. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH COUNTY 9ttg? . lEu ettittg HraU .Tttrlftli Vwr X". 'W OFFICIAL, NEWSPAPER OF KLAMATH FALLS f JUf KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1917 Price .Fire Cent OVE FOR PUMP PLANT NEAR MAUN ORE LAND NOW PROPOSED FOR IRRIGATION hlMT Wi:STK FOB WATER XIIAK MAI.IN ;.J.j Nation Honors Draft Men Today " AMAMWWVMWWVWMMWM Itry Farmer vt That Dhtrirt Most .tnlim In Get Walcr on Their MiiiIn m Nmhi iih roNNlldr, In Or tier In l(rn lln Hugo Return Willi li Tlirlr Neighbor Arc un lliinc-lliiK Scleral I'liuw Bring Coiwlilei-ed. Killed When the Negro Soldiers Ran Amuck at Houston Tlif wonderful yields on the Irrl- I sated lands of the Kluliintli IIiihIii this year nro stimulating tlio farmers on tlio adjacent dry IiiiiiIh to greater efforts than out beforo to gut thulr Ion hinds under ditch nml assure themncltPH of Immper crops each year. Reports of another projected unit for the Kliimnth reclamation service hero has boon made !)' M. M. Stnst My of Malln, who operates u dry Inntl ranch In that vicinity, nml Ih iiiohI anxious to become one of tint Irilgnl (d farmers an noon an possible. K.ist of l)cli:a Point near Mnlln are .1,000 aces of very level, fertile land upon whlrh wntor run liu pump- cd from I ho canal of tlio government project at a ury Hinall lift, nml It Is reported hy Hlastnuy that tlio cost of the wafer from tlm government will be only (1,1 per aero, plus tlio cost of InitallliiK thu pumping iilant. There oiild also he u coat of $8 per ucro for widening tlio ditch, bringing tlio cost In addition to tlio plant of 23 per acre. Another plan proposed Ih to bring the water on a Kruvlty llow from far ther up the eitnal, take In u Inrgo tract of land on tlio west side of tlio ' Point, tunnel across Its biiHO nml cover tho tract on tlio east without1 navinK to pump. TIiIb would, how fver, necessitate, a very expensive rut Ihni the roiky point, nml many lio lleve the pumping plan Ih cheaper. The country thoronboutH Ih rotiHoil o tho advantage, of tlio Irrigation, however, nnd It Ih bellovod that stops J I Mil-t-gBKf fggt-i ;. -"V Mr AMmj H;9Mr' H i1 Jr Cc!:5inl mr" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0 WWWWWWWWWWW VWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW MMWWWWWWWWWWMWMWWWMWWWMfc r " CAPTJ-W. MATTES.- 'cnptuln J. W. Mnttls of lluttcry A, Second Illinois Fluid Artillery, was III lia taken to proceed with Home' killed In Houston when tho negro onoof the different plans boforo nil- I omer year. William Dalton, who Ih ono of tlio soldiers of tlm Twtini -fourth Infant' ry ran amuck and shot up the town his photograph of the captain was "OSt extcntdVo stock nnnrntmu In'..., ...... .... i... i..r. CM,,,..,, ulll. wuinern Oregon, Ih declared to hi , commund for the southern cump. "Bind this inovemont, nnd doing ov. Whlng possible to forward It. rT Even should the Irrigation cost sumo or better price, according to re. "ach a very high figure, It Ih woll port, hand of this character, tho "Tth the money, mty the men of thin orlglnul cost of which Is very low, trlct, who aru harvesting Immnnmi Ik believed to bo woll worth tho $30 "oim this year, W,t.h (hoy nro soiling, or $-10 which tho Inlgatlim costH. "iKii pi lee. Johoph Vlctorin, who With tho Installation of u pumping itf,,0rty "'r'1 ,luro' rut t10 ,on8 of ,,,,nt ""a ,ho olt,c,rIc mot"r!, tollU!S '," for l'l II rat crop, which ho tho opportunity Tor electric lights and ol1 t (III, Ml, Hi. Ih now mnilu t miwrn. tnv Hin neeilrt of the fllllUer oil t tho second crop, which will ho na an economical busts, u factor which e us tho ilrst, and will bring tho npponU strongly to many. Abandonment of Riga Began 3 Weeks Ago VASHJNCTON. n. C. Rnf a I w made public today that the for- Us,!a:i I ... ancl the civilian popula. v. ,u lh. nnBgian retlromont la ook,neUMed the cUy of R,Ia threo, being continued along the coast In n "iwicnoB were received northensterly direction. horo to that offoet, but wore not pub- ntch from I'elrogind today COUNTY TEACHERS CONVENE TODAY INTKItlvSTIMi CO.WKNTIOX AT TUACTS TKACIIKUS FltOM AMi PAHTH OK COU.NTV 1'IMKillAM OXK OK UXI'HUAI, IXTKIIKHT The Klauinth County Teachers In - i stlttite enlivened here toduy with a wiry encouraging number of teachers present from nil parts of the county. A hcssIoii of unusual interest wna hehl this morning, according toj tJKNEVA, Sept. 4. Dispatches county Krhool Superintendent Kdnu from innsbruik say that after several Wells, mid there Ih every Indication urgent appeals from the Held, von of this convention proving the most Hlndonburg has consented to send Bavarian Troops Sent to Reinforce Austrians Austrian Army Said to Be Demoralized By Continued Defeats On Isonzo Front. Italians Making Steady Advance Against Enemy two divisions of the Bavarian troops to the Isonzo front to strengthen the Austrian defense. One dispatch says that Field Mar- siieiossful Institute ever held In Klamath County. ' Tlu program for today and tomor row Is given belew: j Tuewdnjr 9:00.9:30 Opening, mtiBlc, an uoiincemonts, etc. 9:30-10:ir Oenoral session. Work of the State Department E.F.Carlo, ton. 1 10: 1C to 1 1 Sectional. Primary, Ida M. Smith. Rural nnd Cindcd School, Tho "Problem In Teaching," I'.'