:' ";' rim worn v IH-' 'Mr THB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WIGDNsMDAT, AVOUST SS, lT V l &N . jyfrjaijjl0a0MMWlMINWM''IMIIWrfl IK ' W yMiwWMwwMiwwywfffiwyywj(ww Personal Mention a.-7, essaaa1JlsJjisl little emsuam ox local happenings among the people or tbm cut and vicinity, going and com. ING8 OP LOCAL FOLKS. tnAnnivvvfsnsrrsivys r iJT""""JT"virii'yyyyyvyvvynnAnjijC jvarjvijyenrris'srsnivyys rvmnrxAAAJumjm D. Nine of Fort Klemsth Is In the city on builneu. Sin. Ron Torrey has gone to Har- rlraan Lodge to spend several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reynolds of Alabama are visiting at Eagle Ridge. E. W. Barnes, a mlltman from Odessa, Is In the city on business. Miss Opal Langenburg has gone to Medford, where she will accept a po sition. Carl Deal, a stockman of the Upper Langell Valley country. Is In the city for a short business visit. E. M. Reppe, a rancher from the district below Midland, paid the coun ty seat a business visit yesterday. W. A. Delsell and family have gone to the Lake of the Woods to camp for a week. Z. C. Kimball, of the W. O. Smith Printing company, who has been with his family to Rocky Point on a short vacation, returned yesterday. He re ports a most enjoyable time. William Fordney, who operates the James Mercantile company at Lorel- la, brought In a load of cream from! the Langell Valley dairymen yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Hallday of Portland are registered at the White Pelican. Mrs. Hallday is a cousin of Andrew Collier of this city. Mr. Hallday Is looking after timber Interests while here. Mr. aad Mrs. Wellington Tempter, Mrs. Gilbert Tempter and Mrs. C. J. 8ecaaous went to Crater Lake yester. day. Mrs. Secanoas Is a alece of Mr. aad Mrs.. 8. T. Summers, aad -her home is la Portland. Mr. aad Mrs. J. M. Drothlngaaa of Maedoel, Calif., are registered at the Hotel HalL Messrs. Campbell. J. J. Winters and McClure 'have gone to Crescent to spend a week hunting. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tower or Keao spent yesterday in Klamath Falls oa bustaess. Charles A. Otis will leave today for Odessa, where he will ran the loco motive at the Barnes lumber camp. Mr. aad Mrs. Ed Martin aad Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Mania are hack from San Francisco, following a visit of about two weeks. Mr. aad Mrs. Robert L. McCook of, San Francisco are among the tour, tots registered at the White Pelican hotel. . Mr. anWTMrs.' Jack Goddard arrived la theJ city last evening. tMr. God dard UA lumberman from, Weed. ' who is here on amatter of business. Mrs.cBer ram.ZMIsses Dorothy Vaaderson, Florence Sanderson aad AdeleFltspatrick left this morning for Spring Creek to spend several days camping. , ;.- - A. Bushman and bis .sister, Mrs. Shaw, who have beea spending some time visiting Rocky Point, Crater Lake aad other points of Interest In Klamath County, have left tor their home la Baa Francisco. Mr. aad Mrs.. W. T. Shlve aad Mr. aad Mrs. Oscar Shlve and daughter returned yesterday from Lake of the Woods aad Spring Creek, where they have beea gathering huckleberries and camping for tea days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grove left for San Francisco yesterday, where they expect to make their home In the future. Mr. Grove has been alght engineer at the White Pelican hotel for the past several months. A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. ut. soyens, Mrs. O. W. 81y. Mrs. Roy Tabor and children, R. L. Oliver from Dorris. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Miller and Miss Laageaberg of Klamath Falls weat to Crater Lake Saturday even ing and returned yesterday. F. H. Brlggs of Santa Anajwd A. 8. Mack of this city left this morning tor Ban Francisco via Bnumriiu Mr Brlggs wUl go on to Santa Ana to at tend to his Interests there, and Mr, vack will return to Klamath Falls the latter part of the month. Oregon Will Take Woman War Census How Women May Best Aid Nation Will Be Determined By Census Of All Women and Girls Over 15 Years. Gov. Wythecombe Will Pro claim September Fifteen For Registration WILLIE IIICH IS NOSmCKER YOUNG MA! EMPLOYED AT LOC OING CAMP HAS WITHDRAWN EXEMPTION CLAW AND WILL GO TO THE FRONT Willie lllch. one of the young men recently drafted Is not a "slacker and rather than be known as such he has withdrawn his claim which he expected to flle for exemption on ac count of caring for his dependent father and mother, and go to the I front with the rest of the men as soon ! iu7 lira mitu, I lllch came down yesterday from Oregon U to Uke a war census of ers will be aslgned to certain districts , Johnston camp of the Pelican its women. A national movement to gather the data. . . . m-- .... The registration was sianea .a new tor., unaer ,o,, Mnun OThMt. . ,d. known his decision. He has cral supervision, recently, and It ;,, gerlea of questloBs..showlng exact-' brothers now at the front from on carneu uui aiong me same nucs 4 NORTHWEST WEATHER , FORECAST. e) ORKGON-Falr and warmer Thursday. w KLAMATH U. 8. It. t. , - a u.iimnm vMturdav. 88 del. W ...... ...v. , , .. - A Minimum. tndaV. SO del. W NOTH7K KOR BIDS SpM bid will bo received by Hrhool District No. 1 up to September 3, 1917. for the transportation of school children from the southern boundary of the district lo tho Itlversldo and Mills schools by either auto or wagon. The board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Address all bids to It. It. Dunbar, Klamath Falls. IMt II. N. Mne Company now ihowln, advance styles Palmer, Costs sod Hutu lor fall Wear. ' .V m. Mrs.'Aj Blackly hat returned fro Baa Francisco with a full line of fin and winter samples for ladles' ants. 1017 Mala. li-u, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Automobile owners i know they can have the squeak taken out of their auto wheel at the Klamath Auto Hprlngs Works. All work strictly Brst class. jj.h Auto channels reset by the Khun, sth Auto Spring Works makes your old wheels as good as new. All work strictly Irst class and guaranteed, it L GOOD BILL TONIGHT As this Is the last night of the Gladstone 8lsters bill In Klamath Palls, a special program with a com- 'pletebchange will' be given at the 8tar wester tonight. A more extensive program Is announced than on the two previous nights. A special fea ture will be the Grecian barefoot dance, which has brought the sisters much fame In the city vaudevilles. She's a Mayor, Bat She DUliket the Job here. September 15th will be proclaimed by Governor Wlthycombe this week as Housewives' Registration Day, and every female more than 15 years old will be asked to register. ; The object Is to determine exactly j ly what every woman can do. These ola nom" ,n nienegro, wnere M.nv. .in k. eni . .. th. mr.1 his mother still resides, while his ernment will Uke them over placing '' w' h,ra " IUcn d them on flle In the war census bureau claws that he has purchased his lib at Washington. D. C. This will be the bonds and subscribed substsn only official census of housewives. toU to tn Red Cro' nd w,u t)ten. lto tn front rather than have any At th time of registration. It la'tlm attached to his nsme, altho what the women of tha state ein do Inrohable that the Hoover food n Oeiievee ne naa ample cause 10 and how they may supplant men' who pledges, setting aside certain days , uXr at home, will leave their civilian sUtus to Uke when meat and white flour will aot ' part In the great conflict In Europe, j be used in order to conserve the sup-' The matter of registration will be, ply. will be distributed. This work is, a volunUry one. Every woman will under the direct supervision of Dr. WANT AD 6ETS QUICK RESULTS be asked to register from an econom- W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon ic standpoint. Whether the reglstra- Agricultural College. Hon will be conducted by a house-to- The