TIIISIMV, .U'UUHT aw, I BIT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON paob ram -- - Hints for Homemaker's ii) ki.i.aiikth ki:vi:h (i: Till romrr of Un I'lipcr Mill hn illvlihil lulu scwnil iki1i, l",rt '" '"' l,"',,,"",,l ,,'ly Tlm lll.oii) M Imi: 1iiiiniImiI HllgUwtliill", ltlM. Jmm1 lltiillh, I'iikIihix hii.I Ahhiwin ii yin'llili. Ill Aiimwi-n l OWillollM MUh l(ityN will he nl.nl In ml. t lir glV,HII'M'W '" "", '"" ,,f ""' ,,f ',"' M'lHtlTH llf llll) rtimlnK Herald. HujtKitlonii of nil noiIn "III Im cry twliium-.. Aihlrii .Mlwt IIIIhIhMIi K)h, rule of I imiIiik HitiiIiI, ANSWER TO OI'KHTIONH Will '" ilitnr rll a few muni wlcli riTfliiUT Wc nn till tlrml ifj the oniM I make. Mrs. C. It. H.. Klniniilli KdIIh. I Sdiimlil'tl IIkii nilliiK Thlrt nil-1 l,iK iniiki'M tln niiiiriwlclii'5 very niohit. 1 grrninhle two i'KKh with iimrter eun of mill; inn! hwiwiii hlKhly; i-ook tlmr-oiirIiI)-. I'1" ,1,)t '"' ""' "'Ixtiiru K"t dry .niut Bprwiil nt onm on tlm bre.-ul. ' A k)(mI Hiitiilwlfli to mirvo with cold mrnlK rmmlHlH of rliuiinil or ahri'il ilnl plrkli'H, letWru mill siihul dri'HM. Iiib. Mutter oim nllro of tlm lirciiil with InilttT ml li" otlmr with tln lalml ilri'HHliiK, mill Iny on It n leaf of. Ictturn; irriul lightly with milml i droving mnl sprinkle llio rhiiinnl ' ilrkh"i over generously iiml put on. tln other sllco of lirpnil, prmiKliiK to-, Ki'llicr II rm I y. HuIhIuh kIi'iiiiiciI mill rlinppcil Mul KciiHaiioil with lemon Julco limKn excellent xaiiilvvlclirn. i especially when npro:ul between very, lliln hIIcm of brown bread. I Tlio I hive, (o crochet, I cannot do no for vury Ioiik at a time, an my fliiKitra rramp Imilly. Could you mitt. Rest koiiio way to avoid thin? Mm. A. J. K., Ilonanza, Do you unit a very Hint crochet tiook? I have heard that runiiliiK tho rroclirt hook thru a rork and niljimt hiK It to unit tho llllKITK IllllpH to HIIVII thu fliiRurH, mid iiIho make tho stltrhcn nioro even. Will you pIciiho puhlUh In your col umn the HlKiilflruncij of thn illfler cnt colored cordu qll tho HOldlern aaem to wear on tholr ImtH? Head-, er, Klnmnth FallH. Cavalry, near let; roaHt nrtlllory,' cnrlct; hospital corpH, maroon and! white; I'liKlni'crit. red nml white; quartcrmastur, cream; eoiiimlxHloiied Tna nnnnf hfiff 1 and the ARE PLAIN and SIMPLE There (h mit oven tho flicker of a spat I: of pmKrex. They doiiot dcKcrvouinl timer receive, the respect of an) body, even their ovtn kind. Tho NMndtlirlft III tlm whirl of the torlil never meets a friend; mul tho mlNer, In lib m:m-Iuoii, Ih loo unsocial even to wo I ho relied Ion or liiuiNcir. The Neuilthrlrt ovenmyM for oveiythlnu ho hiiyM; ho mn, hut never Imrvi'HtN. Thn mlNer Ih ii htoiH-lioiiNo with many enframes anil mi exit. He In ii receiver, not n illJWllbutor. He mul tlio NKndtlirlft nrj n inemico to society. Thn man who Ih nuyliiK r.nt Is liai-cl to chiHsliy, hut the rlht kind or a nmn will ernito u happy nml pn'tltablo home nuy nhoro nml under nil coadltloim. OUR FREE PLAN and BUILDING SERVICE TO CUSTOMERS Mill mako your homo cIiikihIiik mi y one We Iwvo over fflltl dllTnreut iIonIhiu, to elioonj from. Let iih show them to you. Big Basin Lumber Company Phone 107 Klamath Falls, Oregon hllUlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII officer, colli nml liliick, mul tlio caiiill ihitn In tlm olllrui'ii ri'Ni'ivn tralnliiK' iiiiiip, roil, while, ami lilii'i; Infantry, Unlit IiIiim. In It poHHlblo to niinovn ten Htalim from tliln iniitftlalH without Injury? AiixIiiiih lloiini'lici'pi'i-, Merrill. There an two court iiicUkmIk, either of which Im KiirrrnKfiil' Cover tin Hpnt thickly with t-t cum of tartar, tlii'ii twlHt ilnlli to I. (.'up cream of tar tar In plari: put In Hiinropaii of colli wntnr ami luat to tiolllm; point; rliimi wiy 1'iiri'fiilly, Horuml methed: Hiitnniti) npot with lemon Juice, then cover with Halt; let Munil In thu Him for several houm. IMemio print, If poHslhlo, n Reed formula for a face powder. School dirt, Klamath KiiIIh. .Six .. I Ice powder. C, oil. rich Hlaicli, :i nt. earhonato maKiicslii, 1 V ilniniH pulverized horlc acid, 1." drops CHueiico citron, :i() dropn nnsenco bor Kamot; mix tho chhoiico with tho iiiiik inula and then rub nil together until HUlOOtll, ! i It posrilble to eleniiBo thi hair without uiiMhliiK? 1. It. M,, Klam ath I'allH. Thlii rod pi) for a dry Hhampoo Ih exiellunt, as It will not only make tho hair Huffy and KlofHy, hut iiIho kIvoh It a delightful perfumo. Mix thoroly 2 ;z. Cliiiiamiin, 'i ox, corn meal and 'i oi, orrlx root; llrnt briiHhe tho hair well to remove all tafiKli'H, then dust thickly with tho powder; tie up In a towel for tlvo mluutex, then briiHli again until both hair and ticalp uro peifeclly clo.in. (!