u -,.. ..r.'v' ? FMHIfOai ,..' ! '' TMf EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON tU:bNWUAY, AtTOtTHTM, Mf MMWWWWWMWWWMWWMMWMMMMM MyMWVWWWIMMMMMMNWWWi yMn Personal Mention xruviAArvvnrnriiii"nri"i" 1" ' '.f TPT """ - LITTLE 8nKLIGH OX lAt HAPPKXIXOS AMONG THK PEOPLE OF THIS OH AnV YICINITV. GOING AND CD! IXGS OF LOCAL FOLKS. TjxAruvtnfV-rvtrrri VAVXAJVJAnLn'lrl"r-lll ' These Five Brothers, of German Descent, Enlist LOGGER HAS . CLOSE CAi L r..r llw Inirrny f ""l "' "'"I Mr. and Mrs J. W. 0W northern part of tho "!). "' Htt" ram-lsiM. 'vo stunned n ,J l veil n poll f "In Ht'iliriiru. luiyii nn, mmin rram M,,( ininllr Ulll 1 HimuimMOHit him grniitrd him n ! hearing. with (ho H. O, JohiiKiui C. C. Chltwood was in Klamath Falls today. Dave Lennox of the Shasta has gone on a short hunting trip Ed Freuer of Poo Valley was In the city for supplies today. Frank A. Grant of Baiter, Or., Is a visitor in Klamath Falls. E. S. Lamm of Modoc Point Is in the city for a few days. Mrs. Charles Horton is In from the Horton ranch near Bonama. L. L. Parrlsh 'of Merrill is shop ping in Klamath Falls. J Arthur Maddox Reo automobile. is driving a new Dr. F. Bartel of St. Louis, Mo., is spending some time in Klamath Falls, Dan Ltokey and family have gone on a camping trip to the huckleberry patch. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Flannigan of Algoma are In the city for a few days shopping trip. H. H. Eddmonds of the Edmonds mill of Olene, Is In Klamath Falls for a few days. 8. E. Eastwood, who lives at Stukel Bridge was In Klamath Falls today on business. D. W. Oden, who has been spending come time at Buck Lake, returned to his home at Pine Grove today. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson have returned from a honeymoon trip thru California. O. R. Campbell, a prominent stock man of the LoreUa district, came in this morning on matters of business. J. M. Johnson, the new superin tendent at Klamath Agency, was In Klamath Falls today on business. J. Peters,-Wells' Fargo man, Is In Klamath, Falls, on .his way to Spring Creek to spend hk.vacatton. E. A. McLaln', who has been living at Bhtpplngton, left this morning tor California. . v ' F. f. Rosl of Fort Klamath Is vUlt IngiKUmath .Falls .for. a few days, and Is registered at the Hotel Hall. H. Von Felchten, who represents the C. C. Morse Seed company of San Francisco, Is In the city. H. E. Calkins and family have re turned from a motor trip to Crater Lake, Medford, Montague and Treka. Mrs. E. A. Cress left this morning for Portland with her two daughters. They will make their home In Port land. Mr. Hutchlns, the new manager of the Klamath Logging and Timber company, was In this city yesterday on business. Rev. George Bennett, Harry Pelts and O. D. Matthews left this morning for Clover Creek for a few days' hunting trip. Miss Marion R. Furber of Los An geles Is here for a short visit with her brother, J. J. Furber of the Wood Curtis company. , Mrs. Lester Klrkpatrlck, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Nelson of this city for a week, has returned to her home at Fort Klamath. When sending local mall, be very caieful to have the street address, as it wiu mean much quicker delivery service. Mrs. J. C. Rutenio went to Wood River this morning to Join her daugh- kji., nuu are vamping mere with a large party of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harry of The Dalles passed thru Klamath Falls this morning on their way to Rocky Point, whero they wllLspend a month. Mrs. Bert Palm and Misses Adele Fitrpatrlck, Florence Dowllng and Dorothy Sanderson have returned from a week's camping trip. Frances Bowne, a prominent ranch er of the Bonanza section, came in last evening from bis ranch to at tend to matters of business in this city. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Huntoon of Sac ramento, Mrs. Hope Glenn of Glenn, and Miss Sue Smith of Sacramento are members of a party of tourists registered at the White Pelican. H. S. Gould came In on the train last night and surprised his two daughters, Misses Ina Gould and Ada Gould, who had no idea of his com ing. He will visit them for about a week. Mrs. Charles Graves and daughter, Miss Betty, and Miss Elisabeth Over- shiner of Santa Ana, who have been visiting Mrs. Joel T. Ward of this city, left on the train this morning to return to their home. W. O. Mllllgan of Portland, who had charge of the local branch of the Oregon Mollne Plow company here for a long time, and who is still Idea titled with that concern, is in the city for a few days