WFICIAL NEWSPAPER p KLAMATH COUNTY JKftf Sunning Iteraid OFFICIAL NEW1PAPKK OF KLAMATH PALLS Kelfth Yir (MIDI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1917 Price F1t OewM emale Help In Klamath Mills OMEN ARE NOW MPLOYED BOX MILLS Iklska box ih first to start MOVEMENT brUgr of l.obor Canned by the War I.Nmtiw1U(cm rulllitK on Women I'orkera Plnrrd at Jotia IUxulr Hut almoin ringwa ,wi ikmk iKurikiit Work Oilier Firms Will Follow (tie Precedent. IThe prricnt HorlotiH shortage of lit rand the fart Hint thin condition Ih Lcljr to become ninra slrlngvnt In t near future, rather than remedied i mulled In the employment of the it women at the local box factories. There are three or them) now cm eyed at the Chelsea Ilox compnny thin city, n strong probability of Mysterious Suicide Discovered MWVMWMMWMWMMWMyWWMMIWM NINE DAY TOUR GOOD PROGRESS ON RAILROAD THRU OREGON ENDS HERE MOTOK DEALERS OK lOHTLAND HTI'IIY THLIIt TERRITORY CONTRACTOR WALTON REPORTS FIVE MILES OK GRADE BE TWEEN TIIIH CITV AND OLENE COMPLETE! MOVES CAMP About live miles of the 8trahorn Car Train." Greater CiMpcrntlon In Needed. IEPIY TO POPE HAS BEEN SENT lllllllllir III (11. IU'Kmi AriillnlfltfiMl grade between Klumnth Falls and the With CoiMlltlonN and to Meet Gar- Olene dap Ih now completed, accord- ., ! IK to Contractor Guy Walton, who hkc Mr,, Personally, Portland Donl-j , , rUy 0) blBneig th,g mor) i-ni Make IMeimUe Trip In "Motor '"? Another mile will be (Inlshod anil ready for tho ties within the next two weeks. I Walton lias now moved Ills camp to Olenc, nnd Ih now working from that 1 end. . , .. , , ., Men nre very hcbtco, lie says, and! That they may become better as- . ..... . . ."',..- , 1 8HOW nn inclination to leave as toon " "" " ihiuiv. qiiaintod wun tiio iiiKiiwass. tne hcuii- Thereare n number of places In tho' , , , , lories where quickness of move nt and nlmblcneM of Anger, are I'""' ol nuiomoDiio ueaicn. riom aired, rather than muacoliir Portland,' mcmborH of tho Dealers' mitb.ahd It la at theiio that tho, Motor Cur ..Association, have been omen bavo been placed. They aro Iported by tho management to be Ivliii excellent satisfaction, being lore expert In their particular linos kin the men. Many of tho Eastern mills nnd line on the Const have, already adopt- I thin iiieaHiire, but It has not been bund necessary hero previous to thin me. IteprcKontatlvea of tho Kwauiia Uox hctory declare that they will bo drlv- i to make IIiIh move In tho next few Mi, and plan to put on a force of reral women next weok. Theao brapanlcH will lone. HiibRtantlally from he coming war drnft, and about hlrty-flvo of tho boya now employed fill leavo to atart the school term arly In September, Russ Leaders Are Cheered at Meeting General Kornilof f in Plain Talk Before National Conference Tells Members That Strenuous Measures Must Be Adopted If Russia Is to Be Saved From Ruin as they havo earned a smallsum. HIGH SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 10 FAMILIES WANT MOYH TO WORK KOIt IM)AHI SEVERAL GIRLS WANT PLACES IX HOMES DURING SCHOOL YKAR touring the Htntc, arriving hero yes-j torday aftornoou, They hnvo boon traveling In a "motor car train," and! hnvo accomplished much In bringing! togclhcr'tho boosters of Oregoifandt Southern Oregon. I TWO Tho party Iiiih boon on the road nine dnyn, has traveled about 700 nilleH without aerloiiH neeldent, and Iiiih visited till tho Hceulc attractions of thU region. Tho niotorlHtH have' boon extensively entertained at the. Mlllly imnMv nr 8tlu (0mlng In arliUHCltle: have taken aomo stroii.'IIH to l0 ,,, of tll0 0,,ennR 0f the iioiih aide tripe, nnd have only ono re- KnmBtll County hlghd achool. gret Crater Iiko wbh too hazy and principal C. R. Bowman announces smoky to permit n good vlow of the Ulnt tho rogfotratlon will take place wtr. 