"" H v:u.MWY'At;"t'MTai'lptT THE BVBNIHQ HUALD. KT.AMATH FALLS. OREOON 1 ,"""TT,"'"","""T","- k I Irwin Hodsnn Co jpagb Tames Riga Drive Is Believed Ended l'KTKO(JltAI), Aug. 20. Tim nnwj imiITiiiIiik ItPiivy Ioiwm utiilui- llio flic Ccrmnn offnnslvo on tho lllKn front"' '' IHihsIiiii urilllcry. ,,. l.cm. brought l nn end wltlioiitj . 0" A,'';,",,1 "'"" """" ' IH IICllll l J llOllllllllllllIK III till! ICKlllll MOUlllWPHt attnli.lK any Important hi.ccohh, ncj((f Ri I(tt llt ,,, , corilliiK' l' Hliilonutnl IrtKiiml by nip four hours. rliil government press bureau. Do- Having destroyed purl of dm Kim (nils of tho lighting which followed "'"H ImwIh-h, Hi" OormiitiH nltiieke.l .L f dm (liiriiiiin thrust Inl'" 'ol,""" f""U". "t ort dls- ,""" ... . ,. tllO IdKO Hi'Mor iliioni niiKiini 111111 urn kIvhi In U'e report an follow.! : Fur several ilityM tint lllgu front hns been llio menu of nctlvlty. In tlm ill. reel tun of tlm Hnllle Hen tlm HiihmIiiii troop evunmted territory, fnllliiK back Hcvoral kilometers In tlm dlrei lion of Hililock. Tlm (lorinnns, ob serving llio retirement, set out In pur tilt In nn offott to cut off tlm rondo, but were forced bark by artillery ami maclilno nun fire. At present tlm Russians occupy an excellent defonslve line. On August 19-30 tlm Germans ut trmptcd another offensive against tlm Itumilan oiitpoKtM In tlm region clone to the roasl. Everywhere tlm Her man attacks were repulsed by tlm brilliant Ore of the ItUHiInn artillery. In the region of Kekkau nn attempt a made by the nermann to break tlm ItiiHitlaiiH advance line, but tlmy Mere attain Hung back In disorder. Hawaiins Are Trained HONOLULU, T. II., Auk. 29 Upon an ancient Hawaiian tralnlnic Held, where warriors of tho centurion ago were developed for hand to hand flKhtliiR, thu United "States army ImH opened a training; ramp for officer on the plains of I.ellehuii, twenty miles from Honolulu, on the military reservation where now arc establish ed 8,000 United Stales soldiers In Bchofleld UurrnckH. Tho camp wan opened August 27th, with 101 np pllcants for officers commissions, ion or whom will bo regularly designat ed, and tlm odd man U Hrlgudler Samuel Ivan Johnuon, who rommnudu tho National (luard of four roglincnls, but who la anxloiiH to obtain extra tralnliiK as a mere rooklo. On the l,llehua plains In tho nn rlcnt days llawallanu were taught tho I. no, or a form of Juljltau, which in volved a complete knowledge of the human anatomy, by which they wore enabled by n twlat of tho fingers to HI i T vl. wf. &$ isi u 't- r N"iflmi ovui Girl of 18 Is Sensational Swimmer s ijiip iii.il W w'-XtSm K lioritod hy thii HiiHHlim Kunflro. Oornmii artillery becntno actlvo In tlm region or Olny, on tlm nlKlit of August I'll, morn limn I.UOO mIiiiIIb Ins liiK llnid, TukliiK Into an omit all or tlm fnetH In tegiird to llio IIkIiHiik on tlm Itlgn front, iitm enn ray that tlm (lermun orrnimlvti Iiiih ended, and has been without any Important kiiccohh. (liTiimn prisoners declared that the (ionium artillery preparations came to an end on AtiKtixt 17. and thnt August 21) WiiH the date not for thu of.f fetiHlui operatloim by tlm Infantry. Tlm Indecision shown by the flor man command iih well nil tlm Inactlv. Ity of tlm llaltlc licet merit attention. In all the precdlng offensives tlm fleet had co-operated with tlm land forco. In roll accord with tho.Konernl Htaff the ceotrnl military I'oIIhIi commis sion ban arraiiKcd secretly for tho for matloii or Polish military unltH, com poxud of volunteer olllcura and sol. dlerH of nit arum of tho service On Historic Field dlnlocntu Joints of victims, nud Inter to replaco tlm dlK.sombled member. It In a coincidence that the United HlatcH war department ho lee ted the old l.ellohua I'IiiIiim for an army gar rison, and that a portion of tlm mi mo should bn set aside now for training officer for Aniei leu's now national in my, xotick to Tin: 1'i'iu.io I am arraiiKliiK to leavo Klamntli KiiIIh for MniHhlleld, whero I will tako rule of another Hpeclallxt'tt practice duiltiK IiIh ubsenco at tho war. To anyone wishing my Horvlcea, I will nniiotinco that I will bo here until tliln doctor la called to tho army, probably on tho 41iKt or middle of October. I would very much npprocluto having nil persniiH knowing thomselvoa to be Indebted to mo to call and aettlo their ncrountK. 