TUItfiCTr- "7 ' 4.W UV1" J jV. Oj, 5.T4S WI v i if Official newspaper 1 OFFICIAL NIW1PAPZK KUMATH COUNTY OF KLAMATH FAUt 4 I rnW'iw-SiT .""V 4l . . .rV 4 A' r-,"v: Vwr V". KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I,c1917 . t-M Pries In OnMr OVE MADE TO DIKE LOWER MARSHES PON FILED IAINST CLOSING CLAMAJTHSTRAIT . FOUNTAIN FAVORS PLAN OK DIKING Pint Plan Submitted by In Itoreat Report (w Iki Moot Economical Smaller i IsvoHod by Ttiln Method ! i of Drainage Dlstrlirt Want lOo Ahead Willi Home Plsn i objection lo tlio reclamation of i Lowr Klamath marshes by the illation of the gate at tlio rail- I crossing of Klamath Strait won I with County Clerk C. R. Doton i morning by 1'. L. Fountain, ono the land owners of tlio Klamath aluie dlilrlrt, who (avora the, Idea I reclaiming thlM tract by diking. two were two methods submit- ' '?? w French Resume Agressive on Aisne eVM MMM " mm rrirvnnv(VVB-lfxnAnjJ READY TO BE IRRIGAIED FKASARLE PROJECTS HCATTER. KD OVER COUNTY MUCH NEW LAND WILSON'S REPLY 10 REACH MANS Irrigated Area of County Coulil Kus- Landowner Would Take Advent age of OpportuiilllcM Offered The Preocnt Year In forcing Upon All Dry Land Farmer Need of Water. XOTK TO POI'K MAY IIK CTRCU- LATKD IN SAME MANNER AH WAH THE WAIt MESSAGE; IF NOT PUBLISHED IN PRESS WASHINOTON, D. C, Sept. 1. Unions tbere la evidence toon that lly lie Doubled Within Year If tlierf President Wilson's note rejecting the Toe lack of lold In tlio dry farm Ing districts and the bountiful cropn by the Engineer for thla district In the Irrigated nee t Ions of tho county ill report of March 23d. and thoi.hls year have brouaht tho furmors contends ; mat me nrai a realisation as never before the recommended is tho most nooii .nii .dvantneo of bavins: water mini and feasible, in that the ror their lands. ands-a verr Inrao or drainage Is about the tame. nar cent of thn landu of tlio county inner pinn, nut mat subsequent -ro susceptlblo to economical Irriga tion win no much less expens-i ti0,i rom ., aO,.rc0. it Is bellovod If the wator In the Klamath Strait j that stops will bo takon beforo nnoth- LIKO aro kept nt tho present 'er vr tn t ntlinr lario artum add- t is provided for In the diking ed to tho Irrlgntod list. llclu' Thn Klnmnlh rnmiirv la no lm. When Interviewed rosmrdlnr tho .. . i- t...-f v i,n n.,nr Iniof the objoctlon, tho directors person to ronlUo how much of It Is being roclnlmcd nnniinlly. not only by tho United States roclnimitlou sor vlce, but uUo by prlvato Individuals outside the project boundaries. Tho recent action of tho furmcrs in tho Pine Orovo unit, who liavo tak. on up tho matter thero among thorn solves, and now huvo tho water flow ing on their lands at a very ronson ablo cost, shows what can be ifono with a little Inltlativo, and it Is bo lleved thut others will soon follow the examplo of this enterprising the Klamath Drainage District A the following statement: "We are not surprised that this ob- kUon has been filed. We hnvo a!- J known that soma of ih lanH aers In tho Klamath Drainage DIs- pet preferred to reclaim the land bv Wt. Dosldos cortaln romnllen. i hsvo como up that may make It wntsly neccusary to dike, which Iths Jnt of the two plans proposed f our chief engineer. Th mtti P" up in the county court next pence proposals of tho pope has been circulated' In Germany, ateps will be taken to mako certain that the docu ment reaches at lount as large a num- bor of tho Gorman people to Inform them why tho United States cannot discuss a pcaco Involving acceptance of tho word of tho present rulers at Berlin. Secretary tensing said It was as sumed that within a reasonable time newspapers of the European neutrals would carry tho note Into Germany. It this should be prevented, he said, Borne other way would be found. It was recalled that the President's war messago was dropped behind tho Gorman lines by hundreds of allied airmen. No Information has been received at tho state department regarding the submission of tho replies ofthe en tcnto powers to Pope Benedict's ap- penl. Until theso replies are made. at loast, it Is rcgnrdod as Improbable Hint tho Vatican .will undertake a re Joinder to tho mossago of President Wilson. New Member f Shipping Board Tr-..