?4ii WtU.NBAV, AtOt't MB, HIT THE.KVKN1WO HBKALP. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON Hdusekeeper's Column tumwviri" M " " i rnr mum. NtjTK If any ei" the readers liave discovered any mil ur "M,rt ,t M iKHMMfriat, Nt aew.eronomy lliat tliey would paw on to others, PlMM eead it to the Housekeeping ttlltor, In rare of tlie Kvealag Hereto, so that It can be printed. This column will appear weekly.; Kor f-Vwtt Pies. When baking very Juicy plee.iatft !t larsr of fine bread crumba over the lower crust before putting In tbe rrult. This will Insure a crisp lower cruit, and the ureaa crumos can oe neither seen or tasted. For Walilag the Hair. la houses where there U no run-nine- water, a very satisfactory math od of rinsing (the hair after washing It li to have some one pour water over It with a sprinkling can. Tola will be found to be much eaaler than chang ing the water la the bails aeveral titDM. A lllankrt Pillow. A neatly folded blanket placed In- aide a pillow cover with buttona and buttonhole, 'and placed on the couch, li always handy whoa needed, and kept free from soiling and out of the way In the cover when not la uae. For Children's tVettera, In one family the children who go away to school are supplied with a quantity of paper of uniform alee, and at the end of the term tbe letters are all bound together to form a rec ord of the year. This method would tend to create a dealre for neatnesa and orderliness In letter writing In tbe child. For the Automobile. - Comfort In the automobile la great, ly enhanced by having one or two feather pillows covered with attract Ire button-on. covers to be placed at tbe back or used aa a foot rest. A Time Haver. Whim washing silver try putting It in a coinmior, wanning and rinsing without romovlriK It, and lifting col anattr anu mi out of the water. Care must be iisod to lay the sllvor In so that It will not liu Ncrutrliod. but It can be cleaned much easier. A New nirttKlay rake. I'lace a buttered tumblor In the center of it large round enko tin and pour the batter In around the tum bler. The rake will cook perfectly without falling, and the glass can be easily removed. A pretty Idea Is to leave the glass In, and aftor the cake la frosted to nil the glass with flowers, candy or a little surprise In the way of tiny favors. To AM PunrtMallty. One mother successfully solved the problem of punctuality at breakfast In the following manner: If a child was late to breakfast he was made to go to bed at night as many minutes earlier as he was Into In the morning on tho claim that his being lato abowed that he needed more sleep. Punctuality earned Its reward by an eitra amount of time to stay up Sat urday evening. For Those Who (lather Huckleberries. Huckleberries dried thoroughly In the shade make a very acceptable aubstltute for raisins. To Have Time In Shelling Peas. Wash the peas thoroly and put to boll In the pods. When they are done the pods will burst and can be skimmed off while the peas go to the bottom. The flavor surpasses that of the peaa shelled before cooking. ,1 I . I I I I M ,11 . . I , . ., , , ,. . ,. , sr - i- i . I lroUey Wreck in Which Nineteen Were Killed : . i """ "i C , llfiftii iiiMMMhfflwwvTWliTTn i saTaTaTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTeTe ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaWrlaaaair?TIlW5W aaaaaaaaeM 1 lUBMaaal ' Mlafl 1 lilH Willi I II Hfllll I' M l&J K SaaaaaaaaaaLMBaBaaaa3Mljgtj h 'i m m pi ib ii,' wlv ' ..sphhkvi rinr M.'HlUaKTT Ili.l i u aaaaaaaaaal?2'eii N anaaaaaeaaaaaaaiSJ 9 iaSX'lSiS K!SlHBBaaawWBJBah I ULeVVitrfr tVLiOLlV ' '" I " " ' I Trriajikiji u i ip-MM-rti I '! HI I Mi aaaaallBlii i i ' I'Mi Mil ' MaaMMaalll i ' allHli W H aH all mtmmmmmm PAcuenouai '""' iiaiinsaagi -i Mm U..V'' " ' ---w-wrrrrw ;: rtitL FRESH Land fit You can feel floe all auaaa and avoid the depression which la ao often caused by an Inactive liver and the resultant stomach and bowel troubles, by using Nyal'a Little Liver Pills. They act a. a mild laxative and at tbe same time tone up the bowels and Increase the activity of tbe liver. Price SSe. Nineteen passengers were killed and more than forty were Injured when two trolley can collided head on at North Oranford, Conn., twelvo miles from New Haven, the other day. The accident Is said to have been caused by the motorman of one of tbe care from New Haven falling) asleep and falling to stop at a siding, allowing the other car to pass on the one track line. He was among the killed. IIMerrWfcPfo in r V lOAJIrVTH