The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 11, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    H tftM
it. i -
Home of Hart Schaflher & Marx
Has Made
For Men and Young I
The famous "Varsity Fifty-
is here in ail the new models and
fabrics. You'll look with wonder
at the belt all around, trench O
vYti KV
Don't Wait &&&&.
liir 1
(Vf rloUl 1 1 i IV lmTr Un
mMWk ' si
Ufa BtkMSfv H
ft US ymmm H
Wen fllia 1
slll 1
7 Vfcfc' Bmmt
- A B
T'V 'V
" re
,' m xi j . -vt n
C! HANTS I'ASB, Hopt. 11. The
gland Jury empaneled at the 'April
term of court in adjourned tension
rotirnrd ono Indictment, that of sec
ond degreo murder against Ralph
Turpin, who has admitted the killing
or William McCalllster at a sawmill
iiLiir Knlma last month. Turpin was
urrnlgncd and pleaded not guilty.
Tm pin In the young man captured
by the official)! at Klamath Falls re
cently, following bis escape from
Giants I'acs after the murder. He
v, us recognized on the street by a
former resident of Grants Pass, and
confess-cd his identity after being
Grilled at the sheriff's office.
1 A Helpful
When yon need anything la oVngstore goods, jast step to the phono
and tell m what It to. Well deliver It promptly. Acquire the tele
phone habit, and have what yon want whea yon want It. Delivery
taPREB- . . .j.l .
mmmmmmmm "m m m m m d m -
A Kxxl agent gives a good clleat a
Khm1 M)llcy in a good compear. Get
ono from Clillcote. 31
until you are ready to buy, come now and look them over, you will find a
spirit of couitesy here that you'll like. We are as eager to serve you
as you are to be served.
SOFT HATS in new coloring to match your suit
Hints for Homemaker's
ity i:i.izih:th ki:yi:s
.NOrV TIiIm rorncr f tlw pnor will le ilMiUtl Into Monil
part, culi Mtrt to bo ihiIiIIhIiimI tu'ckl). Tlirt lltllot.4 will l:
llniiNi'liiilil HiiKKtlons Itcrlpcn, (iimm! lloultli, rsliiiii and Aiihmwh
to Qii-mIiin. In AiiMUers to Quest Ioiin Mist Kch will '' K1 1 '
U-H-or KlwuuiHHcru t tlie proliloiiw of any of the i-iI'ih of Uio
Ktculiig liernld. Suggestions of nil moHm will lio ury welcome..
AildrcsM Mlm KIlxAUcth Kejc, tnro of I'-unlng llvnilil.
fund of $100,000 has been privately
contributed to moot tlio expenses of
momliois of tlui romiiiMlon to Franco
uniiblo to pay their own way.
Tho war council lias sent to Htiropo
llc Hfparato (oinmlaslons, each com
liopod of rtuiresoiitntlxo Americans
Hklllcd In business admlnlstintlon, In
iiicillcul and surgical woiK, and In
otlior lines of lied Cross effort. Tho
work toeis n wide scopo of relief,
fiom tho ostiiblislilne nd maintain
ing of hospitals for soldiers in tho
wounded French soldiers and their
fiimlllos; $100,000 for medical re
search work in Franco; $500,000 for
supply warehouses; $1,500,000 to buy
food stuffs to be sent to Franco, and
1 1,000,000 for the luospital supply
rorvlco. The transportation problem
with which thc-Red Cross has had to
rope in moWng, supplies over teas has
been most dlfllcult, but thru official
1'ioucli, British and Italian co-operation
with tho United States shipping
board and lending steamship and
lm.n mmv in Prniirp. toe Vlanl,"",uu" "1'"'". ". HUBUlluua
aid, Including the care and education! of -'iPPHos are now shipped almost
Hats nro luoador of brim nnd
hcivlcr nf i row n tlinu Inst year.
The tendency to brims that curve
outward from tho face Is accentuat
ed, and the brims Hiiro oven tnoro
than thlB spring. Turbans nro much
la favor, tho not the small, closo-flt-tlng
ones, but rather high and heavy.
Colors in turbans Incline toward
browns nnd grays.
Coats this jfiir nro to be longer
than those of Inst yoar and drosses
correspondingly longer. Tho
linen In both coats nnd drdssos are
straight. Tho collars are Inrger, but
the cuffs not so extremely largo. In
wits tho coats nro so long and
straight thnt they appear to be a
tunic attn hed to tho skirt.