- jVb&&&P&bbbbbbbbf1&sbb&. BisifcS&S'"''' &4 BSBBBKV? 'JaBSBPPBaL BWlBaVrlBBBBKiLWk BIG BEETS m NOW ON DISPLAY F. C. MARKWAnDT Uni.NGS IN UKBT8 THAT ABB BOUNCERS. WIMi HAVE VERY' LARGE YIELD AT POOR FARM GRADE SCHOOLS OPEN SEPT. 10 TEACHERS EXPECTED TO MEET NEXT MONDAY AND SIGN CON TRACTS ENROLLMENT 18 BE LIEVED LARGER THIS YEAR ENEMIES' FORCES POSHED BACK BY FRENCH GOOD GAIN IS MADE IN STRATE GIC TERRITORY GOING HACK TO THE ROGUE Md will bo definitely settled 'group ' cree or tho court. After the fty Judge has rendered his decreo F Pt to proceed with the work n'n the least iiotnv nm.ii.1. m vn, a milch Inrcnr inn umiM l.. llmed by closing the ntm nt fl but till) mniorltv 'nt nn n.n,.l. f tired of rtolay and Insist on Im- f"1! action." I The directors hnvo declared them- - w unanimously be in favor of Z"m? llh tno reclamation of -yin lands this year, WW AND wife I'KAVE FOR FRISCO '8kul. n.... - "-WWr 111 ' D..VI.I.. m .. If i.h .t. "uin ana nil '"" morning for 8an Fran- illo! u l" 0I lM month. "HOWIng thin nni.1 il . Hum n.i ' u,' peci to ftumath Palls ih i.. ..... - Fl Blnnlk . . w pun Ol J "oath, ich they aM promot A largo tract of 3,000 acros is now being considered for a pumping plant next year In tho Whlto I.nko sactiou, and the farmors tn tho Pine Flat din. tiict are also contomplutlng tho In stallatlon of a pumping plant to pump water thru tho cut made for the new Strahorn railroad. Project Manager N. H. Bend, who has examined thla proposition within tho last few days Intimates that the Idea Is decidedly feasible, and that the water can bo pumped from the ditch beyond Olene with an 80-foot, lift at a reasonable cost. With tho tremendous acreage or fertile laud In tho I.angell Valley sec. tlon beyond Donanxa lying JuBt bolow the waters of Clear Lake, which was Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bennett are In tho city todny on tho way back to their home In tho Rogue River Vol ley after an extensive visit to points In Central and Eastern Oregon. Card of Thanks Wo wish to thank tho W. O. W, lodgo and friends who so kindly fur nished music nt tho funeral of Walter Turner. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Stilts. bo so serious at this time, however,! Hint little can be hoped for In that direction, and it has beep suggested by those who are well qualified to Judge thrt the government might well listen to a proposition from, the farmers themselves to dp a large part of the ditching during the fall and winter season now approaching, make some arrangements for the water Evidence of the wonderful sugar beets' that can be grown re Klamath county has been brought in by F. C. Markwardt, manager of. the countH mnrmary, wno nas several acres planted for disposal to the Utah Idaho Sugar company of Grants Pass. Thero 'are three of these large specimens now on display In the window of the W. P. Johnson com pany, the largest weighing fifteen pounds. Mr. Markwardt, who has had previous experience In raising these beets, estimates tbat his crop will run between thirty and forty tons to the 'acre, according to report, As it Is a well known fact that beets yielding a fair per cent of sugar can be grown profitably with a yield of '"twelve tons ner acre. thVfatnre HEARST DKCLINEH NOMINATION possibilities of this culture here are seen. NEW YORK, Sept 1. Wm. Ran- The beets raised In an experimental dolph Hearst yesterday declined to be way here before have yielded an ex a candidate for mayor of New York. ; ceptlonally high per cent of sugar. Announcement Is made today br;Aftep yg