FALLS OREGOW LSuaWm Buy THCIff .DRUGS niarv w . UccuWAfiyl "' liiiiii iniiiMin,t brood. And if that Interesting little1 such a man bos no terrors, and Jot.N'ri RANKS OP THE CRIPPLED family evor saw tho llcht of dav and heaven will take care of Itself. Christ' Gilbert Arnold Is tbe lateat man -- - --Hv . w , , -.. . . .. gave proof of wisdom when he said: "Be ye also ready." For Crocheted Rutteaa. Crocheted Buttons frequently lose their shape after koine laundered, and a good way to remedy thla fault is to dip them la cold starch and told them with the lagers until the; soda on It and wash wall aeurea snaps, and then allow them to dry. when they will look line new Use Iter aaOtfWksik An old whisk broom, trimmed so 'that It forms a point, is Invaluable for cleaning corners A New Idea for Cooklaw Potatoes. When cooking new potatoes try putting a sprig of mint la the kettle (wlth them, and the favor will be greatly Improved. Telephone Calls. for those who make many long distance cals, It Is a wise plan to have a small bank by the telephone, and after each call put In the re quired amount, Juat as tho using a public telephone. The monthly bills will then ceaae to be formidable. To Clean Painted Walla. Uae two palls of tepid water, wet cloth and sprinkle a little baking Rinse In clear water and wipe dry. Be sure to wash In one direction In order to avoid streaks. All gronso and dirt will disappear with very little rub bing. Uae the soda sparingly (a 5 cent package will bo sufficient for tbe average kitchen. i In cleaning paint- ed woodwork, a teaspoonful of kero sene added to warm water will work wonders. For the One Wlio Sews. Women whoso eyes are trouble aome, or who have trouble In thread ing needles, should use the long-eyed embroidery needles. When sowing oa the sewing machine, put one foot forward and the other back on the pedal, and tho work will be much lesa tiresome. Also be careful to have a comfortable chair. JAPANESE KICK ON HIGH PRICES to join the ranks of the employed of Klamath Falls who are flying with one wing or walking with three legs. He mashed the thumb of his lift hand In such a manner late yesterday even ing that it resembled most anything else than a good thumb. DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Lessons In Preparedness ever joined In the chorus of bird song and the merry life of the treetops, it was because many preparations had been made In advance for the realize, j tlon or those hopes. All this Is true In the art of character building as well as fortune building. Tbe Scan dinavians discovered America about a thousand years ago. and yet the western world was unknown to man kind until the advent of Columbus. It wnH because montal, moral and1 TOKIO, Aug. 22. The steady rise physical preparations are needful to ' in tbe price of necessities of life In rhako use of discoveries. They were Japan la calling forth protests from unprepared by lack of knowledge to' many quarters, especially from the make proper uso of their great 'ranks of the salaried workers. In achievement. Coal and Iron and steam ' many cases private employers have and electricity and timber have been raised wages to meet the new condl beforo human eyes during the aces I tlons. and the government Is consid- but knowledge was required as a erlng aome measures of advancing !rap,d "trldea with results that are of preparation to give them value and salaries. The giving of bonuses 'al-iuntoW blessing to humanity. Thelat usefulnoas. In tho struggle for exist-! ready has begun. !e8t PP"caUon of Its untiring research enco primeval man has employed' The demand for high priced labor!'8 tho "commendation that It U as preparation. In the competitions of In the commercial and manufactur-p"8" l "end to Internal santta clvlllred life a wider preparation is'lng branches is causing many young!Uon he tem of thehu letnniwia,! to nin ..ir.. Th ...lintn and wnmn in rirn tmm ,h. 