pj? itimtfitg Iteratf. 0 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWf PAPl OF KLAMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FALL! . frH St.,"t Twelfth Year X. W" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1917 Price P1t Omh iga Now In German Hands USSIANS LOSE LARBEST PORT ON BALTIC SEA OK HALF MILLION PEOPLE IS ABANDONED cU i Governor and Mayor in Conflict of Authority New Chief of the Grand Army any Drive of Germans From the North awl Southeast, With Threat, nad Naval AtUrk, Cause Kvac wlkm of Famous Seaport lie lined TtMt Germans Will Attempt to Paeh on to l'ctrograd. L 2f Mflk. ,AJ V lly Asorlated I'rm Rica, HumIus principal llaltlc crl, ha beon abandoned to tlic Ger- bin under threat of offensive by and and tea, In which the deciding stroke on tho land aide wag delivered Ijr the Germans on Saturday. Hlsa'a fnto wag virtually aoalod then the nermann forced tho croaa- of of the Dvlna lllvor southeast of ha city, and begun punning north rird after making good their foot hold on tho right bank of the atrcatn. It waa menaced atao by an attack If Teuton moving from Mltau, aoutb- pert of Riga, and alao by German liral forcej, recently reported hov- krlit In tho vicinity of tho (lulf of RUa. The Kuaalan nuthorltlea evidently ooildered the city no longer tonablo, ft ordered Its evacuation. Foulbty tho Qorniana may endeav- to puah on to Potrograd. Rita had 500,000 population be fore the war. Tho HusalariB nro retiring north- Mrd. The abandonment of Klga In tho ' of tho Gorman drive, and even he evacuation of Pnfrnvrnil hava n forecasted as poBalbllltloH In the onadentlul advices to tho American Tmaent during the naat fort. tht. The RuBiInn riii,iini u,n..u .. NMedly go to Mo.cow If Petrograd Army ' t,,e "e,,"l,,lc nt U,C T'"lon L.. ..... " In llnitnn. Mr. Rnmnru served thru- JOE SKELTON TELLS OF AIR RAIDS IN EAST IS NOW CHEW CHIEF IX CHARGE OK PLANE In IntcrcHtlug tatter to Mr. and Mm. V. I'. Ktone, Former Klamath Kail Hoy Tell of HU Airship Ex lierienceH at Dayton, Ohio Louis HonKUtnri Im Making Good la HI lcNiriiiient ALto li'V 'i .. Orlando A. Someus. Orlando A. Roniors of Knkomo, Ind., 86 years old, Iiiih JiiHt hcou elect ed commander In chief of tho Or a ml u lbinrin.,..! in uoaton. sir. Bomers Berveu tnrii Such development la not rMr,irt . oul u, c,v" war "' " ,m""mi reK- .1. " w "-"" I .-... II ... ..twtiti. ....a.I Wnm il.n no io much alarm ag might be iui A, for Moscow communds tlio son. 'mental regard of itnuin . ti. ... wat capital of the old empire. Some think tim rinrmun ,.. .... wa Mia Wl'MI'M- " of niga und I'etrograd might be wnoieiomo object loaaon for the M 1 element which haa boon ham. i tno governmont. PHI'KOVKMIIXT AT THK FOBTOFFICK Today I- Iiiihv ,!,, . .i.. . Eg, --- mm mi iiu IUBl- n!!' .' all,, tl10 offlco w cloBed " 0:30, in celobntlon of Labor cbMrv;,jiaBferei,,,)veroontho incut. Ho was unopposed for tho place of commander In chief. Mr. Homers waa formerly commander of the Indiana department. He was at one time In the Indiana goncral as sembly. The study of the Civil War history Jinn with him been a passion. Despite Ills ago, Mr, Somoro la as erect an an Indian, with lino military bearing, and has carried a flag In ev ery national encampment of recent years. IIKTUIIX WITH HUCKM'.IIKIUUES W. K. ailbcr.t and family huve re turned from tho Lake of tho Woods, urlmrA Hinv ant II llll'irit HlllllllV nf Ny tills mnrnlnir n i.,. n.. , i..., ,.. . ...,!.,.. 1 1 : llli a n w huiiutd me jmuHiuuernuB aiivi wnmniia and colling of tho public corrl- quarta for thonibolvtw. they sold sixty iune HrothorB aro doing the gallons. Doforo returning thoy vUlt- l ed Ashland and Medford. N I Por. kork, rror In Red Cross Wool Announcement '" PUDlllhln. . . r l " In Jart ThuradaVa nari.r. ii rT a ::do and th, ,,; r wement as turn.n ... ... 