Cosater Attacks ef Duperwienueni n, n. vunoar uwi iuo i RE-Aft ADMIRAL ft? 66lKTl near Admiral F. T. Bowles, for merly chief naval constructor, has ac cepted a position as advisor and as sistant to Admiral Capps, general manager of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration. -"' , Federal Child Labor Law Effective Today BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1. Tho, vldes that no child under 14; years now federal child labor law became j of ago may beemployed in' any fac effectlvo today. Under tills law an tory, mill, workshop or cannery In employer of persons less than 16 years of age must have on file a per mit Issued thru tho school authori ties for each child under-16 in his employ. John P. McLaughlin, labor commis sioner of California, returned recent ly from Washington, where he at tended a conference at which Cali fornia was designated as one in which the United States the products of which are to be shipped la interstate commerce, and no child under 16 years of age may be employed In any mine or quarry. It also provides that uo child under 16 years may be em ployed longer than eight hours In any day or more than six days In any weok, or between 7 p. m. and 6 a.m The children's bureau of the de grade schools of the city will open on September 10th, the same date as the county high school. All the grade teachers are requested by Professor Dunbar to assemble at the Central school building Monday, September 2d, at S o'clock, to sign their con tracts and' to go over other matters of business. Mr. Dunbar believes after making a partial census of the school district tbat the enrollment will be larger this year than last. "' r Prince Rupreclit for Wests, -that Freach Take Aggressive With Goo Results 150 Prisbaers Taksss la Yesterdays Actio Good B starts From Other RegJoas. By Aasocjated Press September 1. Turning to tbe ag-. gressive on the Alsae frost, where ttiAv haVA hjian wlthataBdlBa? tk CIm. ElghtkT grade etamlnatlon. will be- n BtUck, for weelu rnL held at tral school Thursday and Friday, Bjsjapr.etB ana Ttn, Hi' .i., o PEACFIETINe7 HELD ON OCEAN PROMOTERS OF CONFERENCE DECLARE THEY WILL CHAR TER STEAMER IF BARRED FROM CHICAGO yesterday struck a sharp Mewat the crown prince's lines, gahitag JOB , yafos on a front of three-qsarters of a mile. . , . . , jJL General Cadorna was agalanaai merlng the Austrian lines on tne ! Italian front today, Rome reported.'1 Progress is announced in the' di rection of Trieste. Petrograd reports Increased artil lery fire on the Vilna sector., , The Roumanians have repulsed an attack In the FoshanI region. RELIEF CORPS MEETS CHICAGO, Sept. 1. Tho officers of the People's Council of America said today that if the peace confer ence is barred from Chicago a steam. er will be chartered and the delibera- cox at Olene. tlons held on the high seas. was in attendance. The regular meeting of the Wo men's Relief Corps will be held in the west ball of the Odd Fellows building at 2:30 Monday afternoon. TWIN BOYS AT OLENE Twin boys were born yesterday at 9 o'clock to Mir. and Mrs. JobiTT. Dr. George Merryaun - MAJOR COMMITS SUICIDE .1 rni HUATKH permits Issued under state authority ; pat tment of labor is to have a staff of will be accepted as having the same ! inspectors to make investigations, force and effect as certificates of age but so far as possible the work is issued under the federal act. to be left In the hands of state labor The federal child tabor law pi o-. officials. now stored at'Clear Lake, and get It .a-M..