$" J & ,w iv t f A I ft; li'' IS r Kt & fft . ' if y fti MW, r ' BlJVH THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TtHWDAV, .UllfsT as, , TbeEvening Herald W. O. SMITH. Editor fttUtM daHy except Buaday ay hmU PsMlsMaa Couur or BuMtk ftlli. at US romrtk street. tend at tk wtoOM t DMMtk fttb. Ores, for tieasaatssloa tmroiga tlM ataus aa secoaeVcless attar. vkacriptkNi terns ky asail to aay ailianja tka Baited States: Oae year .. OMwatk TUESDAY, AIGVST 28. 101T Behld's Classified Ad vs. . ; x . FOR SALE WWWWWWW COUPLE WED AND EF SURPRIS RENDS KLAMATH SCHOOL TEACHER AND KMPLOVK OF R. E. BTBAHORX SUP AWAY TO YRRKA. WHERE THEY ARK QUIETLY MARRIED FOR BALK One Itt ton Federal truck in good condition; been used two Masons; one heavy draft team in Reed condition; ready for good hard work. Phone or write Trelchler-Peor-see, Inc. Medford, Ore. 25-6t FOR SALE Nice Astrakan apples, good Jell apples. Enquire at Learltts, Conger are. I3-t GOOD LUMBER WAGON for sale cheap. Inquire 1017 Main. 21-St FOR SALE Mets roadster In good condition. $125, cash. Call 1115 Crescent arenue or phone L. Tan, Palm Cigar store. 170. Earl H. Rush of Spokane, Wash., who is associated with Robert E. Strahorn. in surprising his friends here by the introduction of his wife. All unannounced, Mr. Rush and Mrs. Amidol Bussert motored over to Yreka, where they were quietly married the evening of July 17th. Duty calling Mr. Rush to Bend, the young couple spent their honeymoon on a trip to that place, and returned to Klamath Falls a few days ago, but the marriage was kept secret except among their most intimate friends until yesterday. Mrs. Rush Is employed as a teacher in the Klamath Falls city schools, and last year taught the Round Lake school. She was a student in Klam ath County high school, and as Ami dol Hulse spent her girlhood here. Soldiers Will Not Fight Forest Fires PATHETIC TRAGEDY AT OCCURS AT BKLLIXUIIAM shoot and to obey orders, but we are ' not going to take men from tho In tensive training they aro RcttlnK now ..-' .I...I- ..-... .1..... I.. 1A-....... . I iur uti'ir commit uui in riuuvu u send out Into places which the civilian Warden Elliott that the enlisted men i1IW niw.iv nii.i nn.i iunilil Hit now." be sent to fight tires, and It Is bcllev-! Tho men selected for tho Incondl- No soldiers wilt be sent to light for. est Ores in tfie state of Oregon. Adjutant General Whttfc positively , vetoed the suggestion of State Fire ed the government will back him up. The demand that the federal troops be sent to tight forest tires U preposterous,"declared Adjutant Gen eral White. "I am surprised that any officer of tho state of Oregon would even think of it. We must re member that this country Is at wnr.lfuct of Oregon timber wilt be undor and the business of a soldier Is to war surveillance. on the enemy, and not to take the' Reports received by local flro pa place of civilians In fighting fire. trol ofllclals show that no further fires "We have dispatched a number of h.io been started about the state, and troops for patrol duty to shoot Incen- with thu (Ire lighters on band It wilt diaries because they are trained to, be possible to soon control the flames. nry hunt left Saturday. Extra sup plies of gasoline ucte ordered hurried out for the motorojele men who were among thoso ordered out, and sub sistence supplies havo also been dis patched to the various points from which tho troops will work. Every BEI.I.1NQHAM, Wash., Aug. 2S. Manon lvorson, aged 6, was shot and killed by his brother Harry, aged S, while tho two were playing In their father's barn at Kvnrson, .Ktna policies am the standard. Ask Cliltroto for Hre, life, accident ami health mtrw. I5 STATEMENT OF THE FOR SALE 36 head Sherlock Lin coln rams, $35 per head. Wilson Brothers, Klamath Falls. 27-10 Mrs. J. G. Hunt and daughter, Miss Grace, who have anent an extended SuUU vacation at the Eagle Ridge Tavern. have returned, and are registered at the White Pelican hotel. 