"j atf1 a-, i i" aW. ' TtKAOAV, HRPTKMm.;n 1, ., THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 2M" !!! .A'ATW t K m 3,. ? . i '.V Us, J" M i sH sH r ( ssfl Lsfl yjWMWWWWWWWWWItMW'aiWWtWWW'WWWWW''''' 1 frwwwwwMWwwwMwwwwwwwwwwwMwww IV I Mention (jMMMyVWWMMMMWWMMAMMMMWWV BMUam OH LOCAL MPWWUMI AMOKS On X PEOPLE OF THM CHT AND nOOOXti MOI AHD OOHV ING8 OF LOCAL FOLKS. 4VWWMVWWWWWVWVVMMWVVMWMMWVVWMMMMMWMAAMWWMMWMWMWMVVMMMMAAMMA VWVWWWIMMWWWWWWMWWMWMMMMMWVWM F. F. Keayon of Pelican Bay la In the city on business. B. E. Newman of Hedford la a city visitor. V. R. Skagga ot Oakland la rata tered at the Hotel Hall. William woods U In town on a short business Tlsit from Bonania. J. H. Wifllsms and A. W. Moon of Bray are visitors to Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cox of Armour are spendinc a few days In Klamath Falls. 8. E. Icenblce of the Pine Grove district Is among the farmer visitors here today. W. T. Elliott is a farmer from Pine Orore trading with i local merchants today. Joe Ball, a prominent Indian ot the Klamath reservation, is transacting business here today. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Staheaker.are returning to their home la Dunsmulr after, a trip to Crater Lake. John Flood of Odessa waa down on business yesterday-and returned this morning. A. B. Miller ot Miller Hilt la cut ting grain for Elmer Applegate, and an unusually large crop Is reported. J. C. Johnson, foreman ot the Pel lean Bay-camp, was In town on busi ness yesterday and returned today. Herbert Savldge, a lumberman for merly residing at Klamath Falls, la la the city on a brief business visit. Ernest Hamaker was In town for a short time' today attending to mat ters of business from Boaanta. Miss Marjorle Delsell Is 111 at her home, and her mother, Mrs. Delsell, Is taking her place aa teacher at the Shippington.school. 8. B. Garden of Fort Klamath and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Baker and Mrs. Marshall of Klamath Agency are at the Hotel Hall ( ,v. A. L.. Marshall and family are In from their ranch near Olene today, trading with Klamath Falls mer chants. Richard Melhase, a merchant at Fort Klamath, la here forMk Wort time. He Is visiting at thekoaB of his daughter, Mrs. A. A. BouS. K : George L. Chandler, specIB Jtjpre sentatlve of A. Shilling at Cor ofBan Francisco has returned from a trlpcto the northern part ot the county. Mrs". Splker, mother of Oliver Splker, and Miss Lucy Splker came on the train last night from her home In Glendaie to visit het son and daughter. v. K. P. Hamilton has accepted a po sition with the Southern Pacific at Roseburg, and haa gone there.- Mrs. Hamilton will leave the latter part of this week. Dave Lennox, Miss Gladys Lennox, and Will Houston left this morning for Roseburg. Miss Gladys will go to Corvallis, where she will attend' col lege, while Mr. Lennox and . Mr. Houston will spend some time In hunting before returning. ii')HS BVt-.-rii'A TMB . 1 SHOES are the foundation of good dress . Avoid the loss and disap-, npointment that follow an ill chosen style. We suggest the NETTLETON they .are die best and the world, knows it ft tttt Sells the 4lt0&fa MAM STREET POIES PAINTED The California Oregon Power com pany haa now completed the painting of their poles along Main street, and a decided Improvement Is noted In the appearance of the street. Representatives ot the company de clare that the ordinance prohibiting the tacking of signs and posters on the poles will now be enforced, and that any bills or other matter found tacked on the poles will be removed Immediately. Miss Evelyn Applegate will leave In the morning for Pasadena, where she wilt be supervisor ot music In the public schools. She will visit friends in Turlock for a few days bo fore going on to Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hunt, Phil Fiord, A. E. Dartnall and Mr. Ben nett, all of Portland, are visitors In Klamath Falls. Mr. Bennett has gone to Fort Klamath, to visit his brother, Ernest Bennett. C. L. LeBaron ot Valley Ford, W. R. Brumer of Yreka, J. O'Neill ot ML Hebron, F. C. Zumwalt and Max R. Levy of San Francisco, E. W. Var num ot Dorrla, Fred Taylor ot Corn ing, and C. F. Farlngton of Sutter are visitors to Klamath Falls from outside points. Mr. and Mrs. George Noble of Lan gell Valley, who have spent a fort night visiting friends and relatives in the Rogue River Valley, returned today and left early this afternoon tor their home near Lorella,' where Mr. Noble has extensive stock Inter ests. ' William Haxelteln and Walter Grebe are members of a motor party and students from the University of Oregon which has been visiting James Sheehy of this city. The boys came thru by Crater Lake and left on their return trip this morning. They are having a fine vacation. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE See Chilcoto for automobile insur ance of an kinds Public liability, employers liability, collision, proper. ty damage, nre, theft and transport tatlon. 8-6t Prompt service, good, work, reason able charge: That's us Klamath Electrical Supply Co., 605 Main. 7-5t Celebrated Indian Tan for extra wear In wet weather. Modern Shoe Store. ' 10-tf ROUND TICKET Hoao for school wear. Each pair Kiiaraateed. 30c Moe & Co. NEW GOODS EVERY DAY U.1 IHin Ctilttlrtii'h HcIiimiI llnmllnh lilrf. 5c WW IWL 3t oooj "rsI.f'ovf New Fall Crepe de Chine Blouses That demonstrates most convincingly how our patrons benefit from onr Co-Operative Merchandising Methods. The first allotment has just come in, and will go on sale tomorrow. As we anticipated, they are MOST UNUSUAL VALUE. Material and workmanship of the very highest class. ' They come in colors, Pin Rose, Flesh Cord, White. Light Blue and Black. Prices as always, $5.00 and $6.00 When better Blouse Value always prevail. YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THIS SPLENDID SHOWING OF Women's Handsome NEW FALL SUITS lXvitleilly smart models mt sale from $25.00 to $40.00 Their elegance of proportion is emphasized hy the highest degree of expert tailoring, which lends iudi. viduality and personality to every line. They conic in fine quality Silvcrtone and other new Mle mix. lures, with service style pockets and belts the new long coat effects shown entirely this season The special values showing at this time is of unusual . portauce. See them now. New Line of Korrect Skirts There are many entirely New Plaid and Fancy Stripe to choose from Alterations and additions to your electrical wiring will be given prompt attentien: Try us Klamath Elee trlcal Supply Co., 505 Main at. 7-5t NOTICE Will sell, September 15th, straws celebrated herd of dairy cows at pub lic auction. Watch tor bills for par tlculars. r-5t NORTHWEST WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Fair, showers north- west, southerly winds. WASHINGTON Fair east, with showers in west, south winds. KLAMATH U.S. US. r i V J- t milium. 'I High School Jt)OKS t'55HLaH5HssBssHsaBssHBsBB i aH , sH (III-1" & V ? M V a." IP 4mwmH itl$llM.I AT - Underwoods !ij Maximum, yesterday, 68 deg. w minimum, uraay, ov aeg. Precipitation, .1 inch. OPENING SEASON FOR Winter Blankets and Comforters Standard Plaid Wool Nap Blankets are amongst the most popular numbers in our line. They are made with the same care under which all wool nap Blankets arc manufactured, in a splendid wearing blanket. T;hc soft, wool-like nap from which they derive their name gives lots of warmth and assures yon a blanket that will keep you comfortable under all conditions. They come in plain, large and broken plaids, in gray, tan, pink, gold, rose. Size 60x76 inch . $3.00 Size 66x80 -inch $3.50 Size 72x84 inch $4.50 Double Sheet Blankets come in tan, gray and white, at from $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 up to $2.50. SHIRTING AND OUTING FLANNELS Width 27 inches High grade outings offered at a price which will compare favorably with a .similar quality last vear for no less money. Many light and dark patterns to select from. Per j;ard, VlYzc Coating Materials All wool Vclour, width 51 inched. Are without a doubt the coating materials for the season. ICxtra good quality, and a splendid weight for coatings and cloakmgs. I las a fine smooth finish. Will give splen did w.earing satisfaction, which cannot be guaranteed m cheap Vclour. Colors plain and fancv I'cr yard. $2.50, $3.00.' plaid and broken stripes. Everybody Is Now Doing It NOT1CK ?" ft 'Sr V "if ts- fHAKMACY Ay KMTf ty nhwvtrtV I lllllllill I NOTICE OF POUNDHASTER'S SALE Notice Is hereby siren that the un dersigned, poundmaster of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon,' did Impound in the pound of said city, on the 3d day of September, 1917, the fol lowing