'September loth', and that all thoae Klamath FnllH Ih tho last official wi(,hlnlr,t0 enter Hhould be on hand aiop on iiio tour, nun touny inn party broke up, the maehlneH inturiilug In tne iiireciion mnat suiinnio io ,no in- , ther , g WBnnR plBceB t0 dividual erOlipH. . -rt wnrlc fnr hnnr.l Hiirlns fhn I M. O. WllkliiB, president of the an., school year, but no places hnve been Horlatlon, H-iyH that the purpose of tho folld for tUPm Any fBmUy wBhng 1 tour has been to stimuiato greater in- t0.raBKe nu nrrangement of this kind teiest In home aconedy, and to secure w ,,, ,ftke tne mtttter Up with bettur co-oporntlon botweon distant 'proreHHOr Uowman. ciiiph or the Hiuto and rortinnii. Thoro )lra ,,lncea for two hoyB nero our Htnio ih gutiing roa.iy,to sponu who w1hI. , work fop thelr U0Brd PETROGRAD, Aug. 28. At accond sitting of the national confer ence held today. Premier Kerensky and General Kornlloff were heactlly cheered as they entered th hall. Kornlloff, In a fiery speech before the body declared that the restoration BRITISH GAINS 2,000 YARDS HURSTAXTIAL GAINS UKPORTED BY IXNDOX WAR OFFICE THK FRENCH STORM TRENCHES WITH GOOD RESUIK BODY OF UNKNOWN MAN IS FOUND NEAR CITY By Associated Prena Auguat 28. In the attack yester day on the Flanders front the Brltlah gained along a distance of 2,000 yards beside the St. Julian road, the London war office announces. Berlin ,has issued a statement de claring the gains made at this point were Insignificant. Paris announces that the French BELIEVED TO HAVE SUICIDE BEEN A the asked, was only a small part of what was necessary in an army stricken with insubordination such as Russia's. i e Hiiuuutii us me iroui is very. v"" " nuu;uiii bad," he said. "We have lost the at Butte de Sousafn, And took prison- urhnm fPAtit nr Iliilrttvlrio If Hitalai . ' ...... . .. -.. erg is to be saved at all the army must be Had Been Dead About Three Weeks, and Was Badly Decomposed Bad. let From Snail Rerolrer Had Brofc. en Neck Silver Watch ad Change Foaad With Bodj, Xothtag for IdesUacatioa German trenches of the death penalty, which he had, regenerated." Price of Sugar To Be Reduced WASHINGTON, V. C, Aug. 28. $7.25 cane sugar basis, f. o. b., sea An aareement bv the country's bcot ' l,ort refining ports. sugar producers to limit the price of' "In response to a request from the on this date. " ' $6,000,000 on pormnneiit highways, KUhVKI) THAT LITTLE KN' "d by tho time wo havo completed OWRAflKMKXT IH OFFERED IIY V. 8. CONTKXTH TO HE MADE I'UIIMO TONIGHT Ibat the llrst COO miles of hard surfacing i Ron, Washington and British Colum- wo must have our scenery so well ad- bin. The effects of this advertising vortlsed tho tourists will want to W bo Immediate. Let us all have come," said ho. "Today, there aro that California cordiality, and make many visitors, but not us many as j tho motor car tourists enjoy their vis. thorn Hhould bo. Hundreds of Cnll-' its hero. Do not doscouraxe them for WASHINGTON, D, C Aug. 88. ' fornla curs como horo and to Crater ia moment. As president of the Deal- rcpiy or the United States tn Dim Uike. and ovon to Grants I'bsb, but ors' Association of Portland, I extend 'P' pence nronosal luni irnn rnp.'do not so further north bocauso the the hand of the Oregon metropolis to afO. imiuilnm inn inlil llin iniiiln nru too Ulntnnlh ITiillu Vmi hnvn Ihn Annul The best Informed poraons bellovo! bad. hotel In the state. Let us co-operate "o reply does not find nv "Wo must stop knocking. Our own more fully." round on wlilcli