27-2t FOR SALE 120 acres brush land, 90 acres' Al land, 50 acres hillside pasture, on county road, half mile from new Strahorn railroad; small hack and barn. Only $15 per acre. FOR 8ALE 0-foot corner lot on new Shlpplngton paved roadSSBO, $35 cash, $8.75 per month; no inter, est, no taxes. This paving was paved ky the city.) FOR 8ALE 80 acres under irriga tion S miles from city ;thls prop arty was taken in on mortgage by outside bank, and can be had for 11,600; some terms. FOR HALE Most beautiful corner lot on high school hill. $11000; sewer in on property and two street paying pavements made. W. P. JOHNSON CO. Olff Main Stdeet I HAVE for sale a few Pore Blood Hhode Island Red cockerels and pullets, hatched from a strain careful ly selected for early winter laying; ready for delivery about October 1; $1.60 each. Pasture Right, 1,000 acres, including 300 acres marsh land green and growing until snow flies. $100. I will aslo sell my Registered Berkshire Boar, Winona Champion, Uh son of the famous Laurel Cham pion; comes from six successive gen. eratlons of prise winners; 2 years old; Is sire of large litters of rapid growing, perfect pork shaped pigs; easily worth $100; will sell to highest bidder op to September 10th. No bid under $50 will be considered. HAROLD S. TUTTLE Baraes Valley Postofflce Address, Lorella, Oregon. 38-lt When you have spring trouble, take It to the Klamath Auto Springs Works. There are no amateurs at the Klamath Auto Springs Works. eod Chllcote can And yoa a good home la the city or country. 18 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC I am arranging to leave Klamath Falls for Marshfleld, where I will take care of another specialist's practice during his absence at the war. To anyone wishing my services, I will announce that I will be here until this doctor is called to the army, probably on the first or middle of October. I would very much appreciate having all persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to me to call and settle their accounts. 25-tf DR. F. M. WHITE. CEX5 Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. F., meets Friday night. F. B. Bremer, N. O., Nate Otterbeln, Secretary. Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O. 0. F., meets Tuesday night, R. A. Emmitt, C. P., L. J. Bean, Scribe. s FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS at the Oregon House, 627 Klamath are. FOR RENT Furnished room, Clair moat. 27-6t HELP WANTED WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. Write or telephone Mrs. J. M. Bedford, Klamath Agency, Oregon. 28-3t WANTED Several teams to haul lumber from mill near Fort Klam atb,to Cblloquln, at $4 per thousand feet., See Marlon Nine at Hotel Hall .or Inquire at Wocus Bay ' Lumber ' company at Fort Klamath..' Job will last until winter sets in. 22-6t HOUSTON'C Metropolitan Annmeats J Confidence Renewed By New Russian Loan LONDON, Aug. 28. Press cable grams from Washington, stating that the United States Is making nn addi tional loan of $100,000,000 to Rus sia aroused much optimistic opinion both in and out of official circles as to the real situation In the new republic. The belief was widely that the United States government, with its far reaching sources of In formation, would not thus Increase her loans to Russia to the great sum of $27r., 000,000 unless there were as. snrances that the world's newest re public wilt bo able to weather sue- expressed jcessfully the storms. Girl At Work in Munition Shop i i aasssssssssssssssssssssTSlP?Se jtsssBssssssssssi First State and Savings Bank of Klamath Kails, county of Klamath, Stato of Oregon, showing tho amount standing to the credit of every depos itor July 1, 1917, who hns not made a deposit, or who hns not withdrawn any part of his deposit (commercial deposits), principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years Immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known place of resi dence or postofflce address of such depositor, and the fact of his death. It known. Name of Depositor Amount Connolly, John ". Klamath Falls, Oregon, Glllman, Ruby Klamath Falls, Oregon. Jones, John Klamath Falls, Oregon. Hughes, James H Klamath Fulls, Oregon. Hlpes. W. F. Klamath Fulls, Oregon. Mekeljohn, T. W Klamath Falls, Oregon. Purcell, Marcus Klamath Falls, Oregon. Smith, Annlo Klamath Falls, Oregon. Wlllnrd. II. E Klamath Falls, Oregon. Davenhlll, A. II Klamath Falls, Oregon. Emery, Jas i,$ Klamath Falls, Oregon. Cook, Geo .2:. .r.r. .01 .02 .40 .r.o .20 .00 .10 Klamath Falls, Oregon. . VAiisi'vX&53S V..