parent-teacher associations, bouse canvass or whether polling every woman's religious organisation places .will be esUblished Is a matter of the various creeds, the patriotic re- yet to be determined. The former .lief division, and similar organise- LUMBERMAN SAY'S IT CERTAIN. LY PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE EVENING HERALD 1MME. DtATE RESULTS FOLLOW plan Is meting with much approval, i lions will Uke an active part In the and If it is adopted, volunteer work-1 Uklng of the housewives' census. LANDS BIG FISH AFTER STRUGGLE C. A. ALLEN GETS IMPOUND " TROUT FOLLOWING FIGHT OF AN HOUR AND A HALF ROCKY POINT RUSSIA NOT FAVORABLE TO PEACE PROPOSALS WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. II. Rejection by Russia of the pope's peace proposal was foreshadowed In an The quickest resulu ever received thru an advertisement were secured yesterday by Marlon Nine, a local offlcUl sUtement Issued St ths iumber man, thru want ads placed In The sUtement tne Evening Herald Mr. Nine declares that he bss al ways believed In advertlslnga and has always secured good returns' from his money Invested In this way, but nev- Russian embassy. follows "The answer to the ratteen's peaco proposal has not yet been formulated by the Ruslan government, but there Is a feeling in Russia that the pro- .. axnerlanced inch Immi.t. hn- , , m ' - .. W..W AT posal has been made witn some in- nU ss those secured here spiration irom tne central powers, u Ut( yesterdsy, being In dire need is consmerea in kussib insi me very r lumber nllersat his mill near Fort basis of the Vatican's proposal is in- frjamatlf, ths shortage 'being so se- consisteni witn tne uemocrauc aims...... ,.., i, ,m h.. .... .. A noUble struggle was enacted at 0f the Russian people in this war and'., . ,. .im.m m...i i.u. the flsh banks at Rocky Point yes-:non-accepUble from that point of ,n two dty, wthollt more ne rT'. , , .. , "T".'' 4' P In the Herald :" ST' i-pounu umon The Vatican's proposal. It is said, colnBni( mtknr nta WMt, known ,0 ..... in kiw vuu.c (uu uu a. ignores tne most viiai principle pro- the nnWIe T. . t . "'"-"" 7". . ciaimeo oy nussia me ngpi oi wen WUhUl ,M, in two hours after ... ,. mu uu . um,i vi rwn- Uuon to aetermine iw own aesuny, tne nMr w, on the ... t h h A uous work on the part of Mr. Allen Md thu. leaves the fate of certain uZ,,"',", .. ?,"'. Ii. hrln. h. hi- .k . .1.. m- I ... .. .... . .t- t-j .. . .v. ... ......, .uM tun U1SI1 7 "-"" " """ --isuojeCT nauonaiiues in we nanus M arenow at the mill at work, auou, wuu umm ueeu hi mo ruiai iorj other powers. snout ten days, bss been quite sue- J " M f MBJsssssswIsmJHBV IQHnSPgsHsKI' nUkMm:i'mMmmmmlmm trmMmuK4&mmsimmmm jwfaimy Y'llRfWWgSi WmtitiVBM v mmmr.f d&rmmim mmrnm r &W&&' ,fVi$ fM$, TmA T&mmMm : wMmJJvtf i kj '&MM vkSwtk mMmw ;.s j j ' . J f tj .?iJn?L I if? pt4 i SSaQ&iWgl i miiMM iw mBm&jk4s-i1,i;!m mmMM mmxs. v i a ttxMkxw ''':rt-m n mmmm Birgsv v raWsmSMaVvu himii sissbii !li:fm-M ' ' M -'gsaTVil JssstSHI wJtsVam tL m'SvA1 ajsHsmlsBlCam - '-v v-aHb f sbbbbbbbbMIbI l W sSJafJm y "BpSSBSft ? sawTl Jsfsfsfsfsfamll ' Hlsm-4. WgSMtm'1:imr;gssssssssssll ff'. H?ISBPjslBBm'k'V-'?vi wBBBsVgSBsl .'iaBBBTS SBBBBBBBBBBbHB 'sAYi'mtTSnnfffL i v BVBfamlgSK-JSsBsY BffSffSffSffSSSjl cessful, doing still fishing almost ex clusively, using minnows as bait. TUESDAY TU BE MEATLESS DAY FALLS FROM HAYSTACK Henry Gordon of the Fort Klam ath country had the misfortune to fall from a haystack a few days ago, striking on bis head and shoulders. He wss laid np In bed for a- short time, but beyond VAUDEVILLE BILL PLEASES The Gladstone sisters In their songs and dances lsst evening at the SUr thester gave a most pleasing short program, and showed decided Ulent, especially In their dances. . . f mk.l vii, . -. a stis aeea ana. f ciean ana oreesy tnru- bruises he is no worse for the accl-j". "d very well received by the I dent. . 