5a1w' ' m I'S I fe v- THE SVENINO HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON TUKNIMY, AITMMT M, )T 0MJrfMsjMMjiwssjM MMisMajtsrfsjWajstlWlVMsJsiil Personal-Mention 0&00&0A00aAaMAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAM0AM0aa0 'V " MTTIjK 8IDKIJOHTH Un lAIUAIi MAIT'KAIAUH AHUAU THK f tmtf.t? n Tim rtrv Avn vrnvrrv. nnivn vn mw. IXG8 OF LOCAL FOLKS. VVWWVMWVMWWWMMMMMMMMMAAMAMMMMMMMMMMWVWWWWMWwU f Bishop Matt Hughes At Washington Conference County Commissioner nurret Short Mw. Hr-ow IIIvIui. Irwin nmi and family have Jnrt returned from .Pearl lllrhn. Knrl ami l-ronr... '' r ten days' trip thru California. They pl.roy, Mr. Paul Johns son r-re.. went as Mr a Fresno, nnd Uurroll die. Mi. Verio llriilmker nnd Mm. .... ... .. nnn...i. ! i.im it I num. Hilt miido up n Jolly Imiiy- won ion the tiny ho wan theio. and hti asserts that ho hit the backward trail pltklim ciuwd which wont 0 tho Lake of the Woods about ton days hro tMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMWftMWWWWW.WWWWW; O. O. Anderson is In the city today on business. J. T. Tipton Is In the city from his ranch beyond Olene. John Griffith of Eagle Ridge Is a Klamath Falls visitor today. Maurice Keane and D. R. Hoen are visitors to this city from Keno. Art Langell of Bly Is spending a few days In Klamath Falls. Mrs. Ben Reed of Bonansa is shop ping In Klamath Falls today. Walter Ward went to Worden this morning to work for Mr. Kesterson. P. W. Snyder of Swan Lake was among the city's business visitors yes terday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Field of Vaea ville, Calif., are tourists now regis tered at the White Pelican. J. O. Hamaker was in the city from Bonanza yesterday, attending to mat ters of business. Charles Horton la In from hta ranch in Tonna Valley for a few days, and U stopslig at tt Hotel HalL Mrs. John Hutching and two chil dren left this morning for Kansas, where It is reported they will remain tor the winter. Deputy Sheriff Austin Hayden left this morning tor a few days' visit with his parents In Scotts Valley, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Chorpenlng from the Pine Grove district, were in town trading with local merchants yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hale, P. C. Hale Jr. and Clifford Heron of San Fran cisco, constitute a party of tourist visitors now in the city. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. M. Ollson of Sacramento arrived last night, and will see some of the scenic spots of the Klamath country before their re turn to California. Mrs. O. Stlth, who has been visit ing at the home of B. P. Lewis left on this morning's train for her home In Seattle. Her daughter, Miss Estle Stlth, will remain here. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash. Aug. 2S An automobile tour thru the orchards of North Yakima, a laymen's ban quet and lectures each afternoon nnd evening aro among tho entertainment features for tho forty-fourth annual session of the Columbia River confer ence of tho Methodist Episcopal church, which will be held here Sep tember 4th to 9th. Bishop Matt Hughes In to attend the conference. Bishop Hughes wilt announce the appointments' of mint ers nt tho closing business lessen Mi udny morning, September lPtb. a. soon as possible, without walling nnd returned Sunday with about wv- to see what It was further on. enty-llui Bullous r nuiKitmnmcs. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTKIl Several team's U?? lumber from mill near .irt m " alii to :iillotuln, nt M pur Uiouum feet. Ht Marlon Nino nt lintel j,j or Inuulni nt Worn liny i.umJ company nt Fort Klamatli. Job ii Inst until winter sol In. jj.j. MKMeX BAD FORKST KIRKS IN WASHINGTON ROADS 1IKING DRAGGKD County Surveyor J. C. Clcahorn . uiuuv u iriiBiiivaa (nil iv mu matin serious forest Arcs of the year broke country testerday. dolnc some profes- SEATTLE, Aug. 27. The most- out In Western Lewis County Satur day, and are beyond control today. A large force, of men are out fighting the blaze. QUAIF IS RKLKASKD E. A. Quaif yesterday gave a 1750 cash bond in the office of the justice of the peace, and was released from the custody of the officera pending good stto and well matured. his appeal to the Circuit Court for a rehearlnx on a "bootlegging" charge. slonat work on the ranch of Joe Vlc torlne. He reports that the men arc at work dragging the roads slnco the re cent rain, between Klamath Falls and Merrill, and making a great Improve ment. In several places along the road the farmers are commencing to dig their potatoes, which appear to be Circuit Judge D. .V. Kuykendall has returned from a three weeks' visit to Crescent City snd other Call- ieni form coast points. He reports a fine u vacation. ' Mr. Egan, general superintendent of Oia Alums. Lnrntwr mmnim W g-ww, . In Klamath Falls today. I Mr and Mra Chart. tParmuin Inf. George Keefer, last evening for Lake County, where Under the auspices of the Moose, big dance Wednesday, August 29, for the benefit or Klamath Acadedmy, at Pavilion. Peerless orchestra. 