n iinuui i. .i..i nnnnln l fliuitlinrn Orniran lire sear- Havsrnl nt Ihn nnrlv rnmnlnnri hern n of We In tho absence of Gor-i Ing nway niotorlHtH with their talon of today to viait the attractlona near the """fim. woo. Tho Pacific Northwest Tourist, city. Some of the largest automobile The reply will be made nnhiie iw Association is koIhk to BPond many dealers of the Pacific Northwest. In- wry Lansing tonight. thousands of dollars advertising ure- eluding Fred W. Volger and A. 8, Robinson, were here, Others In the party were Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Wllklns, Mr. and Mrs. A s. Robinson, A. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Grombacher, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Averill, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hell, Mr. and Mrs, L. B. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Volger, Mr. and Mrs. L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alble, F. H. Nash, A. B. Pentlss (official pho tographer), Albert Q. Brown and Mlas Julia E. Pratt (entertainers), and Clement W, Ausman, representative of the Morning Oregonlan. Mr, and Mrs. P. M. Burnslde from Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Olaaon of i fund administration." said thn admin- their product so as to effect a reduc- stl.atlon statement. "representatives tlon of about 1 cents a pound in 0f 80 per cent of the domestic beet the present price of BUgar has been ' sugar Industry of the United State announced by the food admlnlstra-' have been In conference with the food ' , , , . . . . ',, ,!, -,,. ,,,, mi- , ,,, i administration In Washington during Several girls have already handed Hon, with a notice to the public that - Ab a result of thu con. tms snomo mean a saving o, ....... feienM t,icB' bjet 8Ugar producera 000,000 between now and the first of'rcaciied the agreement to limit their next year. ! price to a basis that will make possl- It was also announced that tho bio tho $30,000,000 saving to the wholesale grocers had ngreed to limit t public. distribution charges to prevont exor-j "The representatives of these pro bltant prices. ducers have pledged themselves to se- In the near future the admlnlstra-') cure tho active co-operation of the tlon will Btato the price at which 'other 20 per cent of the beet indus wholesalo sugar should be delivered try, and have every reason to believe at large consuming ccntero. The beet that the action of the Industry will be sugar price fixed Is the equivalent of I unanimous. neajjvrrancourt. ry actlvif jnonjhe Theri tlllery actl conlsderable ar nhe erdun front. Irish Convention Head Seeping Cowboy Is Attacked By Coyote nJ2iN2 cownOV IS I After u deaperate fight the cowboy UWU- Ore.. A iiv OD. i.i rii.-. .... j-j i- .iiiihm u. ima1 with I riBf A alA - " Alb VUlUUff,' HUtltttlUVU 111 nilllllel UIW "' WMnin. , ' "' wa" "acked while PjPtai : l i th. open by a rabid coyote B0 hll fea .-a h.j. w.j... tratod. Coabow passed thru here today on hla way to Portland to take the Pas teur treatment. Sacramento, and Charles Hudson of San Francisco were here to attend the dealers' meeting. Montana Indian Lands Are To Be Sold Soon BILLINGS, Mont., Aug. 28. Mon- will be offered for sale, tana farms, some of, them cultivated The land Is in the vicinity of Bill to a small extent, will be obtainable Ings, and a considerable part is be at prices ranging from $2 an acre up-lleved to be coal lands, and on such ward, at the scale of the former Crow i tho department of Interior has re Foot reservation lands hero Bop t em- served to the government the right to bar 4th. Approximately 40,000 aero mine coal. FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN , AT SPRING LAKE HOME ' The party given the evening of the Mrs. Homer Depuy, Mr. and Mrs. Ar tliiiB' Schretner, Mesdamea Walter Ti.rnnr Tim nlvnn .T W WrlvM. ....... w., .... ....., ,. ... ....a..., S2d at the home of E. A, Schrelner Misses Mabel Latta, Ruth M. Dixon, In honor of their son, Lester B, Schrelner, who ia home on a furlough visiting friends and relatives, was most heartily enjoyed by all. Lester was among some of the first recruits from Klamath County to Join the navy. The evening was spent In games and music Refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Ruth B. Dixon, Lucille Stewart, Vio lette Matney, Louiaa Schrelner, Ruby and Ethel Schrelner, and Messrs. Bert Hugle, Vern McClelUin, Cecil Cald well, Shannon Dixon, Lester Schrein er, Gordon Dolan, Gordon Qulraby, Otto Balin, John Balln, Verne Mat ney, Sidney Latta, Harry Qulmby, Ray Rice, Austin Case. mSslllBI urn A" "- 'V"'ibbM K ?--v','' v "ii'nriiriiiawWBw Bf t jiJti2 v-sSpJBJSBBBjMBBBKaeBBBBai Between thirty and forty ladles at. tended the meetings at the Red Cross work rooms last week to Bew for the soldiers. It Is hoped that there will be many more this week, as there Is plenty to occupy all who can come. The body of an unknown man, who had been dead In the neighborhood of three weeks, was found late yester day afternoon by Jack Logan, a wood chopper, in the bushes adjoining the old Fort Klamath Road, Just beyonu thn crett of the hill, about three mile from the city. - ' -- On making the discovery Logan Im mediately notified the sheriff, who went to the spot with the undertaker and other officials, and took charge of the bodly, which was in a badly de composed condition. The man, about 35 years of age, had evidently committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the neck with the ,22-callbre revolver found in his hand. The shot had broken bis neck. He was fairly well dressod thruout, but no mark of iden tity could be discovered on any of his rtothlng. A silver watch and $5.45 were found in his pocket. He wore a biowu cord worsted suit, good shoes and light brown golf cap. The hair was black, tinged with gray. He waa evidently about five feet four Inches till. ' k ' E. W. Gowan officiated as coroner in the absence of Dr. A. A. Soule. The reranlns were interred) early later by Undertaker Earl Wbltlock. RUSS FORCES ARE ROUTED ' PETROGRAD, Aug. 28. The Russian infantry left their trenches before the enemy at- tacked In the Boyany, region, and Is retiring eastward, the war office announces. CHINESE SHOW FIGHTING SPIRIT PEKING, Aug. 28. Three gener als with 50,000 troops have offered themselves for immediate service in Europe against Germany. Will Reclaim Land With Wmd Mills To leclalm the extensive tract of. mills so as to get the flood waters oK marsh land which they have recently purchased near Algoma, John Hagel teln and son William have arranged for the purchase of four ten foot wind mills of the variety recently pat ented by A. Carlson of thia city. The land Is sufficiently drained now during a large part of the season, but does not become dry in time for early spring work, when It must be town to obtain the beat remits. It U the idea of tho new owners to install these at an earlier date. They then plan to irrUatr. the tract from tho Barclay Springs on the north. Carlron'a mills have proved them selves very valuable In the reclama tion of lands, as they can be left for long periods without any attention Carlaon left for Redding this morning to get castings made for, t& M mills. He reports that he can Mil them here aa fast aa he can majautac Hue them, A .' . ', u .'.mi n tv-., 8 u i 5f2;iL