttlaV ' a. ' : James W. Ford, Defendant To James W. Ford, Defendant above named; ' la the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the llth dsr of October, 1V17,-that being the last day of, the time prescribed lnithe order of publication-of tnu summons, and If yon fail so to appear, plead, answer, de mur, or otherwise move, for want thereof, platnt!twil! apply to the court for .the relief prayed for la her complaint, to-wlt: ; For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony sow existing between the plaintiff and defendant, upon the aruuaoe 01 assertion ror more than one year last past Immediately pre ceding tbe filing of the complaint herein, and that plaintiff be granted privilege to resume her maiden name of Sadie Wright. This summons is served, upon yo.i the raid defendant, by publication thereof In the Evening Herald, a pub lic newspaper, of general circulation, printed and published at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, once a week for six successive weeks (sev. en Insertions), .the first publication being made August 29, 1917, and the last publication October 10, 1917, by order of the Honorable D. Y. Kuyken dall, Judge of the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon, which said order was made, entered, dated and filed in this suit August 18, 1917. RENNER i KENT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Whose residence and office nddrees is Klamath Falls, Oregon. S9-5-1M9-S6-S-10 Get a stardard fire lasance policy In a standard company, gee Chtl. cot. jb PROFESSIONAL CARDS & ' znm ' , von v. vMamiaoma Coaaty SsnreyesA , CtVFagtaiis , ; H ' 1 DR J. H. CARTER r DENTIST OFFICL ROOMS 7 . WHITR BUILDING and S City ft County Abstract Co. ARTHUP R. WILSON ,- 617 Mala 8t.( ABSTRACTS, 'LOANS AND INSTJRANCB DR FR. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician 8dt 111, I. O.O. F. Tesspte (over K. K. K. Store) PhoMfftM .. Res.Pb (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon in Klamath Falls.) -, WO O D Place your Orders fer GREEN SLAB WOOD NOW Best wood obtainable for the money KhanA Fuel Co. NOTICE TO TBE PUBLIC I am arranging to Issv Klamath Falls for Marshfleld, where I will take care of another specialist's practice during bis abssac at tha war, To anyone wishing my services, I will announce that I will be here until this doctor Is called to th army, prafeahly on the first or mlddl t October. I would very much appreciate having all persons knowing thsmselves to be Indebted to me to call aad settle their accounts. JB-tf DR. F. M. WHITE. (No. 914 Equity) In the Circuit Court. In and for the County of Klamath and State of Oregon. Dorothy Ma Jacobs, Plaintiff, vs. Lester Leo Jacobs, Defendant To Lester Leo Jacobs, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to tha complaint filed against you In tbe above entitled suit on or before tbe llth day of October, 1917. that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order of publica tion of this summons and If you fall so to appear, plead, answer, demur or otherwise move.; for want rthsreof, plalutlff will applly to th court for the. relief prayed for; In her com plaint, to-wit: ' For a decree dissolving the' bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff' and defendant, upon the iiuuuua ut crueiiy, ana ib pininua be granted th privilege to resums her maiden nam of Dorothy Ma Col- bum. This summons Is served upon yon, the said defendant, by publication thereof In th Evnlng Hsrald, j public newspaper of geuersj! circula tion, printed and nubllahek aKlassi (sevea Insertions), tasilrst publtoa tlon being mad August 19,' 1917, and th last publication October 10, 1917, by .order f th Hoaorabl D, V. Kuy. keadsU, Judge, of th Circuit Court of Klamath Couaty, Oregon, whlci said order wag ,ma4e,' f sArtt:at aad fllsd la this suit August tl, HIT; RENNER KENT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Whose residence aad otic address Is Klamath Falls, Orsgoa. 19-8-11-19-II-l-lt . .t Passengers and Baggage Airskre k the Gty . QskkStrike RoMsiUe Rates PHONE 187 Western Transfer Company Automobile Tires Vulcanizing and All work Guaranteed n r 1 . -r V " & "f HAMATH AUTO TIRE COMPANY 1 Sooth Sixth ttrevt i sk &. w. i ma mi ';i m I mi i 4 rl i'lt-W I rvvvi "'.if'jyi plki.WV Vr J ij