. II. Ilessler. High School, "Squooz-, lug tho I.lfe Out of or Into Litem , tore." Alfied Powers. 11 to l'J (ieneral. National Aid in Vocational lMmnllon, 10. D. Uos sder. Afternoon 1.10 to 1:30 Opening. 1:30 to 2:15 Sectional. Primary, Ida M. Smith. Ilural and Graded ' School, "The Fourteen Heading Clrclo constitute the Kite Per Cent of the Hooks for 1917-1918," Alfred Pow shal von Arz, chief of staff of the Aus tilan army, Is reported to be Inspect, ing the Italian front, to reorganize 1 his troops, which have become de moralized by so many recent defeats. Meanwhile the Italians control the ' situation and are making a Bteady ad- . vance. ILICH AND -OWENS ARE MEN FIRST SELECTED KIIIST BKPKKSKXTATIVKS OK KLAMATH COUNTY Draft Quota Which Leave Tomor. row for American Luke CltUrn-: Are Itmiuentod by Mayor to lie Present at Their Departure Tomor row Morning Itoth Men ore Cooks ers. High School, Tho Iicfcrcnce Li brary, I!. T. Carloton. 2:1. (o 2 : !." Itound Table Discus, slou foi'.each soctlon. 2 H .r (lonoriil. "History Today," .1. V. H. Ilutler. 3:30 Annnnl business meeting of Klamath County Teachers' Association. uitnicMiny wm0 cu .,,, Kdwnrj nenry 9 teil: 30 Opening. I , . ... 9:30 to 10:15 (lonoral. "Some """"D "" l"c l"" "" "" IliiHlnohs Habits of Teachers," Alfred ,eavo Klamath Falls tomorrow as tho Powers. 1 first representatives of Klamath coun- 10:lfi to 11 Sectional. Primary.1 ty In the new draft army, and It Is do ldu M. Smith. Itural and (Irnded ,..,, ,1V M!.v,r n. n rii-uw Hint n ... . . .. . .. -" --- Schools, "Some Helps for Hot Lunch largo crowd of men and women of 1'rnlilein "Fnnnln Vlrell. Illch School. "High S.-hool Equipment," C. R. cl-y bp " ,,a,,d t0 bld tl,em an llowuuiu. appropriate farewell when the train 11 to 12 General. "Chics To- leaves at 10 o'clock. day," J. V. H. Butler. j Tne denartuio tomorrow of these Afternoon two young men for American Lake, 1:10 to 1.30 Opening. Washington, signifies to this district 1:30 to 2:15 Sectional. Primary, the commencement of tho greatest . i ldu M. Smith. Hurul and Graded Schools, "Oral and Written Work," military movement in the history of this nation. Willie Illicit Is an employe In the lumber 'camp of the Pelican Bay Lum ber company, whore he has been re tained steadily fur several years. He had made up his mind to ask exemption on account of those de pendent upon him for support, but when Insinuating remarks as to bis motives were made he changed his mind and proved his allegiance to his flag by withdrawing his claim. Edward Henry Owens Is a young man well known In this city, where he has been employed In various ca pacities for several years. He is n ; son-in-lnw of F. C. Markwardt, man. nger of the county infirmary. Owens was No. 258 in the draft, the first man to be drawn from Klam ath County, and, peculiarly enough, Is one of the first two to leave. Both men are chosen by the county board as the first 5 per cent of the quota owing to their knowledge of cooking, a stipulation made for those In the first call. County Clerk C. R. DeLap, a mem ber of 'the local board, said this morn ing that there was no difficulty ex perienced here in meeting all the requests that had come thus far from headquarters, and that Klamath County would no doubt be able to furnish anything that might be asked of here In the way of men. No program has been announced by tho mayor for the meeting at the de pot tomorrow, but there will probably be ti demonstration of some kind made and also some exercises arrang ed for the departure of the larger group, which goes forward later in tho month. ATTACK MADE ON ARSENAL MANY SAILORS KILLED AND WOUNDED IN AIR RAID SOUTH. EAST OF LONDON LAST NIGHT. MATERIAL DAMAGE SLIGHT LONDON, Sept. 4. Six German airplanes last night raided Chatham and killed 107 sailors and one civil Ian and wounded 86 sailors and six civilians. The material damage was slight. The British anti-aircraft guns en- tered action, but without result. Chatham Is on the Medway River, thirty miles southeast of London. It Is tbe seat of immense military and naval establishments, including a vast dockyard, arsenal and barracks. Tbe raid light. was nude in the moon- IRISH ATTACK YANKEE SAILORS GANGS OK YOUNG MEN IN CORK ATTACK AMERICAN SAILORS WHILE WALKING ON STREETS WITH SWEETHEARTS