-,. J HOUSTON OPERA HOUSE DARK WANTS: u-Woman to do housework Enquire First National Bank, 22-tf BOY 'WANTED Over 16, for steady work; not going to school. Star 'Drug Co. 14-tf i WANTED Several teams to haul lumber from mill near Fort Klam ath to Cblloquln, at $4 per thousand fast. See Marlon Nine at Hotel Hall or Inquire at Wocus Bay Lumber eoapaiiy at Fort Klamath. Job will last until winter sets In. 22-6t Auto springs made and repaired by the Klamath Auto Springs Works. Neva better. Ask the garage man. JJOajsaik Auto Sprimgs Works. eod STAR THEATER American Film Corporation Presents William Russell in "SOUL MATES" A gripping Drama of love and high finance, In Ave parts. A CUR COMEDY Starring Geo. Ovey TEMPLE THEATER J. Stuart BUrkton ft Albeit E. Smith Present Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno In "THE CAPTAIN OF THE GREY HORSE TROOP" A story of the Race Tragedy of the American Indian Big V Comedy "CHINKS AND CHASES" Single Reel ADMISSION TEN CVNTS The woman in the munitions plant has come to the United States, and here she is. This photograph was taken In one of the largest plants where thousands of rifles are being made for the soldiers of the National army, the regular United States army and the men of the National Guard. Many more young women Just like her aie employed in different parts of the plant ut work formerly performed by men. 22 1.C4 Currln, C. S 'Klamath Falls, Oregon. Scheneker, O. A Klamath Falls, Oregon. Tripp, Chas Klamath Falls, Oregon. Wilson & Klrkpatrick 1.96 Klamath Falls', Oregon. Wise, Roy R. 3,27 Klamath Falls, Oregon. State of Oregon, County of Klamath. ss: I, John Siemens Jr., being first duly sworn, depose and say upon oath, that I am tho cashier of the First State and Savings Hank of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, Stato of Oregon; that the foregoing statement Is a full, true, correct and complete statement, showing the name, lost known residence or post office address, fact of death, If known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as required by tlui provl slons of Chapter 148, of tho General Laws of Oregon, 1907, and Chapter 214, of the General Laws of Oregon, 1917. JOHN SIEMENS, Jr. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of August, A. D. 1917 L. W. MEHAFFEY, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires March 9, 1920 28-4-11-18 CAPITAL MAY UK CHANGED IN RUSSIA BEFORE LONG WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 28. The Russian provisional government has decided to abandon l'etrograd as the capital of Russia, according to re ports received here. It was said that the action was brought about by Ger man Influences in the capital, rein forced by the operations of the Ger man army In the north. At the same time advices received here contained suggestions of a series of plots to overthrow the Kerensky government. Based on one contingency, It was the view of the state department that Moscow will be made the permanent seat of the Russian government. The contingency is the reaching of an agreement at the conference, con vened in RusbIo, to prosecute the war vigorously and eliminate all talk of a separate peace. PHEASANTS COMMON SIGHT IN PORTLAND MERRILL OPERA HOUII MOTION PICTURM TUESDAY AND bUTUKDAYI MerriM, OieM PORTLAND, Aug. 28. The sight of a brilliantly plumed Chinese cock pheasant strutting about on a, well kept la'wn Is not an unusual sight In the suburban home districts of Port land. These birds are said to show a .marked partiality for dwellings near the habitation of man. Many broods of various kinds of game birds, notably the Chinese pheasant, are batched almost In the