-t a Mamliinl Hie iiiNiiranrc mI Icy In n xtaniliiiil i iiiiiwiny at stand ard rati", anil 'iu villi have no Iron bio In adjusting (ho Iimh.. Ke' (.'lilt rote. 1 8 IKSEI1F1KHIIEI mEsssmsamm Miser ORDINARY FOOLS His Custome "Rational;" What's the Lady's? 'ImZlerit'it i - -l-.H-Tr " . V"" td Tiitvlnn I jinn on Hnvlliih nrtnr. paraded in u 'rational" costume for mini at tho ChlBWick open air uatns In uiym insisted ner costume was oe London. Ho puruded with Mist Vlo- coming. She didn't care whether it let lilyth, ulo an actress. Ho admit- was "rational" or not. Germany's Weak Point Is No w Her Rail way s Those who do not fully realize the importance of railroads to the safety of the nation should heed the signifi cant message brought from Germany by Itnymong II. Swing, special corre spondent of tho Chicago Dally News. 'Tho really ncuto danger for Ger many," says Swing, "Is the German railway system. Hitherto It has been liurmany'a greatest strength, the pul sating arteries of her national anat omy. The railways have made It pos. slble for tho central powers to utilize tlioli advantage, of the Inner lines. Hut tho German railways are giving way. Tho roadbeds are rocking, the cars are wearing out, and the locomo- C.C. ASKS REDRESS Illtl.VtiS ACTION AGAINST NEIGH 1IOHS FOR DRENCHING HIM. SELF AND PROPERTY AIjLKG. ES ATTACK WITH AXK' That ho has been maliciously sprin kled upon with a hose at varioua and sundry times during the past few months, that his gooseberry bushes, vegetables and fruit trees have been wot to a damaging extent, and that a written complaint against this mis treatment from his neighbors aroused anger so great that he was attacked with un axe, is alleged In a complaint filed with Circuit Court George Chas- tain by C. C. Brower, agalust T. R. Skellington and his wire, Louise Skel llngton. An order enjoining and restraining tho defendants from further acta of trespass upon his person and property Is prayed by the plaintiff. The plaintiff owns property In block 56, Nichols Addition, and the defendant reside on the adjoining place. Great physical discomfort aa well as injury to property is recitea in the complaint. JOSEPHS PAYS FINE Joe Josephs has paid hla flue of 1300 and costs, amounting to $11, for Illegally bringing Intoxicating liquor Into a dry territory. Hla im prisonment of thirty days has been suspended upon his good behavior. BROWER I net hill PABlumn wan not very nrettv. but he insisted It was "rational." Mlsg ftlves cannot fiaul the loads necessary. Germany cannot manufacture enough locomotives and cars to save herself I vouchsafe the statement that the German government would willing pay more, for 200 American locomo tives than for all the wheat raised west of the Mississippi. The govern ment Ii keenly aware of the danger." According to the same authority, the food problem In many German cities Is not so much a food problem oa a transportation problem. Freight which Is not needed for the national defense is not carried. Passenger service la uncertain and uncomfort able. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN IDAHO TOWN CULDESAC, Idaho, Aug. 28 Fire yesterday destroyed one-tnira or tne business section of Culdesac. The loss was $35,000. SCHOOL ROOKS Get them now; about 600 used ones to be closed out cheap, Some not used In the county schools, good for reference, will take what you'll give for them. Will exchange school books for other books or something. Put an Encyclopaedia In the school or better, In your home. Ten of them In best of condition, all differ ent, suitable for schools, home or of fice; will sell at one-fourth to less than half original cost. Don't over look this If you are In the market at all for an encyclopaedia. History of Oregon, four massive volumes, good set for school; cost 126,00, take $10.00 for It. Thirty sets Library of Oratory, by Cbauncey DePew, fifteen handsbme volumes, containing four hundred of best orations by the world's greatest public men; an excellent work for high sqhools, should be very desirable In home or office, sold regular for $36,00. Some seta have covers dam aged by water; we are offering them at( per set, $6 to $20, or will ex change for other books or something. PIANOS for schools, churches, halls or homes, six of them, Includ Ing three playera; one-fourth to one half price, and our guarantee la .aa good aa you need. SEWING MACHINES for domestic science work (n schools, the very best made, $18 to f 86. COMB IN when you are looking for emethlagwe aaay have It, and tho price will please "you. Any article we sell must prove aa good or better than recommended or money re funded. 