looking after business Interests. Big 811k Sale Wednesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, H. N. Moe r Co. it KLAMATH PIONEER DIES AT eONANZA Following a residence In Klamath County for thirty years, Margaret Rueck, nee Orueb, passed away near Bonansa, August 33d, .at the age of 80 years, 4 months and 13 days. Mrs. Rueck was born In Germany, April 10, 1837, and came to the United SUtes In 1881. She was the widow of Adam Rdeck, one of the pioneers of this section. RETURN FROM ROCKY POINT Rev. W-; E. Rambo and family have returned from a two weeks' vacation visit at Rocky Point, and report a very pleasant time. The Rambos will be at home from now on, and will at tend the prayer meeting services at the Christian church this evening. The regular church services will be resumed there next Sunday morning. Under the auspices of. the Moose, big dance Wednesday, August 29, for the benefit of Klamath Acadedmy, at Pavilion. Peerless orchestra. 29-2t NORTHWEST WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON-WASHINGTON Fair, moderate westerly winds. KLAMATH U. . n. 9. Maximum, yesterday, 86 deg. Minimum, today, 68 deg. Commands N, Y. Negro Regiment mmm WasmMmm Earsa 'a V. t 'S:&'ixt!'s i :-'"!.-yi Klamath Falls has at present many visitors from other cities in Oregon. Among them are F. H. Mann of Ash- , land, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E. Kouns of Lakevfew, Wm. Owen of Brook' lags, Oregon, and C. Modoc Point, SSiM' sHHBreWS llafreIsErcoS.ayj iff' Ai?&&' COU.WII.UAM HSYWARD Colonel William Hayward of New York city and Nebraska, is the com mander of the negro regiment of New York militia, the Fifteenth, which Is ready for war. Colonel Hayward be lieves his black troops will make as good a showing when they go to France as any regiment in the service, H. Harpst oflsnd he believes every man to anxious to go. i ... .. ..-syTS-r..r..,.a, ai. i: , ... . . ,.-.,., ., -., II ('. Wllnn. Ill two hoiih, llllliort iiml lllawiitlm. I'lurki' llnntnr Imvii Jretiirnctl t" tlulr homo In Ntwt'l'iiiK. A .i.,.i i.v i: t,. lioiiiliiiitn of IUMII'IMIIVM j --. ,C, I.IMIl AT HW.X liAKi:.1 Kliiimilh 1'alln. Ptilnt Comfort on tin, vVwr ki,ImV l.ako. Thoy loft for lioiua (,t m. IniC. "" ;. II. M.WMMi IS STIUJCK IIY I A I ii.xs ..imov lti:ii KII.I.KU i:sii'i: from TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTKII Haveral tnniiiM t h . lumber from mill near Vmt ui.J ulll to Clilloimln, t ,,r n,ou " ,j foot. Hoe Marlon Nln. m (lt.i . 1'nili'r tin' nilHpin'H oi inn .'hmxi-.i ii'oi. nou ninriuii mnn n( ll(ilp (. I.Ik ilnnro WiMlmwiliiy, AiiKiiHt "'.'. for or Imiulii.. at Wocum liny .nkfr (lie lirni'lll or Ixliiiiiiun Ariiuciiin;, in (iiiiiimnr i run iMtiinnth. ruvlllon, I'ci'iU'SHorilii'Httii. .'.i.-l. luttl until winirr miiIh In, A narrow icapc from bolng Ulllcil in tho oNpi'ili'iiro of li. It. Slim 1 nl:iK of till- i-lty, lit llm Uohlilns Ior-; pl.u; i-nmp at Swnn l.uKn )i'itnlay. As it wiii, lie snffcioil serious and painful Injuries. M.iliiihiK hail been eiiRHKi'il In fall liiK .1 tu-c, anil hail stepped nsldo to lot ll full to the prounil. Tho treoj Iti Its ili'M-ent liroKo n tleiul limb off i.u I'lj.icont tree, which was unnoticed by Miinii'iif,'. Tho limb, which was n Inr,-;i' one, htruek the unfortunate man on Urn lii'.ut ami shoulders, knoeklni; htm to tin- ground Instantly. I The neeldont oeruied before noon.' but owlnir to tho Inek of telephone (oniini nlcitlon It was somn time Inter before ir.nllcal n-sslstnncn ronld bn o'immimeil. Dr. V.. V. Johnson was called, and by tho time he hail ar rived the man hail regained conscious. ne-is. I Ifn Injuries were caroil for. ami It is now believed he will recover. .M.innliig resides hero with his wife at fie Towns-end Hats. '.Jl.lust Job Mt From left to right Tate Strickland, aged 10; Oscar, aged "3; Otlio, ugeil S3; Clem, aged 10; Claude, aged 21. Five brothers in the Strickland Strickland, Is of direct Rermnn de- fatnlly of Houston, Tex., have enlist- scent, but she told each boy that hlie ed in the war, and among them are expected him to fight for his country, two pairs of twins, as their ages will and he straightway enlisted in Uiulu show. Their mother, Mrs. Clem H.I Sam's big army. Foot Ball to Be Played In West This Season SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29. terest In the result is not likely to bo While the East seems destined to be le3S- T"e fact that Washington will deprived of the majority of its classic have to ".construct Its team will bo a i large element in favor of the Call football contests