back yards of the suburbanites. "Splendid Lubricating Qualities" PAIGE McKInney-CoedMotorCo.,Phoenls "wt cannot speak too highly of the splendid lubricstiaaciuaU. ties of Zeroleae." WINTON The Winton Co., San Franclne "We UN Zeroleae exteaelvety. It is gi viag Mtirs satltftctioa." CHEVROLET J. W. Ltavitt a Co., Lu Angela "Zerokna Is our choice for Chevrolet cars." FORD Fahy-Attcitwry Silct Co., Lot Angelci "settled oa Zero- lene after extensive teeth" ZERO LENE The Standard QU fa Motor Cars Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors -because the record of thefa 'tervkeiUpirtmeBtt show Out Zeroleae, correctly refined from Celifortiis aiphak-baM ji 1.sSl Dealrn everywhere aod it our term unions. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (ClJfcuU) rwtrteun, CrlM llfiy-Uur I. umcL 1 ill fctmwuitti. SINE TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK IT'S GIUXDMOTIIKIt'rt RECIPE TO llltlNti HACK COLOR AMI I.UN THE TO HAIR You simply damp,, uiush with it .na.V That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only tie hud hy brew ing n mixture of Hngn Tea and Sul phur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or umrs the faro. When It failed, turns gray or Hlreaked, Just nu application or two of Sago and Sul phur enhances Its appearance it hun dred fold. Don't hother to prepare the mix ture: ou can gut this fatuous old ri'di'o improu'd by tho addition of other ItiKicdlents for fiO routs a largo liottlo, all roady for 11 no. It Is called U'M'th'n Sago and Sulphur Compound, This can always bo dopondotl upon to tiring bark tho natural color and lus tre of )our hair. Everybody uses "WyotliV Sage and Sulphur Compound now tiucause It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has lieon ap plied, or son oruHh with it ,, rn llit-nntrli Mm I,. 1. . .. M ''Hi strand at it time; hy inornlne.i, hair hns disappeared, ms V. . ". other application , IwonH fully dark nml i.n. ......... ... l trims. Tills rondy.tii... ,' "' Is a delightful ton,., ' "JI thoso who desire .ii.ri. .... " youthful iiiiiuviriiii i tended for thu cure. mlii..,1?' prevention of dlKen-o, Ad ' DULL. SPLITTING, SICK HEADACK Dr. Jams Headache FmraJ ww wuuv -iu cetiii 1 You take a Dr t.t Powder bjiiI In liut . 1 your head cloara and all tmSS1. and surest relief for Imsditki.! uesa wsubiuw anniiiiia racking. HenT eontrona to ti,1 store ami get . dim maZ) r'V"r,nr ? "? iwJli' Powdern thvu there will bt T NMiit-iierni 'if .eft vLsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTSBBBk'Ql ' ssssssssssssssssaa3lnt sfssssssssssl ECONOMIC AND AfLTAHVJ Pff EPA REDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREM In eeWltlen e ceaeelete ceereee lei itewtlay eeleatJfle eSateetle. etlere ImN ertlMMa MIUTARV 0RILL, DOMESTIC fcCrtXCt IUTTS) SJID CUMMIRCI ftea fer effective) future eervlee. Yew etejfei neeSelt. S)iKllerfreeUliiatrjt4bn4liNta,,Tai the Strain fer feece r Wer" im4 "The Weewi ea Mre University." AeMraee Restatnr, UMIVERSITY OF OREIOI. Enm, iVsja "Business More Than Ordinary" Production is .steadily on the increase. The market for our goods is world-wide. American workmen are becoming increas ingly efficient. Labor is steady. Wages are good. These are the conditions'' upon which America bases its hope for more than "busi ness as usual." Commercial interests will find in this Insti tution the maximum of helpful co-operation. First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALL& OREGON I HH wm)Mmmmmmmmv SeaMaaMiMWi August 21, 1917. TO THE I'UDI.IC: Wo wish to announce- that on and after Soptcnitier 1.1917, the W. P. Johnson company, G1S Main streot, will do a genoral real estato business. When you wish to buy, sell or exchange city or jj fnnntv i...n..... ...... . .. .., i.uh( we win bo glad to act as your agent, m and feel that with our wide acquaintance, knowledge of local conditions and fine office equipment, we are. In a position to serve you well. We are, Very reip ectfully youn W, P. JOHNSON COMPANY. JOEL T. WAIID. Sale. Manager. isar MBwr ' SSMfc. .'..;'... jlvij? flTiAK