18 BVANg AND BAUN. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Furnished by City and County Abitract Company ! Karl V. Lively et ux to John H. flarrett, warranty deed, Er NW, 8WH NWK,NE BW,ec. 17-31- 11 nlno lot 11, block 17, Second Railroad Addition, and Iota 17,-18, and 19, block 302, Harrow Addition. United States to William W. Bailey, patent, BK'A NW, BVfVt NE, NW SEU, NEU SW, sec. 31-40-12. United States to Frank H. Thomp- son, patent, K'A NE, SW NEV4, NE. SE, sec. 10-33-15. United States to William A. Hoover patent, NEVi sec. 8-33-16. Frank H. Thompson at ux to At- intra A. Hoover, warranty deed, KM NEV4. BWU NEU, NE SE, sec. 10-33-15. Katherlne Goodell to J. W. Stem ens, quitclaim deed, an undivided one- half Interest In certain piece of land. Katherlne Goodell to J. W. Siemens quitclaim deed, SW4 NEK. Wl 8EK. E 8W4. 8W 8W4, seec. 3; NW, W NEK, sec. 10, all in 39-9; and lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 23 and 24, of Altamont Ranch tracts. I'l r KIDNEYS TROUBLE TAKE A GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR ACK HURTS OR LADDER TROUILES YOU No man or woman who eats meat regular can make a mistake by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys they become over worked from the strain, get sluggish and fall to filter the wasto and poisons from the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment yon feel a dull ache. in the kldneya or your toack hurts or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, atop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast, and In a few daya your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the add of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Uthta, and has been used for generations to Rush and stimulate the kldneya, also to neutralize the acids In urine so It no longer causes Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES Summons In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. Bessie Lamborn, Plaintiff, vs. August Lamborn, Defendant. To August Lamborn, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer' the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Tuesday, the 9th day of Octo ber, 1917, that being the last day of the time prescribed in the order for the publication of this summons, and If you fall so to appear or answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for. in her complaint in file herein, to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant; that plaintiff have the care and custody of August Lamborn Jr., and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons Is served upon you, the said August Lamborn, by publica tion thereof In the Evening Herald, a dally newspaper of general circula tion printed and published at Klam ath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, by order of Honorable D. V. Kuykea- dull. Judge of the above-entitled Court, made, dated and filed In this suit on the 2.7th day of August, 1917, which said order requires that this summons be published once a week for six weeks beginning on the 28th day of August, 1917, the .same being the date of first publication of this summons. R. 0. GROE8BECK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Klamath Falls, Oregon. ' S8-t-ll-13-25-a-9 QUIT MEAT WHEN A Helpful Drug Habit When yon need anything 1st drugstore Roods, just step to the phone and tell us what It te. We'U deliver It promptly. Acquire the tele phone habit, and have what you want when yon want It. Delivery Is FREE. m KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PAIWICULAW KOPLC UivSasD BUY TMtin Mr. Ores E. Rae la now cennected with the Chilcote Agency, and will be glad to give yon Infoapaatloa tela live to Insurance at any lime. Call at 0fl3 Mala street, or phone 99. 16 Lemons Whiten and Beautify the Skin! Make Cheap Lotion The Juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re markable lemon skin beautlfler at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets In, then this lo tion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knowa that'lemon juice Is-used to bleach and remove auch blemishes as freckles, sallownesa and un, and Is the Ideal akin softener. smoothener and beautlfler. Just try It! Make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and -massage It dally Into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should naturally help to whiten, soften, freshen, and bring out the hidden roses and beauty of any akin. It Is wonderful for rough, red hands. Your druggist will sell three ounces of orchard white at little cost, and any grocer will supply the lemons. Adv. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In the Matter of the Estate of John M. Howell, Deceased. The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County, administratrix of the estate of John M. Howell deceased, and having qual ified, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims agatnst aatd deceased, to pre sent them, verified as required by law, within six months after the first pub lication of this notice to said adminis tratrix at the law offices of S. C: Groesbeck, Klamath Falls, Oregon. ETHEL M. HOWELL, Administratrix of the estate of John M. Howell. Deceased. Dated August 27. 1917. First pub lication, August 38. 1917. 38-4-11-18-15 SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of 'the State of 'Oregon, for Klamath County. W. P. Sedge, Plaintiff, A, B. Chambers, J. C. Chambers, 8. T. Summers, 0.VR. Manning, Eliav 'abeth Mannlng.-Fred H. Wheeler, )Ben Gay, Geo. T. Baldwin, J. W. 'Nye, Dan Irwin, R. 8. Woodford, ,'J. H. Rea, Fred Carlisle, 'Nora 'Pickens, A. McLean ahd.Swlft and Company, a corporation, Defend ants. . To 'A. B. 'ChambeW J. C. Chambers, J. H.'Rea aidFredH. Wheeler, Defendants: In the name of tne State of Oregon; you and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit forthe foreclosure of mortgage on real property oh or before Tuesday, the 11th day of Sep tember, 19i7, that belngthelast day of the time prescribed In the' order for the publication of this summons, ana ii you ibii so iu appear or answer. for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In bis said complaint, tewit: For judgment against the said de fendants, A, B. Chambers and J. C. Chambers, and each of them, for the sum of $594.88, together, with Inter est thereon at the' rate of 10 percent per annum from December 13, 1918; for the further sum of $100 as attor taey'a feea, and tor the costs And dis bursements of, this suit: that the Judgment and attachment Hens of all other defendants above named be de creed Inferior to plaintiff's mortgage lien; that defendants herein and each of tbem be debarred and foreclosed of all right, title and Interest they 1 warmafv m DRUGS UcglSUcvl may have In and to the following de scribed premises: Situate in Klamath County, Ore gon, west half of southeast quarter of section 23; northwest quarter of northeast quarter, and northeast quarter of northwest quarter of section 26, township 38 south, range 10 east of Willamette Me ridian, and that the nsual decree be made for the foreclosure of plaintiff's said mortgage and for the sale of-eaid mortgaged premises, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable. This summons Is served upon the said A. B; Chambers, J. C. .Chambers, J. H. Rea and Fred H. Wheeler by publication thereof in the Evening Herald, a dally newspaper of general circulation printed and published at Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order of the Honorable Marion Hanks, County Judge of Klamath County, Oregon, made, dated and filed In this cause on July 31, 1917, which said order re quires that this summons be publish ed for six weeks beginning en -July 31, 1917, the said date being the data of first publication of this summons. R. C. GROESBECK, Attorney for Plaintiff. Klamath Falls, Oregon. 31-7-14-21-28-4-11 PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN O. CLEGHORN Oonnty Snrveyor OvQ Engineer DR J. H. CARTER DENTIST OFFICE, ROOMS 7and WHITE BUILDING f City ft County Abstract Co. ARTHUR R. WILSON 617 Main St. ABSTRACTS, LOANS AND 8 per cent Money t or loan INSURANCE DR. F.R. GODDARD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Snite 919, 1. 0. O. F. Teaspto Bentemher- Examination and con saltation la free at yonr none, er 'satheoSsc. Farther I nee the portable folding steel table for home treat ment. This insures the home treatment to be equal to any given In the ossce and the price Is the 'Phone 821. Reatdenee phone SB8-R. WWMWWWWWWWWNWWft WOOD rFlace your Orders fer GREEN -SLAB WOODiNOW est wood obtainable fer the money Klamath Fuel Co. WWWWWWWW0WWW00im W. D. MILLER Roofing Contractor Malthold, Tar and Gravel Root ing. Roof Coating. Repair Work a Specialty.- 132 '8. Sixth Street. Phone 29S. StilEH HIST MUl StlffCE CITY and COUNTRY DRIVIN8J Phone "The Snseke" ITS 99 X A. J. POWBIiIi hJr! JrV 1 ?&4 ; , s''