0, a ,:: 7". " "" ,0- Him """"" io ne an- iS ! r rwed wool baa been W I" expected to arrive by prUoa. express within tho next week for tho local chapter, and the wool will bo fiiritltshid by the chapter to all those who wish to knit garments for tho Red Cross, and should any wish Io buy the wool aa an additional contri bution tn the cause, it may be secured at the headquarters at full wholcsilo Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stone have ro eulvcd a letter from Joe Skelton, written from Dayton, Ohio, in which Joe writes of somo of bis work and i experiences In the flying game. He Has: "I am crew chief on Captain Kir by h piano now. iicioro I was mo tor man, and Just looked after the motor, but now I am In charge of the wholo plane. Smith, tho fellow who had the Job before, got canned, and I i;ot It. Just at present I have the motor clear out und am looking it over. I flew from hero to Cincinnati und buck lust Sunday, with Captain Klrby In his ship, und, believe me, It una n grout trip. "Two machines' took tho cross country flight, Klrby und Captain I'eubles. Kach took a member of hia crow, und Cuptulu Klrby took me. We landed in tho gpecdway at Cincin nati. It sure is worth a good deal to u man to get a trip like that. It sixty or jieventy miles from hore to Cincinnati. - They are going to make cross-country flights every Sunday as long ns the weather is good, so I'll probably get in on some more. Cap tain Klrby has been talking of flying from here to Pittsburg, and I sure want to go with him. "Ilollovo me. It seems funny to pass oor a town and look down on tho houses that appear like smalt dots, and the city blocks look about a foot square. It Is great to sail along like a big bird, and it Is some thing that everybody has not done, so It makes It seom that much botjer. "Loulo Hoagland and I are work lug along flue. We sleep together In tho hungar where my ship Is. We lire the only two that have got cross counti y tll.'jhts yot. He wont over to tho Wright factory with Captain Klr by to change a motor In a plane, and I went on this trip as mechanic, Louis sure Is a peach of a kid, and we get along together fine, "Captain Klrby Imagined he could hear something grinding in his motor so that's why I have It all torn down I think it's most all Imagination, tho, us tho motor turns up 1,500 It. P. M and the gears aro not worn a bit, but ho wanted me to investigate, and that's why I am doing It. Louis and I uro always very carcfud with the motors, and that Is helping us con sldorably. "Wo oxpect to leave here for France within sixty or ulnety days. "Louie got a letter from his folks, saying they were out at the hucklo borry patch, and It sure made up wunt to get back West again, Ore gon Is a good country, and we didn't appreciate the hunting and Ashing aa wo should. "I received the Heralds, and was glad to get them. President Woodrow Wilson, Who Is Hailed As New Leader in World War By the Press of the Entente Allies js Ty "t'1 0 .gHaiHglgBigggBglaBW I PCagT&& V '" r Y yitiliES3tSSIm fBgHafia j? a .fvSffiis3Fyy? DEFENSE COUNCIL NEEDED IN CITY COUNTY JUDGE HANKS IS ASKED BY PORTLAND OFFICE TO NAME CHAUIMAN FOB THIS DISTRICT "H4t.lL. PACIFISTS MAKE TROUBLE AMONG HIGH OFFICERS Swedes Are Now Wanted at Home STOCKHOLM, Sept 3 Emigration secondod by tho government. Efforts from Sweden In 1916 exceeded the 'are beiug made to And work for re 1915 figures by more than 3,000. The, lurnod enilgrauts, and to Induce them ' tint trt Haiurn tr i mAKlnB nlanMltaL total number was 7,301, against 4,- tne on,y country t0 wWch 8wedef 078 tho year uorore. strenuous er-( emigrate. These efforts were unus forts to discourage emigration are uully successful last year, and a great being made and have for some years number of Swedish-Americans who been made by tho National Assocla-. hud returned for a visit were In tlon to Oppose Emigration, the presl- duced to settle down here. Many of dent of which is Dr. Adrian Molin.'them bought farms, and work was The association's efforts are warmly1 found for others. It is desired by the State Council of Defense that a branch county chairman be appointed for this dis trict for a Countly Patriotic League. A letter from the Portland office to County Judge Marlon Hanks out lining the needs of a branch of this order here has been received. The letter follews: "If you have held your county meeting and named your chairman, we have failed to get Information re garding same. "In order.Jhat we may perfect the state organisation will you kindly advise us at once the name of the couatjrchlrman selected for your County Patriotic League, wlttf'vhom we can keep tn constant communica tion. "The work of food conservation has now begun; also the fuel supply for next winter Is under considers' tlon. These, along with the Home Guard and other matters, need at tentlon. Because you. are thoroly in- terested in every act and in every matter that will come before the State Council of Defense, we want to keep In constant communication with your county. "Please