this fall, owing to, fornlnnS( wno onIy ha0 ,iad Uo the war, the big game of the Pacific years experience In tho American Coast hereabouts, that between the game after tbclr return to It from the University of California and the Uni- Rugby code, and practically will put verslty of Washington, apparently Is them on nn even footing with the assured, unless some unforseen oc-j North westerners. Washington's vet caslon arises to cancel it. eran material has been the greatest The coaches In charge of the rival handicap which the green Cnlifor elevens evidently are going to have nlans have been obliged to combat. ECONOMIC AND MILITAmv PREPAHKDNCS8 THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON hi wMIMen to eswlsto isarsee hi ral ts atkmtlfto istiilWi stfers Ml eswattealMaebi MILITARY RILL, DOMESTIC CltNCI ARTS AND COMMUCB nan tor tfetMv rotor servtee. Vaar hiul. ! cKyul ssssssssssssmf sf& isswi ilt MMfsrtrelssliaiseaefcta,Tt,ji MM UwrffMyi A9SMAS Rfnwf UXIVERSITI IF IREIOR. SHERIFF TAKES MANTO SALEM VOINti MAX lAH()l,l,i:i FROM lti:i(Htl SCHOOli IS ItKTtllt.V. vi:i WII.I, ItlllXG HACK c. c. i:.M)OI,l'll FOR Xi:V TRIAIj mil jiiiaaxiiait i UJTjJ 777.;;.",-; IUl IIIIMUIUIUIIIl Liuiiu-turfiuii'iiv' iuuiiauitutkuuij ffiMMBS Umilz: w their hands full for the reason that so much of their old material no longer Is available that practically new foot ball machines will have to be built up. While the quality of. the play may not be up to former seasons, the In- With new men on both teams, tho outcome of the game will bo nn un certainty, whereas, In tho past two years tho principal question has been, how low California could hold tho Washington score. I To lettiru with Raymond Manning! to the state reform school at Salem, Irom -vl'lcli place he was parolled some time ago. Sheriff (ieorge Hum- Phroj left this morning, lie Intends to iliive ;o Ashland cud lake tho Main from there. .Manning Is being returned to the reform si hool on account of his binil.ing the terms of his parole. Ho has been charged with stealing a watch from .Mis. II. A. Rutherford of tills city, mill has been guilty of other misdemeanors. On his return Friday Sheriff Hum phrey will bring C. C. Randolph from the penitentiary, wl.o hn.s been grunt- ' new trial for cattle Mealing. Randolph was convicted last year Our Federal Reserve bank always keeps on hand an immense supply of currency and we can always get what we need for our depositors by turning over to it, if necessary, the notes on which our merchants, farmers and Business customers have borrowed money from us, Every business man with payrolls to meet will understand what this means. You can assure yourself of thb important safeguard by becoming one of our depositors. rsaeRAk asssavs SBSSksSYSTSMBl sra FIRST NATIONAL BANK Buy Your Groceries Now! ' We are protecting our customers in every way vco can. We have Just bought n carload of Sugar, which we are selling at a very mnnll profit, $I).7S, for 'bout Cane Sugar. . lluy your sugar before this car ia gone, as sugar r is selling nt $0.82 per cvvt. 'wholesale now, and when we buy again we will have to raise this price. We will nave a carload of Penclim, Tomatoes, Pears and other Fruit in about September 8th. ., Tomatoes, Peaches and Pluma will sell at about 65 cents per box In this car. Onr cannery started yesterday, ami In a few days we will have Solid Park Tomatoes at Sit.BO per cane; canned llerrien at $3.0O per case. Wo have some good eating apples at St. 23 per box. it muit pav you to skk us hi:. FOHK BUYING YOUIt SUl'l'MKS. Ashland Fruit Store Third and Main Sts. f3ft sSSUHl .aLBBBsW. SaaLTTNw laaW l-'Vff.l, f J V SBBsaBaaW PSay HHHHRVVfliB 2bWSHB wKbwIWbbsssb OMMMMaMMMMWB SIbI JuJJbV mv " "" "" w" K-k im Better Shooting- MAN is so busv these times that whn rivc art f . ,.w w & a couple of days' hunting or an afternoon at the traps, he is looking for action. He wants to be sur.c about his gun and that is one great reason why everybody spealcs so highly of the Remington UMC Pump Gun and Autoloading Shotgun. And in sheik, you will get Remington UMC results only from Remington UMC Smokeless "Arrow" and "Nitro Club," the steel lined "speed shells" and in black powdery the old established "New Club." Sold by Sporting Goods Dealers in Your Community Clean and oil your gun with REM 0o the combination Powder Solvent, Lubricant and Rust Preventive THE REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY, Inc. UTttrtMawficturm cf Firtami and Ammunition in iht WwU WOOLWORTH BUILDING, NEW YORK i "7 A I, ri bh -?. Vs. it WO, ikiHJX R" w