Tunics are really very stylish, nnd
they break tho lino of tho severely
"tralglit skirt. Some of tho skirts
nVe a (linnory towards thn hack
hat almost rosombloa the old-fnsh-
wned biiHtie. Others have, drapery
omy ono side. The skirts are
""row, some of tho oxtrome stylos
Drosses uio or tho snmo long
straight linos ns tho coats. The
Hashes and loose girdles nro a fea
turo, ns they nro diaped gracefully
or crossod nnd buttoned sometimes
on tho pockets or on tho wnlst. The
collars uio not ory different thun
thot.0 of lust )er, tho those Hint nro
squill o In the back nnd running down
to tho closing of tho V-sbaped neck
In front nro tho tuobt finored.
Ah to materials, ulours nro Btlll
high in fin or. Tho now volour hns n
'.of destitute French children and the '. A special Hed Cross transport
-' .. , .i. ,i.n0iH nronrf'senlco hns been developed In France
Relief nnd ' nR tllD ral,roa(1:i there are overtaxed
being only one ard in width at tllc" roliablUtntion of tho donsted areas'
in Fiunco and Helglum.
pioentlo moans ngalnst tuberculo
sis, which lias groitly Increased since
tho war. also will bo supplied. A
plan has been devised so to extond
nld to holdlcrn nnd cMHnns held as
prlMinoiR by tho enemy. These nro
only n fow of tho mnny avenues thru
which lied Cross rollor will flow to
tho countless thousands of war vic
tims. The Hed Cioss in Franco has ns
stimod tho manngoment of tho wnr le
llof creallng hoiiso. It has taken over
... . k. .11. ,t... inltiniU
twill to it. iHoiiocioiiiB. ,.,n . ,., nf ,iio United States,
nnd homo- ,. ...,... . ,l
with military needs,
Sl. base hospitals were sent to
European fronts In advance of the
American soldieis, and more than n
doen are now actively In service
thotc, and others are rapidly being
made ready.
It ist not tho policy of the Red
Cioss to rebuild French Hinges, but
it Is hoped to afford new starts nt life
to n largo number of persons now
destitute thru ravages of tho German
rrmy. A piovlslonnl experiment
along this lino is being worked out.
especially blacks, silks
spun. Kmbroldory and tliiead Btitth
liig nro still very popular.
Tho coats and suits tiro not Ulm
tned quite so much with furs this
winter, nnd only tho cry host qunl-
in my, tho ndmlnlstintlon of tho
American Ambulnnco hospital nt is
Neillliy. ii nns iiHiiiiiuu iuu iimiu
tlal responsibility for Dr. J. A.
Tllako's Amorlcnn hospital In Pnrls.
It has allied Itsolf with the work of
Ity of fur Is used. Dyed ftira 'tIl0 Amorlcnn surgical Dressing com
given way to those of their natural ,tt00( wn,ch ,gtrUutod In France
colors. A Hoparato ipo nnd muff ir Ju ?82 d,esa,igs among 438
long stolo and muff mo ory stylish. ,. ,',
Tho effort has been in nccordanco
Squlrrol, mink, seal unci raccoon, ull
In tholr natural colors, uio voiy popular.
HONOLULU, T. H Sept. 11 Lift-
Activities ot Red
Cross Are Outlined
Hy Associated Press
ASIUNOTON, D. 0., Bopt. 11.-
Approximately $12,000,000 for war
eilef work in R,opo will have been
wnc, by th0 Ametlcan Red Cros
ed ..'m.,U montu 8,nce h Unlt
atos has been at war with der-
ATTttg t0 n rePrt 0ddr8M
byM. J tl10 African People,"
Ln"yP'n,4vl''0n. chairman ot the
..." wa'"
rt has neon in nccoraanco , . , . , , A A v
tnir n Inn.fnnt thnrk Into nn nutnmn. (
with tho expressed vlows of tho Pres-'
lilent of tho United States and of the u """K h " me cuy, mn a-
i ivin nmi mliltnrv authorities of kuiua was bitten by the scavenger.
Franco to co-ordinnto nlong helpful j Nakulna supposedly killed tho
Hues nil rollef work being done In Bhal.k when h0 drovo . hulIct lnto ,t9
I Franco nnd America. The first and head whe ,)e wag nahlng olt 8hore
tno supremo oojeci oi mu . . iu( Dlt when Nnkutlia and throe COmpan
caro for our own army nnd navy. To-- loiiB WCIO lUlttinir thn ai,rnrk into nn
ward this end tho Rod Cross Is es-aut0i tne Bharkt wth a dy,ng gagpj
tnbllsniiiB ueiu canteens wmen n wm 8unk ,u teeth Jnto Ufl cnptor.g aTm
provide for every corps of the Froncli Ea8ning it for BeVeral Inches,
army, as woll bb for the American.
! army. Thero are now largo reception j
j camps near the coast, where United, POOH "IKIHIHN" MUST GO
I States Boldlers are received.