-.! .a ti iAH..M am a am i 1. a av. ' fin Iia liniiln iiayI aummor. ' press purpose of irrigating this vnl-l It Is pointed out that In the crying ley, It seems moat unfortunate that need existing at this time for greater the little work remaining In tho way ( production, the officials at Washing of ditching cannot be completed and, ton would turn a glad ear to any tho water turned on tho land. The, thing that would sound like increas depleted condition of the government Ing acreage without the expenditure fund for these purposes Is known to of large sums from its treasury, Tne rarmers in tne uonania ais trlct aro taking steps to secure for use the big springs there to Irrigate tbolr land, and there is every reason to believe tbat this will be obtained tn a short time. As these springs come vefy close to the surface, tha lift will be very small. The water Bupply Is sufficient to cover a large area. Were the above mentioned projects gotten under way for the oomtng sea son In addition to the 64,000 acres of marsh lands of the Lower Klamath Lake upon which the drainage may be commenced by that tine, the Irri gated acreage of tha county will bs in a fair way to be doubled. vest Fires Thru State Less Alarming Today 4 fORTLlvn . . Wssbm...' .De,u' 'Tbe high, the Deschutes and Mlnam forest re- " and i . 1' t0iy d,d 80t " forests of Central Oregon, and trti wrw siiun- laisp near tne uuii nun sws.-.,r.,,"H' ' , "" "till raging In I Congresswoman Favors Miners CHICAGO, Sept. 1, No doubt re- walked out as an unorganised body, mains now at to where Congress-1 Possibly 300 of them are members of woman Jeanett'o Rankin stands In the Montana labor war. near the nun nun reserve, ence Portland gets Its water sup Ply. "My syraapthlea are with the IS, 000 workmen who have walked out of the Montana mines," she told a Chavtuuqua audience here. "They the I W, W., but the remainder are men with no desire in striking other than to better their condition." Mies Rankin Is on her way. to Washington after a special trip to her homo district to Investigate the labor conditions. HIGH GRADED SALMON RWKRVED BV UNCLE SAM CEATTLE, Sept, J. Ths faderal authorities have asked ths salmon pieksrs to reserve 10 per cent, instead at per cent of the pack ef the high er grade lis for government use, MONTANA FOREST FIRES ARE STILL DANGEROUS MISSOULA, Mont.,. Aug. II. A thousand men are still fighting fires In the mountains. The Seeley Lake and Lolo Hot Springs fjres are check' ed somewhat, tho still dangerous. r. . Hill Hunter ot the Sawmill En- VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sent. 1. Major H. A. Roberts of the Fourth glneerlng and Construction company Engineers Corps, was found dead in returned last night from a business his quarters here this morning. The visit at 'San Francisco. He reports Inquiry board found that be had that things are booming In, that city. committed suicide while despondent SMALL FIRE TODAY The Are department was called out shortly before noon today in answer to a call turned In from Michigan av enue. It proved to be a small blase caused by a defective flue. It was soon extinguished and there was no dsmage of consequence done. BORING DEEP WELLS SevsrsjUVt the ranchers have had deep welisbored lately. Among tho ones Just completed are those on the ranches of J.'M. Eiell, Will Etell and Ferd Williams. MORE CHEVROLET'S ARRIVE Another carload of Chevrolet cars was received yesterday by the Cen tral garage. About half of these saei chines are reported to be already sold. STORES CLOSE MONDAY Nearly all places of business in Klamath Falls will be closed Monday, Labor Day. The cloth- ing, hardware, dry goods, fur- niture, grocery stores and bar- ber shops will not be open. Pope Touched By Wilson's Courtesy ROME Sept. (1. Count Details, the British minister, who presented the American reply- to .the pepe'f peace note,, received the ,ippreiskm that the pope, altho disappointed, was touched by the dignity; of Wil son's courtesy to himself persenally. The holy father grieved 4tltfLB pitying condemnation of, Oerattny'a PWj 'iff itoc, a. if a .( rf.itLBHFSrvfTlTJ1 1 f F v V ,'& . n m, f 2 "M fti BSfej .j ,varyv n t.r,tf'; ?x w Awr-wi ISPSSI m$m lAi VVWiV 3V0 U itSSV iLS- k vf :cr - 'PWQme&i