'man body as It la to the drains of the I i hmtajh tire theory qf human life Is based on government service, and the result JT' preparedness. In time of peace; and has been that both telegraph and tel In the alarm of war, preparedness Is ephone departments have suffered, man's only security. If great prep-1 ay we wfll both leek ejsi fat) avit sweet and fre. sai bsosb Sanitary science has of late mad aratlon Ib needed In secular life, how much also In spiritual things. I do not urge moral and spiritual refor mation and regeneration so much to fit man for heaven. No not that. But to fft him for the best life, the greatest usefulness, and the highest happiness here and now. Death to THEATER TICKET SPECULATION FORBIDDEN MEXICO CITV, Aug. 22. The Mexico City town council has ordered the arrest of any person caught specif ulatlng in theater tickets. Those of ue who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when, we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid atom acb, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the system each morning and flushing out the whole of the Internal poisonous stagnant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or I well, should each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate la it to wash from the day's indigestible waste, soar bile aad poisonous toxins; thus cleaaalag, tomacb, liver and bowels the previous aweetenlng and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more rood into tbe stomach. Taeaetlei'ot an, empty stomach la wonderfully lav vlgoratlng. It deans out all the eosr fermentations, gases, waste aad add Ity aad gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast While yon are eajoyiac not water and Hmestone phosphate oa your breakfast the phosphated hot water Is quietly extracting a large vol ume of water from the bloodakd 'get ting ready for a thorough flushing of all the Inside organs. Tbe millions of people who are both ered with constipation, biHou spells, sionwcn irouoie, rneumaue sucaess; others who have, sallow sklas, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from the drag store.' This will cost very little, but Is aunt dent to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of Internal san itation. Adv. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JOHN O. CLEGHORN Couty Stu-veyer ClrR Engineer DR J. H. CARTER DENTIST OPFictv ROOM 7 and WHITK BUILDIN LEGAL NOTICES mA00Wmm00mA00wm00m00w0m Notice of Poeadmester's Sale Notice is hereby given that the aa derslgned poundmaster of the City of Klamath Falls, did impound in the pound of said city the following de scribed animals on or about the 11th day of August, 1917: , One black horse, about S years old. wire scars on both bind feet. One bay mare, blase face, brand on rights houlder. And that unless the owner or own ers of said animal, or other person or persons having an Interest therein shall before the time of sale stated below, pay all costs and charges for the keeping and advertising thereof, together with all fees 'provided by ordinance of said city for such cases, said animals will be sold at public auction for cash at Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the Klamath barn at the hour of 3 p. m., on the 25th day of August, 1917. H. 8. WILSON, Chief of Police and Poundmaster, Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, August SO, 1917. -Il-4t City ft County Abstract Co. ARTHUF R. WELSOX 617 Mala, St, ABSTRACTS, LOANS AND per cent Money for INSURANCE DR F. R. GODDARD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Salt 219, L O. O. F. Teasple BeaembeiwKxaaistIoB aad est saltattoat la free at yoar aatbeoaace. Farther I awe the loioiag steel table for borne treat, meat. This iastires tbe beeae treatment to be eqaal to any given la the oaace aad tbe price hi the Phone S31. Residence phone SSeVR, V ; Rev. George H. 'Bennett Man In his Infancy Is tbe embodi ment of helplessness. What must nave been the estate of the first men of the races? A study of the prlral tjve races' of today supplies the an er. He must subslstupoa the "ore highly organised4 foods such as ""Its, grain and meat. He must ever belter bU naked body with artificial clothing and protection against tbe ehlll of winter and the boat of sum er. And yet be was totally un armed with any natural weapons and , as unsuppiied with any natural Im plements for Ashing, hunting or ag riculture. Ha Was without knnwlaon He had no arts, jt( laduetrhm, nor , ... ., f siisianco. rrults and trains were ecatiefed.4ejdrflsh', fowl , and beast wore l&orid-his grasp. In the very nature of tbp case, the very existence of primeval' nan among .the "wures of tbe earth; depended upon woethtag,, it depended upon, prep- ration. Man auat acquire knowl- . "le, he must develop his powers, he - invent clothing and shsltsr. he uit Invent Implements aad weap-oo- la fact, human progress depend- - wn prpareaes. u Every Hfeiksittsies f crista. ow shall tb.y be met without care- ju and adequate preparation1 'lush p wans is seen In the lite of every. ' ii """"" iwwer or parental au- in y ,B 0UrWn aad tSSu WWM'Mse &.uca