let us have a reply as soon as convenient, furnishing us with the Information asked for." UiUNOIB GOVERNOR AND CAGO MAYOR MIX CHI. Mayor Thompson Allows Meetlag of People's Coaacil, ForUdda by Gov ernor Iiowdea, 'Who Goes fsassertl atdy to Take Charge of SKaasUea. Liberty Leagae Will Go to Waofc- iagton to Picket' FIRE VICTIMS APPEAL FOR AID PEOPLE OF FIRE-SWEPT SUMP. TER AS FOR RELIEF OF THEIR IMMEDIATE NEEDS APPEAL TO MAYOR CRISLEB CHICAGO, Sept. S. Governor Lowden haa arrived in.Chleago to take personal charge of the BttaatJe arising from the conflict of authority between himself and Mayor Tb son, with whose mid the People's" Council of America for Democracy and Terms of Peace, waa able to meet yesterday, after the meetlag had been forbidden by the governor. The police expect there will be no more meetings. A body calling itself the American Liberty League, and believed' to be composed of women affiliated with the people's council, haa met and re solved to go to Washington to "pick, et" Conscription Day. CHARLES CHAPLIN IS DRAWING CARD NEW SERVICE WJTH LATEST HITS IN FILM WORLD WILL BE GIV EN ONCE A WEEK AT OPERA HOUSE ' IhaM fMlAa4k aintAV VSftali4ltaV ttiaftiM "Well, It's getting late, and have to get up early these days, as flying starts at 0, and we get up nt 1:30 a. m." There Is no getting around the fascination of Charlie Chaplin for the All tho fellows public. Anyone passing the Star the. a tor early last evening would have been convinced of this fact by the ciowds that waited at the entrance before the doors were opened. Man iigrr J, V, Houston declared today we that the crowd was a record breaker, them being over 500 to see this star. To accommodate the public on the nights when the theaters are over crowded, Manager Houston has ar innged to put on the Paramount Art Craft select service one night per week at the opera house. This ser vice, which showa the very latest pieces by most noted stars In nlmdom will be put on at a price many times that paid for any former service here. Mary Plckford, Douglas Fairbanks, Farrer, Wm. S. Hart, Marguerite Clarke, Btllle Burke, Elsie Fergu son, George M, Cohan, Llna Cavallerl, Julian Kiting. Cbas. Ray, Dorothy Dalton, Enid Bennett and Jack Plck ford are among those who will be fea. tured In the new service. An appeal to assist the citizens of Sumpter, Oregon, who were recently rendered destitute by the disastrous Are which swept that city, has been received by Mayor C B. Crisler. The lotter which gives a clear idea of the unfortunate situation of the residents follews: "Friends We are appealing to you been lost completely. Churches,, lodges and public halls bare beea wired out, and little or no Insurance was carried by any, owing to the ex treme high rate charged and at that difficult to get. Light and water plant put out of business,- our people are facing the winter, with from six to ten foot of snow for months, LSf year the snow beams. November 1st. It will soon be hate. Fuel is a grave problem. The1 Impression un fortunately has gone out that Sump tor is not in serious) need. IT IS, and help must be had at once to pre vent further and acute suffering. "The total losses, carefully com piled by the committee appointed by the mayor of the city, reaches over 1200,000. Hours of painstaking work results In the fact that from7, 500 to $10,000 will be required, af ter cutting relief to the bone In order that the situation may be relieved. We appeal for help to you and your people. Please take the matter up at once that your help may be of great good. The governor has appealed to the state, but the response Is not such foi financial helD for flre-aweDt SumnJaa we feel the people should give. ter. Every business bouse with their! Kindly make all remittances to the stocks, ranging un to thousands of Cltixens National bank, Baker, Ore- dollars, has been destroyed, nearly gon, who will receipt for all sums flfty homes with all the contents of sent. Will you not come to our aia clothes, bedding and furniture have' ut tula time?" I. W. W. Is Jailed by President's Order SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. a Jos. Klnberger, a Gersaan, has beea Jailed as aa alien essay under a presiden tial order. He was breugat frsp t Colfax, where he; was ekdeavorfag to org-, Ue heads for I. W.W.', ' It la expeeUd tliaV.jM Ula,r, moved to aa lateraaseai A-.- '. ; ' s",h ' ml m vrvi: t KlIK ivJ&ri i&m wis HW ? I $&,' i'tw? '