ARMY VANGUARD IS ASSEMBLED TODAY NATION HEADS TAKE PART IN DEMONSTRATION Event In Recognized by Big Celebra tions Thruout United Btutm Mi Assemble for Instructions amd RU road Ticket Are Glrem slon to Spend Last Night at Thirty Thousand, Mostly Cooks. E. I), llosslor. High School, "Fiction Heading in tho High School," E. F. Carloton. MYERS WILL ENTER SERVICE Chas. M. Myers of this city, who 2:15 to 2:15nound Table Discus. hnd char8 of Pnck t,aln ln tl,e slon for each soctlon. ;"rv ",0 u" "" uur" B 2:45-Genoral. "Helping Hoov- " Hpanlsh-Amerlcan War, expects er." E. D, Uosslor. - KOREKT EIRE NEAR WEED Manager George Walton of tho California Oregon Power company, who arrived last night with his fam ily from Weed, reports that a large forest Ore broke out on this side of Mount Shasta day before yesterday, and owing to a very high wind which prevailed there for some hours, made a rapid spread thru that district. A to leave on the train In tho morning for San Francisco, where he will moot about twenty-threo others who were also engaged In this work. They will bo examined again, nnd If found acceptable, will again be taken Into the transportation depart ment of the service. LINCOLN'S RETURN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lincoln have roturaod from a vacation of several LEAVE TO JOIN THE . AMBULANCE CORPS LONDON, Sept. 4. A dispatch from Cork to the Chronicle today re ports attacks made on American sail ors Sunday night. It Is said that gangs of young men paraded the streets and attacked the Americans, who were accompanied by their sweethearts. One woman with two Americans was insulted and her hat torn off. Tho correspondent says that the sailors did nothing improper to In vite the attack, and did not retaliate. Several parties of the attackers pa raded the streets singing Seln Fein songs. Some windows were broken. One party stole rifles, revolvers and swords from the officers' training corps barracks. RACK FROM PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Straborn have returned from a trip to Portland and Spokane. Mrs. Straborn has been gone for several weeks. Mr. Stra born left Klamath Falls about ten days ago. WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept 4. President Wilson and other heads of the government led ln a great demon stration here today, to hdnor the ran giard of, tbe national army, which nas'icommenced to assemble. It typifies, as Wilson declared, the spirit of the nation in sending forth Us sons to battle for democracy. The drafted men of the fire per cent quota have been reporting to the local boards In all districts to receive instructions, railroad fare and meal tickets. Many of them will be given per mission to spend the night at home. They are under orders to report shortly before train time tomorrow. There are about 30,000 men alto gether, most of them being selected because of their experience as cooks or previous training in military lines. united nmm CMSrSlDPPED i ATTEMPT TO BURN CAR BARN IN SAN FRANCISCO GUARD IS SHOT BUT WILL RECOVER NO IT. R. CARS RUNNING SAN FRANCISCO, 8ept. 4. Chas. Be'nner, a guard, was shot and two men arrested for an attempt to burn the car barn, marked the labor day developments of the carmen's strike for higher wages. No United Railways cars are run ning tor the first time in the history of the city. Benner will recover. Forest Pell was another Klamath Falls boy who left this morning to Join tho ambulance corps of the Unit ed States army. He has been in and around Klamath Falls for the last two months visiting parents and frlonds before leaving for the front. Pell and Ralph Carter will be mem bers of the some corps. McADOO MAY COME WEST WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 4. Secrotary McAdoo is con sidering a liberty loan tour In great deal of tbe territory burned weeks spent In the mountains of. October to tho Pacific Coast. He will stop at the principal cities In case the trip Is made. Women Make Good at Local Box Factories over, however, was reported to be Klamath County. They made the brush and Inferior timber, so It Is be.1 trip In a Ford car. and report a won-' lleved the loss will not be serious. jderful trip. Twelve women are now at work at I the Ewauna box factory of this city. This Is the second firm to employ this class of labor, and representatives of the company declare that tbe women are doing excellent work la tbe lines at which they are engaged. A large part of the work, it Is pointed out, would, of course, be too heavy for tblt class of help, but there are certain operations which nlrable ness and dexterity of hand rather than strength are needed, and at these the women are making good. Good reports are also made at the work done by women at the Chelsea box factory, , '.'I