a time wHi.tu.u.' ji U' k. r n " u to hwu !, Toe Bowew, small calldreaof Int. "T" was neeiia or uwieseaeas. Another crUU Is met at Ue threshold changes are rapidly taking place. If a boy grows up alone at the age of play, of ball and marbles, If be does not 'row, or sail, or akate, or race, or fish, or shoot he will probably lead a sedentary, Inactive life. Again, a youth who' la a spendthrift, reckless In word or act, and shiftless In his habits, Is very apt to become a slip shod man. One great purpose of ed ucation la to teach a child to think, and what to think, when to act and how to act. A child may be trained to behave 'properly, promptly, habit ually at all times and tbia la of the highest Importance In dally life. A child may be educated to have a strict regard for truth, or to exercise decision and courage, or to perform acts of benevolence, self-sacrifice and Justice. On tbe other band a child may? be' well versed In book lore, and have a large stock of precepts, and yet tbru unfortunate training and companions fall Into evil ways. ,K has been said some fathers give more attention to their livestock In the barn than to their children in the house. Still another crisis is met when tbe youth stands at the door of maturity, He Is now to pass out into the world of struggle to make for himself a name and fortune. But what can that man hope to accomp lish, without prevloui preparation of mind, and band, and heart i I saw a little chickadee Inspectlag a box In tho pear tree. Soon I saw bar bringing downy material from the oak blossom to build her nest, bo was preparing her home In a hoi that had already been prepared for her bird dwelling. It was a safe aad saug retreat, where she might deposit -. ,i Take No Chances in Tire Buying There la risk la a ekaaee bat net whan yea buy a tire ef fcaowa aaaMty ef'kaewa eaderaaee. Cicf Ssaree nresall Ire ef them, 'Xeyef Ceraf, Weeey Vhrnim,' '(see Wef are sires ef kaewa, sleaaeaatratel aad prered serviee aad end urease. - -she, aiake ef tires that easts less per amlle tedaf than any ether make of aire new er ever. Preef-ehe eeaeleteat aad persistant year-hy-yeer, aseaah.hy aseath sales laereeses ef (nttee? Steves Tires. Year esperiease, tee, will prove their quality. United States Urns, Are fififid Tires A Tin it aVery JveeaT ef Prfee imI Use 'ftoyef Ceraf WeM 'Chmlm' '(see lain' mea last JfalwifaSMtMstM f IK ACCitaso- Yank mud Hut TtntMuftim " routh, Then physios! and mental) her precious eggs aad rear bar llttlel (No. 101 Equity) In the Circuit Court, in and for the County of Klamath and State of Oregon. Nettle O. Shanks, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Titus Shanks, Defendant, To Frank Titus Shanks, Defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregen: You are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the Slst day of August, 1917, that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order tor publi cation of this summons, and it you fail so to appear, plead, answer, de mur, or otherwise move, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for la his complaint, te-wlt: For a decree dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, upon the grounds of desertion for more than one year last past immediately pre ceding the filing of the complaint herein. This summons is served upon you, tbe said defendant, by publication thereof in the Evening Herald, a pub lic newspaper of general circulation, printed and published at Klamath Falls, Oregon, once a week tor six successive weeks (seven Insertions), the first publication being made July 18, 1917, and the last publication? August iv, ivi7, oy oraer oi Marion Hanks, County Judge of Klamath County, Oregon, acting la the place and stead of D, V. Kuykendall, Judge of the Circuit Court of Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, there being no elreutt Judge within the Judicial district oa the date of this order, which said or der was made, entered, - dated and died In this suit July 17, 1917. RENNBR k KBNT, Attorneys far Pialatlf. Xasldenee and Klamath Falls, Oregon, lt-S5-M-16-at-l9 jijH "m""" --- - nlVVVlJTJnjXnJUUIJI- c WOOD Mac your Orders for ORCEN SLAB WOOD NOW est wood obtainable for the money i Klamath Fuel Co. i innnrtrinrtnjxjxajuu- Automobile Tires Vulcanizing ami Repairing AU work Guaranteed KLAMATH AUTO TIRE COMPANY 120 South Sixth Street Passengers and Baggage Aiywkr e it the Qy WdSenice ReuttaUefot PHONE 187 Western Imdk CbbbbbbbbbbbVF I ftfVS- $ v IT fV& ,vw jV ! Ng$ iA-'( m iw :,ry-i