'audience. . WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 22. America's "meatless day," If It finally Is ordered, Is to be Tuesday. Plans for the publicity campaign of the food administration to conserve the food supply of the nation during the war are rapidly coming to a bead. The campaign will be Uunched very shortly. While the food administration can restrain 'to some extent the sale of these foods, the consumption of which It Is desired to cut down, that) ... .... . . ; step wui not ne taaen unless other means fall. Tha public will be asked to regulate itself. Hotels, resUuranU and dining can all over tha couatry and clubs In very many cities will serve no meat on Tuesdays after tha appeal Is issued. Patriotism aad neighborhood influ ence will be counted upon to bring- about observance of the day In pri vate homes. ;: $ The Federal Reserve Stjstem helps YOU DANCE W POSTPONED ;rV.--.l, -eAV L- 11 ISSII tmi oeorge HorwlU of Moore- FU., and Philadelphia, ha mayor, ,or the former iSfTTT i"'"v Mwwr,,Bi me rormer tA?.f " ".ooes not tnina sna iikaa B,.5-' .'.. iv .. i. ... .. . . ' " M:&FZl " ' " ?rmny WIU she Mt-.TTTT"-..f"WJWHi WBBI IO i ciii5iu,!i.avi:'.-i.-ii. i. . .'.- i7. .. lV'Zr3I' -fF'w,F.Bi!tBa .duties. I tJI.'B 1 l r m Tflti iTi T- TTF- - w..w yiWflTJ she found she, as mayor, would ,bavs to sit as magistrate la the police court, she rssllsed It was serious New York city to get some advice from police, court magistrates. "Since tha. court work is nart of y duty." ska said, "jf am going jto Because of the exceptionally good pictures to be presented at the opera house tonight, the dance at the KUmath Falls Academy scheduled for this eve ning has beea postponed. , sufrsgist. Wheal fl( .myself for KT' r NOTICE The Ladles' AM Society of the Presbytorlaa church will meet at the Red Cross headquarters at Twelfth, aad Mala streets. Thursday, at 9:30 p. m, . It wat CrmaUd Primarily To help the buetnei men and fanseri; To provide plenty of currency at an times; To effect a steadier supply of credit The system merits the support of an good citizens; it must have yours in order to reach its full devekipment Yccanetxmrethobsjnsyhsofthlsfrwat cyatem and at the same tsme ass ait directly in developing it by depotitkiryouriDOtsty with us. ssatRAk assaava '' I ssemTBMsesl . " "sMSsssslBmBJjgtjlgm FIRST NATIONAL BANK sP qHARDWARE- Take a Look in Our Window Any Time... Yoa will Had there nothing bat the very best dwplay. Here are tools for the M-haair. Hie tools are hie living. The better his tools the better Ida living, berauso tha better hi work. Oar showing of tools of all deecrlntloa. will delight every good merliaalr. Here also are tools for the mason, marhlMlet, farsner aad for every man, ao matter what Ma trade) or work. We make a point of carrying only tha bast therefore that's what you're sure to get If yon bay here. Roberts & Hanks RELIABLE HARDWARE DEALERS MAIN ST. EVERY Artist, every Dramatist, every Musician, every Writer knows the importance of the setting. . . A Tak. the rooms of a home as a eettlag, aay room, aook or corner when out of proportion will detract from the general' effect. , Many a good housekeeper la bora to rcaeasa suuwcogaJswl as such because of a poorly pUaaed hoaae. , . Many a woman that would be considered aa oWHaary house, keeper becomes an authority la matter partalalag-.to house keeping because of a cleverly planned, sjepsavtaa. coavesaeat liome. Tliere Is no nay la which a woman can show her tMNrlda. ality and mo exercise the particular eort of power that Is her, as nhen she gives expression In tha thlnsje about her. The Influence of a wei planned home la positive, usract aad sure. . x Investigate Our Free Plan Service to i Customers ' -' We have many different designs to' snake rear -- and will consider it a favor la bah .. TlhwwX'SS f Kg Basin Lumber Company Pfcese 107 Klamath Falls. Oregon m ttwmt i wf ,? wamtk - . Ti s vj(f k-,v J e WWW'h &' '