2r-tf DR. K. M. WHITE. &? VK,X- .f. 'U - - w t r 1 Clmilotto Hoylo, 18 yenra of ngo, liua within tho present summor dovol opotl biicIi swimming nblllty thnt ex pHits predict slio will soon be the all round world's champion. In a recent four-day meet she hung up a world's record of 02 feet In plunging for dls- tnnroj sworn 50 yards In 29 4-5 sec oiid, or within 4-5 of u second of the woild's time for women, and defeated the foremost fair uutatora of the New York City A. A. U. district In a breast, back, trudgoon and crawl stroke med ley race. At the rate she la Improv ing Miss noylo should very oon be the national all-iouud leaner. i County Court JULY TERM The following clalnu were allowed and tlm clerk was Instructed to draw warrants on the general fund for their respective ameunts: Kd llluomlngcam'p, Justice wit nosH Htntn vs. Htemroae . . . $ 1.70 II. C. CuHeheor, Justice wit- iii'hs, state vh. Htemroae . . . 1.70 Mark llnmaker, justice wit- unxH Htato vs. Htemroae . . 1.70 J. H. Watts, Justlco witness ntato vs. Htcmroso 1.70 Henry Anderson, justice wit ness, state vs. HtemroKo . . 1.70 K. W. (lowan, Justice fee, statu vs. Htemroae 13.CS (I. It. Humphrey, constable fee, atate vs. Htemroae .... 17.90 Alox Noaler, Juror, state vs. Htomroso 1.00 CIibh. Thomas, juror, state vs. Ktoiuroae 1,00 Hurry lllchardson, Juror.aUte vs. Htemroae 1,00 Oscar Halve, Juror, state vs. Htemroae 1.00 J. 8. Mills, Juror, atate vs. Htomroso 1,00 A. M. Hutton, juror, state va Htemroae 1.00 Mark llnmaker. Justice wit ness, state vs. Htemroae . . 16.00 J. H. Watta, Justlco witness, state vs. Htomrose 10.00 Kd Bloomlngcamp, Justice wit ness, state vs. Stemrose . . 16.00 W. II. Casebeor, Justice wit- ness. state vs. Stenous . . . 10.00 Henry Anderson, Justice wit ness, state vs. Stenous . . . 14.60 Jus. W. Jory, coroner Juror, Stanley case 1.20 John Worden, coroner Juror Stanley case 1.20 Henry Anderson, coroner jur or Htanley caso 1.20 Theo. I). Young, coroner Juror, Htanley cue 1.20 A. A. I.lskey, coroner Juror, Htanley case 1.20 Ray Wilson, coroner Juror, Htanley case 1.20 Mrs, Kdw. Stanley, coroner witness, Stanley case .... 1.70 Mrs. Mary Graves, coroner witness, Htanley case .... 1.70 II. V. Owens, coroner witness, Htanley case 1.70 W. R. Lloyd, coroner witness, Htanley fa.no 1.70 I-:. U. Furbor, coroner witness. Stanley caso 1.70 J. II. Qulmby, coroner wit ness, Htunloy case 1.70 I,. 11. Hombree, coroner wit ness, Htanley case 1.70 C. K. Hombree, coroner wit- ' ness, Stanley case 1.70 Theo. D. Young, guarding corpse, Stanley case, and runt 4.60 J.ll.Qulinby, guarding corpse Stanley case 2.60 Dr. L. L. Truax, coroner phy sician, Stanley case 36.00 A. A. Soule, coroner claim, Stanley case 34.66 Nettle' Wallan, widow'a pen sion, August, 1917 33.60 Ada M. Shldler, widow'a pen sion, August, 1917 10.00 Mary McUine, widow's pen sion, August, 1917 86.00 Ilertba C. Donelson, widow'a pension, August, 1917 ... 10.00 Altha Daniel, widow'a pen sion, August, 1917 17.60 Rose K. Keesee, widow's pen sion, August, 1917 ,. 17.60 KUa n.flurkhart.wldow's pen sion, August, 1917 10.00 Tona Hilton, widow'a pen sion, Xugust, 1917 10.00 Catherine Tull, widow'a pen sion, AuguBt, 1917 10.00 Rose Clodard, widow'a pen sion, August, 1917 36.00 I.nura E. Madison, widow's pension, August, 1917 .... 10,00 Carrie M. Maler, widow's pension, August, 1917 .... 10.00 Leona C, Ady, widow's peen- slon, August, 1917 36.00 Nannie M. Cantrall, widow's pension, August, 1917 .... 36.00 Mary K. Pearson, widow's pension, August, 1917 .... 38.60 Martha Seeds, widow's pen sion, August, 1917 17.60 Augusta K. Wilson, widow's pension, August, 1917 .... 