29-2t J. Trammel and who live near Wilson's bridge, are spending the day in Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph & Kent left this morning In their car, to tour thru Calttonla, Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Burk of Bo nansa are spending a few days in Klamath Falls. they will spend several days hunting sage hens In that district They plan to return Friday. The rain proved to be only a show er up In the mountains, but it was sufficient to improve the roads be tween Klamath Falls and Rocky Point to a considerable extent. Ed Merced and family of Merced, " " w"n Bnn a ,IDerl ana Calif., are registered at the Hotel C- Barr ot Roo. " In Klam H : ath Falls. H. C. Wilson Is father ot Mrs. Luke Walker. Mr. Bargar is In Bdson L. Foulke and Leland S. the billpostlng business In Roseburg. Fonike of Gazelle, Calif., are spending a few days In this city. Attorneys W. H. A. Renner and C. F. Stone have left for Portland on a few days business visit. Chas. 8now, who operates a ranch NOTICE The ladies of the Christian church iu hold a silver tea on the -lawn of Jhs home ot Mrs. W. E. Seehorn. 1113 Aiain street, Thursdday, August30th, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Chas. Eberleln will give a talk on "The Boys at the Front." All ladies are cordially in vited to attend. 29-2t Under the auspices of the Moose, big dance Wednesday5! August 29, for the benefit ot Klamath Acadedmy, at Pavilion. Peerless orchestra. 29-2t NORTHWEST WEATHER FORECAST. w unciUun-iT&Bninuiun rair, vi moderate westerly winds. KLAMATH O. 8. It. . Maximum, yesterday; 79 deg. Minimum, today, 51 'deg. Precipitation, .01 inch. V f FL I ifc $ lEfQU llvr t n 1 g' II I! i ji y ?-! if His First LONG PANTS SUIT "We satisfy the whole family, give the boy just what he ought to have. NEW ARRIVALS FOR FALL are certainly nobby stylet. Pinch Back, with belt all around. If your boy is ready for his first long pants suit, bring him to us YOVU MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED $M$M$.$3M$M$Mee$M$M..$eeSe$MJi K. SUGARMAN :-: "YOURS Hill VICTORY TIIUU K.U'lllKlt'K AND KAIITII" " "t"?"!e4$H$H$M&tt Ribbons Cashier John Siemens of the First State and Savings bank, and Mrs.! Siemens have returneed from a ten days' vacation spent In the mountains and at the resorts ot Klamath County. W. A. Delzell, accompanied by his TWENTY-FIVE PIECES OF WIDE FANCY RIB BON ON SALE AT SPECIAL. 19c H. N. MOE & CO. Pictorial Patterns IN STOCK WITH A QUARTERLY STYI.LE HOOK YOU UKT A 15c PATTERN-FREE la the Mt, Laki district, bought sup- j daughter Marjorle, Miss Helen Pax plies from the local merchants today. J ton and Paul Keller, came in last eve ning from the Lake of the Woods, H. H. Van Valkenburg was among the farmers who bought supplies from the KlamatH Falls merchants yester- day. where the rest of the Delsell family Is still encamped. There Is still a large crowd In the berry patch, according to Delsell, and an unusually large Mrs. Ed Vannlce and Miss Anna amount of berrlees Is being picked, Metcalt leave this morning for Mis- Big Silk Sale Wednesday, Thurs- souri, to spend some time visiting . day, Friday and Saturday. H. N. Moe' relatives. It Co. "" sr .sasfek Silk I'M Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday Kj&nes dSnen cktan THE CORRECT VTrUTINtOAWlCl "Yours sincerely," you write. You doubly emphasize this expression when you use Cbane'b Xjnzn Lawn not only the correct writing faper but the best as well. C The writing paper you use reveals your personality just as surely as does the text of your letter. A letter on Crane's Linen Lawn creates the suggestion of superior good taste and adds charm to your correspondence. We carry Crane's Papers because we cater to the lest trade and appreciate the utter futility of appealing to a Jf ' refined patronage with other papers, jt- H 'll Ml BBBBBBtWI BgSBBBBTBBBLaVAjsBBBkl SBSkS SBBBBBBfIH BbPI l BBsl BBsl BBBsl Bsff VsV Mimvi ww . iimi i KLAMATH FALLS OREGON wmcrc PAirrlcutAn s6pU yE PREPARED for this Big Silk Sale Several Months Ago and were very fortunate in securing just the particular kind of Silk we wanted, and at a price that makes it cheaper to buy and wear Good Silk than almost any kind of other material. We will show over fifty New Fall Patterns in Silk Stripe Satins, Satin Stripe Taffetas and Printed Warp Taffetas; all new color com binations, 36-inch wide and worth up to $2.50 per yard Special for Four Days. Per Yard $1.79 ML ur Tntirr orvua r IfiSi fi. m, fi,tiHfrt U V UsUkCI