First State and
Savings Bank
of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath,
State, of Oregon, showing the amount
j standing to the credit of every depos
itor July 1, 1917, wbo has not made
a deposit, or who has not withdrawn
any part of his deposit (commercial
deposits), principal or Interest, for a
period of more than seven (7) years
immediately prior to said date, witb
the name, last known place of resi
dence or postofflce address of such
depositor, and tbe fact ot bis death,
It known.
Name of Depositor Amount
Connolly, John 76
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Glllman. Ruby 16
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Jones, John 65
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Hughes, James H
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Hipes, W. F.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Mekeljohn, T. W.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Purcell, Marcus
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Smith, Annie
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Wlllard, H. E. . .'
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
DavcnhlU, A. H
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Emery, Jas 4.87
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Cook, Geo 10
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Currin, C. S 25
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Scheneker, G. A i . . .81
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Tripp, Cbas 1.64
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Wilson &. Klrkpatrlck ...'.... 1.96
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Wise, Roy R 3.27
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
State of Oregon,
County of Klamath. is:
I, John Siemens Jr., being first
duly sworn, depose and say "upon
oath, that I am tbe cashier ot the
Fit st State and Savings Bank of
Klamath Falls, County of Klamath,
State of Oregon; that the foregoing
statement Is a full, true, correct and
complete statement, showing the
name, last known residence or post
office address, fact of death, If known,
and the amount to tbe credit ot each
depositor as required by tbe provi
sions of Chapter 148, of the General
Laws of Oregon, 1907, and Chapter
214, of the General Laws ot Oregon,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 11th day ot August, A. D. 1917.
Notary Public tor Oregon.
My commission expires March 9, 1920
2 8-4-1 M 8
In the County Court of tbe State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
Bessie Lamborn, Plaintiff,
August Lamborn, Defendant.
To August Lamborn, Defendant above
In the name of the State-of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit on or
before Tuesday, tbe 9th day of Octo
ber, 1917, that being the last day ot
the time prescribed in the order for
the publication of this summons, and
If you fall so to appear or answer, for
want thereof plaintiff will apply to
tbe Court for the relief prayed for in
her complaint In' file herein, to-wlt
for a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant: that plaintiff
have the care and custody ot August
Lamborn Jr., and for such other and
further relief as to the 'Court any
seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you,
the said August Lamborn, by publica
tion thereof. in the Evenlng.HeraljLji
dally newspaper ot general circula
tion printed and published at'Klan
ath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon,
by order of Honorable D. T. Kuyken-
dall, Judge of the above-entitled
Court, made, dated and lied In this
suit on tbe 27th day ot August, 1917,
which said order require that this
summons be published once a week
for six weeks beginning on the 28th
day of August, 1917, the same being
the date ot first publication ot this
summons. R. C. OROE8BECK,
Attorney for PlamtlE.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
publication thereof in tbe Evening
Herald, a dally newspaper of general
circulation printed and published at
Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order of
the Honorable Marlon Hanks, County
Judge of Klamath Connty, Oregon,
made,' dated and filed in this cause on
July 31, 1917, which said order re
quires that this summons be publish
ed for six weeks beginning on July
21, 1917, the nld date being the date
of first publication of this summons.
Attorney' for Plaintiff.
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
.1 eA AAA nilA nfililu Hlllll.
wore """""" "V""-,,.' Along tho route to the firing lino
nniironnuLuiL 1111 iu hum -
August 31st, by the wnr cou
CHICAGO. Sent. 11. It has come
ncIl since tho Rod Cross has established Infirm- at ,a8t E,wn Greeri ,,realu0nt of au
riilBtiriClh met. to'""" Toatl """ions, ft railway ,HtomoWle coucern hBi asked Mayor
or use Franco Other countries I "tntlons canteens are being estab- Tompso to legislate horses from
lrZvn are Russia. Rouma-J "" wore soldiers may find the gtreots of Chicago. Greer said:
nla I ulv Serbia England and Ar- rest ana reiresnmem. ,., ,. ,Th0 pre80nt erft of motor tranB.
"'.".iotal amounting to games and other comfort, will be portatlon has ended the usefulness of
too A01 thn arnater Halt of
ntallable. When American troops horgBH .
stirt for Franco the men are given
comfort kits. Christmas parcels will
which wilt bo used by Novonibor lt.
.... - it .....nurlatlnllH COV-
anno some oi mo ii " - ... i .,. tnllt ovar ,atB,
f.m.nii i ....... ..... ii iii nnrsona iu.""
muwu, III Wllion mil, Or your. u.l. . .- - - I ,.. 0.r.nn. h.vo hoon ' Uvll unll Inptttml Int. an.l mnl
,i.. iio.l Prnaa worn lu "fl""!' """ ....- - .. .- - ...... -. ......
"Ull. o. ,.. . " "!
- W K1VAI1 Al At... .-..!. ' ..