described animals: One bay mare about 8 years old, with white strip on forehead, branded on left shoulder open square. One brown gelding with lump on bind bock; no brand visible. And that unless the owner or own ers of said animals, or other person or persons having an Interest therein; snail, before the time or sale stated below, claim possession ot said ani mals and pay all costs and charges for the keeping and advertising there of, together with all fees provided by ordinance of said city for such cases, said animals will be sold at public auction for cash at the Klam ath Bare, at the hour of S p. m., on the 16th day of September, 1917, J. W. HILTON, Acting Poundmaster, Dated, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, September 10, 1917. 10-4t Deer bunting is getting to be a thing of the past. It almost seonis that before long tbe people of the Klamath country will be compelled to take some means to protect them selves from the animals when they travel tho county roads. Sunday morning Ben Reed had to shoot one with a revolver while com ing home from Ashland In his car, before he could proceed on his way, and that same evening Sam Smith, whilo returning home from the same place over tbe Green Springs road found It necessary to kill another buck with a ,22-callbre rifle, com monly called a pea gun. Sam was rather peeved over tho circumstances, saying It was rather late when he left Ashland, and he didn't like to lose the time. From tho time they first saw the doer until they had It cleaned and ou tho run nlng board occupied forty minutes., and much of that tlmo was consumed In digging up tho gun from under a load of fruit, etc. And. of couran. J that made It Into when they got to Klamath Falls. All members of the W. O. V. are urged to ho urosent at a meeting to night at tho Otlil follows hall. A class of nfteon aro to bo Initiated ami a big tlmo Is promised, Lunch will ho served following the Initiation. XKW HOY TODAY Mr. and Mrs. Claton Cornlibw 1 the linppy parents of a Imby bojrbofi' this morning. Tho youue man wilfk ' R'poundR, Dr. It. II. Unmlltonv ; In attendance. FLOUR PRICES NOT LOWERED FURTHER REDUCTIONS WILL NOT BE MADE UNTIL QUESTION OF PRIMARY MARKET AT PORTLAND IK SETTLED TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PORTLAND, Sept. 11 No further l reductions will be made In the price1 of flour until the president answers the plea of tbe Northwest grain men and bankers, who have asked for tho establishment of a primary market, WANTED Lumber pller to help take contract pllo lumbor at Fort Klam. atbj 45c per 1,000, with a guaranteo of 15 per day; start work Immedi ately. See Marlon Nine, Hotel Hull, ll-6t WANTED Lumber pller to help take contract pile lumber at Fort Klam ath; 45c per 1,000, with a guaranteo of 5 per day; start work Immedi ately, See Marlon Nine, Hotel Hall. n-et ' WANTED Lumber pilor to help take contract pile lumber at Fort Klam ath; 46c per 1,000, with a guarantee according to an announcement made, of 15 per day; start work Immedl by T. B. Wilcos, a member of the ately. See Marlon Nine, Hotel Hall. Administration Milling -ComMlsalon. ll-6t - "A Most SmS, S Satisfactory 3nl!III!lllllll!i!M Motor Oil" llHHH ; nL .SAXON I IHIIIIlHI I II Duhroy Motor Co.. Sin Pfnrt.,. llllllMlllfllllllllUlf : "rmmniMAWN Ji ssHHIlll lllilllllf llllfll V i ssBlliIII llllllllllliilMI sHiimi iiiuii iiiifiiii HIIJbVbI lalHllllif iiiiii H Hi I il Uillllllllfillll SBsBsfflslH Illllllll llfllllll IH II U 1 II I H H 1 1 1 1 Bill il Hilllillilflllll HI ID mllflllllllml HmlufllH HUH! i n H iHIIIUIIIII U I KM carbon deposit. " ' MUHmilillilflllffflM .' of Saxon owiun... L. to bit a most Mtufactory motor oJi.' PACKARD , . Cuylle,SnrrinclKo It h"provenntirelyMUfctory., peroUnn U our choice for uw la Chavrolat cats." rORD The Umwml Mofof Co., 5r.mrnto hve no hMHtsncy In mcoiiwmmL InglttoFordownew." "" Thus endorud by Leadint Car Diittitiutn hecailM iha rrn4. - L.i- vlc department, show that Zato. "." -Vr7",y renntu ttwn Calirbr- icTOSX'"0"'""'-'. ZEROLENE Ihe Standard Oil for Motor Qtf UknmnrvNM4l(ll BSBBBBSBBBHBiBiBSgslBlBflBBlBlBl 1. wrrinnului. BBB1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1BBBB1 v standard (ml JBKnKBmVK COMPANY HDHIUF ' ' x MaWBr BslBWgsWPIIsWBgsw' raM" 'SW.(f! -H-"-- " - ,'OT2tf.2' V tft mft ' t f W WZZ; . . t.lf " kiaa. . f. - -r , 4,.- n vf.ir . "w