17.60 Oertha E. French, widow'a pension, August, 1917 .... 10.00 Mary H. Williams, widow's pension, August, 1917 .... 86.00 Madeline Cook, widow'a pen sion, August, 1917 ...... 88.60 Myrtle Palmer, widow's pen sion, August, 1917 38.60 Huldah Smith, aid county poor, August, 1917 80.00 Addle Graham, aid county poor, August, 1917 10.00 Mary Kucera, aid county poor, August, 1917 86,00 Kate Taylor, aid county poor, August, 1917 86.00 Mary M, Liberty, aid county poor, August, 1917 16.00 Proceedings Continued Elisabeth Bcanlon, aid county poor, August, 1917 16.00 Luetta Mlrdklff, eld county poor, August,'l917 15.00 Keslah doodell, aid county poor, August, 1917 10,00 Elisabeth Gray, aid county poor, August, 1917 15.00 Louis Robin, aid county poor, August, 1917 25.00 8. P. Wilson, aid county poor, August, 1917 10.00 Nellie Wall, aid county poor, August, 1917 16.00 Calkins Hamilton, trans portation county poor . . . 3.50 deo. L. Humphrey, cash ad vanced oflea supplies .... 88.05 Qeo. L. Humphrey, board of prisoners, July, 1917 11.90 A. J. Wiggins, meals prison ers, July, 1917 404.30 P. C. Markwardt, mainten ance poor farm, July, 1917 344.00 Qeo. L. Humphrey, board of prisoners, July, 1917 .... 86.86 Theo. Revenue, digging grave county poor ' 8.00 T. E. Griffith, expense sher iff's office, July, 1917 .... 1.55 Geo. L. Humphrey, expense outside state 32.10 George L. Humphrey, trans portation Juvenile charge . 60.80 Truax el Hunt, examining In sane 10.00 Clara Taylor, birth and death reports 76 J. T. Bradley, birth and death reports 2.00 E. M. Bubb, birth and death report 1.50 H.Snowgoose, birth and death reports 76 Henry L.Velt, birth and death reports 35 Theo. D. Young, birth and death reports 76 Dr. Alt Johnson, birth and death reports 3.00 Miss Nettle Voss, birth and death report 50 P. M. Cleaves, birth and death reports 25 Warren Hunt, expense health officer, July, 1917 20.00 P. R."0!ds ft 'Co.. repairs court house 17.90 Earl Whttlock, burial county poor, Karl Buettner 44.25 Worden Merc. Co., mdse coun ty poor, Mrs. Craddock . . . 20.00 western union Tel. Co., ser vices court house.JuIy.1917 1.03 J. B. Mason, witness betoree grand Jury 4.20 Irwin Hodson Co., office sup plies 16.13 Western Transfer Co., dray age court house 1.50 Western Transfer Co., freight office supplies 8.01 Molse Clinker Co., office sup plies 7.61 Herald Publishing Co., pub lishing county court pro ceedings 68.84 W. O. Smith Printing Co., offices supplies 17.60 W. O. Smith Printing Co., office supplies . .". 7.00 Western Union Telegraph Co. court house expense 60 W. O. Smith Printing Co., Office supplies 13.60 Pioneer Printers, office sup plies 8.00 Herald Publishing Co., pub lishing county court pro ceedings 23.47 Pioneer Prlntery, office sup Piles. 14.00, Link River Electric Co., re- pairs county Jail Van Riper Bros., mdse. Dave Alexander, county poor . . . 1.06 30.00 Van Riper Bros., mdse. poor farm 14.00 H. 8. Wakefield, auto hire, meals to prisoners, July . . 3.60 Rax Cafe, meals for prisoners 8.00 Ady O'Malley, guarding July, 1917 39.00 Peter McNee, guarding, July, 1917 36.00 George P. Reed, guarding, July, 1917 37.60 E. R, Richardson, guarding, July, 1917 10.65 O. A. Hllllard. guarding, July, 1917 45.00 J. L. Turner, guarding, July, 1917 11.40 Bam Varnsr, guardlng.July 1917 18.30 Fred Starr, guarding, July, 1917 '.. 34.00 H. W.Ward, guarding. July 1917 48.00 A. Q. Smith, guarding, July . 1917 '. . 84.00 Hhaa. ' mil. vuardln .Inlv j 1917 86.60 J. T. Perkins, guarding, July, 1917 8.60 Russell Orlffiths, guarding, July, 1917 10.60 Fred Nicholson, guarding, July, 1917 11.60 j1 ' trwln Hodson Co.. tat rolls for 1916 267.00IZ Callf.-Ore. Power Co., service court house, July1917 .... 23.45 Callf.-Ore. Power Co., service court house, July, 1917 ... 33.6 II.BonvIn, repairs couht house 6.30 C. P. Mills, guarding, July, 1917. 