.w.. u, iuo activities oiicnurgo
Clillcote lias Uio exclusive sale of
n Ornl..i
.i- .' nuu in varimia tint
u-Tt'hlsf of which I. France.
n In various nations
!. noil i:rosa
France are, giving their and pay- made to worthy
causes, such as.ilesli-ublo liouoes.
i .
tng their own expenses.
A special! fl, 000,000 for the relief of sick and terwe are easy.
Prices ore low and
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Klamath County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
M, Howell, Deceased.
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court ot tbe
State of Oregon, for Klamath County,
administratrix of tbe estate of John
M. Howell deceased, and having qual
ified, notice Is hereby given to the
creditors of, nnd all persons having
claims against said deceased, to pre
sent them, verified as required by law,
within six months after tbe first pub
Mention of this notice to said adminis
tratrix at the law offices ot R. C.
Oroesbeck, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Administratrix of the estate of John
M. Howell, Deceased,
Dated August 27, 1917. First pub
lication, August 28, 1917.
In tbe Circuit Court ot the Bute oi
Oregon, for Klamath County.
W. P. Sedge, Plaintiff,
v. - i
B. Chambers, J. C. Chambers, 8.
T. Summers, O.B. Manning, Elis
abeth Manning, Fred H. Wheeler,
Ben Gay, Geo. T. Baldwin, J.'W.
Nye, Dan Irwin, R. 8. Woodford,
J. H. Rea, Fred Carlisle, Nora
Pickens, A. McLean and Swift aid
Company, a corporation. Defendants.
To A. B. Chambers, J. C. Chambers,
J. H. Rea and Fred H, Wheeler,
Defendants: ,
In the name of the ftate ot Oregon,
you and each ot you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer to tbe
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit for the foreclosure
of mortgage on real property on or
before Tuesday, the 11th day of Sep
tember, 1917. that being the last, day
of;the time prescribed in the order
for tne puoucauon ot tnis summons,
and if 'you fall so to appear or answer,
for want thereof plaintiff will apply
to tbe court for the relief prayed for
In' his said complaint, to-wlt: '
For Judgment against the said de
fendants, A. B. Chambers and, J O.
Chambers, nnd each ot them, for the
sum ot 9694.66, together with inter
est thereon at the rate ot 10 per cent
per annum from December 13, 1916:
for the further sum ot $100 as attor.
hey's fees, and tor the costs and dis
bursements ot this suit; that the
Judgment and attachment liens ot all
other defendants above named be de
creed .inferior to plaintiff's mortgage
lien; fuat defendants herein ana eaen
of them be debarred and foreclosed
ot U right, title and Interest .tnej1
may have in and to the following de
scribed premises:
' Situate In Klamath County, Ore
gon, west halt pt southeast tuartet
t section S3; northwest arter f
northeast quarter, and nertheaat
quarter of northwest quarter ot
section 26, township 38 seuth,
range 10 east ot 'Willamette Me
and that the usual deverbetmdf
for in torecieeure eiamprg ss
mortgage aal,ferJth.Js4U k sj
mortgaged premises, and tor each
other nnd further relief u t the
court may seem equitable.
This summons t served upon the
eald A, B. Chambers, J. 0. Chambers,
1J. H. Ren and Fred H. Wheeler hy
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned, poundmaster of the CJty of
Klamath' Falls, Oregon, did Impound
in the pound ot eald city, on the
3d day ot September, 1917, the following-
described animals:
One bay mare, white spot on right
side, about 10 years old, branded oa
left. shoulder, PH connected. "
One gray horse, branded on left
shoulder 'O.
And that unless the owner or own
ersof said animals, or other person
or persons having an interest therein
shall, before the time ot sale Mated
below, claim possession of said ani
mals and pay all costs nnd charges
for the keeping nnd advertising there
of, together with all teen provided
by ordinance of said city tor nek
cases, eald animals will be told nt
public auction for cash at the Klam
ath Barn,, at the hour of 3 p. m., on '
the 13th day of September, 1917."
Acting Poundmaster.
Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon,
September 7, 1917. 7-4t
e '
Connty Bwrveyor
j OUUEacteeer
City ft County Abstract Co.
517 Main St.
for cent Money for
Osteopathic '
Seute ail, I. 6. 0. F, Temple
(over K. K. K. Store) '
Res. Pboae, S5SR
Phone 881
(The only Osteopathic Physl
clan and Surgeon, in
I 4
Cement Contractor
Walks, Floors, Foundations. Cos- !
crete Building Blocks, Flues and
Tiles. 222 S. Sixth St. Phone ftfS
r !. 'fi
laee your Oraera, for
I JMjajM-A? E "&
mnalai tmtflUmal nlBntsltflBlklsl fun mmUB)
Dawlh Fiel Co.
' j j
.1. X'XM.H.