15.00 Jack Porter, guarding, July, 1917 18.00 C. Wynn, guarding. Juty,1917 20.00 C.Wynn, guarding, July,1917 14.50 L. M. Hannon, guarding, July 1917 33.00 George Snyder, guardlng.July 1917 48.00 A. Stiller, guarding, July,1917 30.00 Floyd Underbill, guarding, July, 1917 9.00 J. P. Maloon, guarding, July, 1917 39.00 A. Barrett, guarding, July, 1917 24.00 W. F. Pew, guarding, July, 1917 30.00 C. A. McPherson, guarding, July, 1917 16.50 A. J. Howard, guarding, July, A. L. Buck, guarding, July, J. H. Dyer, guarding, July, 1917 J. W. Thrasher, guarding, July, 1917 Robert Hunt, guarding, July, 3.30 18.00 3.00 8.00 1917 13.00 John Stout, guarding, July, 1917 33.00 U. S. Griffon, guarding, July, 1917 3.00 Fred Noel, guarding, July, 1917 37.00 M. O. Wllklns, guarding, July, 1917 3.00 F.n.Andrews, guarding, July, 1917 16.00 W. B. McPherson, guarding, July, 1917 3.00 Ford Garage, delivering meals to prisoners, July 17.00 I. O. O. P. Hall Ass'n. office rent, district attorney, Aug ust, 1917 20.00 Superior Laundry, services county jail, July, 1917 . . . 5.15 W. O. Smith Printing Co., supplies district attorney, August, 1917 12.50 L. E. Sullivan, auto hire and delivering meala to prison ers amounting to $4.60 was allowed In the sum of 82.50 and disallowed In the sum of 88.00. K. V. Warehouse Co., ice for court house hydrant 45.00 Western Transfer Co.ervlces sheriff's office, July, 1917 . 1.65 HKPPXER MAN VISITS John Hayes, a prominent sheep man of the Heppner country arrived last night. He had a bad break down before reaechlng town, and had to be towed in. Mr. Hayes reports that the wheat crop in his section is light this year, as a great deal of spring grain was sowed, which withered during the drouth of the summer. NOTICE The ladies of the Christian church will hold a sliver tea on the lawn of the bom of Mrs. W. E. Seehorn, 1113 Main street, Thursdday, AugustSOth, at 3:30 p. m. Mrs. Cbas. Eberleln will give a talk on "The Boys at the Front." All ladles are cordially in vited to attend. S9-3t LEGAL NOTICES Summoaa (No. 914 Equity) In the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Klamath and State of Oregon. Dorothy Mae Jacobs, Plaintiff, vs. Lester Leo Jacobs, Defendant. To Lester Leo Jacobs, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above -entitled suit on or before the 13th day of October, 1917, that being the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publica tion of this summons, and If you fall so to appear, plead, answer, demur or otherwise move, for want thereof, plaintiff will applly to the court for the relief prayed for In her com' plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds of cruelty, and that plaintiff be granted the privilege to resume her maiden name of Dorothy Mae Col- burn. This summons Is served upon you, the said defendant, by publication thereof In the Evening Herald, a public uewspaper of general circula tion, printed and published at Klara- I am raua, jvmiumiu vuuui, uicguu, once a wees tor six successive weexs (seven Insertions), the first publica tion being made August 89, 1917, and the last publication October 10, 1917, by order of the Honorable D. V. Kuy. kendall, Judge of the Circuit Court ot auamata uouaiy, irregua, wweu j A Helpful Drug Habit Winn yon need anything la dragstore good, Just step to the phono and tell what It la. We'U deliver U promptly. Acquire the tele phone halih, and have what you waat when you want It. Delivery UFRRK. UfWerwwft w rev WNL KLAMATH FALLS OREGON tHW? 3 V WHERE mATirin MrtBLC : whew vwrncoLAn pcoplc BUY TMtlAf DRUGS ittu'Tgj " Tfitipf drugs istnrx -n 44444444444444t44tttfcQty&b&444Q6G9y&&&-MrjLi said order was made, entered, dated and filed In this suit August 38, 1917. RENNER & KENT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Whose residence and office address is Klamath Palls, Oregon. 29-5-12-19-26-3-10 (No. 913 Eqaity) In the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Klamath and State of Oregon. Sadie Ford, Plaintiff, James W. Ford, Defendant. To James W. Ford, Defendant above named: In the name. of the State of Oregon; you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint Hied against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 18th. day of October, 1917, that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order of publi cation of this summons, and if you fall so to appear, plead, answer, de mur, or otherwise move, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds of desertion for more than one year last past Immediately pre ceding the filing of the complaint herein, and that plaintiff be granted privilege to resume her maiden name of Sadie Wright. This summons Is served upon yni. the raid defendant, by publication thereof In the Evening Herald, a pub lic newspaper, of general circulation, printed and published at Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, once a week for six successive weeks (sev- rni Inanrtlnna). the flrat nuhlteatlon being made August 39, 1917. and the last publication October 10, 1917, by order of the Honorable D. V. Kuyken dall, Judge of the Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon, which said order was made, entered, dated and filed in this suit August 38, 1917. RENNER ft KENT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Whose residence and office address Is Klamath Falls, Oregon. 29-5-12-19-26-3-10 (No. 901 Equity) In the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Klamath and State of Oregon. Nettle O. Shanks, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Titus Shanks, Defendant. To Frank Titus Shanks, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon Tou are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 31st day of August, 1917, that being the last day of the time prescribed in tne order for publi cation of this summons, and If you fall so to appear, plead, answer, de mur, or otherwise move, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In bis complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds of desertion for more than one year last past Immediately pre ceding the filing of the complaint herein. This summons is served upon you, the said defendant, by publication thereof in the Evening Herald, a pub lic newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at Klamath Falls, Oregon, once a week for six successive weeks (seven insertions), the first publication being made July 18, 1917, and the last publication August 39, 1917, by order of Marlon Hanks, County Judge of Klamath County, Oregon, acting In the place and stead of D, V. Kuykendall, Judge of the Circuit Court of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, there -being no circuit Judge within the Judicial district on the date of this order, which said or der was made, entered, dated and filed la this suit July 17, 1917. RENNER ft KENT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Residence and postoflce address, Klamath Falls, Oregon. 18-35-1-8-16-83-39 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ----- nrn-i-rsrirBnnruvviruv JOHN C. CLEGHORN Coanty Surveyor Civil Knglueer DR J. H. CARTER DENTIST OFFICE, ROOMS 7 and ' WHIT BUILDINQ City & County Abstract Co. ARTHITP R, WILSON 617 Main St. ABSTRACTS, LOANH AND 8 per cent Mosey for Loaaa INSURANCE DR. P. R. GODDARD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Balte 219, 1. O. O. F. Temple Remember Examination aad coav saltation Is free at yoar bonae, or ta the office. Farther I use the portable folding steel table for home treat ment. This Insures the hosae treatment to be equal to nay Sjrvea) la the office and the price at the Phone 321. Residence phone 2B8-R. "---" - r "rrrvyyyyysrerafhrsrsj-ijvxisjn WOOD Place your Orders for GREEN SLAB WOOD NOW Best wood obtainable for the money Klamath Fuel Co. Passengers and Baggage Anywhere in tne City Q-kk Service Reasonable Rates PHONE 187 Western. Transfer Company Automobile fires Vulcanizing and Repairing All work Guaranteed KLAMATH AUTO TIRE COMPANY 180 tenth Sixth gtreet